[ Peperomia abbottii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Abbott 201 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dom. Republic (US) |
| Abbott 201 - Dom. Republic [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 7) |
Peperomia abbreviatipes Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 655 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 542 (holo-: US; ILL [fragm], MA) |
| Mutis 542 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
Peperomia abdita Proctor | |
| J. Arnold Arbor. 63(3): 221 (1982) (nomen nov. for Peperomia barbata var. puberula Yunck.) |
| Jamaica - types: Proctor 8218 pp (syn-: IJ) & 8419 pp (syn-: IJ) |
Peperomia abnormis Trel. | |
| Ciencia, Mexico, 2: 206 (1941) |
| Ecuador - type: Isern 1053a (lecto-: MA [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 350]; isolecto-: ILL, NY) |
| Isern 1063 - Ecuador [isolectotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia abrupta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13843 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Pringle 13843 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 7) |
[ Peperomia abrupteacutata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 683 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 544 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL pp, MA) |
| Mutis 544 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia ternata var. abrupteacutata (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia abrupteacutata var. membranacea Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 683 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 17078 pp (holo-: US; iso-: GH) |
| Killip 17078 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia ternata var. abrupteacutata (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia abruptifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20469 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 20469 - Colombia [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia trujilloi Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984: 261) |
Peperomia abscondita Moore | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 102: 25 (1933) |
| Austral Isl. (Tubuai), Society Isl. (Raiatea) - type: Moore 260 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, MIN), (Borabora) |
| Moore 260 - Society Isl. [isotype @ MIN*] |
[ Peperomia abstrusa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Johnson 638 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Johnson 638 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 8) |
Peperomia abyssinica Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 419 (1845) |
| Cameroon, Erythrea, Ethiopia - type: Schimper 1319 (holotype not designated: BM, BR, G, GZU, G-DC, HAL, K, L, LG, M, MO, MPU, P, S, TUB, U, UPS, W), Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda |
| Schimper 1319 - Ethiopia [type @ S] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Ghent University (Belgium) |
[ Peperomia abyssinica var. stuhlmannii (C.DC.) Düll ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 97 (1973) (comb. nov. for Peperomia stuhlmannii C.DC.) |
| Uganda - type: Stuhlmann 2485 (holo-: B [missing]); Tanzania - neotype: Gilbert 1556 (= Greenway 12457, erroneously cited as 1257) (neo-: EA [designated Düll, 1973]; isoneo-: BR, K pp) |
| Greenway 12457 - Uganda [isoneotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia abyssinica var. subrotundata Chiov. ] | |
| Annali di botanica 9: 134 (1911) |
| Ethiopia - type: Chiovenda 1043 (holo-: FT) |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq |
[ Peperomia acaponetae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rose 1925 & Pennell 19869 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (PH, US) |
| Pennell 19869 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 8) |
[ Peperomia acaponetae var. temiscoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8945 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (B, F, G, GH, ILL, K, NY, S, U, UC, US) |
| Mexia 8945 - Mexico [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 9) |
[ Peperomia acatenangana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 61945 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 61945 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia acaulis Alain | |
| Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. "Felipe Poey" 24: 111 (1960) |
| Cuba - type: Alain 6496 (holo-: HAC) |
[ Peperomia accepta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 10401 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL) |
| Acuña 10401 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia aceramarcana Trel. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 169 (1928) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 713 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]; iso-: NY), Peru |
| Tate 713 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia aceramarcana var. variifolia Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 199 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3727 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, HBG, ILL, NY) |
| Buchtien 3727 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia aceroana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 572 (1898) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Weddell 3615 (holo-: P, G-DC [fragm]), Paraguay |
| Weddell 3615 - Bolivia [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia achoteana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 8(1): 5 (1930) |
| Honduras - type: Standley 56160 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 56160 - Honduras [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia achromatogena Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 4556 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Buchtien 4556 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 10 ) |
Peperomia acreana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 496 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 9304 (holo-: B; iso-: B, K, MG, MO, NY [fragm]) |
| Ule 9304 - Brazil [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia acrostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1743 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Klug 1743 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1995, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia acrostachya var. imula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 3560 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Argentina (ILL) |
| Venturi 3560 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1952 & Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia acrostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 324 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia astrostigma C.DC.) |
| = Peperomia obovatilimba C.DC. (fide Wagner, 1990) |
[ Peperomia acrotricha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 6127 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL) |
| Venturi 6127 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 11) |
[ Peperomia acuifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 1156 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (G, GH, K) |
| Fendler 1156 - Venezuela [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia fragrans C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1947, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia aculeispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 1057 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| von Türckheim 1057 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 12) |
[ Peperomia acuminata (L.) C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 242 (1902) (junior homonym) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Stehlé, 1938) |
[ Peperomia acuminata (L.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 123 (1900) (comb. nov. for Piper acuminatum L., junior homonym) |
| Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Fr.Guiana, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 51. f. a. (1798) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA), Venezuela |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia acuminata f. rubra Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 33 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Ruiz-Teran 6461 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MERF) |
| Ruiz-Teran 6461 - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
[ Peperomia acuminatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11487 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Killip 11487 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia acuminatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 48 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Hayes 817 (holo-: NY) |
| Hayes 817 - Panama [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia acuminatissima Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 416 (1845) |
| Brazil - type: Gardner 5187 (holotype not designated: BM, K) |
| Gardner 5187 - Brazil [type @ BM] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (Fide Yuncker, 1974: 173) |
[ Peperomia acutata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7326 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 7326 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1947, NY, PH, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia acutata var. interstitiorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 5550 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, PH, US) |
| Killip 5559 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL, PH, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia acutifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 142 (1866) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Spruce 4094 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, BR, C, E, G, GH, GOET, K, LD, MPU, NY, P, PH, S, TCD, W) |
| Spruce 4094 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Callejas, 1984, NY type annotation) |
[ Peperomia acutilimba Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 213 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 249 (holo-: BR; iso-: CR) |
| Pittier 249 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia dotana Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia acutissima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33601 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33601 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia adamsonia (Brown) Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 43 (1937) (stat. nov. for Peperomia pallida var. adamsonia Brown) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Hiva Oa) - type: Mumford 417 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Mumford 417 - Marquesas Islands (Hiva Oa) [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia adeloneura Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31674 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Steyermark 31674 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001: 1937) |
Peperomia adenocarpa C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 569 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1116 (holo-: P) |
| Mandon 1116 - Bolivia [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia adscendens (Endl.) Schumann ] | |
| Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 47 (1895) (junior homonym) |
| Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer 126b (iso-: K) |
| Bauer s.n. - Norfolk Isl. [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia urvilleana Rich. (fide Flora of Australia, 1994) |
Peperomia adscendens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 140 (1866) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1153 [6153 erroneous in protologue] (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, K, MO, NY, PH) |
| Fendler 1153 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia adsurgens Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 179 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Pereira 1314 (holo-: RB, NY [fragm]) |
| Pereira 1314 - Brazil [holotype @ RB*] |
[ Peperomia aecidialis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 9094 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, GH) |
| Lehmann 9094 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia haematolepis Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1947, F, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia aecidialis var. crassivenosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. d.d. Feb 1872 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia haematolepis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia aemula (Endl.) Endl. ] | |
| Ann. Wien. Mus. 1: 164 (1836) (comb. nov. for Piper aemulum Endl.) |
| Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer s.n. (holo-: W; iso-: K) |
| Bauer s.n. - Norfolk Isl. [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Flora of Australia, 1994) |
[ Peperomia aenigma Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 5648 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 5648 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia aerea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 19 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 494 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Schunke 494 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia affinis Domin. ex Bailey ] | |
| Queensland Agricultural Journal 24(5): 222 (1910) |
| Australia - type: Domin s.n. |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Forster, 1993) |
[ Peperomia agapatensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 455 (1869) |
| Brazil, Peru - type: Lechler 1934 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, GOET, K, MO, P, UPS, W) |
| Lechler 1934 - Peru [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia agasuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel 2230 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL, US) |
| Bro. Daniel 2230 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia aggravescens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 330 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5990 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 5990 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia aggregata E.F.Guim. & Carv.-Silva | |
| Phytotaxa 422(3): 226 (2019) |
| Brazil - type: Assis 2462 (holo-: RB) |
| Harley 25159 - Brazil [cited specimen @ K] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Ghent University (Belgium) |
[ Peperomia agitata Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 236 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 68629 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 68629 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba Miq. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia agitata var. peragitata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67939 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67939 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia agitata Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, 1952) |
| = Peperomia peltilimba Miq. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia aguabonitensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 708 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 23498 (holo-: F; iso-: COL, NY, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 23498 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia aguacalientis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 222 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 2555 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR, G) |
| Pittier 2555 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia aguacatensis C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 376 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted 917 (holotype not designated: C, G-DC) |
| Oersted 917 - Costa Rica [type @ C] |
| = Peperomia tenuifolia C.DC. (fide Grayum, 1996) |
[ Peperomia aguacatensis var. orosiana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 194 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 39779 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 39779 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia aguacatensis var. picta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 194 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 51660 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 51660 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia aguacatensis var. urocarpoides Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 194 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 16084 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 16084 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia aguaditana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 576 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Jorge 161 (holo-: ILL) |
| Jorge 161 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia aguilae Trel. & Yunck. ]  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 723 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 8232 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Garcia-Barriga 8232 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gutierrezana Yunck. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia aguilarii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Aguilar 247 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Aguilar 247 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia agusanensis C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 6: 2294 (1914) |
| Philippines (Mindanao) - type: Elmer 13635 (holotype not designated: BISH, BM, CAS, DS, E, G, G-DC, GH, L, LY, MICH, MO, NY, P, U, US, W, Z) |
| Elmer 13635 - Philippines [type @ L] |
[ Peperomia ahuachapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 20266 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| El Salvador (US) |
| Standley 20266 - El Salvador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia ainana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 20 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22766 (holo-: US; iso-: F, G, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 22766 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia ajoupana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1722 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 1722 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia alainii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Alain 19527 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Alain 19527 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia alainii var. leonis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leon 14111 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Leon 14111 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 48. f. b. (1798) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (lecto-: MA [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: BM, F, ILL, MA, P), Puerto Rico, Surinam, Venezuela, Virgin Isl. |
| Ruiz & Pavón 254 - Peru [lectotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia alata var. angustifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 418 (1869) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 505 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, G, GOET, K, PH) |
| Wright 505 - Cuba [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia alata var. pterocaulis (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 418 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia pterocaulis Miq.) |
| Hispaniola (Dom. Rep.) - type: Poiteau s.n. (holo-: G; iso: U) |
| Poiteau s.n. - Dom. Rep. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia alaticaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 1004 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, G) |
| Lehmann 1004 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker 1950: 594) |
Peperomia alatiscapa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 20 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25623 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 25623 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia albana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dugand 3063 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dugand 3063 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia albermarlensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stewart 490, 5108, 8043, 8198 & Svenson 112 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) (GH, ILL, K) |
| Svenson 112 - Galapagos Isl. [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
Peperomia albertiana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 43 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 1637 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 1637 - Fiji Islands (Vanua Levu) [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia albert-smithii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 495 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 15552 (holo-: US; iso-: G, GH, ILL, NY), Ecuador |
| Killip 15552 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia albert-smithii var. alipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 496 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 7732 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL) |
| Cuatrecasas 22009 - Colombia [paratype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia albert-smithii var. epunctata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 496 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 10131 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, PH, S), Ecuador |
| Killip 10131 - Colombia [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia albert-smithii var. pilinervia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20442 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, G, ILL, MA) |
| Killip 20442 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia albert-smithii var. villosa Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 496 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 8725 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Cuatrecasas 8725 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia albescens Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 299 (1940) |
| Honduras, Panama - type: Allen 1259 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO) |
| Allen 1259 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia albidiflora C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Colombia - type: André 2111 (holotype not designated: K) |
| von Sneidern 3105 - Colombia [specimen @ S] |
[ Peperomia albispica C.DC. ]  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 263 (1908) |
| Ecuador - type: Lehmann 7883 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: F, K, US), Nicaragua |
| Lehmann 7883 - Ecuador [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia chimboana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336) |
Peperomia albolineata Trel. | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 67 (1939) |
| Uruguay - type: Herter 11 |
[ Peperomia albomaculosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bourgeau 1806 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (G, P) |
| Bourgeau s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G specimen annotation) |
Peperomia albonervosa G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 359 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-046 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, GENT, K, MEXU, MO) |
| Samain 2007-046 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ - Mexico (Jalisco) |
Peperomia albopilosa D.Monteiro | |
| Rodriguésia 69(3):1287 (2018) |
| Brazil - type: Giacomin 1174 (holo-: BHCB; iso-: RB) |
| Giacomin 1174 - Brazil [isotype @ RB*] |
[ Peperomia albostriata C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 402 (1903) |
| Paraguay - types: Hassler 4672 (syn-: G; isosyn-: B, BM, LY, NY, W) & 8049 (syn-: G; isosyn-: B, GH, K, NY, P) |
| Hassler 8409 - Paraguay [isosyntype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1986, G type annotation) |
Peperomia albovittata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 510 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Lehmann 470 (holo-: G) |
| Lehmann 470 - Ecuador [holotype @ G] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia aldrinii Villa | |
| Lilloa 33(5): 90 (1971) |
| Argentina - type: Cuezzo 6172c (holo-: LIL) |
| Cuezzo 6172c - Argentina [lectotype @ LIL*] |
Peperomia alegrensis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 153 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Huber 4503 (holo-: MG) |
| Huber 4503 - Brazil [holotype @ MG*] |
[ Peperomia alexanderi Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 307 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2631 (holo-: US) |
| Skutch 2631 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia vueltasana Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas 2020) |
Peperomia alibacophylla Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 553 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 5566 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Cuatrecasas 5566 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia alijandrii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jimenez 51 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 51 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia alismifolia Presl | |
| Epim. Bot. 222 (1852) as alismaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Meyen s.n. (holotype not designated: PRC) |
| Meyen s.n. - Peru [type @ PRC] |
[ Peperomia allagotacta C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 317 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 121 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Pittier 3108 (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Pittier 3108 - Panama [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia allartii Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 243 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Allart 494 (G, NY) |
| Allart 494 - Venezuela ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia ternata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia allenii Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25(2): 825 (1938) (as alleni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Allen 262 (holo-: MO; ILL [fragm]) |
| Allen 262 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia allorgeana Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 8: 76 (1940) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 3386 (holo-: P, GH [fragm]; iso-: ILL, P) |
| Stehlé 3386 - Martinique [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia allorgeana f. lata Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 9: 220 (1941) |
| Martinique - types: Stehlé 3389 (holo-: ILL; iso-: P) |
| Stehlé 3389 - Martinique [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia allorgeana f. major Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 9: 217 (1941) |
| Martinique - types: Stehlé 3211 (holo-: ILL, GH [fragm]; iso-: P) |
| Stehlé 3211 - Martinique [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia allorgeana f. minor Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 9: 217 (1941) |
| Martinique - types: Stehlé 3390 (holo-: ILL, GH [fragm]; iso-: P) |
| Stehlé 3390 - Martinique [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia almorzaderoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9969 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BC, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9969 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL & US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 157 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper alpinum Sw.) |
| Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n (holotype not designated: BM, C, M, S), Mexico, Panama, Venezuela |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [type @ S] |
[ Peperomia alpina Martens & Galeot. ] | |
| Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 10(2): 19 (1843) (fide Index Kewensis, sphalm for Piper affine Martens & Galeot. p.129) |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth |
[ Peperomia alsinoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 168 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper alsinoides Lam. |
| USA (Carolina) - type: Herbier Lamarck (P) |
| Herbier Lamarck - USA [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Potamogeton (fide Trelease, 1927: 593 & 597) |
Peperomia alternifolia Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 24 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Forbes 302 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY), (Lanai, Maui) |
| Forbes 302 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia alveolata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 331 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Wright 514 (holo-: US) |
| Wright 514 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia var. alveolata Trel. (Alain) (fide Liogier, 1968) |
Peperomia alwynii Callejas & Betancur | |
| Novon 7(1): 17 (1997) |
| Colombia - type: Franco 4999 (holo-: COL; iso-: HUA), Ecuador |
| Franco 4999 - Colombia [isotype @ HUA] |
[ Peperomia amantlanensis C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 369 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 149 (holo-: C) |
| Liebmann 149 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia amarillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1920 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Haught 1920 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. [as Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck.] (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia amatilloana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30493 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia amatilloensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30549 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30549 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia amatitlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 6512 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Kellerman 6512 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia ambigua Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 17016 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 17016 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, GH specimen annotattion) |
Peperomia ambiguifolia Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 571 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 9867 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F, ILL) |
| Cuatrecasas 9867 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia ambiguifolia var. perplexans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1825a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1825a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia ambiguifolia Trel. & Yunck. (Treleaese & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia americana (Miq.) Herter ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 150 (1940) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. americana Miq.) |
| Peru |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark e.a., 1995) |
[ Peperomia amesii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ames 7265 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Ames 7265 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia cubensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia amissa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tomás Alberto 42 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Tomás Alberto 42 - Cilimbia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
[ Peperomia amnicola C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 26(1): 361 (1898) (sphalm for Peperomia omnicola C.DC.) |
| = Peperomia omnicola C.DC. |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia amnicola Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 330 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5799 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 5799 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia amparana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 20598 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 20598 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia amphioxys Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 24 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H11133 (lecto-:ILL; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H 11133 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia nizaitoensis C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia amphitandra Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rimbach 262 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, ILL, MA, US) |
| Rimbach 262 - Ecuador [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia amphitricha Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 192 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 43089a (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 43089a - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia amphitricha var. santa-rosana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 192 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12225 (holo-: G; iso-: CR, US) |
| Tonduz 12225 - Costa Rica [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia amphitricha Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia amphoricarpa Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 138 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Nelson 1139 (holo-: US) |
| Nelson 1139 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Nyffeler & Rowley, 2002) |
[ Peperomia amphoterophylla Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 225 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Biolley 939 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Biolley 939 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia amphoterophylla var. glutineofructa Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 226 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44007 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 44007 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia ampla (Trel.) G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 361 (2011) (stat. nov. for Peperomia macrandra var. ampla Trel.) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 13282 (holo-: US; iso-: ASU, BH, F, GH, MICH, US, VT) |
| Pringle 13282 - Mexico [isotype @ US] |
Peperomia amplexicaulis (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 144 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper amplexicaule Sw.) |
| Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (holotype not designated: GH, K, M, S) |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [type @ S] |
Peperomia amplexicaulis var. longifolia C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 425 (1869) (grandifolia emend. C.DC, 1923) |
| Jamaica - type: Mac Fadyen s.n. (holo-: K) |
[ Peperomia amplexicaulis var. magnolifolia (A.Dietr.) Griseb. ] | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 166 (1864) (comb. nov. for Peperomia magnolifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr.) |
| Jamaica |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia amplexicaulis var. swartziana Griseb. | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 166 (1864) |
| Jamaica - types: Mac Fayden s.n. (syn-: K), March s.n. (syn-: GH, GOET) |
| Jamaica [type @ K] |
Peperomia amplexifolia (Link) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 145 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper amplexifolium Link.) |
| Jamaica |
[ Peperomia amplitupilosa Trel ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38290 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38290 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F speciemen annotation; Callejas 2001: 1937) |
[ Peperomia amputanda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rimbach 262 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, ILL, MA, US) |
| Rimbach 262 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia analectae Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 307 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 20616 (holo-: F) |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia anceps Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson 834 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Nelson 834 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia andagoyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35054 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 35054 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia anderssonii Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 50 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Andersson s.n. (holo-: S) |
| Anderson s.n. - Society Islands [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia pallida var. anderssonii (Yunck.) Fosberg & Sachet (fide Fosberg & Sachet, 1972) |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia andicola Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 182 (1900) |
| Peru - type: Philippi s.n.(holo-: B) |
| Philippi s.n. - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia andina Pino | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 13 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 284 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 284 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia andina var. pseudoperuviana Pino ] | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 14 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 894 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 894 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| = Peperomia pseudoperuviana (Pino) Pino (fide Pino, 2011) |
[ Peperomia andinacea C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 134 (1866) |
| Peru - type: Jameson s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Jameson s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia andrei C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 398 (1890) |
| Colombia - type: André 2545 (holo-: K; iso-: P) |
| André 2545 - Colombia [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia aneura Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 601 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4320 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, G, GH, ILL, NY), Costa Rica |
| Haught 4320 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia incisa Trel. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia angulariopsis C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 265 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. [46/69] (holo-: G) |
| Sodiro s.n. [46/69] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia angularis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 415 (1869) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. (holo-: K), Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela |
| Jameson s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia angularis var. bethaniana (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 43 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia bethaniana Trel. & Yunck.) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 10420 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL), Venezuela |
| Garcia-Barriga 10420 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia angularis var. noveninervia Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 614 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 54001 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 54001 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia angulata Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 66 (1815) |
| Guadeloupe, Surinam, Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: B). |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia angulata var. orbicans Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 157 (1900) |
| Surinam - type Wullschlägel s.n. (holo-: GOET) |
| Wullschlägel s.n. - Surinam [holotype @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia angulata var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 244 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 2111 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, BR, CM, DAO, E, F, GH, K, MICH, MPU, PH, S, U, US, VT) |
| Smith 2111 - Colombia [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia angustata Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 68 (1815) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fr.Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela - type: von Humboldt & Bonpland 1171 (lecto-: B [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 334]; isolecto-: P)
Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru,Venezuela |
| von Humboldt 1171 - Venezuela [isolectotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
Peperomia angustata var. margaritana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 305 (1923) [key] |
| Colombia |
[ Peperomia angustata var. santamartae C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 306 (1923) [key] |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1254 (holotype not designated: BM, BR, CM, DAO, E, F, G, G-DC, GH, K, L, LL, MICH, MO, NY, P, PH, S, U, UC, US, WIS) |
| Smith 1254 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia angustifolia Miq. ex C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 438 (1869) (sphalm for Piper angustifolium Roxb., nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| = Peperomia roxburghiana (Roem. & Sch.) A.Dietr. (fide Index Kewensis) |
Peperomia angustifolia Sesse & Moc. | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) |
| Mexico |
[ Peperomia angustilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 218 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Ledermann 11855a (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Ledermann 11855a - New Guinea [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia hedyotidea Ridley (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC type annotation) |
Peperomia anisophylla C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 266 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 72 (holo-: B; iso-: G) |
| Weberbauer 72 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia ankaranensis G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 76: 221 (2006) |
| Madagascar - type: Humbert 25506 (holo-: P; iso-: MO) |
| Humbert 25506 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia annobonensis Mildbr. ] | |
| Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 13: 699 (1937) (nomen: 1922) |
| Equat.Guinea (Annobon Isl.) - type: Mildbread 6532 (holo-: B) |
| Mildbread 6532 - Annobon Isl. (West Africa) [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia vulcanica Baker & Wright (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia anomala Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 122 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Sep 1899 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: G-DC, P, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. Sep 1899 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pasochoa) |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. anomala (Sodiro) Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia ansata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Freire 398 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Freire 398 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia antennifera Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 308 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2288 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, MO, S) |
| Skutch 2288 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia antillarum C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 447 (1869) |
| Costa Rica, Cuba - type: Wright 511 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, GH, GOET, MA, TCD, YU) |
| Wright 511 - Cuba [isotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia antioquiensis Callejas | |
| Brittonia 42(1): 71 (1990) |
| Colombia - type: Callejas 3457 (holo-: HUA; iso-: BM, COL, HUA, MO, NY, RB, US) |
| Callejas 3457 - Colombia [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia antisanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bernard s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, S) |
| Bernard s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia antisanana var. subverticillata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Holmgren 904 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, S) |
| Holmgren 904 - Ecuador [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia antitoxicodendra Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90718 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) (mix with P. tetraphylla Hook. & Arn.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90718 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley & Burger, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia antoniana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 21 (1936) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Killip 29498 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 29498 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Yasuni National Park) |
[ Peperomia antonii Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24(2): 185 (1937) (as antoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Seibert 437 (holo-: MO; iso-: F, GH, ILL, ISC, K, MIN, NY) |
| Seibert 437 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia antonii f. fertilior Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 299 (1940) (as antoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Allen 760 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO) |
| Allen 760 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia antonii f. lutea Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 300 (1940) (as antoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1160 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, US) |
| Allen 1160 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia antonii var. reducta Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 299 (1940) (as antoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1222 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO) |
| Allen 1222 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia anychiifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3727 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 3727 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia aceramarcana var. variifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia aperteramosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Scutch 3612 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# (as P. aperte-ramosa) |
| Costa Rica (K, MO, S, US) |
| Skutch 3612 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, MO, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia aphanoneura C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 507 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro Sep 1875 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343]; isolecto-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/61] Sep 1875 - Ecuador [isotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343) |
[ Peperomia aphylla C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 465 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 690 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, K) |
| Jameson 690 - Ecuador [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia apiahyensis Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 180 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 3068 (holo-: G) |
| Glaziou 3068 - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia apiahyna C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 474 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 3511 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm], NY [rubbing]) |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia apicicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 6901 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 6901 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia caldasiana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1959, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia apoana C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 411 (1910) |
| Philippines (Mindanao) - type: Copeland 1002 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Copeland 1002 - Philippines [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia laevifolia (Blume) Miq. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
[ Peperomia apoda Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 44 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Killip 3514 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 3514 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia apodophylla Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 580 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 1141 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, P), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 1141 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia apodophylla var. hirtella Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 581 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16352 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16352 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia apodostachya Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 251 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 627 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Buchtien 627 - Bolivia [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
[ Peperomia apolinarii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Laureano Javier 2 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Laureano Javier 2 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia conturbans Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia apollinairei Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Apolinar 9 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Bro. Apolinar Maria 9 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia arthurii Trel. & Yunck.(fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia appellator Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 300 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 816 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH) |
| Woodson 816 - Panama [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia apriscoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9331 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9331 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia aptera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 634 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 634 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia apurimacana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 22 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22355 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: G, NY, US) |
| Killip 22355 - Peru [isolectotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia aquae-sanitatis Trel ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 13980 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 13980 - Cuba [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia aquilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 16018 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH, PH, US) |
| Hinton 16018 - Mexico [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005, PH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia arabica Decne. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 121 (1843) |
| Yemen - type: Botta s.n. (lecto-: P / rejected syntype: Drége s.n. - South Africa, fide Gilbert, 1999) |
| Botta s.n. - Yemen [lectotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) Düll (fide Gibs Russell e.a., 1987) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia arabica var. floribunda Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 121 (1843) |
| Madagascar - type: Goudot s.n. (holo-: G; iso- U) |
| Goudot s. n. - Madagascar [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia arabica var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 230 (1894) |
| Tanzania - type: Stuhlmann 3810 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia araguana Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 244 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Pittier 9991 (US) |
| Pittier 9991 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia arboricola C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 374 (1872) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico - type: Liebmann 141 (holo-: C) |
| Liebmann 141 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia arborigaudens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 22 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25509 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 25509 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia arboriseda C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 261 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1917 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1917 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia arboriseda var. moyobambana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 261 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 4691 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 4691 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia arbuscula Yunck. ] | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 154 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Moura s.n. (holo-: R; iso-: NY) |
| Moura s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia catesbaeifolia(Raddi) G.A.Queiroz, E.F.Guim. & Delprete (fide Guimarães et.al, 2003: 887) |
[ Peperomia archeri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1010 & 1020 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MEDEL) |
| Archer 1010 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimens annotation) |
[ Peperomia archidonae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 7251 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, F, G, GH, F, ILL, US) |
| Mexia-7251 - Ecuador [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl.) A.Dietr. [macrostachya var. nematostachya (Link) Trel. & Yunck.] (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia archidonana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Isern 1191, 1195 & 1201 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (ILL, MA, NY) |
| Isern 1201 - Ecuador [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia emarginulata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia arcigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 7a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (ILL) |
| Seifriz 7a - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia arctatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Clement 1903 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Clement 1903 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia arctebaccata Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 23 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 471 (holo-: F, ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 471 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia arctibractea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34864 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 34864 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia arcuatispica Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 23 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25992 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25992 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia arechavaletae C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 466 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Berro 1915 (lecto-:G-DC [designated Mai et al. 2016: 140]; isolecto-: MVFA) |
| Camargo 60847 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia trineuroides Dahlst. (fide Mai, 2016: 140) |
[ Peperomia arechavaletae var. minor Herter ] | |
| Rev. Sudam. Bot. 10: 45 (1952) [nom. inval]; Bol. Fac. Agron. Montevideo 104: 10 (1968) |
| Uruguay - type: Herter s.n. (lecto-: LAU [designated Mai et al. 2016: 139]) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide May, 2016: 139) |
[ Peperomia arenigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.; as arenaegaudens) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85720 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia agitata Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia arenillasensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 626 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 53552 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 53552 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia areolata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 23 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28660 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]) |
| Killip 28660 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia argenteobracteata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 518 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: André 134 (holo-: NY; iso-: K) |
| André 134 - Colombia [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia argumentosa Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 331 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5966 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 5966 - Honduras [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia argyraea hort. ] | |
| Gard. Chron. 40: 934 (1865) |
| Brazil |
Peperomia argyreia (Miq.) Morr. | |
| Belg. Hortic. 17: 2 (1867) (stat. nov. for Peperomia arifolia var. argyreia Miq.) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela |
| collected in Brazil [specimen @ BR] |
Peperomia argyroneura Lauterb. | |
| Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee, 237 (1905) |
| New Guinea (Bismarck Isl.) - type: Schlechter 13695 (holo-: B; iso-: B, K) |
| Schlechter 13695 - New Guinea [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia arifolia Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 72 (1843) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (lecto-: U [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 128]; isolecto-: G, GH, K, LE, P, W), Paraguay |
| Riedel sn - Brazil [lectotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia arifolia var. acutifolia C.DC. ex Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 142 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: cultivated (holo-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia chambesyana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929: 193) |
[ Peperomia arifolia var. argyreia Miq. ] | |
| Bot. Mag. 93: t. 5634 (1867) |
| = Peperomia argyreia Morr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia arifolia var. deltoides Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 1640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Loefgren 1640 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia arifolia var. epeltata C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève ser. 2, 6: 108 (1914) |
| Paraguay - type: Hassler 10025 [as 10075 in protologue] (holo-: G) |
| Hassler 10025 - Paraguay |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Guimarães & Costa, 1980) |
[ Peperomia arifolioides Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 277 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Bettfreund 1040 (holo-: LP) |
| Bettfreund 1040 - Argentina [holotype @ LP*] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 128) |
[ Peperomia ariguanabonis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Léon 5042 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Léon 5042 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia aristeguietae Steyerm. | |
| Acta Bot. Venez. 6: 83 (1971) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 103733 (holo-: VEN; iso-: B, NY, P, US ) |
| Steyermark 103733 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia aristeodora Trel. ] | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 45 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Ariste A355c (holo-: US) |
| Ariste A 355c - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia aristostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 421 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| von Türckheim 421 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley 1945, US specimen annotiation & Yuncker 1962) |
Peperomia armadana C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Colombia - type: André 3457 (iso-: K, iso-: NY), Costa Rica, Ecuador |
| André 3457 - Colombia [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia armeniana Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron., Medellin, 27: 290 (1947) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'type': Toro 626 (MEDEL, NY) |
| Toro 626 - Colombia ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia armondii Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 187 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Neves Armond s.n. (holo-: R; iso-: NY) |
| Neves Armond s.n - Brazil [holotype @ R*] |
Peperomia armstrongii Villa | |
| Lilloa 33(5): 87 (1971) |
| Argentina - type: Meyer 18365 (holo-: LIL), Bolivia |
| Meyer 18365 - Argentina [holotype @ LIL*] |
Peperomia aroensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 50 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Aristeguieta 1924 (holo-: VEN) |
| Aristeguieta 1924 - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
[ Peperomia arrepta Trel. ex Roig ] | |
| Dicc. bot. nom. vulgares Cubanos, ed. 3: 354, 1093 (1963) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY) |
| Ekman 2668 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia artatiflora Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 23 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 47 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 47 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia arthurii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 640 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Apolinaire 9 (holo-: US), Ecuador |
| Apolinaire 9 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham.  | |
| Linnaea 5: 75 (1830) |
| Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Schiede 859 (holo-: HAL; iso-: BM, HAL, LE), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Schiede 859 - Mexico [isotype @ HAL*] |
[ Peperomia asarifolia var. bifida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (US) |
| Purpus 7883 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 37) |
Peperomia asarifolioides García-Martínez & Beutelspacher | |
| Phytotaxa 338(1): 110 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Beutelspacher 3565 (holo-: HEM) |
| Beutelspacher 3565 - Mexico [holotype @ HEM] |
| Picture from protologue |
[ Peperomia aspergillaris Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia sodiroi C.DC. (de Candolle, 1898) |
[ Peperomia aspergillus Trel. ] | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 45 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 9787 (lecto-: US; isolecto-: GH, NY, PH) |
| Killip 9787 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 579)) |
Peperomia asperula Hutchison & Rauh | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 47(5): 205 (1975) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 6121 (holo-: HEID [only in alcohol]; clono-: BR, C, E, F, G, GH, HEID, K, L, LE, LIL, M, MEXU, MICH, MO, NY, P, R, S, UC, US, USM, WIS) |
| Hutchison 6121 - Peru [clonotype @ MO*] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Ghent University (Belgium) |
[ Peperomia asperulata C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 15: 233 (1912) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Hochreutiner 3530 (holo-: G), (Hawaii, Maui, Molokai) |
| Hochreutiner 3530 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia asperuloides Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 178 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia asplundii Yunck. | |
| Amer. J. Bot. 43: 167 (1956) |
| Peru - type: Asplund 12757 (holo-: S) |
| Asplund 12757 - Peru [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia assakarattana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen de la Cruz 4301 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guyana (F, GH, NY, PH, US) |
| de la Cruz 4301 - Guyana [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia asterophylla Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 24 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28909 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28909 - Peru [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia astigmata C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 18 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Rock s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia liliifolia C.DC. (fide Degener, 1963) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia astrostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 30 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10387 (holo-: BISH; iso-: G-DC) |
| Rock 10387 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH] |
| = Peperomia obovatilimba C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia astyla Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 137 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 4124 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, BR, E, F, G, GH, GOET, HBG, JE, K, KFTA, M, MEL, MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, S, US, VT, W) |
| Pringle 4124 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia bracteata A.W.Hill (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia atabapoensis Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 52 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Tillett 743-230 (holo-: VEN; iso-: F, MO) |
| Tillett 230 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia aterrima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16655 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (G, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16655 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia atibaiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duarte s.n. [12580] (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Duarte s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia atirroana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 208 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 4927 (holo-: US; iso-: K) |
| Donnell-Smith 4927 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia atocongona Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 24 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14752 (holo-: PH) |
| Pennell 14752 - Peru [holotype @ PH] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
[ Peperomia atrescens var. granulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1420 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Haught 1420 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia granulata Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia atricha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tamayo 1671 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (ILL, US) |
| Tamayo 1671 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenella var. glabra (fide Yuncker, 1947, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia atrolepida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lloyd 931 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dominica (NY) |
| Lloyd 931 - Dominica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia atropunctata Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 171 (1871); et Verh. Kon. Acad. Wetensch. 2, 5: 233 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Widgren s.n. dd 1844 (holo-: S) |
| Widgren s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia glabella var. nigropunctata Dahlst. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia atropunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 8566 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, GH, US) |
| von Türckheim 8566 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia attenuata Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 39 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 712 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Smith 712 - Fiji Islands (Vanua Levu) [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia attenuata var. roseispica Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 41 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 1658 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 1658 - Fiji Islands (Vanua Levu) [isotype @ S] |
Peperomia attenuata var. taveuniana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 41 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Taveuni) - type: Smith 889 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 889 - Fiji Islands (Taveuni) [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia attenuatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 3797 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| von Türckheim 3797 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia aggravescens Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia attenuatispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Steyermark 30953 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30953 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia auberyana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 57 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Aubery 1622 (lecto-: NY; isolecto-: ILL, P) |
| Aubery 1622 - Guadeloupe [lectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia auctifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Broadway 4026 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Tobago (F, U) |
| Broadway 4471 - Tobago [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Jones, 1985., ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia augescens Miq. | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 171 (1871); et Verh. Kon. Acad. Wetensch. 2, 5: 233 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell III 1432 (holo-: S; iso-: P, UPS) |
| Regnell III 1432 - Brazil [isotype @ UPS] |
[ Peperomia augescens var. pubescens Mosén ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mosén 1664 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (P, S) |
| Mosén 1664 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia mosenii Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900) |
[ Peperomia auriculifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 80 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Cook 80 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia auripurgati Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. [herb. number 19578] (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Jones 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia auris-incisa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia Barriga 68233 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 68233 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 43) |
Peperomia aurorana Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 237 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Aguilar 517 (holo-: F) |
| Aguilar 517 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia auscultata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brade 28292 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Brade 28292 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia austinii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1543 (1938) (as austini, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Smith A147 (holo-: F) |
| Smith A147 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia austin-smithii Burger | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 35: 22 (1971) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 4855 (holo-: F; iso-: NY), Panama |
| Brenes 4855 - Costa Rica [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia australana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 14 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. - type: St.John 16200 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY, P) |
| St.John 16200 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia australana var. ovalilimba Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 15 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. - type: St.John 15811 pp (holo-: BISH; iso-: BO, NY, P) |
| St.John 15811 pp - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia australana Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia australana var. ovalilimba f. puberulenta Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 15 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. - type: St.John 15811 pp (holo-: BISH) |
| St.John 15811 pp - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia australis Phil. ] | |
| Linnaea 30: 200 (1859) |
| Chile - type: Fonck 261 (holotype not designated: K, GB [fragm], SGO) |
| Fonck 261 - Chile [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia nummularioides Gris. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia ayacuchoana Pino & Samain | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 155 (2011) |
| Peru: type: Samain 2009-040 (holo-:USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Samain 2009-040 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru (Ayacucho) |
[ Peperomia ayacuchona Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 22866 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (ILL, NY) |
| Killip 22866 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease, 1936) |
[ Peperomia ayampensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3137 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Haught 3137 - Ecuador [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Yuncker, 1947, F, GH ILL & US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ayarzana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32807 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32807 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ayopayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenas 3089 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Cardenas 3089 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia multifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia bachmannii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 227 (1894) |
| South Africa - type: Bachmann 419 (holo-: B) |
| Bachmann 419 - South Africa [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Gibbs Russel e.a., 1987) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia baileyae Trel. ] | |
| Contr. Arn. Arb. 5: 53 (1933) |
| Panama (Barro Colorado Isl.) - type: Bailey 84 (holo-: BH, iso-: F, G [fragm], GH, ILL) |
| Bailey 84 - Panama [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia bajana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 581 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 18091 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 18091 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia bajucosensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 4279 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (ILL, K, NY) |
| Hinton 4279 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia schizandra Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia bakeri C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 296 (1907) (as bakerii, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Cuba - type: Baker 3833 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: NY, US) |
| Baker 3833 - Cuba [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia balanceana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nash 1752 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (NY) |
| Nash 1752 - Haiti [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia balansana C.DC. | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 313 (1881) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay - type: Balansa 2309 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K, P) |
| Balansa 2309 - Paraguay [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia balaustrina Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehriger 154 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (PH, US) |
| Gehriger 154 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 565) |
[ Peperomia balbisii Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 164 (1900) |
| Guadeloupe - types: Balbis s.n. & Duss 2566 (syn-: B; isosyn-: GH, NY, PH, S) |
| Duss 2566 - Guadeloupe [isosyntype @ S] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia balcognana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 7088 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL, S, US) |
| Venturi 7088 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. dindygulensis (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker 1955: 218) |
Peperomia balfourii C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 379 (1923) (nomen novum for P. hirta Balf. f.) (as balfouri, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Rodrigues - type: Balfour 1279 (holo-: BM; iso-: K, P) |
| Balfour 1279 - Rodrigues [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia balineorum Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 408 (1938); Candollea 8: 80 (1940) [emend.] |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 230 (holo-: P: iso-: GH [fragm]) |
| Stehlé 230 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia balneolorum Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1348 (ILL) |
| Stehlé 1348 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia balsapuertana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 24 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28632 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 28632 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343) |
Peperomia bamleri C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 219 (1918) |
| New Guinea - types: Bamler 58 (syn-: B, G-DC [fragm]) & Nyman 722 (syn- B) |
| Nyman 722 - New Guinea [syntype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia bananerana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38255 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38255 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia bancoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 13133 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 13133 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 669) |
Peperomia bangii C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 49 (1892) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 330a (holotype not designated: NY), Ecuador, Peru |
| Bang 330a - Bolivia [type @ NY*] |
Peperomia bangroana C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 134 (1866) |
| Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambiqe, Sierra Leone - type Mann 905 (holo-: K), South Africa, Tanzania |
| Mann 905 - Sierra Leone [holotype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
Peperomia barahonana C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 187 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Fuertes 1227 (iso-: B, S [fragm]) |
| Fuertes 1227 - Dom. Republic [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia barbana C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29(2): 70 (1890) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 1331 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: G; iso-: B, BR, CR, US) |
| Tonduz 1331 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia barbarana C.DC. | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 314 (1881) |
| Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay - type: Balansa 2311 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 129]; isolecto-: P) |
| Balansa 2307 - Paraguay [isosyntype @ K] |
Peperomia barbaranoides Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 173 (1955) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Kuntze s.n. (holo-: NY), Brazil, Paraguay |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia barbata C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 297 (1907) |
| Jamaica - type: Harris 8531 (holo-: B; iso-: G-DC, NY) |
| Harris 8531 - Jamaica [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia barbata var. puberula Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser. 11: 36 (1960) |
| Jamaica - types: Proctor 8218 pp (syn: IJ) & 8419pp (syn: IJ) |
| = Peperomia abdita Proctor (fide Proctor, 1982) |
Peperomia barbensis (Dahlst.) Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 191 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia hispidula var. swartziana f. barbensis Dahlst.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 54 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| Brade 2016 - Costa Rica [cited specimen @ BR] |
[ Peperomia barbensis var. alajuelana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 191 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47695 (holo-: US, iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 47695 - Costa Rica [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia barbinodis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 220 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 10419 (holo-: US; iso-: CR), Panama |
| Tonduz-10419 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia barbulata (C.DC.) Callejas | |
| Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 129: 26 (2014) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 11034 (holo-: G; iso-: BR; CR) |
| Pittier 11034 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia barbulipetiola C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 474 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 2041 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: RB) |
| Damazio 2041 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1962, RB type annotation) |
Peperomia baronii C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 20: 239 (1883) (as baroni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 1055 (holo-: K; iso-: P) |
| Baron 1055 - Madagascar [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia barriolana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30851 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30851 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia barriosensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 72144 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 72144 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia barryana Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 461, 24 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 19892 (holo-: MO; iso-: BM, CR, F, NY) |
| Hammel 19892 - Costa Rica [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia barthelemyana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 58 (1948) |
| St. Barthelemy - type: Questel 275 (holo-: NY; iso-: P, GH [fragm]), Guadeloupe |
| Questel 275 - St. Bartelemy [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia barthelemyana var. reducta Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 58 (1948) |
| St. Barthelemy - type: Questel 361 (holo-: NY; iso-: P, GH [fragm]) |
| Questel 361 - St. Bartelemy [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia bartlettii C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 470 (1917) |
| Guyana - type: Bartlett 8233 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm]) |
| Bartlett 8233 - Guyana [holotype fragm @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia var. ovata (Dahlst.) C.DC. (fide Steyermark e.a., 1995) |
[ Peperomia basellifolia Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 66 (1815) (as basellaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ P*] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia basiradicans G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 363 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-036 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU) |
| Samain 2007-036 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Mexico (Mexico) |
[ Peperomia batatarum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke 6180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Schwacke 6180 - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia baturiteana C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 492 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 9018 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, K) |
| Ule 9018 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
Peperomia baueriana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 120 (1843) |
| Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: W), New Caledonia |
| Bauer s.n. - Norfolk Isl. [isotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia baueriana var. brisbaniana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 414 (1869) |
| Australia - type: Müller s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Müller-sn - Australia [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) Huber (fide Forster, 1993) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia baumannii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26(1): 360 (1899) |
| Togo - type: Baumann 205 (holotype not designated: B) |
| Baumann 205 - Togo [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia bavina C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 287 (1898) |
| Thailand, Vietnam - type: Balansa 3641 (lecto-: P [designated Suwanphakdee e.a; 2022]; isolecto-: K, P) |
| Balansa 3641 - Vietnam [lectotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia bayajana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 24 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14779 (lecto-: S; isolecto-: G, ILL, NY, US) |
| Ekman 14779 - Cuba [lectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia grisebachii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia bayatana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 30 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 6639 (lecto-: B [designated Saralegui, 2004, but missing?]; isolecto-: ILL [fragm], S) |
| Ekman 6639 - Cuba [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia bayonana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bayon 19 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Apolinar Maria 19 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq.(fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation & Callejas, 1997: 20) |
[ Peperomia beauverdiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 224 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BR, E, F, G, GH, K, MICH, NY, PH, US, W) |
| Bang 224 - Bolivia [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 247) |
Peperomia beccarii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 294 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Sumatra) - type: Beccari 752 (holo-: CAL; iso-: L) |
| Beccari 752 - Indonesia (Sumatra) [type @ L] |
Peperomia beckeri Guimar. & Alves | |
| Bradea 8(17): 98 (1998) |
| Brazil (Trindade Isl.) - type: Becker 520 (holo-: R) |
| Becker 520 - Brazil (Trinidade) [holotype @ R*] |
[ Peperomia belangeri C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 411 (1869) |
| Martinique - type: Belanger 137 (holo-: G) |
| Belanger 137 - Martinique [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia belemensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke 3000 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Schwacke 3000 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia belemensis var. prostrata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 4500 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Ule 4500 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia psilostachya var. angustifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 146) |
Peperomia bella Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 690 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4656 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, COL) |
| Haught 4656 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia bella var. subcordata Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 691 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 5557 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, MO) |
| Haught 5557 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia bellatula Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 478 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4657 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL, G, NY) |
| Haught 4657 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia bellendenkerensis Domin. | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 89: 5 = Beiträge z. Flora und Pflanzengeograph. Austral. 559 (1921) |
| Australia - type: Domin 2630 (lecto-: PR [designated Foster 1993]) |
[ Peperomia belloensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Tomás 575 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Bro. Tomás 575 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1947 & Mathieu & Callejas 2006: 348) |
[ Peperomia bequaertii De Wild. ] | |
| Rev. Zool. Afr. 8(1) Suppl. Bot. 6 (1920) |
| Congo - types: Bequaert 3299, 3449 (syn-: BR), 5173 (syn-: BR), 5768 |
| Bequaert 5173 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) Düll (fide Dimiz, 1996) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
Peperomia berlandieri Miq.  | |
| Syst. Piperac. 158 (1843) |
| Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Berlandier 933 (lecto-: G [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto: BM, G, G-DC, HAL, U, W), Nicaragua |
| Berlandier 933 - Mexico [lectotype @ G] |
Peperomia bermudezana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 25 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26451 (holo-: US; iso-: G, MA) |
| Killip 26451 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia bermudiana Brown ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brown 428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bermuda (F, NY, US) |
| Brown 428 - Bermuda [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia septentrionalis Brown (fide Brown, 1909: 61) |
[ Peperomia bernardiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bernard s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (S) |
| Bernard s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, S specimen annotation) |
Peperomia bernhardiana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 472 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Bernhardi s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; F [photo]) |
| Plant in habitat |
Peperomia bernieriana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 124 (1843) |
| Madagascar - type: Bernier 260 (holo-: P; iso-: G, U) |
| Bernier 260 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia bernoullii C.DC.  | |
| Linnaea 37: 367 (1872) (as bernouillii, typographical error) |
| El Salvador, Guatemala - type: Bernouilli 37 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BR, K, NY) |
| Bernoulli 37 - Guatemala [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia berriensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1796 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, K, US) |
| Haught 1796 - Colombia [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia berroi Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 67 (1939) |
| Uruguay - type: Berro 5753 (holo-: K; iso-: MVFA) |
| Berro 5753 - Uruguay [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
Peperomia berryi Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 53 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Berry 3923 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO) |
| Berry 3923 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia berteroana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 114 (1843) |
| Chile (Juan Fernandez Isl.) - type: Bertero 1492 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, G, G-DC, GH, K, MPU, P, U [fragm]) |
| Bertero 1492 - Juan Fernandez Isl. [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia berteroana subsp. tristanensis (Christoph.) Valdeb. | |
| Brittonia 42(2): 122 (1990) (comb. nov. for Peperomia tristanensis Christoph.) |
| Tristan da Cunha Isl. - type: Christopherson 2592 (holo-: O; iso-: GB, K) (comb. nov. for P. tristanensis Christoph.) |
| Christopherson 2592 - Tristan da Cunha [isotype @ GB] |
[ Peperomia betancosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenas 364 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Cardenas 364 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia peruviana var. major Hill ex Yunck. (fide Yuncker 1955: 273) |
[ Peperomia bethaniana Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 612 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 10420 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Garcia-Barriga 10420 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angulais var. bethaniana (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia biamenta Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 700 (1950) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Tate 672 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 672 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia bicolor Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 160 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jul 1900 (holotype not designated: B, S, QPLS, US), Peru |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type & G-DC] |
[ Peperomia bicolor var. peduncularis (Sodiro) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 584 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia peduncularis Sodiro) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/34 (holo-: B) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia bicolor Sodiro (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia biformis C.DC. | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 266 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 1873 (lecto-: W [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335]; isolecto-: G-DC) |
| Rechinger 1873 - Samoa [lectotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia bifrons Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 300 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1132 (holo-: MO; iso-: GH) |
| Woodson 1132 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
[ Peperomia bilineata (Blume) Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 106 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper bilineatum Blume) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Blume s.n. (holo-: L) |
| Blume s.n. - Indonesia [holotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia laevifolia (Bl.) Miq. |
[ Peperomia bilineata var. merrillii (C.DC.) Quis. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Merrill 4180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Philippines (K, NY, US) |
| Merrill 4180 - Philippines [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia merrillii C.DC. (homotypic) |
[ Peperomia bilineata var. rhombifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Junghuhn s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Indonesia (L) |
| Junghuhn s.n. - Indonesia [specimen @ L] |
| = Peperomia laevifolia (Blume) Miq. (fide Koorders, 1908, L specimen annotation) |
Peperomia bilobulata C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 261 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 6161 (holo-: B), Ecuador |
| Lehmann 6161 - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia binispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 25 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 358 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Schunke 358 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia fragrans C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia bisacuminata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Woodson 876 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL, MO) |
| Woodson 876 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950: 90) |
[ Peperomia biseriatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 305 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 305 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 560) |
Peperomia bismarckiana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 207 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Schlechter 18774 (holotype not designated: P) |
| Schlechter 18774 - New Guinea [type @ P] |
[ Peperomia bispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Eggers 14236 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (L, US) |
| Eggers 14236 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 680 & Callejas, 2003: 695) |
[ Peperomia bistortifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 195 (1929) (as bistortaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44008 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 44008 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia bisulca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3724 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, HBG, ILL, NY, UPS, US) |
| Buchtien 3724 - Bolivia [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia divaricata Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 203) |
[ Peperomia bitacoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia Barriga 8008 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 8008 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 679) |
[ Peperomia bitacoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia Barriga 8007 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 8007 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia gorgonillana var. hirsutula (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 632) |
Peperomia biuncialis Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 65 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ P*] |
Peperomia blackii Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 154 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Black 3376 (holo-: IAN, NY [fragm]) |
| Black 3376 - Brazil [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia blanchetii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Blanchet 1443 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BM, G-DC) |
| Blanchet 1443 - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trineura Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth  | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 67 (1815) |
| Venezuela - Jacquin s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Jacquin s.n. - cultivated [holotype @ W] |
| Illustr. Icon. plant. rar. Vol. 2 tab. 218 (Jacquin, 1793) |
Peperomia blanda f. blandaeformis Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 132 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Henschen & Regnell III 1430 (S, UPS), Schenck 3613, Glaziou 8937 (B, K) |
| Glaziou 8937 - Brazil [isosyntype @ K] |
[ Peperomia blanda var. camptotricha (Miq.) Callejas ] | |
| Herb. specimen Télez 6976 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (MO) |
| Téllez 6976 - Mexico [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia hondoana Trel. & Standl. (fide Callejas, 2004, MO specimen annotation) |
Peperomia blanda var. cobana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 380 (1923) [nomen]; Candollea 3: 122 (1926) |
| Guatemala - type: von Türckheim II 1574 (holo-: G-DC) |
| von Türckheim - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia blanda var. dissimilis (Kunth) C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 459 (1869); 'fo.' in Enum. Pl. Guatem. 4: 133 (comb. nov. for Peperomia dissimilis Kunth) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B [Willdenow Herb. 743]) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) H.Hüber ]  | |
| Revised Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6: 294 (1988) (comb. nov. for Peperomia arabica var. floribunda Miq.) |
| Madagascar - type: Goudot s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: U) |
| Goudot s.n. - Madagascar [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 26 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - types: Faurie 114 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BM, G, G-DC, P), Faurie 115 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: G), Faurie 163 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: G) |
| Faurie 114 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. increcens (Miq.) C.DC. ]  | |
| Candollea 1: 380 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
| Brazil - 'type:' Pohl 5040 (W) |
| Pohl 5040 - Brazil ['type' @ W] |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. |
[ Peperomia blanda var. langsdorffii (Miq.) Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 39 (1873) (as var. langsdorfii,comb. nov. for Peperomia langsdorffii Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: cultivated in Rotterdam Bot. Garden |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) Düll ]  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 110 (1973) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Beechey s.n.(lecto-: K, isolecto-: G) |
| Beechey s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
Peperomia blanda var. magnifolia C.DC.  | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 245 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 2526 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, CM, E, F, G, GH, K, L, MICH, MO, MPU, P, PH, S, U, US) |
| Smith 2526 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia blanda var. microphyllophora (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 57 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia microphyllophora Trel. & Yunck.) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19016 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US), Venezuela |
| Killip 19016 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia blanda var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 143 (1907) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1590 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Damazio 1590 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia blanda var. porriginifera (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 58 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia porriginifera Trel. & Yunck.) |
| Colombia - type: Cuartrecasas 19494 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL), Ecuador, Venezuela |
| Cuatrecasas 19494 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia blanda var. pseudodindygulensis (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 218 (1955) (comb. nov. for Peperomia pseudodindygulensis C.DC.) |
| Paraguay - type: Balansa 2626 (holo-: G) |
| Balansa 2626 - Paraguay [holotype @ G*] |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 134) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. remyi (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 26 (1913) (comb. nov. for Peperomia remyi C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - types: Heller 2633 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: E, G, L, Z), Remy 188 (syn-: P) |
| Remy 188 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. reticulata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 459 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Sallé (syn-: G-DC), Venezuela - type: Vargas s.n. (lecto-: G-DC [designated Zanotti et al., 2012: 145) |
| Vargas s.n. - Venezuela [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Villa Carenzo, 1972) |
[ Peperomia blanda var. sericea Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 559 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Espinosa 1361 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Espinosa 1361 - Ecudor [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia blandifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1028 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Archer 1028 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 558) |
[ Peperomia blattarum (Spreng.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 150 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper blattarum Spreng. |
[ Peperomia blepharilepida Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 326 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1529 (holotype not designated: B, EHH, ILL, S, US) |
| Ekman H1529 - Haiti [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 665 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 16930 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL, F, U) |
| Cuatrecasas 16930 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia blephariphylla var. cordobana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33384 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 33384 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia blepharipus Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 25 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28030 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28030 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia blepharipus var. binispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 25 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 3435 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Williams 3435 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia blepharipus var. iquitosensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 26 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 27462 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: US) |
| Killip 27462 - Peru [isolectotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia blumenauana C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 470 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Blumenau s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Müller s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia boavitana Trel. ]  | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1938 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, P, U, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1938 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia chicamochana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia bocainana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 2437 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY) |
| Loefgren 2437 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia bocasensis Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 300 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1859 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO, US) |
| Woodson 1859 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia emiliana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia boekei Callejas | |
| Brittonia 42(1): 73 (1990) |
| Colombia, Peru - type: Boeke 2125 (holo-: NY; iso-: HUA, USM) |
| Boeke 2125 - Peru [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia bogotana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 2277 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, G, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Pennell 2277 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia boivinii C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 146 (1866) |
| Comoros Isl. - type: Boivin s.n. (holo-: BM), Reunion |
| Boivin s.n. - Comores Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia boldinghii C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 186 (1912) |
| Saba - type: Boldingh 2105 (holo-: B; iso-: U) |
| Boldingh 2105 - Saba [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia boliviensis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 453 (1869) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1121 (holo-: G-DC (p.p.); iso-: BM (p.p.), GH, K (p.p.), P (p.p.)) |
| Mandon 1121 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia boninsimensis Makino | |
| Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 15: 146 (1901) |
| Japan |
| Furuse 11206 - Japan [specimen @ TCD] |
[ Peperomia boomii Steyerm. ] | |
| Brittonia 38(3): 220 (1986) |
| Venezuela - type: Boom 6417 (holo-: NY; iso-: MYF, VEN) |
| Boom 6417 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatapeltata C.DC. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia bopiana Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 227 (1927) |
| Bolivia - types: Rusby 387 (syn-: NY; isosyn-: ILL) & 570 (syn-: NY; isosyn-: BKL) |
| Rusby 387 - Bolivia [syntype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia boquetensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3547 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Killip 3547 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pascuicola C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950: 100) |
[ Peperomia boraborensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 20 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Borabora) - type: Grant 5102 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Grant 5102 - Society Islands (Borabora) [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia societatis Moore (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia borbonensis Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 109 (1843) |
| Mauritius, Reunion - type: Richard 474 (lecto-: P [designated Friedmann, 1998]; isolecto-: U) |
| Bosser 20525 - La Réunion [specimen @ K] |
Peperomia borburatensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 61 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 95355 (holo-: VEN; iso-: F, US) |
| Steyermark 95355 - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia borucana C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 232 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 4109 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: BR, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 4109 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia botterii C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 145 (1866) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Sallé s.n. [1855] (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]) |
| Sallé s.n. [1855] - Mexico [lectotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia bourgeaui C.DC. ]  | |
| Linnaea 37: 370 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Bourgeau 3230 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, K, L, P) |
| Bourgeau 3230 - Mexico [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC.(fide Mathieu, 2006 [pers. comm].) |
Peperomia bourneae C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 345 (1923) [key]; Candollea 2: 189 (1925) [emend.] |
| India - type: Bourne 1178 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Bourne 1178 - India [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia boxii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1379 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1379 - Antigua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia boyacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1300 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, P, U, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1300 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia brachyiula Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 26 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 129 (holo-: F; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 129 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia brachyphylla (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Sweet ]  | |
| Hort. Britt. 2:380 (1826) (comb. nov. for Piper brachyphyllum Willd. ex Roem & Schult.) |
| cultivated Hort. Bot. Berlin - type: Willdenow Herb. 722 (holo-: B) |
| Wildenow 722 - cult. [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia brachyphylla (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) A.Dietr. ]  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 157 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper brachyphyllum Willd. ex Roem & Schult.; isonym) |
| cultivated Hort. Bot. Berlin - type: Willdenow Herb. 722 (holo-: B) |
| Wildenow 722 - cult. [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia brachyphylla f. oblongifolia Wawra ] | |
| Bot. Ergebn. 132 (1866) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra 437 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 437 - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia brachyphylla var. punctata Wawra ] | |
| Bot. Ergebn. 132 (1866) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra 251 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 251 - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia brachypoda Urb. | |
| Arkiv. Bot., Stockh. 17(7): 23 (1922) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H558 (holo-: S; iso-: GH) |
| Ekman H 558 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia brachypoda var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman H 2522 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Haiti (B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H 2522 - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Trelease, 1927: 328 & Saralegui, 1994) |
[ Peperomia brachypus Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 200 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 32159 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 32159 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia brachystachya (Vahl) Strömf. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Liebmann 980 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (C) |
| Liebmann 980 - Mexico [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, C specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia brachystachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. ]  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 181 (1831) (as brachystachya, corrected for Greek basionym - comb. nov. for Piper brachystachyon Vahl) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia filiformis Ruiz & Pav. (fide A.Dietr., 1831) |
Peperomia brachytricha Baker | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 25: 342 (1889) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 5172 (holo-: K) |
| Baron 5172 - Madagascar [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia brachytrichoides Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 277 (1910) |
| Zambia - type: Engler 2917a (holo-: B) |
| Engler 2917a - Zambia [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
Peperomia bracteata A.W.Hill  | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 155 (1907) |
| Guatemala - type: Seler 2731 (lecto-: GH [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]), Mexico |
| Seler 2731 - Guatemala [lectotype @ GH] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Guatemala |
[ Peperomia bracteiflora C.DC. ] | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 317 (1881) |
| Martinique - type: Hahn 647 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, GH, K, P) |
| Hahn 647 - Martinique [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia bracteiflora var. pellucidopunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 2151 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (ILL) |
| Stehlé 2151 - Martinique [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Trelease, manuscript, & Howard 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia bracteiflora var. stigmatifera C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 274 (1902) |
| Martinique - type: Duss 16 (holo-: B) |
| Duss 16 - Martinique [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia bracteiflora C.DC. (fide Stehlé, 1941) |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia bracteiflora var. trinervia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duss 4726 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (US) |
| Duss 4726 - Martinique [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia bracteispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 26 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4171a (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Macbride 4171a - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia bradei Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 181 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 16469 (holo-: RB; iso-: MO, NY) |
| Brade 16469 - Brazil [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia brasiliensis (Miq.) Miq. | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 10 (1852) (comb. nov. for Verhuellia brasiliensis Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holotype not designated: B [missing / photo F], K, HBR, U) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [type @ K*] |
Peperomia breedlovei Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 461, 26 (2020) |
| Mexico - type: Breedlove 51351 (holo-: MO; iso-: ENCB, TEX) |
| Breedlove 51351 - Mexico [isotype @ ENCB] |
[ Peperomia brenesii C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brenes 14181, 14185, 14186 & 14534 (nomen herbariorum, ined.; as brenesi) |
| Costa Rica (B, G, G-DC, K) |
| Brenes 14181 - Costa Rica [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Burger, 1984, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia brenesii var. atricha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brenes 14191 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Brenes 14191 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia brevesiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 30227 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (NY, US) |
| Killip 30227 - Brazil [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia brevicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 26019 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 26019 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia curtipes Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 36) |
[ Peperomia brevicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 208 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 39667 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 39667 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia brevicaulis var. contracta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 24726 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (NY, US) |
| Killip 24726 - Peru [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia curtipes var. contracta Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 36) |
Peperomia brevihirtella Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 155 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Mexia 5508 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL) |
| Mexia 5508 - Brazil [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia brevipeduncula (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 43 (1927) (stat. nov. for Peperomia heydei var. brevipeduncula C.DC.) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1241 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BM, BR, CM, E, F, GH, G-DC, K, MICH, MO, NY, P, PH, S, US), Panama |
| Smith 1241 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia brevipeduncula var. major Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 301 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 2037 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, GH; MICH, MO, NY, US, VT) |
| Allen 2037 - Panama [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
[ Peperomia brevipes (Benth.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 397 (1869) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium brevipes Benth.) |
| El Salvador - type: Hinds s.n. dd 1842 (holo-: K) |
| Hinds s.n. dd 1842 - El Salvador [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia var. pilosior (Miq.) C.DC. |
Peperomia breviramula C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 503 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. (Pohnpei) - type: Ledermann 13739 (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Ledermann 13739 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia breviscapa Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 209 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 36888 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 36888 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia brevispica C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 570 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 2641 (holotype not designated: F, GH, K, MICH, NY, US) |
| Bang 2641 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia brittonii C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 254 (1892) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 329 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, CAL, E, F, GH, K, MO, NY, US, W) |
| Bang 329 - Bolivia [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia broadwayi C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 240 (1902) |
| Grenada - type: Broadway 647 (syn-: B, G-DC [fragm]: isosyn-: B, US), Martinique - type: Duss 1262 (syn-: US: isosyn-: NY) |
| Duss 1262 - Martinique [syntype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia brouetiana Trel.  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 328 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1197 (lecto-: B [designated Callejas & Mathieu, 2006]; isolecto-: EHH, G, GH, ILL, S, US) |
| Ekman H1197 - Haiti [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia browniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bond 43 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (ILL) |
| Bond 43 - Venezuela [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia bryophila C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 219 (1918) |
| New Guinea - types: Ledermann 9320 (syn-: B) & 9323 (syn-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm]) |
| Ledermann 9320 - New Guinea [holotype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia bucayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 20408 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (GH, NY, US) |
| Hitchcock 20408 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia abnormis Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker 1950: 604) |
[ Peperomia bucheri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Roig 6720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL, NY) |
| Roig 6720 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia buchii C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 296 (1907) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Buch 611 (holo-: B) |
| Buch 611 - Haiti [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia buchii var. macrostachya Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 329 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1516 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, EHH, S, US) |
| Ekman H1516 - Haiti [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 241 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3747 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 5380 - Bolivia [specimen @ S] |
[ Peperomia bueana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 227 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 663 (holo-: B) |
| Preuss 663 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia buenaventurana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11718 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL) |
| Killip 11718 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia oscarii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker 1950: 656) |
[ Peperomia buenavistae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Triana 60 (nomen herbariorum, ined.#) |
| Colombia (BM, COL, G-DC) |
| Triana 60 - Colombia [specimen @ COL (photo @ G)] |
| = Peperomia ciliosa C.DC. (homotypic) (fide Mathieu, 2006) |
[ Peperomia buenavistana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32806 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, NY) |
| Steyermark 32806 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Standley & Steyermark 1952: 271 & Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia buenosairesensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Roig 6128 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL, NY) |
| Roig 6128 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia erythropremna Trel. (Yuncker 1949: II 44) |
[ Peperomia bullata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 9013c (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Lehmann 9013c - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia buntingii Steyerm. ] | |
| Acta Bot. Venez. 8: 116 (1973) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 105306 (holo-: VEN; iso-: F, MO, NY, U) |
| Steyermark 105306 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia turboensis Yunck. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia butaguensis De Wild. ] | |
| Rev. Zool. Afr. 8(1) Suppl. Bot. 7 (1920) |
| Congo - type: Bequaert 3672 (holo-: BR) |
| = Peperomia fernandopoiana var. butaguensis (De Wild.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia buxifolia Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 4 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jun 1901 (holo-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jun 1901 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
[ Peperomia cabaiana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 328 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1590 (holo-: S; iso-: B, EHH, G, GH, US ) |
| Ekman H 1590 - Haiti [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia cacaophila Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 610 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Haught 2966 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, S) |
| Haught 2966 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia caceresana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 581 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 581 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link (Yuncker 1974: 118) |
Peperomia cachabiana C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 267 (1920) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Sodiro (35)58 Aug 1904 (holo-: G-DC), Panama |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1904 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia cacuminicola Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 215 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 42637 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 42637 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia cadeadoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 6963 & 17295 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G, ILL, K, MO, S, US) |
| Dusén 17295 - Brazil [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia calophylla Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia caducifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 26 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22270 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 22270 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia caducipilosa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 331 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4544 (holo-: ILL, iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 4544 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia caespitiformans Trel. ] | |
| Candollea 8: 77 (1940) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 1753 (holo-: P; iso-: NY) |
| Stehlé 1753 - Guadeloupe [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Ecuador - type: André 3672 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: F, GH, K, NY, P, US) |
| André 3672 - Ecuador [isotype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia caespitosa var. subcircinata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia caffra E.Mey. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 121 (1843) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| South Africa - 'type': Drège s.n. (G, L) |
| = Peperomia arabica Decne. (fide Miquel, 1843) |
| = Peperomia blanda var. leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) Düll (fide Gibbs Russell e.a., 1987) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
Peperomia cainarachiana Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 540 (1957) |
| Peru - type: Klug 2653 (holo-: S; iso-: BM, F, G, K, MO, NY, US) |
| Klug 2653 - Peru [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia cajonesensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 4228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (ILL, K, NY, US) |
| Hinton 4228 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrandra C.DC. (fide Mathieu 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia calcicola Marcusso | |
| Phytotaxa 446(4): 247 (2020) |
| Brazil - type: Marcusso 1720 (holo-: HRCB; iso-: MBM, RB, SP) |
| Marcusso 1720 - Brazil [holotype @ HRCB*] |
| Plant in habitat |
[ Peperomia caldasiana C.DC. ]  | |
| Linnaea 37: 365 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell 1110 (holo-: S, iso-: G) |
| Regnell 1110 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia calderana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3512 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Killip 3512 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 83, Yuncker 1966: 178 & Steyermark 1984: 251) |
[ Peperomia calderasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 57841 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 57841 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia calderoniae Barrios, Cota & Medina-Cota ] | |
| Phytologia 62(1): 54 (1987) |
| Mexico - type: Medina-Cota 2572 (holo-: ENCB, iso-: IEB, MO, NY, RSA, UAMIZ) |
| Medina 2572 - Mexico [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia edulis Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
Peperomia caledonica C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) |
| New Caledonia - type: de la Planche s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: P) |
| de la Planche s.n. - New Caledonia [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia calereana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Penland & Summers 504 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (F, ILL) |
| Penland 504 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
Peperomia caliginigaudens Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 695 (1950) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Mexia 6969 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NA), Venezuela |
| Mexia 6969 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| Plant in habitat - Colombia |
[ Peperomia calimana Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 617 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 11225 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11225 - Colombia [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gleicheniiformis Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 339) |
Peperomia callana Hutchison ex Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 4 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 4961 (holo-: UC: iso-: K, M, MICH, NY, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 4961 - Peru [holotype @ UC] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia callana Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hutchison 4961 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (K, M, MICH, NY, UC, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 4961 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia callana Hutchison ex Pino (fide Pino et al., 2012: 4) |
Peperomia callejasii U.B. Deshmukh | |
| Phytotaxa 500(1): 51 (2021) (nomen nov. for Peperomia parvicaulis Callejas) |
| Panama - type: Hammel 2730 (holo-: MO) |
Peperomia callitrichoides (Raddi) E.F.Guim., G.A.Queiroz & Delprete | |
| Taxon 72(4): 890 (2023) (comb. nov. for Piper callitrichoides Raddi) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n.(holo-: PI 043377) |
[ Peperomia calmonensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 7285 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 7285 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia subemarginata Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia calophylla Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 140 (1966) (as callophyla) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 17295 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, MO, NY [fragm], S) |
| Dusén 17295 - Brazil [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia calophylla var. eciliata Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pohl 4793 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (W) |
| Pohl 4793 - Brazil [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia calophylla Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 140) |
Peperomia calvescens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 27 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4800 (holo-: F; iso-: B) |
| Macbride 4800 - Peru [isotype @ B] |
Peperomia calvicaulis C.DC.  | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 231 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Biolley 3177 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Biolley 3177 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Costa Rica |
[ Peperomia calvicaulis var. hydnostachya Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 214 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 11530 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR, F) |
| Tonduz 11530 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hydnostachya Trel.) Callejas (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia calvicaulis var. ovata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 214 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 45168 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 45168 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia calvicaulis C.DC. (fide Callejas) |
[ Peperomia calvicaulis var. perexigua Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 214 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 9543 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR, G) |
| Tonduz 9543 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia calvicaulis var. subpenninervis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 381 (1923) [nomen]; Candollea 3: 122 (1926) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 12768 [erroneously 12368 in protologue] (holo-: G) |
| Pittier 12768 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas) |
[ Peperomia calvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 290 (1923) [key] |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 14182 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, G, NY, W) |
| Brenes 14182 - Costa Rica [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia sessilifolia Hook. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia calvifolia f. abrupta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 218 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33955 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 33955 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia calyculata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 207 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 36568 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 36568 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia cambuquirana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 8 (1940) |
| Brazil - type: Barreto 7235 (holo-: F) |
| Barreto 7235 - Brazil [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia camotana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31673 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31673 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia campana Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 461, 27 (2020) (as campanum, corrected according to ICN art 23.5) |
| Panama - type: Antonio 1198 (holo-: MO) |
| Antonio 1198 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia campii Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 164 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E3020 (holo-: GH; iso-: GH, NY, P, US) |
| Camp E3020 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia apodophylla Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia campinasana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 381 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen III 1552 (holo-: C; iso-: P, S, NY,UPS) |
| Henschen III 1552 - Brazil [isotype @ UPS] |
[ Peperomia campinasana var. suboppositifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 360 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 11253 (holo-: G, iso-: NY, RB) |
| Schwacke 11253 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia mandioccana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia camposii Sodiro  | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 2 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1902 (lecto-: QPLS [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 358]; isolecto-: G-DC, P) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jan 1902 - Ecuador [lectotype @ QPLS] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pichincha) |
Peperomia camptotricha Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 144 (1843) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Schiede s.n. [9] (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: P, U) |
| Schiede s.n. [9] - Mexico [lectotype @ HAL] |
[ Peperomia campurensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91729 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91729 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 748) |
[ Peperomia campylotropa A.W.Hill ]  | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 156 (1907) (superfluous for Peperomia umbilicata Ruiz & Pav.) |
| (type not designated) |
| = Peperomia bracteata A.W. Hill (fide Mathieu [see notes]) |
Peperomia canalensis C.DC. | |
| Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich, 61: 632 (1916) |
| New Caledonia - type: Sarasin 265 (holo-: Z) |
| Sarasin 265 - New Caledonia [holotype @ Z*] |
[ Peperomia canaligaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 4857 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Maxon 4857 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Yuncker, 1950: 106) |
Peperomia canaminana Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 228 (1927) |
| Bolivia - types: White 282 (syn-: NY, isosyn-: BKL, ILL) & 515 (syn-: ILL; isosyn-: BKL, NY) (White 513 rejected = P. aceroana) |
| White 282 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia candelaber Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 207 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33010 (holo-: US; iso-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Standley 33010 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia candida (Blume) Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 105 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper candidum Blume) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: (holo-: L; iso-: K) |
[ Peperomia candolleana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 146 (1843) (page sometimes erroneously cited as 246) |
| India - type: Richard s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: TCD) |
| Richard s.n. - India [isotype @ TCD] |
| = Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia candollei St. John ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 9: 6 (1931) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Stokes s.n. (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 57) |
[ Peperomia cangrejalana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 274 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8765 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Yuncker 8765 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971, F type annotation; Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia caniana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 27 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3415 (holo-: F; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3415 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia canlaonensis C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 408 (1910) |
| Philippines (Negros) - type: Merrill 251 (holo-: G; iso-: FR, G, M, PRC, U, US, Z) |
| Merrill 251 - Philippines [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia canojasensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 35813 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 35813 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cantareirana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 4550 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Loefgren 4550 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 177) |
[ Peperomia canutala Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatracasas 1801 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Cuatracasas 1801 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
[ Peperomia canutala var. cuevana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1300 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, P, U, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1300 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
[ Peperomia canutala var. haticoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, P, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1180 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
[ Peperomia canutala var. lacustris Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1507 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1507 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
[ Peperomia caobana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 16049 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 16049 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation |
[ Peperomia caparoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4073 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Mexia 4073 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subretusa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 174) |
[ Peperomia caparrapiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia 7732 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Garcia 7732 - Colombia [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii var. alipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 496) |
[ Peperomia capensis Loud. ] | |
| Hort. Brit. (Loudon) ed. 1: 13 (1830) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper capense L. |
Peperomia caperata Yunck. | |
| Kew Bull. 1957: 421 (1958) |
| unknown origin - type: cultivated by M. Mason, Talbot Manor, Kings Lynn (holo-: K) |
| cultivated by M. Mason [holotype @ K] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
[ Peperomia capillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 6045 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 6045 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 456; Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348) |
Peperomia capitis-bovis Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 323, 330 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H781 (holo-: B, ILL [fragm]; iso-: S) |
| Ekman H781 - Haiti [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia caponis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3963 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Dusén 3963 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker,1974: 142) |
[ Peperomia caquetana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Woronow 5890 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, LE) |
| Woronow 5890 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 605) |
[ Peperomia caquezana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 7937 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 7937 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 507; Yuncker ,1962: 188) |
Peperomia carabobensis Steyerm. & Bunting | |
| Acta Bot. Venez. 6: 81 (1971) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 102431 (holo-: VEN; iso-: F, MO, P, U, US) |
| Steyermark 102431 - Venezuela [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia caracolana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31398 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31398 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carangolana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4287 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (B, BH, BM, F, G, GB, GH, MEDEL, MICH, MO, NY, PH, PR, S, U, US) |
| Mexia 4287 - Brazil [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1959, NY, S & UC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carapasana Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 205 (1926) |
| Venezuela - type: Tate 114 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 114 - Venezuela [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1997) |
[ Peperomia cararensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2854 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2854 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (fide Yuncker, F, ILL, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carchana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70027 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70027 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pililimba C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cardenasii Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 227 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: Cárdenas 1174 (holo-: ILL, iso-: BKL, NY), Peru |
| Cardenas 1174 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia carderoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 7555 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 7555 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia portoricensis Urb. (fide Yuncker, 1949 & Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia cardiophylla C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 141 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana s.n. (holotype not designated: BM) |
| Triana s.n. - Colombia [type @ BM] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Ichaso & Guimarães, 1984) |
[ Peperomia carlosiana C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 140 (1866) |
| Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1148 (holo-: G) |
| Fendler 1148 - Venezuela [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Grayum, 1996) |
[ Peperomia carlo-wrightii Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 16, 23 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Wright s.n. 8 Oct (lecto-: W [designated Saralegui, 2004]) |
| Wright s.n. - Cuba [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia carnevalii Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 67 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Carnevali 640 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MY, VEN) |
| Carnevali 640 - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
Peperomia carnicaulis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 303 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Sulawesi) - type: Teysmann 12785 (holo-: BO) |
Peperomia carnifolia Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 193 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Steinbach 9587 (holo-: GH; iso-: GH, K, LIL, NY) |
| Steinbach 9587 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia carnispadix Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schunke 248 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (BR, GH, ILL, MICH, NY, P, S, UC, US) |
| Schunke 248 - Peru [specimen @ BR] |
| = Peperomia antoniana Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1958, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carnosa C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 166 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 600 (holo-: BM, G-DC [fragm], NY [fragm]) |
| Gibbs 600 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia lasiostigma var. carnosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Smith, 1981) |
[ Peperomia carnosula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 9591 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 9591 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia carozalana C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 9984 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (G-DC) |
| Tonduz 9984 - Costa Rica [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tenuicaulis C.DC. (fide Trelease, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia carpapatana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 27 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24438 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 24438 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 281 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 6903 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, CR), Guatemala, Mexico |
| Pittier 6903 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia carpinterana var. sparsipila Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 197 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 35690 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 35690 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia elata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia carrapana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 28 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23207 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 23207 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas) |
[ Peperomia carrizalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Heyde 3830 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F, G, G-DC, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, US) |
| Heyde 3830 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carrizalana var. amargasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 65455 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 65455 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carrizalana var. brujoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30955 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30955 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Burger, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carrizalana var. izabalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38721 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38721 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia carrizalana var. panajabalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 62137 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, NY) |
| Standley 62137 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cartagoana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 222 (1929) (nomen nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. pallida C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 3198 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: BR) |
| Tonduz 3198 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia carthaginensis C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 377 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted 925 (holo-: C; iso-: G) |
| Oersted 925 - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia casacarana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3699 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, NY) |
| Haught 3699 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia casapiana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 146 (1866) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 1689 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, E, W) |
| Mathews 1689 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia casarettoi C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 141 (1866) (as casaretti, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Brazil - type: Casaretto 1041 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Casaretto 1041 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia cascatana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Malme 446 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S, US) |
| Malme 446 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 122) |
Peperomia casimirii Van Heurck & Müller | |
| Obs. Bot. 111 (1870) (as casimiri, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Martinique - type: Sieber s.n. (holo-: BR; iso-: G-DC) |
| Sieber s.n. - Martinique [holotype @ AWH] |
[ Peperomia casitana Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 301 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 952 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Woodson 952 - Panama [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Callejas 2020) |
[ Peperomia castaniedana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen García Castañeda 20573 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL) |
| García-Castañeda 20573 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: III 26; Saralegui, 2004: 38) |
[ Peperomia castanoensis Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 675 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Pittier 14063 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 14063 - Venezuela [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia castelosensis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 156 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 11538 (holo-: R, NY [fragm]) |
| Brade 11538 - Brazil [holotype @ R*] |
Peperomia castilloi Vergara-Rodríguez & Jimeno-Sevilla | |
| Phytotaxa 369(2): 94 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Jimeno-Sevilla 1471 (holo-: MEXU; iso-: BR, G, IBUG, IEB, MO, XAL, ZON) |
| Jimeno-Sevilla 1471 - Mexico [isotype @ BR] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia catamarcana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 7087 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL, US) |
| Venturi 7087 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. pseudodindygulensis (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 218) |
[ Peperomia cataractigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 9: 221 (1941) (as cataractaegaudens, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 1625 (holo-: NY) |
| Stehlé 1625 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia cataratasensis Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 310 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 20514 (holo-: F; iso-: CR, NY) |
| Brenes 20514 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia urocarpoides C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2013 [pers.comm.]) |
Peperomia catesbaeifolia (Raddi) G.A.Queiroz, E.F.Guim. & Delprete
Queiroz, E.F.Guim. & Delprete, | |
| Taxon 72(4): 887 (2023) (comb. nov. for Piper catesbaeaefolium Raddi) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. (lecto-: PI 043376 [designated Guimarães et al., 2023]; isolecto-: FI 055250 & 055251)
s.n. |
Peperomia catharinae Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 127 (1843) |
| Argentina, Brazil - type Gaudichaud 282 (holo-: G, iso-: G-DC, P, U), Uruguay |
| Gaudichaud 282 - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia catharinensis Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 116 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Schenck 621: S [drawing]) |
| Schenck 621 - Brazil [drawing @ S] |
[ Peperomia cattii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 310 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 6141 (holo-: GH; iso-: MO) |
| Dodge 6141 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia caucana C.DC.  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 259 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 5409 (holo-: B; iso-: F, K) |
| Lehmann 5409 - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia caudulilimba C.DC. ex Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 104 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 2788 (holotype not designated: G-DC, US) |
| Pittier 2788 - Panama [type @ US*] |
[ Peperomia caudulilimba var. cryptopoda Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 49 (1927) (as caudililimba, typographical error) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5571 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 5571 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. (fide Mathieu, 2006 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia caudulilimba var. cylindribacca (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 104 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia cylindribacca C.DC.) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5273 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 5273 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Croat, 1978) |
[ Peperomia caudulilimba var. longependula C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 269 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Eggers 14501 (holo-: M) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia caudulilimba var. marragantina C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 382 (1923); Candollea 3: 122 (1926) (nomen nudum) (as marregantina, typographical error) |
| Panama - 'type': Williams 694 (NY, US) |
| Williams 694 - Panama ['type' @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos var. marragantina Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia caulibarbis Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 98 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Gaudichaud 287 (holo-: G) |
| Gaudichaud 247 - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia caulibarbis f. brachyphylla (A.Dietr.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 120 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia brachyphylla (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) A.Dietr.) |
| Brazil, Cuba, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Puerto Rico, Mexico, cultivated Hort. Bot. Berlin - type: Willdenow Herb. 722 (holo-: B) |
| Wildenow 722 - cult. [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia caulibarbis var. catharinensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29, Beibl. 65: 26 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 364 (holo-: G) |
[ Peperomia caulibarbis var. jimenesana C.DC. ] | |
| Pl. Guatemal. 133 (1895) [nomen]; Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 284 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - types: Donnell-Smith 4929 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: GH, K, US), Donnell-Smith 6743 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: GH, K, US), Pittier 8220 (syn-: BR) |
| Donnell-Smith 4929 - Costa Rica [isosyntype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia caulibarbis var. pilosior Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 13 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-:M; iso-: M) |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia causaria Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 15975 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 15975 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tejana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia causionensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1254 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Archer 1254 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia versicolor Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cauzacoteana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. May 1882 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. May 1882 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 83) |
[ Peperomia cava Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 282 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 282 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia areolata Trel (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cavaleriei C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 41 (1914) |
| China - type: Cavalerie 2649 (holo-: P, G-DC[fragm]; iso-: K), Thailand |
| Cavalerie 2649 - China [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia cavispicata G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 364 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-017 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU) |
| Samain 2007-017 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia cayumbana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8270 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (B, F, ILL, K, MO, S, UC, US) |
| Mexia 8270 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia secunda Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia ceapanana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 28 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Herrera 1468 (holo-: US) |
| Herrera 1468 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia cearana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 9021 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (K, L, S, US) |
| Ule 9021 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 187; Callejas, 1999: 788 |
[ Peperomia cecrostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1743 (nomen herbariorum, ined., typpgraph. error for acrostachya) |
| Colombia (BM, NY, S) |
| Klug 1743 - Colombia [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia celiae Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 324 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 35422 (holotype not designated: NY) |
| Maguire 35422 - Venezuela [type @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia centrobrasiliensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri 12596 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Usteri 12596 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 223; Guimarães & Costa 1980: 11) |
[ Peperomia cerastioides Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 180 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 (holo-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cerastioides var. hypericifolia Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 180 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900.(holo-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. |
Peperomia cerea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 28 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3330 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, S, US) |
| Macbride 3330 - Peru [isotype @ S] |
Peperomia cereoides Pino & Cieza | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 75(1): 27 (2003) |
| Peru - type: Pino 689 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 689 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
Peperomia cereoides var. reducta Pino & Cieza | |
| Haseltonia 10: 90 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1145 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1145 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia ceroderma Yunck.  | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 541 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern s.n. (holo-:S; iso-: S), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama |
| von Sneidern s.n.- Colombia [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia cerrateae Pino & G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 156 (2011) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Cerrate 4436 (holo-: USM) |
| Cerrate 4436 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Bolivia (Larecaja) |
[ Peperomia cerrobrujoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30943 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30943 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cerropuntana Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 301 (1940) (as cerro-puntana) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1451 (holo-: ILL; iso-: EAP, GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1451 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia amphitricha Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia ceylanica Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 5: 550 (1846) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Walker 1904 (holotype not designated: E) |
| Walker 1904 - Sri Lanka [type @ E] |
| = Peperomia heyneana Miq. |
[ Peperomia chachapoyasensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 449 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 3230 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, K) |
| Mathews 3230 - Peru [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia mathewsii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm] |
[ Peperomia chachopoana Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 244 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Pittier 13165 (F, ILL [fragm], M, NY, US) |
| Pittier 13165 - Venezuela ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia chacoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stuckert 16032 & 16449 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (G) |
| Stuckert 16449 - Argentina [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC.(fide Mathieu, G specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chaconana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Johnson 1271 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Johnson 1271 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, F & US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chagalana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 259 (1908) |
| Ecuador - type: Lehmann 7841 (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Lehmann 7841 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia chahuitana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 77423 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 77423 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chahuitensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 77486 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 77486 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chalazodea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 20458 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Hitchcock 20458 - Ecuador [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 711; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
Peperomia chalhuapuquiana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 29 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 215 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 215 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia chambesyana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 193 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: cultivated (holo-: G-DC) |
| cultivated - from Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata Trel. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia chanchamayana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 29 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 371 (holo-: F) |
| Schunke 371 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia chaparensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steinbach 9016 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, E, F, ILL, G [fragm], K, NY) |
| Steinbach 9016 - Bolivia [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia aceramarcana Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1952, 1956, 1960 K, NY & E specimen annotation) |
Peperomia chapensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 70 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 97664 (holo-: VEN) |
| Davidse 20707 - Venezuela [paratype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia chartacea Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 30 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26636 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 26636 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia chartana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18946 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 18946 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 708; Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia chartana var. heterophylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16616 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 16616 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 607; Callejas, 1997: 20) |
[ Peperomia charteri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1360 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1360 - Antigua [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, BM specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chaseae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chase s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (US) |
| Chase s.n. - Puerto Rico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia portoricensis Urb. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia chazaroi G.Mathieu & T.Krömer | |
| Phytotaxa 205(4): 269 (2015) |
| Mexico - type: Cházaro 9868 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU, MO) |
| Cházaro 9868 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
[ Peperomia chevanostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58285 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58285 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cheyennensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 39109 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 39109 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia chicamochana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 470 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 9822 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F) |
| Cuatrecasas 9822 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia chicbulana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17: 230 (1937) |
| Guatemala - type: Lundell 3099 (holo-: MICH; iso-: F, ILL, LL) |
| Lundell 3099 - Guatemala [holotype @ MICH*] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Beurl. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) (not P. macrostachyos) |
[ Peperomia chicojana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70048a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70048a - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chieligastana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 9253 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (US) |
| Venturi 9253 - Argentina [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia parvifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 270) |
Peperomia chigorodoana Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 654 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4697 (holo-: US) |
| Haught 4697 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia chilensis C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 144 (1866) (as chiliensis) |
| Chile - type: Lechler 3020 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K, S, TCD, W) |
| Lechler 3020 - Chile [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia fernandeziana Miq. (fide Skottsberg, 1947) |
[ Peperomia chillonensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 30 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14413 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]; iso-: PH) |
| Pennell 14413 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia chilpancingensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson 2190 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Nelson 2190 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006: US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chiltepecana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Martinez 100 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, MEXU, UC, US) |
| Martinez 100 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 91) |
[ Peperomia chimaltenangoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 558 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Skutch 558 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chimaltenangoana var. caldenasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 57843 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 57843 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chimantana Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 423 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 75016 (holo-: F; iso-: G, NY, US) |
| Steyermark 75016 - Venezuela [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia chimboana C.DC.  | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 508 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/25 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336]; isolecto-: G-DC, Q, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/25] - Ecuador [lectotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia chimboana var. longipetiolata C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 7883 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (F, K, US) |
| Lehmann 7883 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia chimboana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1908: 263) |
[ Peperomia chimichaguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2363 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2363 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chinchaoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 234 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 234 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hamiltonianifolia Trel. (fide Mathieu 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chiqueroana Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 301 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1025 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Woodson 1025 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolata C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
[ Peperomia chiquihuitensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68134 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68134 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chiriquiensis Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 93 (1950) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Killip 3564 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 3564 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tenelliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
[ Peperomia chitagensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12176 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12176 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia chivolandiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67013 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67013 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia chlorodisca Diels | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 78 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 1196 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 1196 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia chlorostachya Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 203 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 43513 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 43513 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia chocoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35061 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 35061 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia chopalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37466 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (ILL) |
| Steyermark 37466 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata C.DC. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia chorda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 3606 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Loefgren 3606 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia loefgrenii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia choritana Trel. | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 205 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 21162 (holo-: US) |
| Hitchcock 21162 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia choroniana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 141 (1866) |
| Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela - type: Fendler 2402 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Fendler 2402 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia choroniana var. heterodoxa Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 74 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Bunting 4461 (holo-: MY) |
[ Peperomia choroniana var. puberulenta Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 730 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 57991 (holo-: F; iso-: NY, US) |
| Steyermark 57991 - Venezuela [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia christophersenii Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 28 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Christophersen 2286 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Christophersen 2286 - Samoa [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia chromatogena Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 278 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 5382 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 7251 - Bolivia [paratype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia chromatogena var. subpeltata Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 279 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 4556 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 4556 - Bolivia [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia chrysleri Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 94 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Chrysler 4797 (holo-: ILL) |
| Chrysler 4797 - Panama [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia C.DC. (fide Croat, 1978) |
[ Peperomia chrysocarpa C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29(2): 70 (1890) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 1384 (holo-: BR; iso-: BR, US) |
| Tonduz 1384 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia chrysocarpa var. rubrocincta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 49518 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Standley 49518 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 96) |
[ Peperomia chrysolepida Trel. ] | |
| Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 20: 57 (1931) |
| Mexico (Socorro Isl.) - type: Barkelew 228 (holo-: US; iso-: GH) |
| Barkelew 228 - Mexico (Socorro Isl.) [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US type annotation) |
Peperomia chrysotricha Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 163 (1843) |
| Peru - type: Dombey 933 (holo-: P; iso-: U) |
| Dombey 933 - Peru [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia chucanebana Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 10: 156 (1931) |
| Guatemala - type: Smith 1504 (holotype not designated: G-DC, K), Honduras |
| Smith 1504 - Guatemala [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US type specimen annotation) |
Peperomia chutanka Pino | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 80(5): 235 (2008) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1696 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1696 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia cicatricicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 6146 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 6146 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 459) |
[ Peperomia cicatricosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 5392 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 5392 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia andrei C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cicatriculosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mille s.n. (d.d. 1906) (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL) |
| Mille s.n. (d.d. 1906) - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cielitoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 2017 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dryander 2017 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ciezae Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 6 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1561 (holo-: USM) |
| Mathieu 2009-099 - Peru [cited specimen @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia ciliaris C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 144 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 59 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, COL), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama |
| Triana 59 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia ciliata Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 68 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. Venezuela [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia ciliata Mor. ex C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 411 (1869) (nomen nudum pro syn., junior homonym) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Moritz 1979 (BM, P, W) |
| Moritz 1979 - Venezuela ['type' @ BM] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
Peperomia ciliatifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 30 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28684 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28684 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia ciliatifolia var. eciliatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 31 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28723 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28723 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ciliatifolia var. iquitosana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 31 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 27167 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 27167 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, ILL & US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ciliatifolia var. santarosana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 31 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28988 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28988 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, ILL & US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia ciliatocaespitosa M.Carvalho-Silva & E.F.Guim. | |
| Acta Bot. Bras. 22(2): 559 (2008) (as ciliato-caespitosa, corrected according to ICN art.60.11) |
| Brazil - type: Demuner 1342 (holo-: MBML; iso-:RB) |
| Demuner 1342 - Brazil [isotype @ RB*] |
[ Peperomia cilibractea C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 360 (1923) [key] |
| Guatemala - type: Bernoulli 2686 (holotype not designated: B) |
| Bernoulli 2686 - Guatemala [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia cilifolia C.DC. | |
| Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich, 60: 431 (1915) |
| Brazil - type: Bluntschli 437 (plant cultivated @ Z) |
| Bluntschli 437 (cultivated specimen) [photo of type @ G] |
[ Peperomia ciliifera (Trel.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 212 (1929) (stat. nov. for Peperomia hernandiifolia var. ciliifera Trel.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cooper 286 (holo-: US; iso-: K) |
| Cooper 286 [= Donnell-Smith 5917] - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia ciliifera var. carpintera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Allen 504 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (MO) |
| Allen 504 - Costa Rica [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Burger, 1970, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ciliifera var. filipes (Trel.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 212 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia hernandiifolia var. filipes Trel.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12539 (holo-: US) |
| Tonduz 12539 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia ciliifolia Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 30 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 478 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 478 - Fiji Islands (Vanua Levu) [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia ciliipetiola C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 262 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. (holo-: US) |
| Jameson s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cililimba C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 266 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 1507 (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger 1507 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia samoensis var. glabrescens Warb. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
[ Peperomia cililimba var. tiavina C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 438 (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger 438 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia samoensis var. glabrescens Warb. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
Peperomia ciliolata Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 459 (1847) |
| Mexico ? - type: cultivated @ Kew (holotype not designated) |
Peperomia ciliolibractea C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 360 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 122 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Pittier 4712 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, US) |
| Pittier 4712 - Costa Rica [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia ciliolifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Herrera 3319 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (ILL [fragm], US) |
| Herrera 3319 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia maransara Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia ciliosa C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 144 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 60 (holo-: G; iso-: COL), Ecuador |
| Triana 60 - Colombia [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia cimae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 14618 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Dusén 14618 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia schwackei C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia cimalonensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2898 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (F, GH, ILL, S, US) |
| Haught 2898 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cinerea Sodiro ]  | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 8 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jul 1902 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: B, G-DC, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jul 1902 - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cinereobacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cinereobacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1860 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, US) |
| Haught 1860 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 481) |
[ Peperomia cinereopuberula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen André 2102 p.p. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G-DC, K) |
| André 2102 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cippigera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8499 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (B, BM, CAL, F, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, RSA, U, UC, US) |
| Mexia 8499 - Ecuador [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia circinnata Link | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 64 (1820) |
| Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil - type: Sieber for von Hoffmannsegg s.n. (holo-: B [Herb. Willd. 740]; iso-: BR), Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hispaniola, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela |
| von Hoffmannsegg s.n. [Herb. Willd. 740] [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia circinnata var. major C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 380 (1872) (as circinata) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted s.n. (holo-: C, G-DC [fragm]) |
Peperomia circinnata var. orbicularis (C.DC.) Yunck. | |
| Hoehnea 4: 118 (1974) (comb. nov. for Peperomia orbicularis C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: Gaudichaud 1096 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: F, G, P) |
| Gaudichaud 1096 - Brazil [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia circinnata var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 468 (1917) (as circinata) |
| Brazil - type: Huber 67 (iso-: MG, iso-: NY) |
| Huber 67 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia circularis Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 24 (1873) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell III 1656 (holo-: S; iso-: UPS) |
| Henschen III 1656 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link (fide Henschen, 1873) |
Peperomia circulifolia Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 331 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6361 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO) |
| Yuncker 6361 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia circulifolia var. eciliata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 332 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6360 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6360 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia circulifolia var. flava Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 331 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5869 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 5869 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia circulifolia Trel. (fide Callejas, 2004, MO type annotation) |
[ Peperomia circumscissa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 13132 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (P, US) |
| Tonduz 13132 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia circumscissa Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 211 (1929) (nomen nov. for Peperomia pendula C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8433 (distr. by Pittier) (holotype not designated: BR) |
| Tonduz 8433 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia cirillii-nelsonii Véliz, Archila & L.Velásquez | |
| Cactus-Aventures International 2: 46 (2017) |
| Guatemala - type: Archila s.n. (holo-: BIGU; iso-: BIGU, MEXU, MO) |
| Archila s.n. - Guatemala [holotype @ BIGU*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia cisnerosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 5346 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 5346 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 670) |
[ Peperomia citcatana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90470 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90470 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation; Yuncker 1962: 188) |
[ Peperomia citocalvescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58299 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58299 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen) |
Peperomia cladara Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 323 (1957) |
| Guyana, Venezuela - type: Maguire 33047 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY, US) |
| Maguire 33047 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia cladara f. ciliata Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 324 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 30041 (holo-: NY) |
| Maguire 30041 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia cladara Yunck. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia cladara f. perglabra Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 323 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 28253 (holo-: NY) |
| Maguire 28253 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia cladara Yunck. (fide Steyermark, 1994) |
[ Peperomia clarenii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Claren 11778 (as clareni) (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL [fragm], S) |
| Claren 11778 - Argentina [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia trapezoidalis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia claudii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 285 (1898) |
| Peru - type: Gay 357 (holo-: P, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Gay 357 - Peru [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia clausenii Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 141 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Claussen s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Claussen s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia clavata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 89 (1936) (nomen nudum) |
| Peru - 'type': Tafalla 277 in herb. Pavón (G) |
| Tafalla 277 - Peru ['type' @ G] |
| = Peperomia rufescens C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
Peperomia clavatispica Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 477 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 2133 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, GH, ILL), Ecuador |
| Haught 2133 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia clavigera Standl. & Steyerm.  | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 240 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 45738 (holo-: F; iso-: GH), Mexico |
| Steyermark 45738 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico (Tabasco) |
[ Peperomia clavulispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19472 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 19472 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 520) |
Peperomia claytonioides Kunth | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 11 (1847) |
| Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala - type: Bouché s.n. (B [missing], F [photo]), Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua |
| Sermeño 199 - El Salvador [specimen @ BM] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Guatemala |
[ Peperomia claytonioides var. longiscapa C.DC. ex Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 138 (1922) |
| Guatemala - type: Bernhardi s.n. |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia claytonioides var. longispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 2319 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (BR, E, F, G, G-DC, MO, PRC, US, W) |
| von Türckheim 2319 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, F specimen) |
[ Peperomia claytonioides var. pinulana (C.DC.) C.DC. ex Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 139 (1922) (comb. nov. for Peperomia pinulana C.DC.) |
| Guatemala - type: Lehmann 1693 (holo-: G) |
| Lehmann 1693 - Guatemala [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia clematidifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 7764 (nomen herbariorum, ined., as 'clematitidifolia' |
| Colombia (PH) |
| Killip 7764 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii var. alipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia clementii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Clement 1943 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Bro. Clement 1943 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia cuspidata Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1949, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia clement-leonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Clement 1944 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL, NY) |
| Bro. Clement 1944 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Yuncker 1949: II 25; Saralegui 2004: 35) |
[ Peperomia clipeata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 5904 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 5904 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia reptilis C.DC. (fide Yuncker 1947, GH, ILL, NY, PH, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia clivicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1982 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F,GH, ILL, MICH, S, US) |
| Haught 1982 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia leucostachya C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 465) |
Peperomia clivicola Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 158 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 763 (holo-: R; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Dusén 763 - Brazil [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia clivigaudens Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 161 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E1470 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY) |
| Camp E1470 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Hook. | |
| Bot. Mag. 56: t. 2943 (1829) (as clusiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Jamaica - type: cultivated in Schönbrunn (holo-: W) |
| cultivated in Schönbrunn (Vienna) [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia coacta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3236 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (F, GH, ILL, K, S, US) |
| Klug 3236.- Peru [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia coalcomana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 12416 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL, LUNDELL, MO, NY, US) |
| Hinton 12416 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Liesner, 1976, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia coarctata Trel. & Standl. ]  | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 241 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 33365 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 33365 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia coatzacoalcosensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 8 (1940) |
| Mexico - type: Williams 8509 (holo-: F) |
| Williams 8509 - Mexico [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia cobana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 260 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: von Türckheim 78 (lecto-: US [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: GOET, JE, W), Honduras, Mexico |
| von Türckheim 78 - Guatemala [lectotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia cobana var. fertilior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 1358 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (BR, E, LY, NY, US, W) |
| von Türckheim 1358 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia cobana C.DC. (fide Mathieu 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cobreana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Clement 1942 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY) |
| Bro. Clement 1942 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949: II 34) |
[ Peperomia cobreana var. ekmanii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14880 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14880 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease, 1926: 31; Trelease & Yuncker,1950: 678) |
[ Peperomia cobrensis Trel. ]  | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Leon 12324 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Leon 12324 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia cochana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11802 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11802 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia albidiflora C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia cochinensis C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 297 (1914) |
| Thailand, Vietnam - type: Meebold 12543 (holo-: BRA, G-DC [fragm]) |
Peperomia cocleana Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 25(2): 826 (1938) |
| Panama - type: Allen 133 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO) |
| Allen 133 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia cocuyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1738 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1738 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia coenosa Trel. | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 45 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2412 (iso-: MA) |
| Cuatrecasas 2412 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia coerulescens Engl. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ledermann 1275 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cameroon (B) |
| Ledermann 1275 - Cameroon [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia fernandopoiana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, B specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cogniauxii Urb. | |
| Symb. Antill. 1: 292 (1899) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Puerto Rico - type: Sintenis 1963 (holo-:B; iso-: G-DC,NY, S) |
| Sintenis 1963 - Puerto Rico [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia coliblancoana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 311 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 4516 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, MO) |
| Dodge 4516 - Costa Rica [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia collantesana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. León 19069 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Trinidad (ILL) |
| Bro. León 19069 - Trinidad [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia collapsa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19364 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, GH) |
| Killip 19364 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia peltaphylla Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker,1950) |
[ Peperomia collicola Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 24 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H11665 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, S) |
| Ekman H11665 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia collinsii Villa | |
| Lilloa 33(5): 92 (1971) |
| Argentina - type: Meyer 14050 ((lecto-: LIL [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 121]; isolecto-: LIL) |
| Meyer 14050 - Argentina [holotype @ LIL*] |
Peperomia collocata Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 332 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6106 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, K, MO, NY), Mexico |
| Yuncker 6106 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia coloniae Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 31 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25053 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25053 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia colorata Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 64 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ P*] |
Peperomia colossina C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 383 (1923) (nomen nov. for Peperomia purpurea Ridl.) |
| New Guinea - type: Boden Kloss s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia columbiana Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 429 (1845) |
| Colombia - type: Hartweg 1397 (holo-: K; iso-: K, LD) |
| Hartweg 1397 - Colombia [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia columella Rauh & Hutchison | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 45(4): 152 (1973) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 4015 (holo-: UC; iso-: USM) |
| Hutchison 4015 - Peru [holotype @ UC*] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Bonn (Germany) |
Peperomia columnaris Hutchison ex Pino & Klopfenstein | |
| Haseltonia 11: 103 (2005) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 4980 (holo-: UC; iso-: F, G, GH, HEID, K, LE, M, MICH, MO, NY, P, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 4980 - Peru [holotype @ UC] |
| Plant in habitat & freshly harvested - Peru |
[ Peperomia columnaris Hutchison ] | |
| Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 45: 888 (1993) (nomen nudum) |
| Peru - 'type': Hutchison 4980 (F, G, GH, HEID, K, LE, M, MICH, MO, NY, P, UC, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 4980 - Peru ['type' @ K] |
| = Peperomia columnaris Hutchison ex Pino et Klopfenstein (fide Pino & Klopfenstein, 2005) |
Peperomia comaltitlanensis Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 462, 27 (2020) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Matuda 17896 (holo-: MEXU; iso-: F) |
| Matuda 17896 - Mexico [holotype @ MEXU] |
[ Peperomia comarapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steinbach 8379 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, E, F, G, ILL, K, MO, PH, S, U, US) |
| Steinbach 8379 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tominana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia comarapana C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 27: 8 (1915) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Herzog 1903 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G-DC, L, S, Z), Paraguay, Uruguay |
| Herzog 1903 - Bolivia [isotype @ L] |
Peperomia comarapana f. pubescens Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 232 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Schultz 43 (holo-: SI; iso-: CTES) |
| Schultz 43 - Argentina [holotype @ SI] |
Peperomia commersonii Baill. | |
| Bull. Soc. Linn. Par. 1: 479 (1885) |
| Madagascar - type: Commerson s.n. (holo-: P) |
| Commerson s.n. - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia commutata Trel. ]  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 29 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 510 (holo-: B; isolecto-: BM, GOET, K, MA, NY, PH, S, US, W) |
| Wright 510 - Cuba [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia compacta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen J.D. Smith 1664 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 1664 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 112) |
[ Peperomia compactecaespitosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12089 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12089 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Bornstein, 1988, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia compaginata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 223 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47624 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 47624 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia complectens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 9489 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (NY, S) |
| Dusén 9489 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1959, NY specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia alata var. pterocaulis (Miq.) C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1902) |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker 1950) |
[ Peperomia compotrix Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 213 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37542 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37542 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tsakiana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia compta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70575 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70575 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia concava Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 46. f. c. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holotype not designated: BM) |
| illustration from protologue |
[ Peperomia concavicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4614 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (GH, US) |
| Skutch 4614 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 113) |
[ Peperomia concepcionana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10831 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10831 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia concepcionis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Liebmann 89, 90 & 242 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (C) |
| Liebmann 90 - Mexico [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia cobana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005) |
[ Peperomia concinna (Haw.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 164 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper concinnum Haw.) |
| Jamaica |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia concordiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Reko 3385 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Reko 3385 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia condicta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3962 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Killip 16975 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia immolata Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker,1947, GH, ILL, US specimen annotations [with doubt; confirmed Mathieu, 2006]) |
[ Peperomia condissitifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91445 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91445 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Mathieu, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia condita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3962 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Dusén 3962 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia condoris Trel. | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 46 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2414 (holo-: MA) |
| Cuatrecasas 2414 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia condormiens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 332 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6237 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 6237 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia condotoana Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 667 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 35105 (holo-: US), Ecuador |
| Killip 35105 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia conepta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mandon 1121b (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (BM, G-DC, GH, K, P, W) |
| Mandon 1121b - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia boliviensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia confertanthera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Eggers 14678 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (L, US) |
| Eggers 14678 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 678) |
[ Peperomia confertifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson 3134 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Nelson 3134 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia confertispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 32 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 1646 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, MA) |
| Macbride 1646 - Peru [isotype @ B] |
Peperomia confertispica var. erecta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 32 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 1915 (holo-: F; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 1915 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia confluentis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 8531 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, K) |
| Lehmann 8531 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 596) |
Peperomia confusa Hook. f. | |
| Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 98 (1890) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Thwaites 2173 (holotype not designated: W) |
| Thwaites 2173 - Sri Lanka [type @ W] |
Peperomia congerro Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 480 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 7537a (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 7537a - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia congesta Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 68 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt 3523 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt 3523 - Peru [isotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia congestifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 207 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37490 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37490 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia congestispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 32 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 62 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 62 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia congona Sodiro  | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 137 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Mille s.n. Oct 1899 (holo-: Q; iso-: G-DC, S) |
| Mille s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia conjugata Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 63 (1815) |
| Peru - type: von Humboldt 3573 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt 3573 - Peru [isotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia conjunctrix Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Curtiss 2460** (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| USA (BR, K, MICH, US) |
| Curtiss 2460** - USA [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia conjungens Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 45 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Standley 31343 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 3134 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia connixa Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 717 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16353 (holo-: GH; iso-: G, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 16353 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia conocarpa Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 332 (1938) |
| El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras - type: Yuncker 6189 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, MICH, MO, S, US), Mexico |
| Yuncker 6189 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia conserta Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 114 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 9120 (holo-: COL, US [fragm]) |
| Cuatrecasas 9120 - Colombia [holotype fragment @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia consociata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seemann 155 p.p. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (K) |
| Seemann 155 - Panama [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, K specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia consoquitlana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 379 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 137 (holo-: C) |
| Liebmann 137 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia constanzana C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 187 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: von Türckheim 3593 (holo-: B) |
| von Türckheim 3593 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia consuelana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Taylor 163 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dom. Republic (NY) |
| Taylor 163 - Dom. Republic [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia contracta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12837 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12837 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 648; Steyermark, 1984: 217) |
[ Peperomia contradicens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke 28831a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Schwacke 28831a - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, ILL specimen annotation; Yuncker, 1974: 119) |
[ Peperomia contraria Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 24 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H12399 (holo-: B; iso-: S) |
| Ekman H 12399 - Dom. Republic [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia controversa C.DC. ] | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 117 (1905) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5793 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia contrusa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenas 1336 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Cardenas 1336 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia scutilimba Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 275) |
Peperomia conturbans Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 750 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Bro. Antonio Camilo 112 (holo-: ILL) |
| Bro. Antonio Camilo 112 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia conulifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenas 1334 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Cardenas 1334 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia reptans C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 259; Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia conulifera Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 409 (1938); Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 44, fig. (1948) |
| Barbados - type: Eggers 7202 (holo-: US), Guadeloupe |
| Eggers 7202 - Barbados [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. acutifolia Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 578 (1939) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 1620 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL), Martinique |
| Stehlé 1620 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. antiguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1461 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1461 - Antigua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. kerveganti Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 46 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 2324 (NY) |
| Stehlé 2324 - Martinique ['type' @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. matoubana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 46 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 2558 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 2558 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. rosetteana Stehlé ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 3754 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (P) |
| Stehlé 3754 - Martinique [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. stehleae Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Marie Galante - 'type': Stehlé 299 (ILL [fragm], NY) |
| Stehlé 299 - Marie Galante ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. stehlei Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) [nomen]; Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 46 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 24 (lecto-: NY, ILL [fragm]; isolecto-: P) |
| Stehlé 24 - Guadeloupe [lectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. tenuispica Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 46 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 2547 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 2547 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia conulifera var. tivoliana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 46 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 2328 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 2328 - Martinique ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia convexa (Blume) Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 107 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper convexum Blume) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: (holo-: L; iso-: K) |
Peperomia cookiana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 450 (1869) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: P) |
| Degener 3897 - Hawaiian Isl. [specimen @ B] |
[ Peperomia cookiana var. flavinerva (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 67 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia flavinervia C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 6142 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH), (Kaui, Lanai, Maui, Molokai) |
| Rock 6142 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia cookiana var. minutilimba Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 67 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Forbes 766a (holo-: BISH) |
| Forbes 766a - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH] |
| = Peperomia minutilimba (Yunck.) St. John (fide St. John, 1988) |
[ Peperomia cookiana var. ovatilimba (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 67 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia ovatilimba C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Faurie 125 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, P), (Hawaii, Maui, Molokai) |
| Faurie 125 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia cookiana var. pukooana (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 68 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia pukooana C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 120 (holo-: G) |
| Faurie 120 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia cooperi C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 226 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - types: Cooper 141 (syn-: G-DC) & 192 (syn-: G-DC), Pittier 3207 (syn-: US), Mexico |
| Cooper 141 - Costa Rica [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia copelandii Quisumb. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 43: 195, 201 (1930) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Copeland 178 (holo-: PNH [missing]) |
[ Peperomia copeya C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (G-DC, W) |
| Tonduz 12228 - Costa Rica [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, W specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia copeyana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 312 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 123 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12228 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: G; iso-: CR, W) |
| Tonduz 12228 - Costa Rica [type @ W] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia coquimbensis Skottsb. | |
| Acta Horti Gothob. 17: 22 (1947) |
| Chile - type: Skottsberg 832 (holo-: GB; iso-: S) |
| Skottsberg 832 - Chile [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia corazonicola C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 520 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/67 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 2/67 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 1: 187 (1842) |
| Brazil - type: Gardner 119/2 ((lecto-: BM [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 129]; isolecto-: U), Peru |
| Gardner 119/2 - Brazil [type @ BM] |
| Plant in habitat |
Peperomia corcovadensis f. latifolia Yunck.  | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 159 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Kuhlmann s.n. (holo-: SP) |
| Brade 18818 - Brazil [paratype @ RB] |
Peperomia corcovadensis f. longifolia (Dahlst.) Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 159 (1966) (comb. nov. for Peperomia distans f. longifolia Dahlst.) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 7834 (syn-: S) & 8955, Mosén 2568 & 2569 (syn-: S, UPS pp), Schenck 1017 (syn-: S) |
| Glaziou 7834 - Brazil [syntype @ S] |
[ Peperomia cordata Pav. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tafalla s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (G, G-DC) |
| Tafalla s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia hispidula var. muscophila C.DC. (fide de Candolle Candolle, 1866: 133; de Candolle, 1923: 335) |
Peperomia cordata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 485 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 7606 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY, PH) |
| Pennell 7606 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia cordifolia Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 164 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1790 (holotype not designated: PR, PRC) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia dependens (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
Peperomia cordifolia (Sw.) A.Dietr.  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 154 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper cordifolium Sw.) |
| Dominica, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (holotype not designated: BM, S), St. Vincent |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [type @ S] |
| Unpublished drawing (Swartz O.) |
[ Peperomia cordifolia Sesse & Moc. ] | |
| Bot. Results Sessé & Mociño Exp. (1787-1803): 432 (nomen nudum) |
| Mexico - 'type': Sessé & Mociño 159 (F, MA) |
| Sesse & Mociño 159 - Mexico ['type' @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hispidula var. muscophila (C.DC) C.DC. |
Peperomia cordigera Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 158 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 8952 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, K, P) |
| Glaziou 8952 - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia cordigera var. pililamina Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 160 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 18078 (holo-: SP; iso-: NY, RB) |
| Brade 18078 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia cordilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 266 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 691 pp (holo-: P) |
| Jameson 691 - Ecuador [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia miqueliana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
[ Peperomia cordillerana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8964 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, G, GH, ILL, K, L, LY, M, MO, P, PH, PR, PRC, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8964 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cordillerana var. hispida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8239 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BM, CM, G, G-DC, GH, ILL, K, LY, M, MO, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8239 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cordillerana var. oaxacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson 1352 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Nelson 1352 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cordovana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 374 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Bourgeau 1804 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K, P) |
| Bourgeau 1804 - Mexico [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia cordulata C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 137 (1866) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Fendler 265 (holo-: K; iso-: MO) |
| Fendler 265 - Panama [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia cordulatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11600 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11600 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia reptilis C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 500) |
Peperomia cordulatiformis Trel. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 143 (1922) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3806 (holotype not designated: G-DC, NY, US), Colombia |
| Pittier 3806 - Panama [type @ US*] |
Peperomia cordulilimba C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 261 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1197 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1197 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia coriacea Loud. | |
| Hort. Brit. (Loudon) ed. 1: 13 (1830) |
| West Ind. |
[ Peperomia coriaceifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Isern 2305 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (ILL, NY) |
| Isern 2305 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia huacapistanana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 54) |
[ Peperomia coriaceifolia var. cordata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Macbride 4678 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (F, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 4678 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia huacapistanana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 54) |
[ Peperomia coriifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Valerio 712 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (F, G [fragm]) |
| Valerio 712 - Costa Rica [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia cornifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 30 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 10363 (holo-: BISH; iso-: L) |
| Rock 10363 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia obovatilimba C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia cornmanae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cornman 2052 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (US) |
| Cornman 2052 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, US specimen) |
[ Peperomia coroicana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3729 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3729 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia perlongispica Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia coroicoensis Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 237 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3743 (holo-: US) |
| Bang 331 - Bolivia [paratype @ E] |
[ Peperomia coronata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. [2/37] (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/37] - Rcuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide de Candolle, G-DC original identification) |
[ Peperomia corozosana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 25 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H11969 (holotype not designated: B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H11969 - Dom. Republic [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia foraminum C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia correcta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rimbach 269 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, US) |
| Rimbach 269 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia costaricensis C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 228 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 3602 (holotype not designated: BR, G-DC) |
| Pittier 3602 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia costaricensis var. magnifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 266 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (G-DC, US) |
| Cook 266 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia costata G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 72 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 459 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, G, K, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 459 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia costulata C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 506 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Spruce 5552 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, E, NY, TCD, W) |
| Spruce 5552 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia sodiroi C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cotinoides Desv. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gaudichaud s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (P) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1960, P specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cotoneasterifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 33 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24390 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 24390 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia cotopaxiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2929 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2929 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia cotyledon Benth. | |
| Pl. Hartw. 148 (1844) [publ. 1845] |
| Peru - type: Hartweg 833 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, E, G, LD, NY, P, W), Ecuador |
| Hartweg 833 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia coulteri C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 424 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Coulter 1400 (holo-: K; iso-: TCD) |
| Coulter 1400 - Mexico [isotype @ TCD] |
[ Peperomia courtallensis Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 5: 549 (1846) |
| India - type: Wight 2547 (holotype not designated: K) |
| Wight 2547 - India [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia portulacoides var. courtallensis A.Dietr. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
Peperomia cowanii Yunck. | |
| Brittonia 8: 234 (1957) |
| Brazil - type: Cowan 38219 (holo-: NY; iso-: K, NY, RB, US) |
| Cowan 38219 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia cowellii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 201 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| St. Kitts (NY) |
| Britton 201 - St. Kitts [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard 1972, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cranwelliae Yunck. ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 19: 259 (1949) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Cranwell 3174 (holo-: BISH) |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendle | |
| Journ. Bot. 50: 177 (1912) |
| Jamaica - types: Macfadyen s.n. (K); Hart s.n.; Harris 8104 (BM), 8321, 10140 pp (BM); Nichols 32 (K, US) & Cuba: Wright 1689 (G-DC, K) (holotype not designated) |
| Harris 8104 - Jamaica [syntype @ BM] |
Peperomia crassifolia Baker | |
| Fl. Trop. Afr. 6(1): 154 (1909) |
| Uganda - type: Scott Elliot 7928 (holotype not designated: BM, K) |
| Scott Elliot 7928 - Uganda [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia crassifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nash 1260 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) (NY) |
| Nash 1260 - Haiti [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia crassilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 516 (1898) (as crassilimbus, corrected according to ICN art 23.5) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro Jan 1897 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341]) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jan 1897 - Ecuador [lectotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia miqueliana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
Peperomia crassispica Trel.  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 328 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H4762 (lecto-: S [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 356]; isolecto-: B, EHH, G, ILL, K, US) |
| Ekman H4762 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia crassiuscula Millsp. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 2: 33 (1900) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Millspaugh 1628 (holo-: F) |
| Millspaugh 1628 - Mexico [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 334) |
Peperomia crassulicaulis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 33 (1936) (as crassiculaecaulis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24355 (holo-: US; iso-: F, G) |
| Killip 24355 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia credenda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4778 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Skutch 4778 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia crenaia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 34983 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 34983 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cretifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13183 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (C, US) |
| Pringle 13183 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia crinicaulis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 286 (1898) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 8942 (holo-: G; iso-: G, K, P) |
| Glaziou 8942 - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat |
Peperomia crinigera Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 33 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 45 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 45 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia crispa Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 156 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: B, ILL, P, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Apr. 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pichincha) |
Peperomia crispipetiola Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 196 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37455 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37455 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia crispipila Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 322, 330 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H4612 (holo-: B; iso-: C, DAV, EHH, GH, ILL, K, S, U, UC, US) |
| Ekman H4612 - Haiti [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia cogniauxii Urb. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia cristobalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89736 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89736 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1937) |
[ Peperomia croceifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 8827 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 8827 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trel. & Yuncker, 1950 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994 ) |
Peperomia croizatiana Steyerm. | |
| Acta Bot. Venez. 6: 85 (1971) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 100371a (holo-: VEN; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 100371a - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia crotalophora Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 34 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5644 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, ILL) |
| Macbride 5644 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia cruciata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 34 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 343 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 343 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
[ Peperomia crucium Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 5537 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 5537 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 566) |
Peperomia cruciummontis Trel. | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 46 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2415 (holo-: MA) |
| Cuatrecasas 2415 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia cruegeriana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Crueger 89 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (K) |
| Crueger 89 - Trinidad [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Yuncker s.d., K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cruentata Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 302 (1940) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Woodson 1941 (holo-: MO; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Woodson 1941 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia crusculibacca Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 34 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 90 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 90 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia crustifera Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 244 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Gehriger 202 (G, US) |
| Gehriger 202 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia ilaloensis Sodiro (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia cruzeirensis Carv.-Silva, E.F.Guim. & P.S.Câmara | |
| Syst. Bot. 38(3): 572 (2013) |
| Brazil - type: Pruski 3491 (holo-: INPA) |
| Maas 12939 - Brazil [paratype @ K] |
[ Peperomia cruzverdeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 323 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 323 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 642) |
Peperomia crypticola C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 472 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1831 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: RB) |
| Damazio 1831 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia cryptolepida Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 206 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 48932 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 48932 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia cryptopoda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 5571 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Pittier 5571 - Panama [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. (fide Trelease 1927: 49; Mathieu 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cryptostachya Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 674 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 20411 (holo-: US; iso-: GH) |
| Hitchcock 20411 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia cryptotricha Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 244 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Pittier 6213 (ILL [fragm], US) |
| Pittier 6213 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia reflexa (L. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 30 (1798) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru - type: Weberbauer 1684.(neo-: B [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 132]) |
| Weberbauer 1684 - Peru [neotype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia cuadrillito Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33685 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33685 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 506; Yuncker, 1962: 188) |
Peperomia cuatrecasasana Trel. | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 46 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2413 (holo-: MA) |
| Cuatrecasas 2413 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia cubana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 413 (1869) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 504 (syn-: K; isosyn-: BR, G-DC), Martinique - type: Sieber 6 (syn-: B [missing]: isosyn-: BM, P, PRC, W), St.Croix - type: Richard s.n. (syn-: P), West Ind. - type: West s.n. (syn-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia cubana f. platana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 19 (1926) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba - 'type': Ekman 14780 (B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14780 - Cuba ['type' @ S] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia cubensis C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 142 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 499 (holo-: G-DC: iso-: BR, G, MO, S), Jamaica |
| Wright 499 - Cuba [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia cubensis var. haitensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 323, 331 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H3684 (holotype not designated: ILL, S, US) |
| Ekman H3684 - Haiti [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia cubensis C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia cubensis var. potrerillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14001 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14001 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: III 14) |
[ Peperomia cubilquitziana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 478: 57 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'type': Bartlett 12583 (ILL, MICH) |
| Bartlett 12583 - Guatemala ['type' @ ILL] |
Peperomia cubugonana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 522 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 12966 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Cuatrecasas 12966 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia cubugonensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12963 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12963 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia choroniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 729) |
Peperomia cuchumatanica Véliz | |
| Cactus Aventures International 73(2): 2 (2007) |
| Guatemala - type: Véliz 6071 (holo-: BIGU; iso-: AGUAT, BIGU, F, EAP, K, MEXU, NY, MO, US) |
| Véliz 6071 - Guatemala [isotype @ MEXU] |
| Plant in habitat - Guatemala |
[ Peperomia cuernavacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13415 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Pringle 13415 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Bornstein, 1986, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia cueroensis Britton ] | |
| Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 61 (1920) |
| Cuba - type: Britton 12761 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL, US [fragm]) |
| Britton 12761 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia cufodontii Trel. ] | |
| Arch. Bot. Sist. 10: 26 (1934) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cufodontis 509 (holo-: W) |
| Cufodontis 509 - Costa Rica [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia cuilapillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 78047 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 78047 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger 1969, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia culminis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33770 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33770 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia cumbreana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 692 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Hazen 11837 (holo-: PH; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Hazen 11837 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia cumbricola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 5743 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Pennell 5743 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 609; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
[ Peperomia cumulicola Small ] | |
| Journ. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 197 (1921) (nomen nov. for Peperomia leptostachya (Nutt.) Chapm.) |
| USA (Florida) - type: Small 9196 (holo-: NY; iso-: S) |
| Small 9196 - USA [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia humilis var. cumulicola (Small) Ward (fide Ward, 2001) |
Peperomia cundinamarcana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 456 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 2830 (holo-: NY) |
| Pennell 2830 - Colombia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia cuneata Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 429 (1845) |
| St. Vincent - type: Guilding s.n. (holotype not designated: K) |
| Guilding s.n. - St. Vincent [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia cuneifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 146 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper cuneifolium Jacq.) |
| Venezuela |
| Icon. Plant. Rar. Vol 2 tab.214 (1786-1793) |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia cuneifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 369 (1923) [key] (junior homonym) |
| Jamaica |
| = Peperomia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Hook. (fide Schroeder, 1926) |
Peperomia cuprea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 35 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 354 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Schunke 354 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia cuprea var. cordulifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 35 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 379 (holo-: F) |
| Schunke 379 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia cupularis Urb. | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 190 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - types: Fuertes 863 (syn-: B; isosyn-: PR) & 1006 (syn-: B; isosyn-: BM, G-DC, HBG, L, S) |
| Fuertes 1006 - Dom. Republic [isosyntype @ S] |
[ Peperomia curoniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 235 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 235 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia bangii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia curruciformis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 35 (1936) (as currucaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Killip 24542 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 24542 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia curticaulis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 36 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26773 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 26773 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia curtipes Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 36 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26019 (holo-: US; iso: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 26019 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia curtipes var. contracta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 36 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24726 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 24726 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia curtispica C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 166 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 651 (holo-: BM, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: NY) |
| Gibbs 651 - Fiji Islands (Viti Levu) [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia curvamenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 298 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (BA, ILL, LIL, US) |
| Venturi 298 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia theodori Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 189) |
Peperomia cushiana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 36 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4816 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, ILL, S, US) |
| Macbride 4816 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia cusilluyocana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 37 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14016 (holo-: F, G [fragm], GH, NY, PH) |
| Pennell 14016 - Peru [isotype @ PH] |
Peperomia cuspidata Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 74 (1900) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 502 (holo-: B; iso-: G, GH, P, TCD, W, YU) |
| Wright 502 - Cuba [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia cuspidatispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18788 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 18788 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. |
[ Peperomia cuspidifera Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro Aug 1904 [2/47] (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cuspidilimba C.DC. (fide Trelease, in manuscript) |
[ Peperomia cuspidigera Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 161 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Mar 1901 (holotype not designated: B, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jan 1901 - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia cuspidilimba C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 261 (1920) |
| Ecuador - types: Sodiro s.n. Aug. 1904 (syn-: G); Sodiro s.n. Dec 1904 (syn-: B) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1904 - Ecuador [syntype @ G] |
[ Peperomia cuzcoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8129a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (GH, ILL, K, UC) |
| Mexia 8129a - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alatiscapa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 139) |
Peperomia cyclaminoides A.W.Hill | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 149 (1907) |
| Bolivia - type: Fiebrig 2488 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G-DC, M, U, US) |
| Fiebrig 2488 - Bolivia [isotype @ U] |
| Plant in habitat - Bolivia |
Peperomia cyclophylla Miq. | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 219 (1852) [nomen]; Bot. Voy. Herald 5: 198 (1854) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru - type: Spruce 4937 (holo-:G; iso-: BM, BR, C, E, K, MPU, P, S, TCD, W), Venezuela |
| Spruce 4937 - Peru [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia cyclophylla C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 444 (1869) (junior homonym) |
| Peru - types: Spruce 517 (syn-: K; isosyn-: F) & 4937 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BM, BR, C, E, K, P, S, TCD, W), Seemann 607 (syn-: K; isosyn-: BM) |
| = Peperomia cyclophylla Miq. |
Peperomia cyclophylla f. zulianensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 80 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark: 122730 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO, NY) |
| Steyermark 122730 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia cyclophylla var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 9 (1893) |
| Paraguay - type: Balansa 4534 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 130]; isolecto-: G-DC, P) |
| Balansa 3151 - Paraguay [syntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia cylindribacca C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 370 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 123 (1926) [emend.] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5273 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 5273 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia cylindrica (Raddi) G.A.Queiroz, E.F.Guim. & Delprete
Queiroz, E.F.Guim. & Delprete, | |
| Taxon 72(4): 887 (2023) (comb. nov. for Piper cylindricum Raddi) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. (lecto-: PI 55260 [designated Guimarães et al., 2023]; isolecto-: FI043385) |
| Raddi s.n. - Brazil [lectotype @ FI*] |
Peperomia cymbifolia Pino | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 15 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 5076 (holo-: USM; clono-: C, CM, E, GH, K, MICH, P, S, UC, US) |
| Hutchison 5076 - Peru [clonotype @ GH] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru (La Libertad) |
Peperomia cymbifolia var. goodspeedii Pino & Cieza | |
| Haseltonia 11: 108 (2005) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 5274 (holo-: UC; iso-: F, K, MICH, MO, NY, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 5274 - Peru [holotype @ UC] |
Peperomia cymbifolia var. occidentalisr Pino & L.E.Alomía | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 11 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Pino 3634 (holo-: USM) |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia cymbiformis Hutchison ] | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 15 (2004) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Peru - 'type': Hutchison 5076 (C, CM, E, GH, K, MICH, P, S, UC, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 5076 - Peru ['type' @ UC] |
| = Peperomia cymbifolia Pino (fide Pino, 2004) |
[ Peperomia dadanawana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen de la Cruz 1520 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guyana (CM, F, GH, MO, NY, PH, US) |
| de la Cruz 1520 - Guyana [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 659) |
Peperomia daguana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 696 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 11482 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL) |
| Killip 11482 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 305 (1923) [key] |
| Brazil - type: Malme 1808 (holo-: S) |
| Malme 1810 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Geneva (Switzerland) |
[ Peperomia dahlstedtii Dus. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 17295 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (B, F [photo], GH, ILL, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Dusén 17295 - Brazil [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia calophylla Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia daiquiriana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 30 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 8140 (lecto-: S [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: B, ILL, NY) |
| Ekman 8140 - Cuba [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia damazioi C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 141 (1907) (as damazii, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1710 (holo-: G-DC; NY [fragm]) |
| Damazio 1710 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia damnata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 7469 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 7469 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker 1949, ILL specimen annotation, with doubt) |
[ Peperomia dantoana Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 274 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8499 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 8499 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia darienensis Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 462, 35 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Folsom 3115 (holo-: BM; iso-: MO) |
| Folsom 3115 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia darisiana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 304 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia jarisiana C.DC.) |
| = Peperomia jarisiana C.DC. |
Peperomia dasystachya Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 416 (1845) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 3229 (holotype not designated: G, P) |
| Mathews 3229 - Peru [type @ G] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia dauleana C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Ecuador - type: André 613 (holo-: G, iso-: P) |
| André 613 - Ecuador [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia davidsonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Davidson 219 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (F, MO) |
| Davidson 219 - Panama [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia amphitricha Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1950; 113; Burger, 1971: 18) |
Peperomia davidsonii Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 102 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Davidson 1029 (holo-: US) |
| Davidson 1029 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia davisii Britton ] | |
| Torreya 2: 43 (1902) |
| St. Kitts Isl. - type: Britton 506 (holo-: NY) |
| Britton 506 - St. Kitts Islands [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Howard, 1972) |
[ Peperomia daweana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dawe 848 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (K, NY, US) |
| Dawe 848 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 745; Callejas, 1999: 793) |
[ Peperomia dawsonii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 333 (1938) (as dawsoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6009 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6009 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia debilipes Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 37 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25545 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 25545 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia debilipes var. dimorpha Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 38 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25591 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 25591 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia debilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehrt 813 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Gehrt 813 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 177; Guimarães & Costa, 1980: 10) |
[ Peperomia debilis var. protracta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 17622 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 17622 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 177; Guimarães & Costa, 1980: 10) |
[ Peperomia decaisnei Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 133 (1843) |
| Reunion - type: Richard 705 (holo-: P; iso-: G, L, U) |
| Richard 705 - Reunion [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia elliptica (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
Peperomia deceptrix Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 38 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 29325 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 29325 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia decipiens C.DC.  | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 493 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8114 (holo-: B) |
| Ule 8114 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia decora Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 173 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 17228 (holo-: C; iso-: BR, G, K, P) |
| Glaziou 17228 - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia decora var. pilosa Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 161 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Sampaio 7374 (holo-: R, NY [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Sampaio 7374 - Brazil [holotype @ R*] |
[ Peperomia decorata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia decora var. pilosa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 161) |
Peperomia decumbens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 128 (1914) |
| Malaysia (Borneo) - type: Gibbs 4125 (holo-: BM; iso-: K) |
| Gibbs 4125 - Borneo [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia decurrens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 143 (1866) |
| Costa Rica, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1169 (holo-: G-DC) [rejected syntype: Fendler 1152 (= type of P. magnoliifolia var. emarginulata) fide de Candolle 1869] |
| Fendler 1169 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia deducta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1082 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MEDEL, SP) |
| Archer 1082 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia defoliata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 644) |
Peperomia deficiens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 38 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 5758a (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 5758a - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia defluens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 333 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4916 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MICH, NY) |
| Yuncker 4916 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
Peperomia defoliata C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 138 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 51 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM), Ecuador |
| Triana 51 - Colombua [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia defoliata var. depilata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Triana 234 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, COL, P) |
| Triana 234 - Colombia [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, P specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia defracta Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 312 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2851 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S) |
| Skutch 2851 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
[ Peperomia defrenata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1544 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio A70 (holo-: F) |
| Valerio A70 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq.. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
Peperomia degeneri Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 25 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Degener 3061 (holo-: BISH; iso-: CAS, ILL, MASS, NY, US) |
| Degener 3061 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia delascioi Steyerm. | |
| Brittonia 40(3): 294 (1988) |
| Guyana, Venezuela - type: Delascio 13161 (holo-: MO; iso-: VEN) |
| Delascio 13161 - Venezuela [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia delecta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 206 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 39097 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 39097 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia panamensis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia delicatissima Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 191 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8002 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 8002 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia delicatissima var. venusta Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1544 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 22567 (holo-: F; iso-: CR, NY) |
| Brenes 22567 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia delicatula Hensch. | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 22 (1873) |
| Bolivia, Brazil - type: Regnell 1107 (holo-: S; iso-: NY, P, S) |
| Regnell III 1107 - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia delicatula var. subovalis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Herzog 2312 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (G-DC, L) |
| Herzog 2312 - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide de Candolle, 1915: 9) |
[ Peperomia deltoidea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leonard 4676 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (US) |
| Leonard 4676 - Haiti [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia demessa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 5385 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 5385 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 144) |
[ Peperomia demissa C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 423 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 743 & 744 (syn-: K, G), Venezuela - type: Moritz 1940 (syn-: BM, G) |
| Jameson 743 & 744 - Ecuador [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia demissa var. gramensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4296a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Mexia 4296a - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia mandioccana Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia demissa var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1743 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, NY, US) |
| Klug 1743 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dendroides Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 38 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3640 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3640 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia dendromorphis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 39 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 7800 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Weberbauer 7800 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. | |
| Linnaea 5: 74 (1830) |
| Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico - type: Schiede Aug 1828 (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336]), Nicaragua |
| Schiede s.n. - Mexico [lectotype @ HAL] |
| Plant in habitat - Costa Rica |
[ Peperomia densibacca C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 186 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: von Türckheim 3179 (holo-: B) |
| von Türckheim 3179 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia nizaitoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
[ Peperomia densiflora C.DC. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 150 (1900) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Brazil - 'types': Glaziou 5995 & 6002 (C) |
| Glaziou 6002 - Brazil ['type' @ C] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia densifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 396 (1890) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'type': André 2491 (K) & 2547 (K) |
| André 2491 - Colombia ['type' @ K] |
[ Peperomia dentulibractea C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 32 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 6139 (holo-: BISH, G [drawing]) |
| Rock 6139 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. (fide Yuncker 1933: 29) |
[ Peperomia deodorata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 39 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 381 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Schunke 381 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia caucana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336) |
[ Peperomia depauperata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tate 355 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (K) |
| Oersted 963 - Nicaragua [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, Oersted 963, C specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia depauperata var. sesseana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 162 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (ILL, MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 162 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia dependens Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 33. t. 48. f. a. (1798) |
| Jamaica, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón 271 (holo-: MA; iso-: G) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 271 - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham.  | |
| Linnaea 5: 75 (1830) |
| Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico - type: Deppe 12 (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337]), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Deppe 12 - Mexico [lectotype @ HAL] |
[ Peperomia deppeana f. sellowiana (Miq.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 166 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia sellowiana Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n.((lecto-: U [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 130]; isolecto-: K, U) |
| = Peperomia catharinae Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia deprompta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke 88 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Schwacke 88 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia desamparadana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 1690 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Pittier 1690 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia desfontainesii Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 320 (1927) (nomen nov. for Acrocarpidium rotundifolium Miq.) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep) - type: Poiteau 14 (P), (Haiti) |
| Poiteau 14 - Dom. Republic [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia dextrolaeva St. John ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 17: 171 (1943) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: St. John 13416 (holo-: BISH) |
| Rock 413 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype # BISH*] |
| = Peperomia oahuensis C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia diamantensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5508 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (GH, ILL, US) |
| Mexia 5508 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia brevihirtella Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia diamantinensis Carv.-Silva, E.F.Guim. & P.S.Câmara | |
| Syst. Bot. 38(3): 571 (2013) |
| Brazil - type: Carvalho-Silva 217 (holo-: CEN; iso-: BR, NY, RB) |
| Carvalho-Silva 217 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia diaphana Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 170 (1871); Verh. Kon. Acad. Wetensch. 2, 5: 232 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen III 1109 (holo-: S, NY [fragm]; iso-: G-DC, S, UPS) |
| Henschen III 1109 - Brazil [isotype @ UPS] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia diaphana var. hilariana Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 115 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Sellow 1159 (syn-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing]), Regnell s.n. & Henschen III 1109 (syn-: S, NY [fragm]; isosyn-: G-DC, S, UPS) |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia diaphanoides Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 112 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Malme 522 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL, LD, S, UPS, US) |
| Malme 522 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia diaphanoides var. vincentensis Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 114 (1900) |
| St. Vincent - type: Smith 1645 (iso-: K) |
| Smith 1645 - St. Vincent [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia diaphanophylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 2357 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Loefgren 2357 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 190) |
[ Peperomia dibullana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 528 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Seifriz 528 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quindioensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 555) |
Peperomia dichotoma Regel | |
| Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31(2): 545 (1859) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (holo-: LE, NY [fragm]) |
[ Peperomia dichroophylla Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 157 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: G-DC, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 - Ecuador [type @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dicothoma Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 234 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 234 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hamiltonianifolia Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia diegoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Diego 663 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Diego 663 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 186) |
[ Peperomia diehliana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 39 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Diehl 2526 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm] |
| Diehl 2526 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia diffluxa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3890 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (NY, R, S) |
| Dusén Dusén [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia gracilicaulis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia diffusa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91369 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91369 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia diffusa C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 133 (1866) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1178 (holo-: G; iso-: GH, K, MO, NY, PH) |
| Fendler 1178 - Venezuela [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia digiti-jovis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 2428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Ule 2428 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia digitinervia Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 302 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1221 (holo-: MO) |
| = Peperomia cordulatiformis Trel. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia diguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34718 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, ILL, U) |
| Killip 34718 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia diguana var. fertilior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34800 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Killip 34800 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dilobostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 385 (1923) (nomen nov. for Peperomia macraeana var. nervosa C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Heller 2826 (holo-: G; iso-: E, Z) |
| Heller 2826 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ E] |
| = Peperomia nervosa(Hild.) C.DC. (fide Schroeder, 1926) |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wavwa (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia dimorpha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Nelson s. n. - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia dimorphostachya Trel. ] | |
| Fontqueria 31: 161 (1991) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'type' Mutis 580 (MA, US) |
| Mutis 580 - Colombia ['type' @ MA] |
| = Peperomia subalata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia dimota Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 621 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 58 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: BM, COL, US), Ecuador |
| Triana 58 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia dincorana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 344 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia sincorana C.DC.) |
| = Peperomia sincorana C.DC. |
[ Peperomia dindygulensis Miq. ]  | |
| Syst. Piperac. 122 (1843) |
| India - type: Wallich 6663B (lecto-: K, isolecto-: BM, BR, E, G, G-DC, P, PRC, U) |
| Wallich 6663B - India [isolectotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia dindygulensis var. hirsuta Trimen ] | |
| Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 432 (1895) (as dindigulensis) |
| Sri Lanka |
| = Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) Huber (fide Huber, 1988) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia dindygulensis var. minor ? ] | |
| Herb. specimen s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.?) |
| (U) |
| [specimen @ U] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) Düll (fide Düll, specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia dintelensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeáez 5314 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeáez 5314 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 607; Callejas, 1997: 20) |
[ Peperomia diquota Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18121 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 18121 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia diruptorum Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 302 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1023 (holo-: MO; iso-: ILL, NY, US) |
| Woodson 1023 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia discifolia Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 179 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 (holo-: Q; iso-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
[ Peperomia discifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Liebmann 110 & 116 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (C, G-DC, K, S) |
| Liebmann 110 & 116 - Mexico [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia rupigaudens C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1920) |
[ Peperomia discilamina Trel. ] | |
| Fontqueria 31: 161 (1991) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'type': Mutis 581 (MA, US) |
| Mutis 581 - Colombia ['type' @ MA] |
[ Peperomia discilamina var. fratrorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel 2716 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, MEDEL, US) |
| Bro. Daniel 2716 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrotricha C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 492) |
Peperomia discilimba Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 489 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 15502 (holo-: US; iso-: G, GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 15502 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia discistila C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 257 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 6301 (lecto-: B [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348], G-DC [fragm]; isolecto-: K) |
| Lehmann 6301 - Colombia [lectotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348) |
[ Peperomia discolor C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 463 (1869) (junior homonym) |
| Jamaica - type: Mac Fadyen (holo-: K) |
| Fadyen s.n. - Jamaica [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia discolor (Sw.) Loud. | |
| Hort. Brit. (Loudon) ed. 1: 13 (1830) |
| Jamaica |
Peperomia disjunctiflora Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 162 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E4931 (holo-: NY; iso-: F, G, K, MO, NY, P, US) |
| Camp E4931 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia dispansa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3686 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (K, MO, S, US) |
| Skutch 3686 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia disparifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 29 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Rock 413 (holtype not designated: BISH, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Rock 413 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia disparifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 312 (1937) (junior homonym) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 4436 (holo-: F; iso-: CR) |
| Brenes 4436 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia costaricensis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia dissimilis Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 67 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: van Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: B [Willdenow Herb. 743]) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dissitiflora C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 279 (1898) |
| Martinique - type: Hahn 649 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K [pp]) |
| Hahn 649 - Martinique [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 384) |
[ Peperomia dissitifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 109 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (NY) |
| Maxon 109 - Costa Rica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia dissociabilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 15819 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, G, GH, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 15819 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia distachia Sessé & Moc. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 162 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL, MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 162 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 156 (1831) (as distachya, corrected for Greek basionym - comb. nov. for Piper distachyon L.) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela: type: Plumier [icono-]: Description des plantes de l'Amérique t. 67. 1693 [lecto-: designated Saralegui, 2004] |
| Plumier 1693 tab LXVII - Venezuela [iconotype] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia distachyos f. geminispica (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 86 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia geminispica Trel. & Yunck.) |
| Colombia: - type: Killip 11483 (holo-: GH; iso-: US [fragm]), Ecuador, Venezuela |
| Killip 11483 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia geminispica Trel. & Yunck. (fide Steyermark e.a., 1995) |
| = Peperomia distachya (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia distachyos var. cubensis (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 252 (1902) (comb. nov. for Peperomia cubensis C.DC.) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 499 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, G, MO, PH, S) |
| Wright 499 - Cuba [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cubensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia distachyos var. distachyoides Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 90 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Schenck 982 (holo-: DANV) |
[ Peperomia distachyos var. elegans C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 386 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
[ Peperomia distachyos var. gigantea C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 386 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
Peperomia distachyos var. pubescens C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 264 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 4772 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: F, K) |
| Lehmann 4772 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
Peperomia distachyos var. subrhombica Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 111 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Ortoneda s.n. |
[ Peperomia distans (Miq.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 146 (1900) (stat. nov. for Peperomia myrtifolia var. distans Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Widgren s.n. (S) |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia distans f. longifolia Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 147 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 7834 (syn-: S) & 8955 (syn-: B), Mosén 2568 & 2569 (syn-: S, UPS pp), Schenck 1017 (syn-: S) |
| Glaziou 7834 - Brazil [syntype @ S] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis f. longifolia (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia distans var. caldasiana (C.DC.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 148 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia caldasiana C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell 1110 (holo-: S, iso-: G) |
| Regnell 1110 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia distans var. caparaoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4044 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BM, GH, ILL, MO, NY, P) |
| Mexia 4044 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia disticha Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 83: 302 (1956) |
| Fiji Isl. (Ovalau) - type: Smith 7369 (holo-: US; iso-: BISH, GH, K, L, NY, P, S), (Viti Levu) |
| Smith 7369 - Fiji Islands (Ovalau) [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia distichophylla Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 152 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. (holo-: QPLS; iso-: S) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia distractiflora Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 40 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 214 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 214 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia divaricata Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 203 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3724 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, HBG, ILL, NY, UPS) |
| Buchtien 3724 - Bolivia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia divaricata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 9298 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 9298 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia divaricata var. emacrescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 6985 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (PH) |
| Pennell 6985 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia divaricata var. furcans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7598 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, K, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 7598 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia divaricata var. suboppositifolia Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 19197 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 19197 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia divaricatopaniculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 9582 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 9582 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia diversa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Appolinar 90 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Bro. Apolinar Maria 90 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, US specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
Peperomia diversifolia Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 64 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt 2130 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt 2130 - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia diversifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11833 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11833 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia diversifolia var. cochana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11826a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11826a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia puberulicaulis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia diversifolia var. perplexans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1157 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11579 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia dodecatheontophylla Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 48 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 2800 (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Pittier 2800 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dodgei Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 312 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 4782 (holo-: GH; iso-: F, ILL, MO, US) |
| Dodge 4782 - Costa Rica [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia doellii Phil. | |
| Fl. Atacam. 49: 353 (1860) (as dölli) |
| Chile - type: Philippi s.n. (SGO) |
| Philippi s.n. - Chile [holotype @ SGO*] |
Peperomia dolabella Rauh & Kimnach | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 59(1): 3 (1987) |
| Peru - type: Kimnach 2895b (holo-: HEID [only in alcohol]; iso-: HNT) |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia dolabriformis Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 60 (1815) |
| Peru - type: von Humboldt 3526 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt 3526 - Peru [isotype @ P] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Göttingen (Germany) |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. brachyphylla Rauh | |
| Kakteen Sukk. 29(1): 5 (1978) |
| Peru - type: Rauh 38648 (holo-: HEID) |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. confertifolia Yunck. | |
| Brittonia 13(1): 63 (1961) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 1544 (holo-: UC; iso-: US) |
| Hutchison 1544 - Peru [holotype @ UC*] |
[ Peperomia dolabriformis var. curta Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hutchison 5091 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (BR, C, E, F, K, L, M, MICH, MO, NY, P, S, UC, US) |
| Hutchison 5091 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dolabriformis Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. glaucescens C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 424 (1869) |
| Peru |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. grandis Hutchison ex Pino & Klopfenstein | |
| Haseltonia 11: 106 (2005) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 4960 (holo-: UC; iso-: F, G, GH, K, LE, NY, M, MICH, MO, P, S, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 4960 - Peru [isotype @ G] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Peru (Amazonas) |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. lombardii Pino | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 80(5): 233 (2008) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1765 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1765 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| pictures from ptotologue |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. multicaulis Pino & Cieza | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 80(5): 234 (2008) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1909 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1909 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| pictures from ptotologue |
Peperomia dolabriformis var. velutina Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 40 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 3797 (holotype not designated: P) |
| Weberbauer 3797 - Peru [type @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia doleana Trel. ] | |
| Candollea 10: 288 (1946) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Trelease 66 (holo-: ILL) |
| Trelease 66 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia dolichostachya Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 7 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (holotype not designated: B, G-DC, Q, QPLS, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 [type @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dolichostachya var. buxifolia Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC, P) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia dolita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 722 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 722 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia dolosa Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) [nomen]; Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 52 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 155 (lecto-: NY, ILL [fragm]; isolecto-: P) |
| Stehlé 155 - Guadeloupe [lectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia dominicana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 146 (1866) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Poiteau s.n. (holo-: G), Puerto Rico |
| Poiteau s.n.- Dominican Repub. [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia dominicana var. myriantha Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 25 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H11903 (holo-: ILL, iso-: G, S, US) |
| Ekman H11903 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia dominicana C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia dominicana var. roberjotana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 318, 325 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1542 (holotype not designated: B, EHH, G, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H1542 - Haiti [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia dominicana C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia domisilvestris Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 1100 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (BM, F, G, ILL, K, MICH) |
| Schipp 1100 - Honduras [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia emiliana C.DC. (fide Burger, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia donaguiana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 382 (1872) |
| Honduras, Mexico - types: Liebmann 145 (lecto-: C [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: F) |
| Liebmann 145 - Mexico [lectotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia donaguiana var. longifilamentosa C.DC. ]  | |
| Candollea 1: 308 (1923) [key] |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 8992 (holo-:G-DC; iso-: BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, GOET, HBG, ILL, K, L, LY, M, MEXU, MIN, MO, NY, P, PH, PR, PRC, S, UC, US, VT, W) |
| Pringle 8992 - Mexico [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia donaguiana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2016 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia dondonensis Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 341 (1929) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H9643 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, G, S, US) |
| Ekman H9643 - Haiti [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia dondonensis var. caimitensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 341 (1929) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H8945 (holo-: ILL; iso-: S) |
| Ekman H8945 - Haiti [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia dondonensis Trel. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia donnell-smithii C.DC.  | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 291 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 6742 (holotype not designated: G-DC, K, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 6742 - Costa Rica [type @ US] |
Peperomia dorstenioides Standl. & Steyerm. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 244 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 49410 (holo-: F; iso-: US), Mexico |
| Steyermark 49410 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia dotana Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 215 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 42280 (holo-: US), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Standley 42280 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia drapeta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 40 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4122 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 4122 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia drusophila C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 372 (1872) |
| Mexico - types: Liebmann 133 (lecto-: C [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: G-DC) |
| Liebmann 133 - Mexico [lectotype @ C] |
Peperomia dryadum C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 229 (1894) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 3720 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, JE, K, P, W) |
| Hildebrandt 3720 - Madagascar [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia duartei Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 142 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Duarte 1779 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Duarte 1779 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| Plant in habitat |
[ Peperomia duartensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 25 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H12281 (lecto-: ILL [designated Jones, 1986]; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H12281 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. |
Peperomia dubia Balle | |
| Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 16: 400 (1942) |
| Congo - type: Lebrun 2692 (holo-: BR) |
| Lebrun 2692 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia dubitatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12176a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12176a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia duclouxii C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 41 (1914) |
| China - type: Ducloux 4760 (holo-: P) |
| Ducloux 4760 - China [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia heyneana Miq. (fide Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) |
Peperomia duendensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 578 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 18881 (holo-: GH, iso-: COL) |
| Cuatrecasas 18881 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia duenyaensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 63159 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 63159 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia duenyasensis var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 59963 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 59963 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia duenyasensis var. pastonsensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 60820 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 60820 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia duidana Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 354 (1931) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela - type: Tate 438 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL) |
| Tate 438 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia reptans C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia duidana var. aequatoriensis Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Asplund 19676 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (B, G, K, NY, S) |
| Asplund 19676 - Ecuador [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia reptans C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 161) |
[ Peperomia dumeticola C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 569 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1117 (holo-: P) |
| Mandon 1117 - Bolivia [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Foster, 1958) |
[ Peperomia duplicatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Davidson 178 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (F) |
| Davidson 178 - Panama [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970; F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia duplicatispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Dec 1881 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G-DC, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. Dec 1881 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 162) |
[ Peperomia duplicornis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3629 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (K, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Skutch 3629 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, MO & US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia durandii C.DC.  | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 225 (1891) (as durandi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type [candidate lectotype]: Pittier / Tonduz 2015 (BR, G, G-DC, US, Z) |
| Tonduz 2015 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Costa Rica |
[ Peperomia durandii var. oligostachya C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 518 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/63 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: ILL) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/63] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia ternata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia duricaulis Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 302 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1441 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1441 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia dusenii C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 229 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Dusen 436 (holo-: B) |
| Dusén 436 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia dussii C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 231 (1902) |
| Martinique - type: Duss 14 pp (holo-: B) |
| Duss 14 - Martinique [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
Peperomia dyscrita Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 198 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7518 (holo-: BR; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 7518 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia earlei Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 31 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Underwood 872 (holo-: NY) |
| Underwood 812 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ebingeri Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 263 (1966) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Ebinger 165 (holo-: MO; iso-: NY) |
| Ebinger 165 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia eburnea Lind. ] | |
| Cat. General 5: 87 (1871) (nomen subnudum) |
| Colombia |
| = Peperomia eburnea Sodiro (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia eburnea Sodiro  | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 169 (1901) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - Sodiro s.n. Feb 1900 (holo-: Q; iso-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type @ B] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Macipucuna Reserve) |
[ Peperomia eburnea var. maculata Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Feb 1900 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. Feb 1900 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia eburnea Sodiro (fide Mathieu, 2007: 162) |
[ Peperomia eburnea var. robustior Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 725 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 22327 (holo-: F; iso-: COL, NY) |
| Cuatrecasas 22327 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia eburneispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35025 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 35025 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia echinocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80779 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80779 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, 1952) |
Peperomia ecuadorensis C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 507 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 543 (lecto-: P; isolecto-: E pp, P) |
| Jameson 543 - Ecuador [lectotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia edepilata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3801 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (K, NY, S) |
| Skutch 3801 - Costa Rica [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia hispidorhachis Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 164) |
Peperomia edulis Miq. | |
| Linnaea 18: 711 (1844) |
| Mexico - type: Schiede s.n. (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 356]); isolecto-: BM, U) |
| Schiede s.n. May 1829 - Mexico [lectotype @ HAL] |
[ Peperomia edulis var. chinantlana C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 319 (1920) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Mexico - 'type': Liebmann 116 (G-DC, C, K, P, S) |
| Liebmann 116 - Mexico ['type' @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rupigaudens C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1920) |
[ Peperomia edwallii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwall 4548 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Edwall 4548 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia edwardsiae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwards 910 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (F) |
| Edwards 910 - Mexico [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 165) |
Peperomia eekana C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 16 (1913) (nomen nov. for Peperomia hypoleuca var. montis-eeka Hillebr.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing];iso-: BM), Oahu |
| Skottsberg 745 - Hawaiian Isl. [specimen @ GB] |
Peperomia effusa Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 240 (1955) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3732 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, MO, NY, UPS) |
| Buchtien 3732 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia efimbriata Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 226 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: White 164 (holo-: NY; iso-: B, BKL) |
| White 164 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia eggersii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 282 (1898) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Eggers 2165 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, HBG, K, L, M) |
| Eggers 2165 - Dom. Republic [isotype @ B] |
Peperomia egleri Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 143 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Egler 46698 (holo-: NY) |
| Egler 46698 - Brazil [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia egregia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 17286 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 17286 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ekakesara Syam & S.Nampy | |
| Phytotaxa 363(3): 284 (2018) |
| India: Syam Radh 151707 (holo-: CALI) |
| Picture from protologue |
[ Peperomia ekmanii Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 31 (1926) (as ekmani, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14531 (holo-: S: iso-: B, ILL) |
| Ekman 14531 - Cuba [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia ekmanii var. nana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 10402 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 10402 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia elata C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 355 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 124 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Maxon 5582 (holotype not designated: BM, F, GH, US) |
| Maxon 5582 - Panama [type @ US] |
Peperomia elatior G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 365 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-035 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU) |
| Samain 2007-035 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia elbertii C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 314 (1923) [key] |
| Indonesia (Lombok) - type: Elbert 945 (lecto-: L [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340]) |
| Elbert 945 - Indonesia [lectotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia kalimatina C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
[ Peperomia elcaranyoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 13035 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 13035 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1974 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia elegans C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 430 (1869) |
| Panama, Peru - type: Spruce 4871 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, E, K, LD, NY, TDC, W) |
| Spruce 4871 - Peru [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
Peperomia elegantifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 41 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7781 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL) |
| Williams 7781 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia eljutalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31006 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31006 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia elliptica (Lam.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 167 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper ellipticum Lam.) |
| Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion - type: Boivin 1088 (holo-: P; iso-: G, TCD, UPS) |
| Boivin 1088 - Reunion [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia elliptica Link ] | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 64 (1820) (junior homonym) |
| Mauritius, Reunion - type: Heyne s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Heyne s.n. - Reunion [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia mauritiana A.Dietr. (fide Miquel, 1843) |
Peperomia ellipticibacca C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 19 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - types: Faurie 131 (syntype not designated: G, G-DC) & Rock 457 |
| Faurie 131 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia ellipticifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 463 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1171 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, K) |
| Fendler 1171 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
Peperomia ellipticorhombea C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 407 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Mathews s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Mathews s.n. - Peru [type @ K] |
Peperomia ellsworthii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 486 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 7675 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, PH) |
| Killip 7675 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia elmeri C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 761 (1910) |
| Philippines (Mindanao) - type: Elmer 10493 (holotype not designated: BM, E, F, G, G-DC, GH, HBG, K, L, LY, MO, NY, U, US, VT, W, Z) |
| Elmer 10493 - Philippines [type @ G-DC] |
Peperomia elongata Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 62 (1815) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Peru, Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B; iso-: G, P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia elongata Miq. ] | |
| Linnaea 20: 127 (1847) (junior homonym) |
Peperomia elongata var. guianensis Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 290 (1948) |
| Guyana - type: de la Cruz 1197 (holo-: US; iso-: NY), Venezuela |
| de la Cruz 1197 - Guyana [isotype @ NY] |
Peperomia elongata var. piliramea Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 659 (1950) |
| Guyana - type: Smith 2650 (holo-: US; iso-: F, G, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Smith 2650 - Guyana [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia elongatipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Malme 134 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Malme 134 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia elsana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 498 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 34800 pp (holo-: US) |
| Killip 34800 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia elsana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34717 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia 34717 (BM, F, ILL, U, US) |
| Killip 34717 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia tatamana Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia elsana var. margaritana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34865 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 34865 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tatamana Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2007; 167) |
[ Peperomia elsieae Marcusso ] | |
| Phytotaxa 629(1): 93 (2023) (superfluous for Peperomia gracillima (Raddi) E.F.Guim., G.A.Queiroz & Delprete) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. (lecto-: PI 043378; isolecto-: FI 055252) |
| = Peperomia pseudoestrellensis C.DC. |
[ Peperomia emarginata Sessé & Moc. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 155 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 155 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Nelson 1994, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia emarginata De Wild. ] | |
| Rev. Zool. Afr. 8(1) Suppl. Bot. 9 (1920) (junior homonym) |
| Congo - type: Bequaert 3672bis (holo-: BR; iso-: BR) |
| Bequaert 3672bis - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia emarginata Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 33. t. 49. f. a. (1798) |
| Colombia, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón. s.n. (lecto-: MA [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto- MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón. s.n. - Peru [lectotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia emarginata var. luta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70027 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia emarginatifolia J.Mathew | |
| Species 19: 164 (2018) |
| India - type: Mathew 4713 (holo-: MSSRF; iso-: MSSRF) |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 437 (1869) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guadeloupe - type: Forström s.n. (holo-: S), Guyana, Hispaniola (Haiti), Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Venezuela |
| Forström s.n. - Guadeloupe [type @ S] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Göttingen (Germany) |
[ Peperomia emarginella f. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 235 (1911) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 1350 (iso-: US) |
| Buchtien 1350 - Bolivia [isotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Foster, 1958) |
[ Peperomia emarginella var. exilis (Miq.) Stehlé ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 576 (1939) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium exile Miq.) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 519 (BM, BR, G, GOET, G-DC, MA, P, PH, S, TCD, W) |
| Wright 519 - Cuba [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
[ Peperomia emarginella var. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 287 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8002 (holo-: G; iso-: BR) |
| Tonduz 8002 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia emarginella var. ovalis Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 711 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 20458 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Hitchcock 20458 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia emarginulata C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 433 (1869) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru - type: Mathews 1687 (lecto-: K [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 351]; isolecto-: E, K) |
| Mathews 1687 - Peru [isolectotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia emendata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Triana 61 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (COL) |
| Triana 61 - Colombia [photo of specimen @ COL] |
| = Peperomia tristachya Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007: 168) |
[ Peperomia emerita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 2441 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dryander 2441 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 169) |
Peperomia emiliana C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 292 (1899) |
| Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 6740 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, K, US), Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama |
| Donnell-Smith 6740 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia enantiostachya C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 514 (1898) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. & s.d.(lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348]; iso-: F, QPLS), Peru |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [lectotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348) |
[ Peperomia enantiostachya var. distachya Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 206 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Tate 672 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 672 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia biamenta Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 700) |
[ Peperomia encanoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia-Barriga 7817 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, NY, US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 7817 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia enckeifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 42 (1936) (as enkeaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Killip 29201 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 29201 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper |
Peperomia endlicheri Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 102 (1843) |
| New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: W), Samoa, Solomon Isl. |
| Bauer s.n. - Norfolk Isl. [isotype @ W] |
Peperomia endlicheri var. fijiana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 32 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Kambara) - type: Smith 1282 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 1282 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia endlichii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 321 (1920) |
| El Salvador, Mexico - type: Endlich 1457 pp (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm]) |
Peperomia enenyasensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 42 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25654 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 25654 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia enervis von Mueller & C.DC. | |
| The Victorian Naturalist 8: 109 (1891) |
| Australia - type: Johnson s.n. (lecto-: MEL; isolecto-: BRI [designated Forster 1993: 101]) |
| Johnson s.n. - Australia [lectotype @ MEL*] |
| Plant in habitat (Queensland - Australia) |
[ Peperomia enganyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34830 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 34830 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 605) |
[ Peperomia ephemera Ekman ] | |
| Arkiv. Bot., Stockh. 22A(9): 20 (1929) (nomen nudum) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - 'type': Ekman H9755 (EHH, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H9755 - Haiti ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343) |
Peperomia epidendron C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 379 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 140 (holo-: C) |
| Liebmann 140 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia epihippii St. John | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: St. John 25347 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, PTBG) |
| St. John 25347 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ PTBG*] |
[ Peperomia epilobioides Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 551 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 6618 (holo-: US; iso-: K, NY) |
| Pennell 6618 - Colombia [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia epilobioides var. glabrilimba Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 552 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 19298 (holo-: ILL; iso-: COL, F, NY, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 19298 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata f. glabrilimba (Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia epipetrica Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 462, 41 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 20561 (holo-: CR; iso-: F, K, MO) |
| Hammel 20561 - Costa Rica [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia epiphytica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duss 3248 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guadeloupe (US) |
| Duss 3248 - Guadeloupe [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia epipremnifolia D.Monteiro & Leitman | |
| Phytotaxa 258(3): (2016) |
| Brazil - type: Monteiro 556 (holo-: RB; iso-: CEPEC, NY) |
| Monteiro 556 - Brazil [holotype @ RB*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia erasmia (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 397 (1869) (comb. nov. for Erasmia floribunda Miq.) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 78 (holotype not designated: C, K, U) |
| Liebmann 78 - Mexico [isotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia erasmiiformis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) (as erasmiaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Venezuela - type: Pittier 13985 (holo-: F; iso-: B, US) |
| Pittier 13985 - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia erecta C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 268 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Eggers 15235 (holo-: M; iso-: F, GH, K, L, P, US ) |
| Eggers 15235 - Ecuador [isotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia tristachya Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia erikii Yunck. ] | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 53: 47 (1959) |
| Ecuador - type: Asplund 16755 (holo-: S; iso-: NY) |
| Asplund 16755 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia eripipunctulata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 333 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6079 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6079 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia ernstiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 422 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1163 (holo-: G; iso-: G, K, MO, P) |
| Fendler 1163 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 597) |
[ Peperomia erosa Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. Specimen Hutchison 3639 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (UC, USM) |
| Hutchison 3639 - Peru [specimen @ UC] |
| = Peperomia erosa Hutchison ex Pino (fide Pino et al., 2012: 8) |
Peperomia erosa Hutchison ex Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 8 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 3639 (holo-: UC; iso-: USM) |
| Hutchison 3639 - Peru [holotype @ UC] |
[ Peperomia eruptans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12980 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12980 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia albispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 171) |
[ Peperomia erythematostela Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 9764 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL) |
| Killip 9764 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trichopus Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia erythrocaulis G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 76: 224 (2006) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 484 (holo-: BR; iso-: MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 484 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plants at type locality - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia erythroclada C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 28 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Lanai) - type: Rock 8001 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH) |
| Rock 8001 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia erythroclada var. picta (Hillebr.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 106 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia macraeana var. picta Hillebr.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia erythrocorma Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 43 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4678 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL, G) |
| Macbride 4678 - Peru [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia huacapistanana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 54) |
Peperomia erythrophlebia Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 200 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33418 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]) |
| Standley 33418 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia erythropremna Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 27 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Shäfer 13784 (holo-: NY; iso-: US) |
| Shäfer 13784 - Cuba [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia erythrospicata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 463, 41 (2020) |
| Honduras - type: Davidse 34897 (holo-: MO; iso-: HUA) |
| Davidse 34897 - Honduras [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia erythrostachya Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 43 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4667 (holo-: F; iso-: B, NY, US) |
| Macbride 4667 - Peru [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia escasuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chrysler 5459 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Chrysler 5459 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Jones 1985, ILL specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1946) |
[ Peperomia escuintlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 5761 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Kellerman 5761 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia floresensis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 172) |
[ Peperomia escuintlana var. trimetralis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 2441 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 63374 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia floresensis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 172) |
[ Peperomia eslabana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 11700 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (BH, C, E, F, GH, K, L, MICH, US) |
| Pringle 11700 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1920) |
Peperomia esmeraldana C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 263 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 64 (holo-: G; iso-: F) |
| Sodiro s.n. [64] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia esmeraldana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Biolley 7259 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (F, G, US) |
| Biolley 7259 - Costa Rica [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia esperanzana Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 222 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 35357 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 35357 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia espinosae Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 735 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Espinosa 718 (holo-: US) |
| Espinosa 718 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia esquirolii Léveillé ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 149 (1911) |
| China - type: Esquirol 710 (holo-: E, iso-: K) |
| Esquirol 710 - China [holotype @ E] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
Peperomia estaminea C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 47 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Forsyth Major 108 pp (holo-: G; iso-: G) |
| Forsyth Major 108 pp - Madagascar [isotype @ G] |
Peperomia estrellana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 43 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23064 (holo-: US; iso-: MA, NY) |
| Killip 23064 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia estrellensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cooper 5923 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (K, US) |
| Cooper 5923 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease, 1929: 223; Burger, 1971: 74) |
[ Peperomia estrellensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 421 (1869) |
| Brazil - types: Pohl 4702 (syn-: W) & Sellow s.n. (syn-: B [missing]; isosyn-: P, U) |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia estremana C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 5791 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (B, G, MG) |
| Ule 5791 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia juruana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1905) |
[ Peperomia euosma Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 29 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 18691 (holotype not designated: ILL, S) |
| Ekman 18691 - Cuba [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL type specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia euosma var. rangeliana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Alain 19537 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Alain 19537 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia euryanthelia Diels ] | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 78 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 963 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 963 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia omnicola var. oblanceolata Trel. (fide Trelease & Yunck, 1950) |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia evadens Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 9: 211 (1941) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 330 (holo-: NY; iso-: P) |
| Stehlé 330 - Martinique [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia evenayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Krukoff 10684 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (F, GH, K, LIL, LP, MICH, NY, S, US) |
| Krukoff 10684 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia ewanii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 573 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Ewan 16574 (holo-: ILL; iso-: BM, NA, NO, S), Ecuador |
| Ewan 16574 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia exagitata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 586 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, S, R) |
| Dusén 586 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subternifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia exauctorata Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 10(2): 44 (1952) (nomen nudum) |
| Uruguay - 'type': Herter 2008a (U, Z) |
| Herter 2008a - Uruguay ['type' @ Z*] |
| = Peperomia tenera Miq. (fide Trelease & Herter, 1952) |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia exclamationis G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 367 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-045 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU, MO) |
| Samain 2007-045 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plant (type collection) |
Peperomia exigua (Blume) Miq.  | |
| Syst. Piperac. 77 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper exiguum Blume) |
| Angola, Cameroon, Comoros Isl., Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia - type: Blume s.n. (holo-: L), Kenya, Malawi, New Guinea, Nigeria, Oman, Philippines, Thailand, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
| Blume s.n. - Indonesia [holotype @ L*] |
[ Peperomia exigua var. freireifolia (A.Rich.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 403 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia freireifolia A.Rich.) |
| Ethiopia - type: Schimper 1942 (holotype not designated: BM, BR, G, G-DC, GOET, HAL, HOH, JE, K, L, LG, LY, M, MPU, P, PR, S, TUB, UPS, VT, W) |
| Schimper 1942 - Ethiopia [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia exigua (Blume) Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 355) |
[ Peperomia exiguicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Wright 509 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (BR, G-DC, NY, P, S, TCD, W) |
| Wright 509 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia exiguipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 3522 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Loefgren 3522 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subternifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia exiguispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 44 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 5331 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Williams 5331 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia exilamenta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 44 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 5722 (holo-: F; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Williams 5722 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia exiliramea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 44 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28768 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 28768 - Peru [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia exilis (Miq.) Griseb. ] | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 164 (1864) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium exile Miq.) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 519 (BM, BR, G, GOET, G-DC, MA, P, PH, S, TCD, W) |
| Wright 519 - Cuba [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Boldingh, 1909) |
[ Peperomia exilispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Müller 1459 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (L, NY, W) |
| Müller 1459 - Mexico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2005, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia exoleta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 5603 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 5603 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia suratana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia exoluta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Balls 5786 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, CAL, K, US) |
| Balls 5786 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia expallescens C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 23 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH), (Molokai) |
| Rock s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia expallescens var. brevipilosa Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 105 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Forbes 1942 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, K, NY, P, US) |
| Forbes 1942 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia expallescens C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia expolita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 570 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MA, US) |
| Mutis 570 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia expulsa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33393 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33393 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1947, US specimen annotation & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia exuberantifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 313 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 6140 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL) |
| Dodge 6140 - Costa Rica [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia facatativana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Arbeláez 5315 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Arbeláez 5315 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia fagerlindii Yunck. | |
| Amer. J. Bot. 43: 167 (1956) |
| Ecuador - type: Fagerlind 2680 (holo-: S) |
| Fagerlind 2680 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia falanana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 454 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 8345 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Garcia-Barriga 8345 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia falcata Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 83: 300 (1956) |
| Fiji Isl. (Taveuni) - type: Smith 8363a (holo-: US) |
| Smith 8363a - Fiji Islands [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia falcigera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1740 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Miller 1740 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 178) |
Peperomia falconensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 95 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Liesner 7729 (holo-: VEN; iso-: HUA, MO) |
| Liesner 7729 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia fallens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 8815 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S, US) |
| Dusén 8815 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia falsa A.W.Hill | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 151 (1907) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 451 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia falsepaniculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1911a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Haught 1911a - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora var. perrubescens Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia famelica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 45 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23961 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 23961 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia farctifolia Trel. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 653 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Klug 1624 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, F, GH, MO, NY, S) |
| Klug 1674 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Gentry & Mathieu, 1978 & 2005, MO type annotation) |
[ Peperomia farctipetiola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2392 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, K, MICH, P, PH, S, US) |
| Morton 2392 - Mexico [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 180) |
[ Peperomia fasciculata Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 181 (1901) (nomen nov. for Peperomia parvula Sod.) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jun 1899 (holotype not designated: G, P, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia fasciculaticaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 259 (nomen herbariorum); Flora de la Real Exp. Bot. del Nuevo Reyno de Granada 13: 32 (1997) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia (MA) |
| Mutis 259 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007: 180) |
[ Peperomia fastigii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29887 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29887 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia fatoana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 357 (1923) [key] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3902 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 3902 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia var. fatoana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1927) |
Peperomia faucium-bovis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 313 (1937) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Dunlap 338 (holo-: F) |
[ Peperomia fauriei Léveillé ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 151 (1911) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 108 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, BM, G) |
| Faurie 108 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia ligustrina Hillebr. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia fawcettii C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 295 (1907) |
| Jamaica - type: Fawcett 8362 (holo-: B; iso-: NY) |
| Fawcett 8362 - Jamaica [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia fendleriana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 460 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1174 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K, MO) |
| Fendler 1174 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia fenestrellata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Laureano Javier 46 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Laureano Javier 46 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007: 181) |
Peperomia fenzlii Regel | |
| Acta Horti Petrop. 6: 293 (1879) (as fenzlei, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| unknown origin - type: cultivated plant |
[ Peperomia feracissima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4807 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Skutch 4807 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger 1970, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia fernandeziana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 139 (1843) |
| Chile (Juan Fernandez Isl.) - type: Bertero 1491 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, G-DC, GH, K, MPU, P) |
| Bertero 1491 - Chile [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia fernandeziana f. oblongifolia Skottsb. | |
| Acta Horti Gothob. 17: 27 (1947) |
| Chile - type: Skottsberg 1202 (holo-: S) |
| Skottsberg 1202 - Chile [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia fernandopoiana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 134 (1866) |
| Cameroon, Equat.Guinea, Equat.Guinea (Bioko) - type: Mann 394 (holo-: K), Gabon, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda |
| Ross 516 - Uganda [specimen @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia fernandopoiana var. acutifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 227 (1894) (as fernandopoana var. acutifolia) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 886 |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia fernandopoiana var. butaguensis (De Wild.) Düll | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 116 (1973) (comb. nov. for Peperomia butaguensis De Wild.) |
| Congo - type: Bequaert 3672 (holo-: BR), Rwanda |
[ Peperomia fernandopoiana var. subopacifolia C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 397 (1869) |
| São Tomé - types: Welwitsch 505 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BM, G-DC, LISU, P) & 507 (syn-: K; isosyn-: BM, G-DC ) |
| Welwitsch 507 - Angola [type @ G] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia ferreyrae Yunck. | |
| Amer. J. Bot. 43: 168 (1956) |
| Peru - type: Ferreyra 7592 (holo-: US) |
| Hutchison 4010 - Peru [specimen @ BR] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Ghent University (Belgium) |
Peperomia ferreyrae var. musifolia Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 9 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-091 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-091 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plant (type collection) |
[ Peperomia fertilior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 1358 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (BR, E, LY, US, W) |
| von Türckheim 1358 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia cobana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 181) |
Peperomia ficta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 45 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23989 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 23989 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia fidisalorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jiménez 83 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 83 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tejana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia fiebrigii C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 396 (1916) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Fiebrig 2241 (holo-: B, F [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, G, JE, LD, NY, S, SI, U, US, W) |
| Fiebrig 2241 - Bolivia [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia tominana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia fiebrigii f. glabrata Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 185 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2339 (holo-: US; iso: GH) |
| Buchtien 2339 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Zanotti et al, 2012: 141) |
[ Peperomia fieldiana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 45 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4684 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 4684 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
Peperomia filicaulis C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 282 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Biolley 7434 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BR, CR), Guatemala, Honduras, Panama |
| Biolley 7434 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia filicidecorans Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 333 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6105 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6105 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia filiformis (Sw.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 177 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper filiforme Sw., junior homonym) |
| Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (holo-: S) |
| Published drawing (Swartz O., Ic. Plant. 6., 1794) |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia filiformis Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 47. f. b. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia filipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 14042 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Pittier 14042 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
[ Peperomia filispica C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 285 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 10386 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR, US) |
| Tonduz 10386 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia fimbriata Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 178 (1843) |
| St. Lucia - type: Anderson s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: K) |
| Anderson s.n. - St. Lucia [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia fimbriata f. pilosior Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 179 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, K, P, U, W) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia fimbriata var. gracilior Dahlst. ]  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 162 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mendoza 934 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia fimbriata var. pilosior (Miq.) Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 20 (1852) (stat. nov. for Peperomia fimbriata f. pilosior Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, K, P, U, W) |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia fimbribractea Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 196 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 35897 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 35897 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia costaricensis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia fimbribractea var. sparsipila Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 196 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 32469 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 32469 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia costaricensis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia fimbripetiola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 1299 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, E, F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, PH, W) |
| Bang 1299 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2009) |
[ Peperomia finis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36352 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36352 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia firminii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Firmin 270 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (F, ILL, US) |
| Firmin 270 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC (fide Yuncker & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia fissicola Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 46 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3255 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Macbride 3255 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia fissispica Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 201 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 35055 (holo-: US), Panama |
| Standley 35055 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia flabilis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 46 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 2988 (holo-: F; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Williams 2988 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia flagelliformis Hook. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 423 (1845) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Darwin s.n. (lecto-: CGE; isolecto-: K) |
| Darwin s.n. - Galapagos Isl. [isolectotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
[ Peperomia flagellispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 314 (1937) |
| Panama - type: Dunlap 453 (holo-: US; iso-: F) |
| Dunlap 453 - Panama [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971: 37) |
[ Peperomia flagitans Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 334 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6383 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, S, U) |
| Yuncker 6383 - Honduras [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia flagrans Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) |
| Ecuador - type: Rimbach 847 (holo-: F) |
| Rimbach 847 - Ecuador [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia flaminis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Julio 74 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Bro. Julio 74 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia flavamenta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 46 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Klug 987 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: NY, US) |
| Klug 987 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia flavescens C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 436 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia flavescens var. lechleri Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 47 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Lechler 2691 pp (holo-: K) |
| Lechler 2691 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia flavescens var. markhami Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 47 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Markham 4 (holo-: K) |
| Markham 4 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia flavescentifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 47 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 27142 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 27142 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
Peperomia flavida C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 165 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 549 (holo-: BM, G-DC [fragm], NY [fragm]) |
| Gibbs 549 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia flavida var. pubinervis Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 43 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 2000 (holo-: BISH, iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 2000 - Fiji Isl. [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia flavidinervis C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 473 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1830 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G-DC) |
| Damazio 1830 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia flavinerva C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 24 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 6142 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 6142 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia flavispica Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 48 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Standley 26196 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 26196 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia mameiana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia flexicaulis Wawra | |
| Östr. Bot. Zeitschr. 12: 240 (1862) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Wawra s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia flexicaulis var. microphylla Wawra | |
| Bot. Ergebn. 134 (1866) |
| Brazil - type (cultivated in Schönbrunn - Vienna): Wawra s.n. |
Peperomia flexinervia Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 113 (1950) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Allen 2738 (holo-: MO; iso-: NY) |
| Allen 2738 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia flexuosa Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 30 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Kandavu) - type: Smith 263 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, K, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 263 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia subroseispica C.DC. (fide Smith, 1981) |
Peperomia floresensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 275 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8149 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 8149 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia floribunda (Miq.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 19 (1900) (comb. nov. for Erasmia floribunda Miq.) |
| Mexico - type: Galeotti 6001 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, P, U, W) |
| Galeotti 6001 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia floribunda var. macrophylla (C.DC.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 19 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia macrophylla C.DC.) |
| Guatemala - types: Donnell-Smith 2578 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: US) & 2579 (syn-: US; isosyn-: G) |
| Donnell-Smith 2578 - Guatemala [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia floribunda (Miq.) Dahlst. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. f. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia floridana Small ] | |
| Torreya 26: 109 (1926) |
| USA (Florida) - type: Small 2478 (holo-: NY) |
| Small 2478 - USA [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia var. floridana (Small) Ward (fide Ward, 2012: 477) |
[ Peperomia floridensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 25 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 1560 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: GOET, S) |
| Ekman 1560 - Cuba [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia grisebachii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia fluens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 77530 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 77530 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia fluminigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1449 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Haught 1449 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 481) |
[ Peperomia fluviatilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Usteri s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 149) |
Peperomia fluviatilis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 161 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5785 (holo-: MG; iso-: G, NY) |
| Ule 5785 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia foliata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 47 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 65 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 65 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia foliiflora Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 30. t. 45. f. c. (1798) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón 272 (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 272 - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia foliolifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3408 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Killip 3408 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia cyclophylla Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1950: 84) |
Peperomia foliosa Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 63 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B), Ecuador |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia folsomii Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 463, 43 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Folsom 4220 (holo-: MO; iso-: BM) |
| Folsom 4220 - Panama [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia fontinalis (Roem. & Sch.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 176 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper fontinale Roem. & Sch.) |
| Peru |
| = Peperomia reflexa Kunth (fide Kunth, 1822) |
Peperomia foraminum C.DC.  | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 188 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Fuertes 612 (holo-: B; iso-: G-DC) |
| Fuertes 612 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia forbesii Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 44 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Forbes 276 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Forbes 276 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia formicosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 5229 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 5229 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Jones, 1986, ILL specimen annotation, with doubt) |
[ Peperomia formonensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24: 360 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H7517 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H7517 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia var. alveolata Trel. (Alain) (fide Liogier, 1968) |
[ Peperomia formosana C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 223 (1920) |
| Taiwan - type: Warburg 9338 (holo-: B) |
| Warburg 9338 - Taiwan [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia japonica Makino (fide Mathieu, 2019 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia forsythii C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 50 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Forsyth Major 108 pp (holo-: G; iso-: BM, K) |
| Forsyth Major 108pp - Madagascar [holotype @ G*] |
| = Peperomia trichophylla Baker (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia fortalezana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3019 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (B, ILL, R pp, S, US) |
| Dusén 3019 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia fortipes Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 48 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22589 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 22589 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia emarginulata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type annotation) |
[ Peperomia fortunatoi Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 48 (1936) (as fortunati, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Herrera s.n. (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Herrera s.n. - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 132) |
Peperomia fosbergii Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 46 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: St.John 17078 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| St.John 17078 - Society Islands [isotype @ BISH] |
Peperomia fournieri C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 42 (1914) |
| Mexico - type: Virlet d’Aoust s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: G-DC) |
| Fournier s.n. - Mexico [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia foveolata Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 99 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 36889 (holo-: NY) |
| Maguire 36889 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia fragilis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 551 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Ewan 16509 (holo-: NA; iso-: ILL, US) |
| Ewan 16509 - Colombia [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia fragilissima Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 48 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Spruce s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Spruce s.n. - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia fragrans C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 140 (1866) |
| Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1156 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, K) |
| Fendler 1156 - Venezuela [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia fragrans Ekman ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 18691 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 18691 - Cuba [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia fragrantissima Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 449 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Ewan 16281 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NA, US) |
| Ewan 16281 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia fraijanesana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 202 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47596 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 47596 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia fraijanesana var. sanisidroana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 202 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 50226 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 50226 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia fraijanesana var. subrhombica Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 202 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47602 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 47602 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia franciscana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 9304 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (B, K, NY) |
| Ule 9304 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia acreana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1917) |
Peperomia franciscoi Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 463, 44 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Morales 5985 (holo-: CR; iso-: MO) |
| Morales 5985 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
Peperomia fraseri C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 134 (1866) |
| Ecuador - types: Fraser s.n. [1860] (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G-DC), Peru |
| Fraser s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia fraseri var. guayasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3022 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, GH, US) |
| Haught 3022 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia fraseri C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1947, GH & US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia fraseri var. peltata Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 740 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Espinosa 859 (holo-: ILL; iso-: LOJA, NY) |
| Espinosa 859 - Ecuador [isotype @ LOJA] |
| = Peperomia fraseri C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia fraseri var. resedaeflora C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 703 (1897) |
| = Peperomia fraseri C.DC. (fide Trel & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia freireifolia A.Rich. ] | |
| Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 274 (1850) [1851] (as freireaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ethiopia - type: Schimper 1942 (BM, BR, G, G-DC, GOET, HAL, HOH, JE, K, L, LG, LY, M, MPU, P, PR, S, TUB, UPS, VT, W [holotype not designated]) |
| Schimper 1942 - Ethiopia [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia exigua (Blume) Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia friabilis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 16, 23 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Britton 15452 (holo-: US; iso-: CM, GH, MO, NY, P, S) |
| Britton 15452 - Cuba [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 334) |
[ Peperomia frigidula Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 246 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 89493 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 89493 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
[ Peperomia frionis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90497 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90497 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 519 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/66b (holo-: G; iso-: F, QPLS) |
[ Peperomia fruticetorum var. subanomala (Trel.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 548 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia subanomala Trel.) |
| Ecuador - type: Tate 542 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 542 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia fuertesii C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 189 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Fuertes 1225 (holo-: B, S [fragm]) |
| Fuertes 1225 - Dom. Republ. [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia fugax C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 370 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 99 (holo-: C, iso-: G) |
| Liebmann 99 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia tuerckheimii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2015 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia fugax var. copelandii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen anon. s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL) |
| anon. s.n.- Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tuerckheimii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2015 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia fulvescens Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 674 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 39011 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL) |
| Killip 39011 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia fumeana Stehlé & Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 408 (1938) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 340 (holotype not designated: ILL, P) |
| Stehlé 340 - Guadeloupe [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Howard, 1973, P type annotation) |
[ Peperomia fumeana var. stehlei Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 408 (1938) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 370 (holotype not designated: ILL, NY, P) |
| Stehlé 370 - Guadeloupe [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Howard, 1970, NY type annotation) |
Peperomia fundacionensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 101 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Liesner 10555 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO, NY ) |
| Liesner 10555 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia fundus-oculi Pino, Samain & E.Suclli | |
| Haseltonia 29: 31 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Pino 3340 (holo-: USM) |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia furcans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7598 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# (= Peperomia divaricata var. furcans, nomen. herb.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, K, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 7598 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 647; Steyermark, 1984: 217) |
Peperomia furcata Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 164 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. [1790] (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
[ Peperomia furcifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 3641 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# (as furceifer and furcifer) |
| Jamaica (NY) |
| Britton 3641 - Jamaica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Yuncker, 1978, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia furcivenosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 10131 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# (as furcaevenosa |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, PH, S, US) |
| Killip 10131 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii var. epunctataKunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia furfuracea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 4096 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Pringle 4096 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia furiulispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3022 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38894 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia fuscipunctata Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 165 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E1302 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY) |
| Camp E1302 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia fuscispica C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 260 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 3627 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 3627 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia fuscociliata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 46 (1927) (as fusco-ciliata, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Panama - type: Hayes 519 (holo-: NY) |
| Hayes 519 - Panama [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia fuscopunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18723 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 18723 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia fuscopunctulata var. ternata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18354 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 18354 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, GH specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
Peperomia futunaensis St. John | |
| Pac Sci 25(3): 324 (1971) |
| Futuna - Yen X30 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Yen X30 - Futuna Island [holotype @BISH*] |
Peperomia gabinetensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 593 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 8625 (holo-: US; iso-: COL), Ecuador, Peru |
| Cuatrecasas 8625 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia galapagensis Hook.  | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 426 (1845) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Darwin s.n. (lecto-: CGE; isolecto-: K) |
| Darwin s.n. - Galapagos Isl. [type @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Galapagos Islands |
[ Peperomia galapagensis var. ramulosa (Anderss.) Yunck. ]  | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 18: 230 (1946) (comb. nov. for Peperomia ramulosa Anderss.) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Andersson 103 (holo-: S) |
| Andersson 103 - Galapagos Isl. [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia galapagensis Hook. |
[ Peperomia galeanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 14642 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Hinton 14642 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia galeottiana Hook. ] | |
| Ic. Pl. 4: t. 327 (1841) |
| Mexico - type: Galeotti s.n. (holotype not designated: E) |
| Galeotti s.n. - Mexico [type @ E] |
| = Peperomia mexicana Miq. (fide Hill, 1907) |
[ Peperomia galeottii Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 190 (1843) |
| Mexico - type: Galeotti 6003 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, U) |
| Galeotti 6003 - Mexico [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952: 260) |
[ Peperomia galeottii var. yaveoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 9147 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, G, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Mexia 9147 - Mexico [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia galiifolia Trel. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 227 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: White 166 (holo-: NY; iso-: B, BKL, ILL, K) |
| White 166 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia galioides Kunth  | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 71 (1815) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (lecto-: P [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: B), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| collected in Costa Rica [specimen @ B] |
[ Peperomia galioides var. aparinopsis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 5903 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbálaez 5903 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. aprica Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 37 (1873) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia galioides var. aromatica C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 266 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 3227 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G-DC) |
| Weberbauer 3227 - Peru [isotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia galioides var. cocuyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1337 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1337 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 319 (1920) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 11700 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: ARIZ, BH, C, E, ENCB, F, GH, K, L, MEXU, MICH, US, VT) |
| Pringle 11700 - Mexico [isotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia leptophylla Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia galioides var. glauca Pino | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 20 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 644 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 644 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
[ Peperomia galioides var. longifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 464 (1869) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1120 pp (syn-: G-DC), Colombia - type: Holton 231 (syn-: G-DC), Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 187 (syn-: B), Ecuador - type: Fraser s.n. (syn-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. menkeana (Miq.) C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 464 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia menkeana Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Menke 125 (holo-: BR; iso-: U) |
| Menke 125 - Brazil [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia menkeana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. minutifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 262 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/52 (holo-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. nigropunctulata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 464 (1869) |
| Brazil - type Wawra 441, Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. (syn-: K) |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. paipana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jiménez 82 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 82 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 570) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. saxicola C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 360 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 10279 (holo-: G) |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Guimarães, 1984) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. suratana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16481 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 16481 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia galioides var. umbrosa Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 37 (1873) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia gallitoensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 315 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 21744 (holo-: F; iso-: CR) |
| Brenes 21744 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia garcia-barrigana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 591 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 10931 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Garcia-Barriga 10931 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia garciae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33089 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, ILL, US) |
| Killip 33089 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994 ) |
Peperomia gardneriana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 73 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Gardner 3430 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, K, U, W), Venezuela |
| Gardner 3430 - Brazil [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia garimpoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 4991 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Hoehne 4991 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia garrapatilla Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1544 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio A21 (holo-: F) |
| Valerio A21 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia gatoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 10030 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 10030 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949: I 25) |
Peperomia gatunensis C.DC.  | |
| Candollea 1: 363 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 124 (1926) [emend.] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 2280 (holotype not designated: G-DC, US) |
| Pittier 2280 - Panama [type @ US*] |
[ Peperomia gaudichaudii Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 137 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Degener et al., 1950) |
[ Peperomia gaudichaudii A.W.Hill ] | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 154 (1907) (junior homonym; superfluous for Peperomia umbilicata Ruiz & Pav.) |
| Peru - type: Gaudichaud 150 (holotype not designated: B [missing], G, G-DC, P) |
| Gaudichaud 150 - Peru [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hillii Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
| = Peperomia umbillicata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2006) |
Peperomia gaultheriifolia Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 11 (1902) (as gaultheriaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jul 1902 (holo-: Q; iso-: B, G-DC, P) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia gayi C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 283 (1898) |
| Peru - types: Gay 2310 & 2681 (syn-: P) |
| Gay 2181 - Peru [syntype @ P] |
[ Peperomia gazauntana Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 715 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Grant 10347 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, NA, NY) |
| Grant 10347 - Colombia [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia tropeoloides Sodiro (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
Peperomia gedehana C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 275 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Dihm 1004 pp (holo-: M) |
Peperomia gehrigeri Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 527 (1950) |
| Colombia, Venezuela - type: Gehriger 421 (holo-: US; iso-: F, G, ILL, NY) |
| Gehriger 421 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia gehrtii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehrt 4054 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Gehrt 4054 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, s.d., ILL specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
Peperomia gemella Miq. | |
| Syst. Verz. Ind. Archip. 83, 85 (1854) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Zollinger 2013 (holo-: U; iso-: G, G-DC, P) |
| Zollinger 2013 - Indonesia [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia geminispica Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 700 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 11483 (holo-: GH; iso-: US [fragm]), Ecuador |
| Killip 11483 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia gentianifolia Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 3 (1902) (as gentianaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: B, G-DC, ILL, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 - Ecuador [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia gentryi Steyerm. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74(1): 87 (1987) |
| Ecuador, Venezuela - type: Liesner 16901 (holo-: MO; iso-: NY, U, US, VEN) |
| Liesner 16901 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia georginasensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86001 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86001 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia gerardoi Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 463, 46 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Herrera 3100 (holo-: HUA; iso-: CR, MO) |
| Herrera 3100 - Costa Rica [isotype @ CR] |
Peperomia gibba C.DC. | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 116 (1905) |
| Peru - type: Ule 6322 (holo-: B [missing], F [photo]; iso- HBG) |
| Ule 6322 - Peru [isotype @ HBG*] |
[ Peperomia gibbonsii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 504 (1921) |
| Marshall Isl. - type: Gibbons 1072 (holo-: B) |
| Gibbons 1072 - Marshall Islands [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia ponapensis C.DC. (fide Fosberg, 1975: 15) |
[ Peperomia gibbsiae C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 164 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 883 (holo-: BM) |
| Gibbs 883 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia lasiostigma C.DC. (fide Smith, 1981) |
Peperomia gigantea G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 158 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-158 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-158 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia gigantensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 8335 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 8335 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia gilbertii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 50 (1936) (as gilberti, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Cook 740 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]) |
| Cook 740 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
[ Peperomia gillinii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bond 37 (nomen herbariorum, ined.; as gillini)# |
| Venezuela (ILL, NY, PH) |
| Bond 37 - Venezuela [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia giralana Cuatrec. | |
| Ciencia, Mexico, 24: 121 (1965) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 26890 (holo-: US; iso-: F, VALLE) |
| Cuatrecasas 26890 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 156 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper glabellum Sw.) |
| Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guatemala, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Honduras, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (lecto-: S [designated Howard 1973]; isolecto: G-DC, M), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, USA (Florida), Venezuela, Virgin Isl. |
[ Peperomia glabella var. barbulata C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 325 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 125 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 11034 (holo-: G; iso-: BR; CR) |
| Pittier 11034 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia barbulata (C.DC.) Callejas (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. brachyphylla C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 236 (1902) |
| Cuba, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep. / Haiti) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. caulibarbis (Miq.) Fawc. & Rendle ] | |
| Fl. Jamaica 3: 14 (1914) (comb. nov. for Peperomia caulibarbis Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Gaudichaud 287 (holo-: G) |
| Gaudichaud 287 - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
Peperomia glabella var. eustatiana C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 236 (1902) |
| St. Eustatius - type Suringar s.n. (holo-: L; iso-: L) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. jimenesana C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 236 (1902) (comb. nov. for caulibarbis var. jimenesana C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - types: Donnell-Smith 4929 (syn-: GH; isosyn-: US), Donnell-Smith 6743 (syn-: GH) |
| Smith 4929 - Costa Rica [syntype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. melanostigma Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 122 (1900) |
| Surinam - type: Focke s.n. (U) , Cuba |
| Focke s.n. - Surinam [isotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. microphylla C.DC. ] | |
| Enum. Pl. Guatem. 7: 30 (1905) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'type': von Türckeim 8566 (G-DC, GH, US) |
| von Türckheim 8566 - Guatemala ['type' @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US type annotation) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 98 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia melanostigma var. nervulosa C.DC.) |
| Brazil, Surinam - type: Hostmann 437 (holo-: B; iso-: P), Venezuela |
| Hostmann 437 - Surinam [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. nigropunctata Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 122 (1900) |
| Brazil, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Martinique - type: type: Sieber 6 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: BM, HAL, GH, P, PRC, W), Montserrat, St. Eustatius) |
| Sieber 6 - Martinique [isotype @ HAL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia glabella var. nitidifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 438 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| St. Thomas (NY, US) |
| Britton 438 - St. Thomas [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1987, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. nudipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 590 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Schimpff 682 (holo-: MO) |
| Schimpff 682 - Ecuador [holotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia glabella var. obtusa Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 112 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Batista 5037 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MER, P, US) |
| Batista 5037 - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia glabella var. pseudobrachyphylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Shafer 8675 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY, US) |
| Shäfer 8675 - Cuba [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: II 42; Callejas, 1999: 788) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. suboppositifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 2688 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Jamaica (NY, US) |
| Britton 2688 - Jamaica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1960) |
[ Peperomia glabella var. subrotundifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nash 1119 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (NY, US) |
| Nash 1119 - Haiti [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease, 1927: 329; Liogier, 1996: 379) |
[ Peperomia glaberrima C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 289 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 9943 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, CR, US) |
| Tonduz 9943 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia glabra C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 143 (1866) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1153 (holo-: K; iso-: G, GH, MO, NY, PH) |
| Fendler 1153 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia glabricaulis C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 290 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8689 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: G: iso-: BR) |
| Tonduz 8689 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia glabrilimba C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 46 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 6062 (holo-: P; iso-: P) |
| Baron 6062 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia glabrior (C.DC.) Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 44 (1927) (stat. nov. for Peperomia palmana var. glabrior C.DC.) |
| Panama - type: Maxon 5401 (holo-: US) |
| Maxon 5401 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia glabripes C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 469 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 11578 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: C, G, K, NY, P) |
| Glaziou 11578 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich (Switzerland) |
| = Peperomia glazioui C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia glabriramea C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 370 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 125 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 9943 (iso-: BR, US) |
| Tonduz 9943 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia glabrirhachis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 50 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 211 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 211 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia glanduligera Yunck. ] | |
| Caldasia 6(27): 40 (1953) |
| Peru - type: Soukup 3855 (holo-: US) |
| Soukup 3855 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Brako & Zarucchi, 1993) |
[ Peperomia glanduligera var. villosissima Yunck. ] | |
| Caldasia 6(27): 40 (1953) |
| Peru - type: Soukup 3874 (holo-: US) |
| Soukup 3874 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Brako & Zarucchi, 1993) |
[ Peperomia glandulirostra Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 5739 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (NY, US) |
| Britton 5739 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1960) |
[ Peperomia glandulirostra var. stehleae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 504 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guadeloupe (NY) |
| Stehlé 504 - Guadeloupe [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui 1987, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia glandulirostrea var. stehleae Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 504 (NY) |
| Stehlé 504 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY] |
Peperomia glandulosa C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 398 (1890) |
| Ecuador - type: André 2765 (iso-: K; iso-: NY) |
| André 2765 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia glareosa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 50 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Mexia 6236 (holo-: UC; iso-: B, BH, CAS, CM, F, G, GB, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NO, NY, P, PH, RSA, S, U, US, YU, Z) |
| Mexia 6236 - Peru [isotype @ Z*] |
Peperomia glassmanii Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 22: 105 (1959) |
| Caroline Isl. (Ponape) - type: Glassman 2844 (holo-: BISH; iso-: US) |
| Glassman 2844 - Caroline Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia glazioui C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 380 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou s.n. (holo-: C, G [fragm]) |
| Glazioui s. n. - Brazil [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia glazioui var. elliptifolia Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 160 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 8954 (syn-: P) & 8938 (syn-P; isosyn-: K), Schenck 441 & 8938 |
| Glaziou 8938 - Brazil [syntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia glazioui C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia gleicheniiformis Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 315 (1937) (as gleicheniaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2287 (holo-: US; iso-: K, NY, S) |
| Skutch 2287 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia glen-amesana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jack 7232 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY) |
| Jack 7232 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker 1949 & 1962) |
Peperomia globosibacca C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 49 (1911) |
| Comoros Isl. - type: Humblot [1]143 (holo-: P; iso-: BM, LD, K, P) |
| Humblot [1]143 - Comores Isl. [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia globulanthera C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 14 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10377 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH) |
| Rock 10377 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia globulifera Parodi | |
| Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 6: 93 (1878) |
| Paraguay - type: Parodi s.n. [Aug 1864] |
Peperomia gloriosifolia Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 325 (1927) (as gloriosaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H526 (holo-: B; iso-: GH, S) |
| Ekman H526 - Haiti [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia glutineofructa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 44007 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (ILL, US) |
| Standley 44007 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia glutinosa Millsp. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 1(2): 293, pl. 12 (1896) |
| Mexico - types: Gaumer 435 (syn-: S; isosyn-: F), Pringle 5066 (syn-: GH; isosyn-: MEXU, VT) |
| Gaumer 435 - Mexico [isosyntype @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia goesii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Goës s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| St. Barthélemy (S, UPS) |
| von Goës s.n. - St. Barthélemy [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease, manuscript annotation) |
[ Peperomia goetzeana Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28: 375 (1901) |
| Tanzania - type: Goetze 296 (holo-: B) |
| Goetze 296 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia goldsmithii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Goldsmith 55 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH) |
| Goldsmith 55 - Mexico [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia leptophylla Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia gollii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 10: 156 (1931) |
| Honduras - type: Goll s. n. (holo-: US) |
| Goll s. n. - Honduras [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia goniocaulis Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 157 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: G-DC, P, Q, S) |
| Sodiro s. n. - Ecuador [lectotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia peduncularis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2002, S type annotation) |
[ Peperomia goodspeediana Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hutchison 5274 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (K, MICH, UC, US) |
| Hutchison 5274 - Peru [specimen @ UC] |
| = Peperomia cymbifolia var. goodspeedii Pino & Cieza (fide Pino & Cieza 2005: 108) |
Peperomia gorgonillana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 632 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 33053 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, F, GH, ILL, MICH, P, S, U), Ecuador |
| Killip 33053 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia gorgonillana var. hirsutula Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 632 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 1009 (holo-: GH; iso-: K, L, NY) |
| Lehmann 1009 - Colombia [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia goudotii Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 133 (1843) |
| Mauritius, Reunion - type: Goudot s.n. (holo-: G) |
| Goudot s.n. - Reunion [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia gracieana Görts | |
| Brittonia 50(1): 56 (1998) |
| Brazil, Fr.Guiana - type: Mori 23773 (holo-: NY; iso-: CAY, U) |
| Mori 23773 - French Guiana [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia gracilescens C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 38 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - types: Rock 10386 (isosyn-: BISH) & Remy 186 (isosyn-: P) |
| Remy 186 - Hawaiian Isl. [isosyntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia hirtipetiola C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia gracilicaulis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 162 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 3890 (holo-: S; iso-: NY) |
| Dusén 3890 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia gracilipeduncula Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 324 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Aristeguieta 1958 (holo-: NY) |
| Aristeguieta 1958 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1994) |
[ Peperomia gracilipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Müller s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (NY) |
| Müller s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia gracilipetiolata De Wild. ] | |
| Rev. Zool. Afr. 8(1) Suppl. Bot. 8 (1920) |
| Uganda - type: Bequaert 4323 (holo-: BR) |
| Bequaert 4323 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
Peperomia gracilis Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 159 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 8953 (syn-: B [missing]), Glaziou 14283 (syn-: B [missing]; isosyn-: C, G, P) |
| Glaziou 14283 - Brazil [isosyntype @ P] |
Peperomia gracilispica G.Mathieu | |
| Novon 18(1): 80 (2008) |
| Ecuador - type: Argent 66 (holo-: MO; iso-: QCA) |
| Argent 66 - Ecuador [holotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia gracillima (Raddi) E.F.Guim., G.A.Queiroz & Delprete ] | |
| Taxon 72(4): 890 (2023) (comb. nov. for Piper gracillimum Raddi) (junior homonym) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. (lecto-: PI 043378 [designated Guimarães et al., 2023]; isolecto-: FI 055252) |
| = Peperomia elsiae Marcusso (nom.nov.) |
Peperomia gracillima Wats. | |
| Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 22: 448 (1887) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Palmer 585 (holo-: GH; iso-: BM, G, K, MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, UC, US, YU) |
| Palmer 585 - Mexico [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia grallatibacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9088 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9088 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia cachabiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia gramana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4243a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (BM, GH, ILL) |
| Mexia 4243a - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia granata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 24 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14590 (lecto-: ILL [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman 14590 - Cuba [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia grandifolia (Eckelund) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 166 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper umbellatum L. |
Peperomia grantii Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 43 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Grant 3589 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH), (Moorea) |
| Grant 3589 - Societry Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia granulata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 654 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 1420 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Haught 1420 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia granulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer 474 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Palmer 474 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia granulatifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 50 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26390 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 26390 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia granulatilimba Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 51 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 4617 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Williams 4617 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia granulifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11296 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11296 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia granulosa Trel. | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 328 (1929) |
| Guatemala, Honduras - type: Standley 54360 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL, US), Mexico |
| Standley 54360 - Honduras [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia graveolens Rauh & Barthlott | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 47(5): 205 (1975) |
| Ecuador - type: Rauh 35122 (holo-: HEID [only in alcohol]) |
| Madsen 87044 - Ecuador [specimen @ AAU] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Bonn (Germany) |
Peperomia grayumii Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 464, 49 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Grayum 11042 (holo-: HUA; iso-: CR, MO) |
| Grayum 11042 - Costa Rica [isotype @ CR] |
Peperomia griggsii C.DC.  | |
| Candollea 1: 364 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 125 (1926) [emend.] |
| Guatemala - type: Cook 253 (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]), Mexico |
| Cook 253 - Guatemala [holotype @ US] |
Peperomia grisarii C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 516 (1898) (as grisari, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: Grisar s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: F) |
| Grisar s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia grisebachii C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 382 (1872) (nomen nov. for Peperomia obversa C.DC.) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 515 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, G, GOET, K, NY, P, PH, TCD, W) |
| Wright 515 - Cuba [isotype @ G] |
Peperomia griseoargentea Yunck. | |
| Kew Bull. 1957: 421 (1958) |
| Brazil, type: from cultivated plant of unknown origin (holo-: K) |
| cultivated in RBGK [holotype @ K] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
Peperomia gruendleri C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 7 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Gruendler 4304 (holotype not designated: L) |
| Gruendler s.n. - Indonesia [type @ L] |
[ Peperomia guacalatensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58280 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58280 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1949) |
Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 139 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 504 (BR, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, K, PH), Ecuador - type: Fraser s.n., Guadaloupe - type: Jardin 340, Mexico, St. Croix |
| Wright 504 - Cuba [isosyntype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia guadaloupensis var. emarginulata C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 373 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen 413 (holo-: S; iso-: NY, U) |
| Henschen 413 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2015 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia guadaloupensis var. liebmanniana C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 374 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 150 (holo-: C; iso-: G-DC) |
| Liebmann-150 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia guadaloupensis var. pubescens C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 139 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 511 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: K, P, PH) & 1688 (syn-: G-DC, isosyn-: G, K, P) |
| Wright 1688 - Cuba [isosyntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia guadalupana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 533 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pérez-Arbeláez 8403 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Pérez-Arbeláez 8403 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia guaiquinimana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 596 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Killip 37504 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Killip 37504 - Venezuela [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia gualeana Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 170 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1901 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia guamalotensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Miceforo Maria 220 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Miceforo Maria 220 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia suratana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
Peperomia guamana C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 9: 72 (1914) |
| Mariana Isl. - type: McGregor 629 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: US) |
| McGregor 629 - Mariana Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia guamana var. saipana Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 14: 23 (1938) (comb. nov for Peperomia saipana C.DC.) |
| Mariana Isl. - type: Fritz s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Fritz s.n. - Mariana Isl. [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia guanacastana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 220 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 45065 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 45065 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia seemanniana Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2004) |
[ Peperomia guanaiensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 1719 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, E, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, PH, US, W) |
| Bang 1719 - Bolivia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2009) |
Peperomia guanensis Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 24 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Shäfer 10541 (holo-: US; iso-: F, GH, ILL, NY) |
| Shäfer 10541 - Cuba [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia guantanamoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Hioram 6735 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY |
| Bro. Hioram 6735 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia guanyingana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 5902 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 5902 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia guapilesiana Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 210 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37446 (holo-: US), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Standley 37446 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia guapulana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stevens 282 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL) |
| Stevens 282 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia guarujana C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 471 (1917) |
| Brazil - types: Usteri 3 (syn-: G), 7, 16c |
| Usteri 3 - Brazil [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis f. latifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia guascana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34167 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 34167 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia guascana Trel. | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 47 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2409 (holo-: MA) |
| Cuatrecasas 2409 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 10 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Donnell-Smith 2587 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, GH, K, US), Mexico |
| Donnell-Smith 2587 - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia guatemalensis var. antiguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58878 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Standley 58878 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia guatemalensis var. longipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89714 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89714 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia guaviarensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 7580 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 7580 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia guaviarensis var. ospinana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10640 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia farctifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia guayabalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 8360 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 8360 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia guayaberoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 7550 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 7550 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia guayabillosana Trel. ] | |
| Arch. Bot. Sist. 10: 26 (1934) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cufodontis 317 (holo-: ILL, iso-: W) |
| Cufodontis 317 - Costa Rica [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia guayaquilensis (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 400 (1869) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium quayaquilense Miq.) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. (holo-: K, U [fragm]) |
| Jameson s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth |
Peperomia guayrapurana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 51 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4010 (holo-: K; iso-: W) |
| Spruce 4010 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia gucayana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 51 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Herrera 1464 (holo-: ILL [fragm], US) |
| Herrera 1464 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia guerasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Laureano Javier 2349 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL) |
| Bro. Laureano Javier 2349 - Colombia [specimen @ MEDEL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Callejas, 1984, MEDEL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia guererroana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 14720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ARIZ, GH, ILL, MO, NY, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 14720 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia epidendron C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2004, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia guevarae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Guevara 83 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Guevara 83 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia guevarana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Guevara Amórtegui 304 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Bro. Guevara Amórtegui 304 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia guildingiana (Spreng.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 162 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper guildingianum Spreng.) |
| St. Vincent |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia gutierrezana Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 728 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Grant 9812 (holo-: NA; iso-: COL, NY, WIS) |
| Grant 9812 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia guttulata Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 177 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Feb 1901 (holotype not designated: B [missing], G-DC, QPLS), Peru |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type @ QPLS] |
[ Peperomia guttulata var. puberulenta Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 163 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E4478 (holo-: NY; iso-: F, NY, US) |
| Camp E4478 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia guttulata Sodiro (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia guttulatissima Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 25 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 18191 (lecto-: ILL [designated Yuncker, 1949]; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman 18191 - Cuba [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia gymnophylla C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 363 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 126 (1926) [emend.] |
| Honduras, Guatemala - type: Cook 256 (holotype not designated: G-DC [fragm], US) |
| Cook 256 - Guatemala [type @ US] |
[ Peperomia hachana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9030 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, F) |
| Cuatrecasas 9030 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950, Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia hadrostachya Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 273 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Pierotti 63 (holo-: LIL), Bolivia |
| Schreiter 11186 - Argentina [paratype @ F] |
[ Peperomia haematocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Campos Novaes 1936 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| de Campos Novaes 1936 [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia gracilicaulis Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 209) |
[ Peperomia haematocarpa var. amarona Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brade 6937 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Brade 6937 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia gracilicaulis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia haematochroa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sintenis 2971 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (BM, K, US) |
| Sintenis 2971 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia haematolepis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 52 (1936) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Peru - type: Stevens 212 (holo-: ILL), Surinam, Venezuela |
| Stevens 212 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia haenkeana Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 162 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke dd 1790 (lecto-: PR [designated Mathieu et al. 2008:183])) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
[ Peperomia hahnii C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 368 (1872) |
| Martinique - type: Hahn 257 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BM) |
| Hahn 257 - Martinique [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia haitienensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 7 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (ILL) |
| Seifriz 7 - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia hallieri C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 276 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Hallier 521 |
[ Peperomia hallstattensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 421 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F, G) |
| Morton 421 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 210) |
[ Peperomia halstedii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Halsted s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (NY) |
| Halsted s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 210) |
[ Peperomia hamiltoniana Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 417 (1845) |
| Jamaica - type: Purdie 108 (holotype not designated: K, U), Mexico |
| Purdie s.n. - Jamaica [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia simplex Ham. (fide Adams, 1972) |
[ Peperomia hamiltoniana var. emarginulata C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 238 (1902) |
| St. Croix - type: Ricksecker 422 (iso-: E, US) |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide US herbarium database) |
Peperomia hamiltonianifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 52 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Gay s.n. (holo-: P) |
| Gay s.n. - Peru [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia hammelii Grayum | |
| Phytologia 79(2): 108 (1995) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 19274 (holo-: INB; iso-: BM, COL, CR, F, MO) |
| Hammel 19274 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia hanaensis St. John | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Harrison 575A (holo-: BISH) |
| Harrison 575A - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
[ Peperomia hansenii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hansen s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Hansen s.n. - St Croix [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, C specimen annotation) |
Peperomia harlingii Yunck. | |
| Arkiv. Bot., Stockh. ser. 2, 4: 411 (1962) |
| Ecuador - type: Harling 3609 (holo-: S) |
| Harling 3609 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia harmandii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 280 (1898) (as harmandi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Vietnam - type: Harmand 912 (holo-: P; iso-: P) |
| Harmand 912 - Vietnam [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia haroldii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1360 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1360 - Antigua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia harrisii C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 243 (1902) |
| Jamaica - type: Harris 7630 (holo-: B; iso-: B, BM, F, G-DC, K, NY) |
| Harris 7630 - Jamaica [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia hartmannii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 247 (1920) (as hartmani, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Colombia - type: Hartmann s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B [missing]) |
| Hartmann 1909 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 425 (1845) |
| Colombia - type: Hartweg 1401 (holotype not designated-: BM, K, LD), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela |
| Hartweg 1401 - Peru [type @ K] |
Peperomia hartwegiana var. minutifolia Pino & Klopfenstein | |
| Haseltonia 10: 91 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1146 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1146 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia harvardensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jack 8076 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, US) |
| Jack 8076 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia hassleri C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 401 (1903) |
| Paraguay - type: Hassler 8048 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, NY, S) |
| Hassler 8048 - Paraguay [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia haticoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 20640 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia haughtii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 523 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 1341 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, G, GH, U) |
| Haught 1341 - Colombia [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia haughtii var. minor Steyermark ] | |
| Herb. Specimen Steyermark 97385 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (K, US, VEN) |
| Steyermark-97385 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Steyermark, 1984: 208) |
[ Peperomia haupuensis St. John ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 17: 173 (1943) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: St. John 13668 (holo-: BISH) |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia hausta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenas 1335a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Cardenas 1335a - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia havanensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen León 4293 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| León 4293 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia hawaiensis C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 14 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 4424 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: BISH, GH, L) |
| Rock 4424 - Hawaiian Isl. [isosyntype @ L] |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia haworthiana (Roem. & Sch.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 171 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper haworthianum Roem. & Sch.) |
| India |
[ Peperomia haworthii Sweet ] | |
| Hort. Brit. (Sweet) ed. 2: 482 (1830) |
| India |
| = Peperomia haworthiana A.Dietr. (fide Index Kewensis) |
Peperomia haycockii C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 404 (1869) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Haycock s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Haycock s.n. - Sri Lanka [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia hayi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 3284 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Maxon 3284 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia matlalucaensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen) |
[ Peperomia hazenii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 2600 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (ILL, NY, US) |
| Britton 2600 - Trinidad [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1953) |
Peperomia hebetata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 529 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Klug 1805 (holo-: US; iso-: F, GH, ILL, MO, NY, S), Ecuador |
| Klug 1805 - Colombia [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia hederacea Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 20 (1852) |
| Brazil - type Gaudichaud s.n., Sellow s.n. |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia hedyotidea Ridl. | |
| Trans. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 142 (1916) |
| New Guinea - type: Kloss s.n. (lecto-: BM [designated Turner, 2012: 251]; isolecto-: K) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia helicophora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nash 1076 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Haiti (NY) |
| Nash 1076 - Haiti [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1966, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia helleri Léveillé ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 151 (1911) (junior homonym) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 109 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, BM, E, P, G) |
| Faurie 109 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia mapulehuana Yunck. (fide Yuncker 1933: 79) |
[ Peperomia helleri C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 283 (1898) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Heller 2632 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH) |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia helleri var. grossa Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 50 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Yuncker 3400 (holo-: BISH) |
| Yuncker 3400 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia helleri var. knudsenii (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 49 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia knudsenii C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Knudsen 107 (holo-: B) |
| Knudsen 107- Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia helleri var. subovata Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 49 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Rock 17179 (holo-: BISH) |
| Rock 17179 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia helleri var. ternifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 29 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - types: Faurie 105 (syn-: G) & 117 (syn-: G), Heller 2632 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BM, E, GH, K, L, MICH, P, PH, Z), Rock 1556 (isosyn-: GH) |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia helminthostachya Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 153 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 (lecto-: Q [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346]; iso-: B, S), Colombia |
| Sodiro s.n. Jul 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
[ Peperomia helvetica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Muenscher 12435 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Muenscher 12435 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia hemionitidifolia Ham. ] | |
| Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 2 (1825) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Desvaux s.n. (holotype not designated: P) |
| Herb. Desvaux - Domin. Rep. [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia hemmendorffii Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 182 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Hemmendorff 79 (holo-: S; iso-: US) |
| Hemmendorff 79 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia hendersonensis Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 16 (1937) |
| Pitcairn Isl. - type: St.John 15090 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BH, BO, F, K, MO, NY, P, W, YU ), Society Isl. (Tuamotu) |
| St.John 15090 - Pitcairn Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia heptaphylla Suwanph. & Hodk. | |
| Kew Bull. 72(1): 1-15 (2017) |
| Thailand - type: Suwanphakdee 300 (holo-: BKF; iso-: BK, QBG) |
| Suwanphakdee 300 [holotype @ BKF*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia herbert-smithii Trel. & Yunck. ]  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 630 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1911 (holo-: US; iso-: DAO, E, ENCB, LL, MICH, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Smith 1911 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia herediana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 197 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 49260 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 49260 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia elata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia herminieri C.DC. ] | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 316 (1881) |
| Guadeloupe - type: l'Herminier s.n. (holo-: G) |
| L'Herminier s.n. - Guadeloupe [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia herminieri var. stigmatifera C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 273 (1902) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Duss 2567a (syn-: US, isosyn-: NY), Martinique - type: Duss 4038 (syn-: GH, isosyn-: NY, US) |
| Duss 2567a - Guadeloupe [syntype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 157 (1831) (as hernandiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8, comb. nov. for Piper hernandiaefolium Vahl) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep., Haiti), Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Venezuela, West Indies - type: ded. Hornemann (holo-: C) |
| anon. s.n. - West Indies [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia hernandiifolia var. calva Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 145 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Botteri 1158 (holo-: US; iso-: GH) |
| Botteri 1158 - Mexico [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2019 [pers. comm.] |
[ Peperomia hernandiifolia var. ciliifera Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 145 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cooper 5917 (holo-: US; iso-: K) |
| Cooper 5917 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia hernandiifolia var. cryptocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 145 (1922) |
| Guatemala - type: Cook 533 (holo-: US) |
| Cook 533 - Guatemala [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia hernandiifolia var. filipes Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 145 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12539 (holo-: US; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 12539 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia hernandiifolia var. maritima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. León 18328 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. León 18328 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: 52) |
Peperomia herrerae Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 52 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Herrera s.n. (holo-: US) |
| Herrera s.n. - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia herteri Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 66 (1939) |
| Uruguay - type: Herter 15 (holo-: ILL [missing]); Herter s.n. (neo-: ILL; isoneo-: G [designated May et. al. 2016: 129]) |
| = Peperomia catharinae Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1953: 191) |
[ Peperomia herthae Diels ] | |
| Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 14: 28 (1938) |
| Ecuador - type: Schultze-Rhonhof 1944 (holo-: B) |
| Schultze-Rhonhof 1944 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia herzogii C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 27: 9 (1915) |
| Bolivia - type: Herzog 2482 (holo-: G; iso-: L, Z) |
| Herzog 2482 - Bolivia [isotype @ L] |
Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra | |
| Flora 58(15): 227 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Wawra 2156 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 2156 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia hesperomannii var. brevifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 115 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Faurie 101 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, P) |
| Faurie 101 - Hawaiian Isl [type @ BM] |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia heterochroa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12410 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12410 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia gutierrezana Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia heterodoxa Standl. & Steyerm. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 251 (1952) |
| Costa Rica, Guatemala - type: Steyermark 51340 (holo-: F; iso-: US), Mexico |
| Steyermark 51340 - Guatemala [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia heterophylla Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 415 (1845) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru - type: Mathews 1686 (holotype not designated: K, U [fragm]) |
| Mathews 1686 - Peru [type @ K] |
[ Peperomia heterophylla Griseb. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 456 (1869) (nomen nudum pro syn., junior homonym) |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia heterophylla Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 192 (1900) (junior homonym) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC. |
[ Peperomia heterophylla var. grandis Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 244 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3735 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, HBG, ILL) |
| Buchtien 3735 - Bolivia [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas 1995, ILL type annotation) |
Peperomia heterostachya A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 717 (1831) (nomen nudum in index; descr. ex Miquel 1943: 154) |
| Peru - 'type': Haenke s.n. (PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru ['type' @ PR] |
[ Peperomia heydei C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 9 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Heyde 3834 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, G, GH, K, US) |
| Heyde 3834 - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia heydei var. brevipeduncula C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 247 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1241 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BM, BR, CM, E, F, GH, G-DC, K, MICH, MO, MPU, NY, P, PH, S, US, VT), Panama |
| Smith 1241 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia brevipeduncula (C.DC.) Trel. (fide Trelease, 1927) |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia heydei var. minor C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 10 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Heyde 3835 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, BM, GH, M, NY, US) |
| Heyde 3835 - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia heyneana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 123 (1843) |
| Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal - type: Wallich 6663 C (lecto-: U [designated Suwanphakdee e.a; 2022]; isolecto-: G-DC, GZU, K), Sri Lanka |
| Wallich 6663 C - Nepal [lectotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia hieronymi C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 26(1): 362 (1898) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper hieronymi C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1953) |
Peperomia hilariana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 89 (1843) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (lecto-: P [designated Zanotti et al., 2012: 145); G-DC [drawing of holo-]; isolecto-: K, W) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia hildebrandtii C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 228 (1894) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 3303f (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Hildebrandt 3303f - Madagascar [isotype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia hillii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 53 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Gaudichaud 150 (holotype not designated: B [missing], G, G-DC, P, U) |
| = Peperomia umbillicata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2006) |
[ Peperomia hiloana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 300 (1923) [key] |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 157 (holo-: G; iso-: G, G-DC, P) |
| Faurie 157 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
Peperomia hintonii Yunck. | |
| Kew Bull. 19(1): 415 (1965) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Hinton 4648 (holo-: K; iso-: ENCB, GBH, NY, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 4648 - Mexico [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia hiorami Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Hioram 2341 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Hioram 2341 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation & Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia hircina C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 415 (1869) |
| Reunion - type: Bory St. Vincent s.n. dd 1821 (holo-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia borbonensis Miq. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia hirsuta Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 143 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: K) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia hirsutifolia Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 326 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Leonard 4748 (holo-: NY; iso-: US) |
| Leonard 4748 - Haiti [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia hirta C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 412 (1869) |
| Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba - type: Wright 512 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, G, GH, GOET, HAC, K, MA, P, TCD, W), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama |
| Wright 512 - Cuba [isotype @ P] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Mainz (Germany) |
[ Peperomia hirta Balf. f. ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 16: 20 (1877) (junior homonym) |
| Rodrigues - type: Balfour 1279 (holo-: BM; iso-: K, P) |
| Balfour 1279 - Rodrigues [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia balfourii C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia hirta var. glaberrima Yunck. ] | |
| Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 6(1): 33 (1949) |
| Cuba - type: Morton 3641 (holo-: US) |
| Morton 3641 - Cuba [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia hirtella Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 414 (1845) |
| Dominica - type: Imray 244 (holotype not designated: K, E), Guadeloupe, Martinique |
| Imray 244 - Dominica [type @ E] |
Peperomia hirtellicaulis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 554 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 4832 (holo-: F; iso-: AAU, BR, C, COL, G, GH, K, LIL, LL, MA, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US, WS) |
| von Sneidern 4832 - Colombia [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia hirtellipetiola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel 2719 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL, US) |
| Bro. Daniel 2719 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Callejas, 1984, MEDEL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia hirticaulis (Yunck.) Marcusso | |
| Phytotaxa 635(3): 228 (comb. nov. for Peperomia pereirae f. hirticaule Yunck.) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 18508 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Brade 18508 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia hirticaulis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 275 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Forbes 646 (holo-: CAL; iso-: G-DC, GH, L) |
| Forbes 646 - Indonesia [isotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia hirtipeduncula C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 267 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 48/71 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 48/71 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia hirtipetiola C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 31 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10388 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH), (Kauai, Lanai) |
| Rock 10388 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia hirtipetiola var. longilimba (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 99 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia longilimba C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Lanai) - type: Rock 8094 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH), (Maui |
| = Peperomia hirtipetiola C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia hispidorhachis Yunck.  | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 112 (1950) |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Allen 31 (holo-: MO; iso-: ILL) |
| Allen 31 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia hispidosa Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 158 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 3278 (holo-: S; iso-: S) |
| Mosén 3278 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 165 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper hispidulum Sw.) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Hispaniola, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n (holotype not designated: S), Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [type @ S] |
| Plant in habitat |
[ Peperomia hispidula var. ellipticifolia Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 705 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16580 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 16580 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia hispidula var. muscophila (C.DC.) C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 335 (1923) [key] (comb. nov. for Peperomia muscophila C.DC.) |
| Mexico - type: Tafalla s.n (holo-: G; iso-: G-DC) |
| Tafalla s.n. - Mexico [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia hispidula var. perhispidula (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 335 (1923) [key] (comb. nov. for Peperomia perhispidula C.DC.) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Weberbauer 2014 (holo-: B, F [fragm], G-DC [fragm] ) |
| Weberbauer 2014 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia hispidula var. sellowiana (Miq.) Dahlst.  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 14 (1900) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium sellowianum Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]); (lecto-: U [designated Zanotti et al., 2012: 133]; isolecto-: G, K, W) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia hispidula var. swartziana Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 13 (1900) |
| Jamaica (S), Martinique |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia hispidula var. swartziana f. barbensis Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 14 (1900) |
| Costa Rica: type: Hoffmann 54 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia barbensis (Dahlst.) Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
[ Peperomia hispidulifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18353 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 18353 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. | |
| Lilloa 6: 295 (1941) |
| Argentina - type: Venturi 2986 (holo-:ILL; iso-: LIL, SI, US), Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru |
| Venturi 2986 - Argentina [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia hispiduliformis var. amplior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 4418 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (GH, ILL, US) |
| Venturi 4418 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 268) |
Peperomia hispiduliformis var. ciliosa Yunck. | |
| Brittonia 13(1): 63 (1961) |
| Peru - type: Woytkowski 1560 (holo-: NY) |
| Woytkowski 1560 - Peru [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia hitchcockii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 20454 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (US) |
| Hitchcock 20454 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana (Miq.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 605) |
Peperomia hobbitoides T.Wendt | |
| Lundellia 6: 37 (2003) |
| Mexico - type: Wendt 4223 (holo-: MEXU; iso-: BM, CHAPA, MO, NY, TEX, XAL) |
| Wendt 4223 - Mexico [holotype @ MEXU] |
[ Peperomia hochreutineri C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 15: 234 (1912) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Hochreutiner 3531 (holo-: G: iso-: L) |
| Hochreutiner 3531 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia hodgei Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 487 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Hodge 7004 (holo-: US) |
| Hodge 7004 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia hoeferi C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 505 (1921) |
| Mariana Isl. - type: Höfer 38 (holo-: B) |
| Höfer 38 - Mariana Islands [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia guamana C.DC. (fide Düll, 1964, B type annotation) |
Peperomia hoelscheri Winkler  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 41: 275 (1908) |
| Cameroon - type: Winkler 848 (holo-: B [missing]) |
Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 133 (1866) |
| Belize, Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 415 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing]), Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru |
| Hoffmann 415 - Costa Rica [sketch of holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia holstii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 226 (1894) |
| Tanzania - type: Holst 8832 (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Holst 8832 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia holstii var. elongata De Wild. ] | |
| Etudes Fl. Bas- Moyen-Congo 3: 62 (1909) |
| Congo - type: Laurent 1022 (holo-: BR) |
| Laurent 1022 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia hombronii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 281 (1898) (as hombroni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Society Isl. (Moorea, Raiatea, Tahiti) - type: Hombron 707 (holo-: P) |
| Hombron 707 - Society Isl. [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia hombronii var. spatulimba Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 40 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Grant 4040 (holo-: BISH) |
| type: Grant 4040 - Society Isl. (Tahiti) [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia hombronii C.DC. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia hondoana Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 252 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 29401 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 29401 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia honigii Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 125 (1984) |
| Venezuela - types: Tillett 746-798 (holo-: VEN) |
| Tillett 746-798 - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
[ Peperomia horquetae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3531 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Killip 3531 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia horrens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 198 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)" |
| Colombia (US) |
| Seifriz 198 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 598) |
[ Peperomia horrescens Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 245 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Pittier 7400 (ILL, US) |
| Pittier 7400 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 597) |
[ Peperomia horrescens var. pilosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 1162 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (G-DC) |
| Fendler 1162 - Venezuela [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide de Candolle, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia hostmanniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hostmann 163 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Surinam (G, NCY) |
| Hostmann 163 - Surinam [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia houelmonte Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 365 (ILL) |
| Stehlé 365 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia huacachiana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 53 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3899 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3899 - Peru [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 333) |
Peperomia huacapistanana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 54 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 89 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 89 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia huahinensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 41 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Huahine) - type: Grant 5329 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Grant 5329 - Society Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia societatis Moore (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia huahinensis var. tahaensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 41 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahaa) - type: Grant 5169 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Grant 5169 - Society Islands [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia huahinensis Yunck. (fide Welsh, 1998) |
| = Peperomia societatis Moore (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia huallagana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 54 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4264 (holo-: F) |
| Macbride 4264 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia huallagana var. compacta Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 54 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 1774 (holo-: F) |
| Schunke 1774 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia huantana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 55 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22728 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 22728 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia huantana var. enenyasana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 55 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25727 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 25727 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia huanucoana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 55 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3256 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3256 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia huatuscoana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 383 (1872) |
| Mexico - types: Liebmann 129 (lecto-: C [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: F, G-DC, K, P, UPS) |
| Liebmann 129 - Mexico [lectotype @ C] |
Peperomia huberi C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 472 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Huber 4554 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, MG) |
| Huber 4554 - Brazil [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia huilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 8388 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 8388 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia sympodialis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 687) |
[ Peperomia huitzensis Standl. & Steyerm. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 253 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 48613 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 48613 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia omnicola C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia huizontlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 16006 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 16006 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 220) |
Peperomia humbertii G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 74 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 480 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 480 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia humblotii C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 284 (1898) (as humbloti, corrected corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Comoros Isl. - type: Humblot 312 (holo-: B; iso-: BM, K, LD, P, W) |
| Humblot 312 - Comores Isl. [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia boivinii C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
[ Peperomia humeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2590 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2590 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia humifusa Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 188 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Neves Armond 318 (holo-: R) |
| Neves Armond 318 - Brazil [holotype @ R*] |
Peperomia humilis A.Dietr.  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 168 (1831) |
| Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Puerto Rico, St. Croix - type, USA (Florida), Virgin Isl. |
| West - St. Croix [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia humilis var. antiguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1180 - Antigua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia humilis var. cumulicola (Small) Ward | |
| Novon 11(3): 363 (2001) |
| USA (Florida) - type Small 9196 (holo-: NY; iso-: S) |
| Small 9196 - USA (Florida) [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia humilis var. questeliana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Questel 2518 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| St. Barthélemy (NY, P) |
| Questel 2518 - St. Barthélemy [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Questel, 1940 & Liogier, 2000) |
[ Peperomia humilis var. stehlei Stehlé & Quentin ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 54 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 2457 (lecto-: NY; isolecto-: P) |
| Stehlé 2457 - Guadeloupe [lectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia questeliana Stehlé & Trel.(fide Howard, 1973) |
| = Peperomia truncigaudens C.DC. (fide Sastre, 1997) |
Peperomia hunteriana Forster | |
| Austrobaileya 5(3): 573 (1999) |
| Australia (Queensland) - type: Forster 21777 (holo-: BRI; iso-: CNS, MEL, QRS) |
| Forster 21777 - Australia [isotype @ MEL*] |
| Specimen in private collection |
Peperomia hutchisonii Yunck.  | |
| Brittonia 13(1): 60 (1961) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 1445 (holo-: UC) |
| Hutchison 1445 - Peru [holotype @ UC] |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia hyalostipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16642 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Killip 16642 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia trichopus Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia hyalotricha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33769 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33769 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia hydnostachya (Trel.) Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 56 (2020) (comb. nov. for Peperomia calvicaulis var. hydnostachya Trel.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 11530 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR, F) |
| Tonduz 11530 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia hydrocotyloides Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 118 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-: M; iso-: U [fragm]) |
| von Martius s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ M] |
[ Peperomia hydrocotyloides var. major Yunck. ] | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 144 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Isern 6449 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MA) |
| Isern 6449 - Brazil [isotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Guimarães & Costa, 1980) |
[ Peperomia hydrocotyloides var. prolifera Trel. ] | |
| Ciencia, Mexico, 2: 206 (1941) |
| Brazil - type: Isern 6449a (holo-: MA) |
| Isern 6449a - Brazil [holotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Marcusso et al.) |
Peperomia hydrocotyloides var. setosa Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 144 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Hoehne s.n. (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia hydrospica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86506 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86506 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia hygrophila Engl. ] | |
| Wiss. Erg. Zweit. Deut.. Zentr.-Afr.Exped., Bot. 2: 12 (1914) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 805 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: BM) |
| Preuss 805 - Cameroon [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia vulcanica Baker & Wright (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia hygrophiloides C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 329 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 127 (1926) [emend.] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3203 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 3203 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
Peperomia hylophila C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 284 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type Tonduz (Pittier) 4406 (lecto-: BR [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 352]; isolecto-: G, P, US), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Pittier 4406 - Costa Rica [lectotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia hylophila var. personata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 203 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 6744 (holo-: US) |
| Donnell-Smith 6744 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia hymenodes Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 43 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5266 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 5266 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tenuifolia C.DC. (fide Grayum, 1996) |
[ Peperomia hymenophylla Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 78 (1843) |
| Philippines - type: Meyen s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: U) |
| Meyen s.n. - Philippines [isotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia exigua Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2009, pers. comm.) |
Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 136 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: P, U) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia hypoleuca f. glabra Wawra ]  | |
| Flora 58(15): 232 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Wawra 1715b (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1715b - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1933: 28) |
[ Peperomia hypoleuca var. alternifolia Wawra ] | |
| Flora 58(15): 232 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Wawra 1674 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1674 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. ? fide Yuncker, 1933: 28) |
[ Peperomia hypoleuca var. kauaiensis Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 422 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Knudsen (B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia hypoleuca var. montis-eeka Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 422 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: BM) |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1913) |
[ Peperomia hypoleuca var. pluvigaudens (C.DC.) Yunck. ]  | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 110 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia pluvigaudens C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 8365 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH) |
| Rock 8365 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia hyporhoda Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 55 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25479 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 25479 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia hypoxantha Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Fac. Nac. Agron., Medellin, 27: 290 (1947) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'types': Toro 1254, 1269, 1306 (MEDEL) |
| Toro 1306 - Colombia ['type' @ MEDEL] |
| = Peperomia vulcanicola C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia hystrix Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kuntze s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (G-DC) |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948 & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ibiramana Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 145 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Smith 7565 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Smith 7565 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia igualana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 10321 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, GOET, ILL, K, L, M, MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 10321 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Jones, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ilaloana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Balls 5834 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (CAL, E, K, US) |
| Balls 5834 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ilaloensis Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 9 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Mille s.n. Aug 1901 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: Q) |
| Mille s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
[ Peperomia imberbicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jönsson 374a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (B, ILL, S) |
| Jönsson 374a - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia imbracteata Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 175 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3737 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Buchtien 3737 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia imbricata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 224 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 3178 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Pittier 3178 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia imerinae C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 228 (1894) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 4041 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, JE, K, M, P) |
| Hildebrandt 4041 - Madagascar [isotype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia imerinae f. subacutifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 49 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 4045 (holo-: G) |
| = Peperomia imerinae C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 339) |
Peperomia immolata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 718 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 17100 (holo-: GH; iso-: NY, US) |
| Killip 17100 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia impacata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 83349 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 83349 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia impacata var. asintalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 87884 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 87884 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia impacata var. molinoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 78506 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 78506 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia impallescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cárdenas 294 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Cárdenas 294 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia theodori Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia imparispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 488 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G [photo], MA) |
| Mutis 488 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia sympodialis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia impectita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Ule s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia imporcaticaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 4560 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 4560 - Bolivia [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia theodori var. glabricaulis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia imrayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Imray 331 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dominica (K) |
| Imray 331 - Dominica [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Howard, 1972, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia imthurnii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Im Thurn 139 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guyana (BM, K) |
| Im Thurn 139 - Guyana [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Görts, 1999, K specimen annotation) |
Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 30. t. 46. f. a. (1798) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia inaequalifolia var. emarginata C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 265 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 7838 (holo-: B; iso-: F, K, US) |
| Lehmann 7838 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia ilaloensis Sodiro (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia inaequalilimba C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 398 (1916) |
| Argentina - type: Lorentz 337 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: B, CORD, GOET, NY, S, SI), Bolivia |
| Lorentz 337 - Argentina [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia inaequalipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Luederwaldt 12584 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Luederwaldt 12584 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia minensis Hensch. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia inaequilatera Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 56 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3858 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Macbride 3858 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia inaudax Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 334 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6242 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY) |
| Yuncker 6242 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Callejas, 2004, MO type annotation) |
[ Peperomia incana (Haw.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 166 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper incanum Haw.) (junior homonym) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia incana (Haw.) Hook. |
Peperomia incana (Haw.) Hook. | |
| Exot. Fl. 1: t. 66 (1823) (comb. nov. for Piper incanum Haw.) |
| Brazil |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia incarnata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 963 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Jamaica (BM, ILL, US) |
| Maxon 963 - Jamaica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Saralegui, 1994, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia incisa Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 205 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 46318 (holo-: US), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Standley 46318 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia incisifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12227 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Tonduz 12227 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia incisilamina Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29802 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29802 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia condormiens Trel. (Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia incisilamina Trel. ]  | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 7838 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, K, US) |
| Lehmann 7838 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia ilaloensis Sodiro (fide de Candolle, 1908: 265; Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 560) |
[ Peperomia incisilamina var. tomasii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Tomás 1001 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Tomás 1001 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia incisurifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 331a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, E, G, GH, ILL, K, M, MICH, MO, NY, P, US, Z) |
| Bang 331a - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia nudicaulis C.DC. (de Candolle 1892; Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia incognita Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 464, 57 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Aguilar 3960 (holo-: CR; iso-: HUA, MO) |
| Aguilar 3960 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia incomitata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jack 7772 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Jack 7772 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia inconspicua C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 515 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/4 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/4] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia inconstantifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 355 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (GH, US) |
| Skutch 355 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia inconstantifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 10021 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 10021 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia incrassata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer 1707 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC, K, P) |
| Glaziou 7838 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia incrassata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 316 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio 1120 (holo-: F) |
| Valerio 1120 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia incrassatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 573 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 573 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia increscens Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 124 (1847) |
| Argentina, Brazil - type: Pohl 5040 (holo-: W), Uruguay |
| Pohl 5040 - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia indecora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Glaziou 8943 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G, G, G-DC, P) |
| Glaziou 8943 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia arechavaletae C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1917) |
[ Peperomia indepilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke 83 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Schwacke 83 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pseudoestrellensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia induratifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 56 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 1582 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Schunke 1582 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia induta C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 511 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/10 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/10] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia sylvestris C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia infralutea Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 644 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 9295 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, PH) |
| Pennell 9295 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia infrapallida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3564 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) (as infra-pallida) # |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Killip 3564 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenelliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 234) |
Peperomia infravillosa Trel.  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 326 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Nash 769 (holo-: NY) |
| Nash 769 - Haiti [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia inpabiconfracta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Triana 57b (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL) |
| Triana 57b - Colombia [specimen @ COL (b/w photo)] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth |
Peperomia inquilina Hemsl. | |
| Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 12(302): 428 (1892) |
| Guatemala, Mexico |
| cultivated [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia insinuans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10730a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10730a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia instabiligranulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 5795 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 5795 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia insueta Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 302 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1220 (holo-: MO) |
| Allen 1220 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia insularum Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 422 (1845) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Diell 53 (holo-: K) |
| Diell 53 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 57) |
[ Peperomia insularum var. glabrata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 444 (1869) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Diell s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Diell s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia insulsa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1605 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Haught 1605 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia intermixta Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 26 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 523 pp (holo-: G; iso-: BR, G, G-DC) |
| Wright 523 pp - Cuba [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia portoricensis Urb. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia intonsa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer 585 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Palmer 585 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia intonsa var. filipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Shafer 12028 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Shäfer 12028 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia inutilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Huber 94 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (F, ILL) |
| Huber 94 - Brazil [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974 & Callejas 1999) |
Peperomia inversa G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 636(3): 230 (2024) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-047 (holo-: BR; iso-: F, GENT, K, MEXU, MO, P) |
| Samain 2007-047 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
Peperomia involucrata Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 159 (1901) |
| Ecuador |
[ Peperomia ioeides Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 562 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatresasas 11758 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL), Ecuador |
| Cuatresasas 11758 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia ionophylla Griseb. ] | |
| Mem. Am. Acad. new ser. 8: 175 (1861) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 516 (holo-: GOET; iso-: BM, BR, G, G-DC, GH, HAC, K, MA, MO, NY, P, PH, S, TCD, US [fragm], W), Venezuela |
| Wright 516 - Cuba [holotype @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia irazuana C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 293 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 4408 (distr. by Pittier) (holotype not designated: BR, CR, G-DC) |
| Tonduz 4408 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
[ Peperomia irijae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Apolinar 129 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| = Peperomia infralutea Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia irrasa G.Mathieu | |
| Candollea 75(1): 76 (2020) |
| Madagascar - type: Humbert 24638 (holo-: P; iso-: BR) |
| Humbert 24638 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia irrasipetiola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68567 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Standley 68567 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia isidroana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 215 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 50232 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 50232 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia dotana Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia isoneura Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1959, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia itabirana (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 467 (1917) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. itabirana) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 17228 (syn-: B - missng; isosyn-: BR, C, G, K, P) & Schwacke 5907 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: ILL, R) |
| Schwacke 5907 - Brazil [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia decora Dahlst. (homotypic synonym) |
[ Peperomia itabirana var. oliveirana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Salles de OIliveira s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Salles de OIliveira s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia decora Dahlst. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia itatiaiana Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 183 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 14634 (holo-: RB), Peru |
| Brade 14634 - Brazil [holotype @ RB*] |
[ Peperomia itatiaiensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 763 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, R) |
| Dusén 763 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia clivicola Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia itayana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 56 (1936) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Killip 29753 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 29753 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Yasuni National Park) |
[ Peperomia izabalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 6640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (ILL, G, F) |
| Kellerman 6640 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia izalcoana Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13: 366 (1923) |
| El Salvador - type: Standley 21874 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, NY, US) |
| Standley 21874 - El Salvador [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia bernoullii C.DC. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia jaboncillensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16352 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16352 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia apodophylla var. hirtella Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia jacarehyna Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 6655 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Dusén 6655 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia perlongicaulis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia jackii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jack 6507 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Jack 6507 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia penicillata C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia jalcaensis Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 159 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Pino 663 (holo-: USM) |
| Mathieu 2009-120 - Peru [paratype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plants - Peru (Cajamarca) |
[ Peperomia jaliscana Wats. ] | |
| Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 26: 145 (1891) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 2953 (lecto-: GH [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335]; isolecto-: B, BKL, ENCB, F, LY, MEXU- NY, US) |
| Pringle 2953 - Mexico [isolectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
Peperomia jamaicana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser. 11: 51 (1960) |
| Jamaica - type: Proctor 5725 (holo-: IJ) |
Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 137 (1866) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Jameson 743 & 744 (syn-: G, isosyn-: TCD), Mexico, Panama, Venezuela - type: Moritz 1940 (syn-: BM) |
| Jameson 743 & 744 - Ecuador [isosyntype @ TCD] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Tiputini) |
[ Peperomia jamesoniana (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 412 (1869) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium jamesonianum Miq.) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 641 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, G, TCD) |
| Jameson 641 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 605 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Klug 1743 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S) |
| Klug 1743 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia jamesoniana var. microphylla C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 412 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Spruce 5857 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, BR, G, G-DC, NY, W) |
| Spruce 5857 - Ecuador [isotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia jamesonii Regel ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31(2): 544 (1859) (as jamesoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 814 (holotype not designated: G, K, TCD) |
| Jameson 814 - Ecuador [type @ G] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia japonica Makino | |
| Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 15: 145 (1901) |
| China, Japan - type: Makino s.n. (lecto-: MAK [designated Lu & Yang, 2020]), Taiwan |
| Yoshinaga s.n. - Japan [specimen @ BR] |
[ Peperomia japonica f. glabra Hatusima ] | |
| Fl. Ryukyus: 217 (1971) (without latin descr.) |
| Ryukyu Isl. |
[ Peperomia japonica f. okinawensis (Yamazaki) Hatusima ] | |
| Fl. Ryukyus, S. of Amami Is., 2:29 (1994) (comb. nov. for Peperomia okinawensis Yamazaki) |
| Ryukyu Isl. - type: Hatusima 1844 (holo-: TI) |
[ Peperomia japuibana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glazioui C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia japurensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 407 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-: M) |
| von Martius s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ M] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia jaraguana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 473 (1917) |
| Brazil - types: Usteri 2d (syn-: G) & Usteri 5 |
| Usteri 2d - Brazil [syntype @ G] |
[ Peperomia jarisiana C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 382 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted s.n. (holo-: C; iso-: G) |
| Oersted s.n - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia seemanniana Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia javanica Miq. ] | |
| Pl. Jungh. 15 (1851) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Junghuhn s.n. (holotype not designated: L, U) |
| = Peperomia cookiana Miq. (fide Koorders, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia jellitana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33493 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia jericoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel & Tomás 2718. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL, ILL, US) |
| Bro. Daniel 2718 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia jilotepequeana Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 254 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 80901 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 80901 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia jimenesana (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 196 (1929) (stat. nov. for Peperomia caulibarbis var. jimenesana C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 4929 (holotype not designated: G-DC, GH, K, US) (comb. nov. for P. caulibarbis var. jimenesana C.DC.) |
| Donnell-Smith 4929 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia jimenesana var. perfertilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Donnell-Smith 6743 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (GH, K, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 6743 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle 1899: 284; Burger, 1971: 36) |
[ Peperomia jipijapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3441 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, F, GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Haught 3441 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia joenssonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jönsson 579a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Jönsson 579a - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia cordigera Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia johnsonii C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 286 (1898) (as johsonii, typographical error) |
| Australia - type: Johnson s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Johnson s.n. - Australia [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia enervis von Mueller & C.DC. (fide de Candolle, G-DC type annotation) |
[ Peperomia johnstonii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) |
| Guatemala - type: Johnston 220 (holo-: F) |
| Johnston 220 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia johnstonii var. timidipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67363 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67363 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia joinvillensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schwacke s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Schwacke s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia jonesii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jones 55 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Jones 55 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 244) |
[ Peperomia jordanii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia castelosensis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia josei Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 631 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 21982 (holo-: F; iso-: COL, NY), Peru |
| Cuatrecasas 21982 - Colombia [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia josifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70480 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70480 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia juiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 27982 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (G, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 27982 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ciliatifolia Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
[ Peperomia juiquinana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9449 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9449 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
[ Peperomia julionis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Julio 63 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Bro. Julio 63 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia julionis var. compacta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Julio 245 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Bro. Julio 245 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia jumayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32457 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32457 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia jumayensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32332 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32332 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia jumaymontis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32373 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32373 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 247) |
[ Peperomia jumayvolcana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32372 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32372 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia junghuhniana Miq. | |
| Pl. Jungh. 15 (1851) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Junghuhn s.n. (holo-: L) |
| Junghuhn s.n. - Indonesia [holotype @ L] |
Peperomia juniniana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 57 (1936) |
| Colombia, Ecuador, Peru - type: Schunke 357 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Schunke 357 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia juqueriquerensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwall s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Edwall s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia juruana C.DC. | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 117 (1905) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5791 (holo-: B; iso-: G, MG) |
| Ule 5791 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia juzepczukii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Woronow 5734 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, LE) |
| Woronow 5734 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tristachya Kunth (fide Yuncker, ILL specimen annotation, with doubt) |
[ Peperomia kalihiana Yunck. ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 13: 163 (1937) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Hume 167 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Hume 167 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia kalimatina C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 5 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 1433 (lecto-: L [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 339]) |
| Elbert 1433 - Indonesia [lectotype @ L] |
Peperomia kamerunana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 228 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 918 (holo-: B; iso-: B), Equat.Guinea |
| Preuss 918 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia kamoloana C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 17 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 124 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Faurie 124 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia kanalensis C.DC.  | |
| Nova Caled. 1: 132 (1920) |
| New Caledonia - type: Sarasin 265 (holo-: Z) |
| Sarasin 265 - New Caledonia [holotype @ Z*] |
[ Peperomia kandavuana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 39 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Kandavu) - type: Smith 292 (holo-: BISH; iso-: K, NY, P, US) |
| Smith 292 - Fiji Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia lasiostigma var. carnosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Smith, 1981) |
[ Peperomia kauaiensis C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 15 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Faurie 101 (G) |
| Faurie 101 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ G] |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wavwa (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia kellermanii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 5884 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Kellerman 5884 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kellermanii var. aspitera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68591 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68591 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kellermanii var. carchana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89821 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89821 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kellermanii var. laluchana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86509 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86509 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kellermanii var. paludicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 92410 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 92410 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kenoyeri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kenoyer 173 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (F) |
| Kenoyer 173 - Mexico [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth |
Peperomia kerinciensis I.M.Turner | |
| Gard. Bull. Singapore 64(1): 251 (nom. nov. for Peperomia villosa Ridl.) |
| Indonesia (Sumatra) - type: Robinson & Kloss s.n. (lecto-: K [designated Turner, 2012: 251]; isolecto-: BM) |
| Robinson & Kloss s.n. - Indonesia [isolectotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia killipii Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 143 (1922) (as killipi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Killip 3218 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 3218 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tenuifolia C.DC. (fide Grayum, 1996) |
Peperomia kimnachii Rauh  | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 72(5): 259 (2000) |
| Bolivia - type: Kimnach 2596c (holo-: HNT; iso-: HEID [only in alcohol]) |
Peperomia kipahuluensis St. John & Lamoureux | |
| Pac. Sci. 25(1): 43 (1971) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: St. John 21233 (holo-: BISH, iso-: GH) |
| St. John 21233 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
Peperomia kjellii G.Mathieu | |
| Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 184 (2008) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 2213 (holo-: NY; iso-: BR, NY, S) |
| von Sneidern 2213 - Colombia [holotype @ NY] |
Peperomia klopfensteinii Pino & Cieza | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 160 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Klopfenstein RRP-343 (holo-: USM) |
| Mathieu 2009-104 - Peru [paratype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia klotzschiana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 145 (1843) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Poeppig s.n. (holo-: B [missing], F [photo], G-DC [drawing], MO [photo]) |
| Plant in habitat - Bolivia |
Peperomia klugiana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 616 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Klug 2109 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Klug 2109 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia knoblecheriana Schott ] | |
| Bot. Zeit. 9: 225 (1851) |
| Sudan - type [icono-]: Bot. Zeit. 9: 225. 1851. |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia knudsenii C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 16 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Knudsen 107 (holo-: B) |
| Knudsen 107 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia koepperi Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 275 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8508 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, US) |
| Yuncker 8508 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia kohalana C.DC. ]  | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 21 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - types: Rock 4428 & s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 4428 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
Peperomia kokeana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 50 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: St. John 10714 (holo- BISH; iso-: BISH, NY, P) |
| St. John 10714 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia koolauana C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 15 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - types: Rock 66, Rock 1016 (syn-: BISH; isosyn-: G-DC, GH) |
| Rock 1016 - Hawaiian Isl. [isosyntype # BISH*] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
Peperomia kotana C.DC. | |
| Rec. Bot. Surv. India 6: 2 (1912) |
| Malaysia - type: Ridley s.n., Thailand |
[ Peperomia kotoensis Yamamoto ] | |
| Ic. Pl. Formos. Suppl. 2: 9 (1925) |
| Taiwan - type: Sasaki 26 (TAI, TI) |
| Sasaki 26 - Taiwan [type @ TAI*] |
| = Peperomia rubrivenosa C.DC. (fide Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) |
Peperomia kraemeri C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 503 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. (Palau) - type: Kraemer s.n. (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing]), Solomon Isl. |
Peperomia kravangensis Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 108 (1843) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Blume |
[ Peperomia krukoffii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Krukoff 10494 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Krukoff 10494 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia vestita Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia kuhliana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 104 (1843) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Schmidt s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia kulensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 88 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Munro 800 (holo-: BISH) |
| = Peperomia subpetiolata Yunck. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia kumbensis Engl. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ledermann 5743 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cameroon (B) |
| Ledermann 5743 - Cameroon [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia vulcanica Baker & Wright (fide Mathieu, 2006, B specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia kunthiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 464 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 668 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, K, TCD) |
| Jameson 668 - Ecuador [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia kunthiana var. puberula Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 10 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1900 (holo-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS (as var. pubescens)] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia kuntzei C.DC. | |
| Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 272 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Kuntze s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: NY) |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia kurzii C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 297 (1923) [key]; Candollea 2: 189 (1925) [emend.] |
| India - types: Kurz s.n., Lister s.n. (holotype not designated: CAL, G) |
| Lister s.n. - India [syntype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia kusaiensis Hosokawa | |
| Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25: 120 (1935) |
| Caroline Isl. (Kusai) - type: Hosokawa 6278 (holo-: TAI; iso-: GH) |
| Hosokawa 6278 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ TAI*] |
[ Peperomia kyimbilana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 57: 19 (1920) |
| Tanzania - type: Stolz 1917 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: C, HBG, JE, L, LD, M, S, U, W, WAG, Z) |
| Stolz 1917 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia la-aurorana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Aguilar 507 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Aguilar 507 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia labalsana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Apolinar 135 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Apolinar Maria 135 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia infralutea Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia labeculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 3963 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| von Türckheim 3963 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Callejas, F specimen annotation of Standley 58514) |
[ Peperomia lacabuyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12122 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12122 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia lacabuyana var. atricha Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12194 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12194 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia ladrilloniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mandon 1120 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (BM, G, G-DC, GH, K, P, W) |
| Mandon 1120 - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia inaequalilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia ladronica Hosokawa | |
| Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25: 263 (1935) (nomen nov. for Peperomia mariannensis Hosokawa) |
| Mariana Isl. (Rota) - type: Hosokawa 7655 (iso-: TAI) |
| Hosokawa 7655 - Mariana Islands [isotype @ TAI*] |
[ Peperomia laedisa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Allen 1422 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (GH, ILL, MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1422 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1940 & Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia laesa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Roig 6710 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY) |
| Roig 6710 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia portoricensis Urb. (fide Yuncker, 1949 & Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia laesa Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 303 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1422 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, NY, US) |
| Allen 1422 - Panama [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia laeteviridis Engl. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26(1): 361 (1899) |
| Cameroon - type: Staudt 338 (holo-: B; iso-: S), Equat.Guinea (Bioko) |
| Staudt 338 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia laevifolia (Blume) Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 107 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper laevifolium Blume) |
| Christmas Isl., Indonesia (Java) - type: Blume s.n. (holo-: L; iso-: K) (Borneo, Sumatra), New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand |
| Blume s.n. - Indonesia [holotype @ L] |
Peperomia laevilimba Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 44 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Taveuni) - type: Seemann 565 pp (holo-: K; iso-: BM) |
| Seemann 565pp - Fiji Isl. (Taveuni) [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia laevis C.DC. ]  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 139 (1866) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1164 (syn-: G, K) & 1165 (syn-: G, K) |
| Fendler 1164 - Venezuela [isosyntype @ K] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lagartana C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 285 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 4660 (iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 4660 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia pseudodependens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia lagunaensis C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 407 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Merrill 5130 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: K, NY, US), Bur. Sci. 2446, 6079 (syn-: G-DC) & 6210 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: US) |
| Merrill 5130 - Philippines [isosyntype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia laluchana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86541 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86541 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia laluchana var. longipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86499 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86499 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lamarckiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman H 4737 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Haiti (ILL, S) |
| Ekman H 4737 - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Jones, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lambita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Haught 2493 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia lanaiensis C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 26 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Lanai) - types: Rock 8089 (syn-: G-DC) & 8093 pp (syn-: BISH; isosyn-: G, GH), (Maui) |
| Rock 8089 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia lanaoensis C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 410 (1910) |
| Philippines (Mindanao) - type: Clemens 625 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: F) |
| Clemens 625 - Philippines [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia lanata (Roxb.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 145 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper caninum Blume |
Peperomia lanceolata C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 145 (1866) |
| Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Spruce 6110 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340]; isolecto-: BM, E, G, K, P, W), Panama |
| Spruce 6110 - Ecuador [isolectotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pichincha) |
Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 136 (1866) (as lanceolato-peltata, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1149 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 352]; isolecto-: G, GH, GOET, K, MO, NY, PH) |
| Fendler 1149 - Venezuela [lectotype @ G-DC] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Bonn (Germany) |
[ Peperomia lanceolatopeltata var. carlosiana (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 599 (1950) (as lanceolato-peltata, corrected according to ICN art.60.11) (comb. nov. for P. carlosiana C.DC.) |
| Colombia - type: Fendler 1148 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Fendler 1148 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
[ Peperomia lancetillana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 334 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4943 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, MICH, MO) |
| Yuncker 4943 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia spathulifolia Small (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia lancetillana var. spathifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 335 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5040 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 5040 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia spathulifolia Small (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
Peperomia lancifolia Hook.  | |
| Ic. Pl. 4: t. 332 (1841) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico - type: Galeotti s.n. (holo-: K), Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| Galeotti s.n. - Mexico [holotype @ K] |
| Plants in habitat - Mexico |
[ Peperomia lancifolia subsp. erasmiiformis (Trel.) Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 131 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia erasmiiformis Trel.) |
| Venezuela - type: Pittier 13985 (holo-: F; iso-: B, US) |
| Pittier 13985 - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Callejas, 2003: 694) |
[ Peperomia lancifolia var. grandifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 518 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/36 Oct 1892 (holotype not designated: QPLS) |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker) |
Peperomia lancifolia var. multispicata C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 290 (1923) [key] |
| cultivated (holotype not designated: G-DC, P) |
| anon-31 - cultivated [type @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia lancifolioidea Burger ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 35: 46 (1971) |
| Costa Rica - type: Austin Smith 1842 (holo-: F; iso-: MO), Panama |
| Austin Smith 1842 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| Plant in habitat - Costa Rica |
| = Peperomia sessilifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia lancilimba C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 290 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 127 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 61 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia lanella Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 17770 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 17770 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia langlassei C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 320 (1920) |
| Mexico - type: Langlassé 306 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, G, GH, K, MPU, P, US) |
| Langlassé 306 - Mexico [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 116 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: cultivated in Rotterdam Bot. Garden |
| = Peperomia blanda var. langsdorfii (Miq.) Hensch. |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Steyermark e.a., 1995) |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii var. dissimilis Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 131 (1900) |
| Colombia, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Venezuela |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii var. equestris Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bailey 1046 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (BH) |
| Bailey 1046 - Brazil [specimen @ BH] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, BH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii var. increscens (Miq.) Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 13 (1852) (comb. nov. for Peperomia increscens Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Pohl 5040 (holo-: W) |
| Pohl 5040 - Brazil [type @ W] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia langsdorffii var. resacana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) |
| Brazil - type: Barreto 7234 (holo-: F) |
| Barreto 7234 - Brazil [holotype@ F] |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii var. sapucaiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 2127 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Loefgren 2127 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974 & Steyemark et al.,1995) |
[ Peperomia langsdorffii var. turvana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne & Gehrt s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974 & Steyemark et al.,1995) |
[ Peperomia languida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80216 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80216 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lanjouwii Yunck. ] | |
| Acta Bot. Néerl. 6: 393 (1957) |
| Surinam - type: Lanjouw 2598 (holo-: U) |
| Lanjouw 2598 - Surinam [holotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth |
[ Peperomia lankesteri Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 317 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Lankester 1294 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Lankester 1294 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia candelaber Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia lanosa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 57 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3450 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3450 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia lanuginosa Pino | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 24 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1215 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1215 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in cultivation - Peru |
[ Peperomia laplatana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 8482 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, ILL, K) |
| Lehmann 8482 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lapresana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38101 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38101 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia larana Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 546 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 55441 (holo-: F; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 55441 - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tetraquetra Sodiro (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia larecajana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 406 (1869) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1115 bis (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, K, P) |
| Mandon 1115 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 333) |
[ Peperomia larecajana var. angustifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 170 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Steinbach 9225 (holo-: NY; iso-: BM, G, K, LIL, S) |
| Steinbach 9225 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 333) |
[ Peperomia largifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen de la Cruz 1291 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guyana (NY, US) |
| de la Cruz 1291 - Guyana [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trel. & Yunck., 1950) |
[ Peperomia lasierrana Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 530 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Archer 1635 (holo-: US: iso-: ILL) |
| Archer 1635 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia lasiophylla C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 277 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Warburg s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Warburg s. n. - Indonesia [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia lasiorhachis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 208 (1918) |
| New Guinea - types: Schlechter 16169, 16272, 16760 (syntypes not designated: P) |
| Schlechter 16292 - New Guinea [type @ P] |
Peperomia lasiostigma C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 165 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 890 (holo-: BM; iso-: NY) |
| Gibbs 890 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia lasiostigma var. carnosa (C.DC.) Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 36 (1936) (comb. nov. for Peperomia carnosa C.DC.) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 600 ((holo-: BM, G-DC [fragm], NY [fragm]) |
| Gibbs 600 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia lasiostigma var. gibbsiae Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 37 (1936) (comb. nov. for Peperomia gibbsiae C.DC.) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 883 (holo-: BM) |
| Gibbs 883 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia lasiostigma C.DC. (fide Smith, 1981) |
Peperomia lasiostigma var. microlimba Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 37 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Horne 652 (holo-: K) |
| Horne 652 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia lasiostigma var. tomaniviensis Yunck. ] | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 449 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Smith 5114 (holo-: GH; iso-: K, NY, US) |
| Smith 5114 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia lasiostigma C.DC. (fide Smith, 1981) |
[ Peperomia lateovata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 191 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 42310 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 42310 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971; more likely P. tovariana C.DC.) |
[ Peperomia lateovata var. glabrata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 191 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 38489 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 38489 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971; more likely P. tovariana C.DC.) |
[ Peperomia lateriflora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cooper 5925 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (G, F, K) |
| Cooper 5925 - Costa Rica [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia laterispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1958 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Archer 1958 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia ciliaris C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lateritia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 276 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Ule 276 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia latibracteata Quisumb. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 43: 196, 224 (1930) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: McGregor 20126 (iso-: G-DC, K, US) |
| McGregor 20126 - Philippines [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia laticaulis C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 223 (1920) |
| Taiwan - type: Faurie 481 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) ; isolecto-: B, BM, P, W) |
| Faurie 481 - Taiwan [isolectotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia ljaponica Makino |
Peperomia latifolia Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 128 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: P, U) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia latifolia var. alternifolia Wawra ] | |
| Flora 58(15): 231 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Wawra 1844b (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1844b - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. ? fide Yuncker, 1933: 28) |
Peperomia latilimba Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 686 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 5227 (holo-: US) |
| Haught 5227 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia latimerana C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 4 (1917) |
| Jamaica - type: Harris 8327 (holo-: B; iso-: BM, NY) |
| Harris 8327 - Jamaica [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia laudabilis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 335 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6298 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 6298 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia laureani Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Laureano Javier 4 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Laureano Javier 4 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia lauterbachii Schum. | |
| Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee, 237 (1905) |
| New Guinea - type: Lauterbach 578 (holo-: B [missing]) |
Peperomia lawrancei Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 720 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Lawrance 132 (holo-: NY) |
| Lawrance 132 - Colombia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia laxa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68641 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68641 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia laxiflora Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 63 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia laxiflora var. perrubescens Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 481 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 2197 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, F) |
| Haught 2197 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia lebrijana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16259 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, CAL, F, G, GH, ILL, MA, MICH, MO, NY, PH, S, US) |
| Killip 16259 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lechleriana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 58 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Lechler 2375 (holo-: K) |
| Lechler 2375 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343) |
[ Peperomia ledeamana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 5304 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL, US) |
| Venturi 5304 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. pseudodindygulensis (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia ledermannii C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 219 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Ledermann 12610 (syn-: B) & 13080a (syn-: B, G [fragm]) |
| Ledermann 12610 - New Guinea [syntype @ B*] |
Peperomia lehmannii C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 289 (1889) |
| Ecuador - type: Lehmann 456 (holo-: G; iso-: BM) |
| Lehmann 456 - Ecuador [isotype @ BM] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia lentibacca C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 189 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - types: Taylor 471, von Türckheim 3750 (syn-: B, syn-: NY) |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia lenticularis Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 154 (1900) (junior homonym) |
| Brazil - types: Lindman 2413 & Malme 1806 (syn-: S), Guatemala - types: Bernouilli 2703 & 2710 (syn-: S) |
| = Peperomia circinnata Link. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia lenticularis Parodi | |
| Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 6: 93 (1878) |
| Paraguay - type: Parodi s.n. [Oct 1856] |
[ Peperomia leoclemerocana Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 51(1): 2 (1924) |
| Cuba - type: Leon 10436 (holo-: NY; iso-: P) |
| Leon 10436 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia leonardi Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 322, 329 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Leonard 4028 (holo-: US; iso-: EHH, NY) |
| Leonard 4028 - Haiti [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336) |
[ Peperomia leonardi var. acuminata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 322 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1108 (holo-: S; iso-: US), Panama |
| Ekman H1108 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336) |
[ Peperomia leontophoni Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8811 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, ILL, K, L, LY, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8811 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lepadiphylla Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 58 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3055 (holo-: F [missing]) |
| = Peperomia nivalis var. lepadiphylla (Trel.) Pino (fide Pino 2010: 52) |
[ Peperomia leptonema Diels ] | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 77 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 967 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 967 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia leptophylla Miq. | |
| Linnaea 18: 712 (1844) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Schiede 1104 (holo-: HAL) |
| Schiede 1104 - Mexico [holotype @ HAL] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico (Chiapas) |
Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn.  | |
| The Botany of Captain Beechey's Voyage 2: 96 (1832) |
| Fiji Isl., Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Lay s.n. [Beechey] (holo-: K; iso-: G) |
| Lay s.n. Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia leptostachya f. cambodiana C.DC. ] | |
| Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 64 (1910) |
| Vietnam - type Bon 5166 (holo-: P) |
| Bon 5166 - Vietnam [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya f. carnosior C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 22 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai, Maui, Oahu) - types: Faurie 121 (BM, G, G-DC, P), Heller 2237 (BH, BM, E, G-DC, L, MICH, PH), Heller 2570, Rock 8541 |
| Faurie 121- Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 57) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. attenuapica Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 61 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Vaupel 133 (holo-: BISH; iso-: M, US, W) |
| Vaupel 133 - Samoa [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. cambodiana (C.DC.) Merr. ] | |
| Lingnan Sci. Journ. 5: 58 (1927) stat. for Peperomia leptostachya f. cambodiana C.DC. |
| Vietnam - type Bon 5166 (holo-: P) |
| Bon 5166 - Vietnam [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. laxiflora Miq. ] | |
| Versl. en Med. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 2de reeks, 2: 59 (1868) |
| Australia - type: Müller s.n. |
| = Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) Huber (fide Forster, 1993) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. macrophylla (Setchell) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 61 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia moerenhoutii var. macrophylla Setchell) |
| Gambier Isl. (Mangareva), Pitcairn Isl., Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 289 (holo-: UC; iso-: BISH, P) |
| Setchell 289 - Society Islands (Tahiti) [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. marquensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 26 (1935) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Nuku Hiva) - type: Brown 663a (holo-: BISH) |
| Brown 663a - Marquesas Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 58) |
[ Peperomia leptostachya var. nodosa Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 423 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu, Molokai) |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 57) |
Peperomia leptostachyoides C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 8: 330 (1908) |
| New Hebrides (Vanuatu) - type: Quaife 1 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Quaife 1 - New Hebrides [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia leptostachyos (Nutt.) Chapm. ] | |
| Fl. So. U.S. ed. 2, suppl. 645 (1883) (as leptostachya, corrected for Greek basionym - comb. nov. for Piper leptostachyon Nutt.) |
| USA (Florida) - type: Ware s.n. (GH, PH) |
| Ware s.n. - USA (Florida) [type @ GH] |
| = Peperomia humilis var. cumulicola (Small) Ward (fide Ward, 2001) |
[ Peperomia leridana Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 303 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1176 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY) |
| Woodson 1176 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia leucandra Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 46 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5143 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 5143 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia leucanthera C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 269 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 38/61 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 38/61 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia leuconeura Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 58 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5628 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, ILL) |
| Macbride 5628 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. |
[ Peperomia leucophlebia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 17796 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 17796 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia megapotamica Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1959, S specimen annotation & Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia leucorrhachis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 264 (1920) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Sodiro Nov. 1902 (iso-: B, iso-: G, iso-: S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Nov 1902 - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia leucostachya C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 398 (1890) |
| Colombia - type: André 2003 (holo-: G, iso-: K), Ecuador |
| André 2003 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia leucostachya var. tolimensis Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 465 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 9747 (holo-: GH, ILL [fragm]) |
| Killip 9747 - Colombia [holotype # GH] |
| = Peperomia leucostachya C.DC. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia leucosticta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 46 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Hayes 811 (holo-: NY) |
| Hayes 811 - Panama [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia lewisiae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lewis 889 (as lewisae, nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Lewis 889 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Buger, 1970, F specimen annotation 1970 & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia lewisii Proctor | |
| Rhodora 61: 218 (1959) |
| Jamaica - type: Proctor 10473 (holo-: IJ; iso-: BM) |
| Proctor 10473 - Jamaica [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia lhotskyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Weddell 781 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Weddell 781 - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trinervis var. minor> C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia libuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schultes 12535 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Schultes 12535 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 265) |
Peperomia liclicensis Pino & Klopfenstein | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 75(1): 31 (2003) |
| Peru - type: Pino 694 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 694 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
Peperomia liebmannii C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 383 (1872) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - types: Liebmann 104 (lecto-: C [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: G-DC) |
| Liebmann 104 - Mexico [lectotype @ C] |
Peperomia liesneri Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 131 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 118651 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO, NY, U, US) |
| Steyermark 118651 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia lifuana C.DC. | |
| Vierteljahrssehr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich, 61: 632 (1916) |
| New Caledonia (Loyalty Isl.) - type: Sarasin 824 (holo-: Z, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Sarasin 824 - Loyalty Isl. [holotype @ Z*] |
Peperomia lignescens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 137 (1866) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann s.n. (holo-: B [missing], F [photo], G-DC [drawing]), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela |
| Hoffmann s.n.- Costa Rica [Macbrides's picture of the holotype @ B*] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Mexico |
[ Peperomia lignescens var. carthaginensis (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 193 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia carthaginensis C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted 925 (holo-: C; iso-: G) |
| Oersted 925 - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia lignescens var. subcuneilimba Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 193 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 41564 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 41564 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia ligustrina Hillebr. | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 426 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Remy 184 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing]), (Hawaii, Molokai) |
[ Peperomia ligustrina var. oopuolana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 35 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Degener 2628 (holo-: BISH; iso-: ILL, CAS, GH, MASS, NY, US) |
| Degener 2628 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia ligustrina Hillebr. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia liliifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 35 (1913) (as Peperomia lilifolia) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 7012 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH), (Hawaii, Lania, Maui, Oahu ) |
| Rock 7012 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia liliifolia var. honokahuana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 94 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Forbes 451 (holo-: BISH; iso- NY) |
| Forbes 451 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia liliifolia var. nudilimba (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 92 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia nudilimba C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 128 (holo-: G-DC), (Hawaii, Oahu) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia liliifolia var. obtusata Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 94 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 16032 (holo-: BISH), (Hawaii) |
| Rock 16032 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @BISH*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia liliifolia var. psilostigma (C.DC.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 93 (1933) (comb. nov. for Peperomia psilostigma C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock s.n.(holo-: G-DC), (Hawaii) |
| Rock s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia lilliputiana (Pino & Cieza) Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 162 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Klopfenstein 593 (holo-: USM) |
| Klopfenstein 593 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Freshly harvested plant (picture from protologue) |
[ Peperomia lilloi C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 397 (1916) |
| Argentina - type: Lillo 2841 (holo-: G-DC; iso- CORD, G, LIL) |
| Lillo 2841 - Argentina [type @ G] |
| = Peperomia santaelisae C.DC. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012:138) |
[ Peperomia limaensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 58 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5920 (holo-: F; iso-: B, ILL, S, US) |
| Macbride 5920 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
[ Peperomia limana Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 255 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 30048 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 30048 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia limbaniensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Metcalf 30448 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MO, US) |
| Metcalf 30448 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia linaresii Véliz | |
| Cactus Aventures International 73(2): 10 (2007) |
| El Salvador - type: Véliz 15357 (holo-: BIGU; iso-: EAP, MEXU, MO, NY) |
| Véliz 15357 - El Salvador [isotype @ MEXU] |
| Plants at type locality - El Salvador |
[ Peperomia linariifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3199 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (GH, ILL, S, U, US) |
| Klug 3199 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, s.d., ILL & S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia linatifolia A.Rich. ex C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 410 (1869) (sphalm for Peperomia lineatipila A. Rich., nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Cuba - 'type': de la Sagra s.n. (P) |
| de la Sagra s.n. - Cuba [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia caulibarbis Miq. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide C. de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia lindeniana Miq. ] | |
| Versl. en Med. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 2de reeks, 2: 59 (adnot.) (1868) |
| El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Linden 132 (holo-: U) |
| Linden 132 - Mexico [holotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii (L. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 225) |
[ Peperomia lindleyana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 147 (1843) (err. typ. 247) |
| Reunion - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: P) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
Peperomia lindmaniana Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 44 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Lindman 2925 (holo-: S; iso-: B, GH, ILL, LD, NY, S) |
| Lindman 2925 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia linearifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 218 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Ledermann 11563 (holo-: B) |
| Ledermann 11563 - New Guinea [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia hedyotidea Ridley (fide Dull, 1964, B type annotation) |
[ Peperomia lineariifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3199 (nomen herbariorum, ined.; as lineariaefolia) |
| Peru (B, G, K, NY) |
| Klug 3199 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana var. longifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, ILL & S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia linearis C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 145 (1866) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 89 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BM, E, ILL; LE, P), Venezuela - type: Fendler 1176 (syn-: G-DC, isosyn-: GH, K, NY) |
| Jameson 89 - Ecuador [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia linearis var. asperuloides (Sodiro) C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 395 (1923) [nomen]; Candollea 3: 127 (1926) (comb. nov. for Peperomia asperuloides Sod.) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: S) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia lineaticaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chardon 148 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (US) |
| Chardon 148 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia portulacifolia Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lineatipila A.Rich. ] | |
| Hist. Fis. Cuba, Bot. 2: 229 (1850) |
| Cuba - type: de la Sagra s.n. (holotype not designated: P) |
| de la Sagra s.n. - Cuba [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia lineatipila f. mogotana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 19 (1926) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba - 'type': Ekman 16635 (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 16635 - Cuba ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia litana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 614 (1950) (nomen nov. for Peperomia otoniana f. ecuadorensis C.DC.) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 59 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 59 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia litoralis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Broadway 6928 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (BM, F, ILL S, US) |
| Broadway 6928 - Trinidad [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia litorosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11716 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11716 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia oscarii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia litorosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 39815 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 39815 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia llallana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Spruce 5461 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (K, W) |
| Spruce 5461 bis - Ecuador [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2009) |
Peperomia llewelynii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 695 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Williams 10857 (holo-: F) |
| Williams 10857 - Venezuela [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia lloydii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lloyd 630 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dominica (K, NY) |
| Lloyd 630 - Dominica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia loefgrenii Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 146 (1966) (as loefgrennii, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Brazil - type: Loefgren 3606 (holo-: ILL, NY [fragm]) |
| Loefgren 3606 - Brazil [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia lonchophylla C.DC. ] | |
| Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee, 255 (1905) |
| Samoa - type: Reinecke 380 (holo-: B; iso-: G, E) |
| = Peperomia oahuensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1933) |
Peperomia lonchophylloides C.DC. | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 138 (holo-: W; iso-: G) |
| Rechinger 138 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia longeacuminata Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 10: 157 (1931) |
| Guatemala - type: Cook 254 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Cook 254 - Guatemala [type @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US type specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia longemucronata C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 497 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8594 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: K, L) |
| Ule 8594 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia longemucronata f. longirostrata (Yunck.) Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 133 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia longirostrata Yunck.) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 58990 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 58990 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia longepedunculata Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 164 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1790 (holotype not designated: PR, PRC) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
[ Peperomia longespicata C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 284 (1898) |
| Honduras - type: Thieme 5452 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: US ) |
| Thieme 5452 - Honduras [isotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2010 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia longibacca C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 369 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 127 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13958 (holo-: B; iso-: G-DC, P) |
| Tonduz 13958 - Costa Rica [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia longicaulis C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 517 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/31 (holo-: G; iso-: B) |
| = Peperomia parasitica var. longicaulis (C. DC.) Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia parasitica C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia longicaulis var. adscendens Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Mar 1901 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia parasitica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, QPLS specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia longicaulis var. heteromorpha Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 4 (1902) |
| Ecuador |
| = Peperomia parasitica var. longicaulis (C. DC.) Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia parasitica C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia longicaulis var. hirsuta Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. d.d. Jun. 1900 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC, P, Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia parasitica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia longiconia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 72415 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 72415 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia longifilamentosa ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8992 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, ILL, K, L, LY, M, MEXU, MIN, MO, NY, P, PH, PR, PRC, S, US, VT, W) |
| Pringle 8992 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia donaguiana var. longifilamentosa C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
| = Peperomia donaguiana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2016 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia longiflora Link ex A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 174 (1831) |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Miquel, 1852: 14) |
[ Peperomia longifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 405 (1869) |
| Fr.Guiana - type Richard s.n. (holo-: P) |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia longilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 36 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Lanai) - type: Rock 8094 (syn-: BISH; isosyn-: GH), (Maui) - type: 8506 (syn-: BISH; isosyn-: GH, NY), |
| Rock 8506 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia hirtipetiola C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia longipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 11531 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (BR, F, G, US) |
| Tonduz 11531 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia longipes C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 248 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 2527 (holo-: NY; iso-: CM, G, GH, K, MICH, P, PH, US, VT) |
| Smith 2527 - Colombia [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 597) |
Peperomia longipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 664 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 15416 (holo-: US; iso-: BC, COL, F, U), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 15416 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
Peperomia longipila C.DC. | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 115 (1905) |
| Peru - type: Ule 6407 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CORD, G, HBG, K, L, PRC) |
| Ule 6407 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia longiradicata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia-Barriga 7788 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 7788 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia longirama C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 18 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - types: Rock 414 (syn-: BISH) & 458 (syn-: BISH; isosyn-: G-DC, GH) |
| Rock 458 - Hawaiian Isl. [isosyntype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia liliifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1933) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia longirostrata Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 676 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 58990 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 58990 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia longisetosa Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 464, 61 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Aguilar 4019 (holo-: CR; iso-: HUA, MO) |
| Aguilar 4019 - Costa Rica [isotype @ HUA] |
[ Peperomia longispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 59 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3928 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, F, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3928 - Peru [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia lopezensis Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 303 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 2118 (holo-: MO) |
| Allen 2118 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia lorentzii C.DC. | |
| Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 273 (1898) |
| Argentina - type Lorentz 316 (holo-: GOET; iso-: B, CORD, G-DC, NY, S, SI), Bolivia |
| Lorentz 316 - Argentina [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia lorentzii f. hunzikeri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 9139 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Argentina (US) |
| Hunziker 1272 - Argentina [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lorentzii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia lorentzii var. boliviensis Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 198 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1121 (holo-: GH; iso-: BM, G, K, P, W) |
| Mandon 1121 - Bolivia [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia lorentzii var. pseudoboliviensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mandon 1121 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (BM, G-DC, GH, K, P, W) |
| Mandon 1121 - Bolivia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia boliviensis C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia lorentzii var. siambonana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lillo 1108 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (G, ILL) |
| Lillo 1108 - Argentina [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia lorentzii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia loretana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, F, G, GH, K, NY, S, U, US) |
| Klug 3180 - Peru [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2003) |
[ Peperomia losoensis Trel. ] | |
| Flora de la Real Exp. Bot. del Nuevo Reyno de Granada 13: 32 (1997) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia (BM, G, NY) |
| Mutis 551 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia loucoubeana C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 48 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Boivin s.n. (holo-: P) |
| Boivin s.n. - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia loxensis Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 70 (1815) |
| Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia loxensis f. contracta Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 36 (1873) (with "?") |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia loxensis f. laxa Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 36 (1873) (with "?") |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia luisana Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 256 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 60134 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 60134 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia luituosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 8060 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 8060 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia luleana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 1986 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (GH, ILL, US) |
| Venturi 1986 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker,1955 & Callejas, 1986, 1987, G & K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lunana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 30 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Luna 154 (holo-: NY) |
| Luna 154 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia lunaria Desv. ex Ham. ] | |
| Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 2 (1825) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Verhuellia lunaria (Desv. ex Ham.) C.DC. |
[ Peperomia lundellii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 12: 101 [nomen], 406 [descript.] (1936) |
| Belize - type: Lundell 96a (holo-: F; G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Lundell 96a - Belize [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth |
[ Peperomia lundellii var. petenensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lundell 1575 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, MICH, MO) |
| Lundell 1575 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lundii C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 367 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Lund s.n. (holo-: C) |
| Lund s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia luquillensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Heller 1030 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (K, NY, US) |
| Heller 1030 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia luquillensis var. reducta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 4550 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (NY) |
| Britton 455 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia lustrica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20161 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 20161 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia luticola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 624 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (E, ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 624 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ticunhuayana Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia lutulenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3585 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Killip 3585 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950: 89) |
[ Peperomia luxii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 260 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Heyde 3828 (holotype not designated: G-DC, GH, K, M, US) |
| Heyde 3828 - Guatemala [type @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia luxnostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lundell 1575 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71318 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 275) |
Peperomia lyallii C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 140 (1866) |
| Madagascar - type: Lyall 338 (holo-: K) |
| Lyall 338 - Madagascar [holotype @ K] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Madagascar |
Peperomia lyman-smithii Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 147 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Smith 7887 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Smith 7887 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia lyman-smithii var. macrophylla Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 148 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Rambo 52894 (holo-: PACA; iso-: NY) |
| Rambo 52894 Brazil [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia macaraoana Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 245 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'types': Allart 58 & 172, Pittier 11549 (K, P, US) & 11907 (ILL, M, NY, US) |
| Pittier 11549 - Venezuela ['type' @ P] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia macbrideana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 59 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4144 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso- ILL) |
| Macbride 4144 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia macedoana Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 189 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Smith 4717 (holo-: US; iso-: SP) |
| Smith 4717 - Brazil [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Carvalho-Silva e.a., 2019) |
[ Peperomia macgregorii C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 412 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Bur. Sci. 8380 (holotye not designated: G-DC) |
| Bur. Sci. 8380 - Philippines [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rubrivenosa C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
[ Peperomia machaerodonta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 47 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Killip 3528 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 3538 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia macorisiana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 329 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Taylor 251 (holo-: NY) |
| Taylor 251 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia macraeana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 145 (1866) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii, Lanai, Maui, Moloka), (Oahu) - type: Macrae s.n. (holo-: BM, iso-: K) |
| Macrae s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia macraeana var. nervosa Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 421 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Knudsen 107 (holotype not designated: B) |
| Knudsen 107 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia macraeana var. picta Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 421 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia macrandra C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 276 (1898) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Pringle 4654 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, CM, E, G, GH, GOET, ISC, JE, M, MEL, MEXU, NDG, NY, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 4654 - Mexico [isotype @ GH] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
[ Peperomia macrandra var. ampla Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 140 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 13282 (holo-: US; iso-: ASU, BH, F, GH, MICH, US, VT) |
| Pringle 13282 - Mexico [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia ampla (Trel.) Mathieu (fide Mathieu, 2011: 361) |
[ Peperomia macrandra var. macrophylla (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Moçiño s.n. in Herb. Pavón (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (G) |
| Sessé & Moçiño s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia schizandra Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia macrandra var. temascaltepecana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 1556 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (G, ILL, K, NY, US) |
| Hinton 1556 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia macranthera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Spruce 4285 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (BM, BR, G, G-DC, K, TDC, W) |
| Spruce 4285 - Peru [specimen @ TCD] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2002, TCD specimen annotation) |
Peperomia macrocarpa C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 339 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 128 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13134 (holo-: B) |
| Tonduz 13134 - Costa Rica [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia macrophylla C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 8 (1894) |
| Guatemala - types: Donnell-Smith 2578 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: US) & 2579 (syn-: US; isosyn-: G) |
| Donnell-Smith 2578 - Guatemala [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia floribunda (Miq.) Dahlst. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. f. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia macrophylla var. abnormis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 37444 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 37444 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia macrophylla var. bracteifea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Purpus 6954 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (NY) |
| Purpus 6954 - Mexico [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Mathieu, 2006, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia macrophylla var. chivolandiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 87190 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 87190 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia macrophylla var. quezaltenangensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 65299 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 65299 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F annotation & de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia macrophylla var. samalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 84614 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 84614 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F annotation & de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia macropoda Miq. ] | |
| Linnaea 20: 128 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: Pohl 4790 (holo-: W) |
| Pohl 4790 - Brazil [holotype @ M] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia macropus Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 350 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Pittier 350 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia macrorhiza Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 72 (1815) |
| Peru - type: Bonpland 3705 (holotype not designated: P) |
| Bonpland 3705 - Peru [type @ P] |
[ Peperomia macrorhiza var. lilliputiana Pino & Cieza ] | |
| Haseltonia 11: 110 (2005) |
| Peru - type: Klopfenstein 593 (holo-: USM) |
| Klopfenstein 593 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| = Peperomia lilliputiana (Pino & Cieza) Pino (fide Pino, 2011) |
Peperomia macrorostrum Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 465, 62 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Churchill 4589 (holo-: MO) |
| Churchill 4589 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 149 (1831) (as macrostachya, corrected for Greek basionym - comb. nov. for Piper macrostachyon Vahl) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana - type: Richard s.n. (holo-: C; iso-: P), Guatemmala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Venezuela |
| Richard s.n. - Fr. Guiana [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia macrostachyos var. nematostachya (Link) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 661 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia nematostachya Link) |
| Brazil - type: Hoffmansegg s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Hoffmannsegg s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia macrostachyos var. rupestris (Kunth) Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 140 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia rupestris Kunth) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humbolt & Bonpland 392 (holo-: P; iso-: B) |
| von Humbolt & Bonpland 392 - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia macrothyrsa Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 419 (1845) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 3228 (holotype not designated: BM, G, GH, K, U [fragm]) |
| Mathews 3228 - Peru [type @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia macrotricha C.DC. | |
| Mem. Soc. Neuchatel. Sc. Nat. 5: 358 (1914) |
| Colombia - type: Mayor 158 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Mayor 158 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. | |
| Exot. Fl. 2 (1824): t. 92 [publ. 1825] |
| Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Plumier [icono-: Description des plantes de l'Amérique t. 66. 1693], Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela |
| Plumier 1693 tab LXVI - Haiti [iconotype] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Caen (France) |
[ Peperomia maculosa var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leonard 8089 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (US) |
| Leonard 8089 - Haiti [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Saralegui, 1994, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia madagascariensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 448 (1869) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 2604 (holo-: P; iso-: K) |
| Baron 260 - Madagascar [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia villilimba C.DC. |
[ Peperomia madritensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 489 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 489 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia maestrana Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20, 29 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14767 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: G, HAB, NY, S) |
| Ekman 14767 - Cuba [lectotyep @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia maestrensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Alain 234 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Alain 234 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia magilensis Baker ] | |
| Fl. Trop. Afr. 6(1): 150 (1909) |
| Tanzania - type: Kirk s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Kirk s.n. - Tanzania [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia magna Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2379 (nomen herbariorum, ined., sphalm for P. nigra , nom. herb.) |
| Mexico (F, K, PH, US) |
| Morton 2379 - Mexico [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) Loudon (fide Mathieu, 2006, PH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia magnifolia var. codazziana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3837 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Haught 3837 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia magnifoliiflora G.Mathieu | |
| Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 184 (2008) |
| Bolivia - type: Beck 3612 (holo-: NY; iso-: LPB) |
| Beck 3612 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY] |
| Plant in habitat - Bolivia (La Paz, Zongo valley) |
[ Peperomia magnipensa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Apolinar 137 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Apolinar Maria 137 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia suratana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr.  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 153 (1831) (as magnoliaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) (comb. nov. for Piper magnoliifolium Jacq.) |
| Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fr. Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Venezuela - type: (cultivated) Jacquin s.n. (lecto-: W [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 353]), Virgin Isl. |
| Jacquin s.n. - cultivated [lectotype @ W] |
| Icon. Plant. Rar. Vol 2 tab.213 (1786-1793) |
Peperomia magnoliifolia var. alata C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 282 (1898) (as magnoliaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Mexico - types: Bourgeau 2461 (syn-: BR, C, L, P, US) & 2965 (syn-: G-DC, P) |
| Bourgeau 2461 - Mexico [isosyntype @ P] |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. brevirostrata Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 61 (1900) |
| Guadeloupe, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Martinique, Puerto Rico |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. emarginulata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 427 (1869) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 62 (syn- G-DC), Cuba - type: Wright 1152 (syn-: G-DC), Venezuela - type: Fendler 1152 (syn-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. leoclemerocana (Trel.) Yunck. ] | |
| Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 6(4): 24 (1949) (comb. nov. for Peperomia leoclemerocana Trel.) |
| Cuba - type: Leon 10436 (holo-: NY; iso-: P) |
| Leon 10436 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. longepedunculata Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. d.d. Feb 1872 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia haematolepis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. longibracteata (Yunck.) Callejas ] | |
| Herb. specimen Allen 3730 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (G, MO) |
| Allen 3730 - Panama [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. microphylla Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 61 (1900) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 510 pp (holotype not designated: US) |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 427 (1869) |
| Costa Rica, Cuba - de la Ossa s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G-DC) |
| de la Ossa s.n. - Cuba [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. peduncularis Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. d.d. Sep 1888 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, QPLS specimen annotation) |
Peperomia magnoliifolia var. rostrata Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 60 (1900) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 510 pp (holotype not designated: B, S) |
| Wright 510 - Cuba [type @ S] |
[ Peperomia magnoliifolia var. sintenisiana Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 59 (1900) |
| Brazil, Puerto Rico, Surinam |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants) |
Peperomia magnoliifolia var. subrotunda Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 60 (1900) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 510 pp (holo-:S) |
Peperomia magnoliifolia var. variifolia C.DC. | |
| Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 273 (1898) (as magnoliaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Bolivia - type: Kuntze 11 (holotype not designated: G-DC) |
| Kuntze 11 - Bolivia [type @ G-DC] |
Peperomia maguirei Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 291 (1948) |
| Fr.Guiana, Guyana, Surinam - type: Maguire 24420 (holo-: NY; iso-: F, GH, ILL, US) |
| Maguire 24420 - Surinam [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia mahanana C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 33 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Lanai) - type: Rock 8090 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH) |
| Rock 8090 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia mauiensis C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia maijeri Pino & Samain | |
| Haseltonia 18: 11 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Samain 2010-061 (holo-: USM; iso: GENT) |
| Plants in cultivation |
[ Peperomia maisiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen León 18274 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| León 18274 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia maisiensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Siefriz 9 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Seifriz 9 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia majalis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 60 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25886 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25886 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia major (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 432 (1869) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium majus Miq.) |
| Brazil, Mexico |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia major var. hispida C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 432 (1869) |
Peperomia mala Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 335 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5737 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 5737 - Honduras [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia malacatensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36735 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36735 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia malaccensis Ridl. ] | |
| Kew Bull. 1895: 185 (1895) |
| Maleysia - type: Derry s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Derry s.n. - Malaysia [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia gemella Miq. (fide Düll, 1965) |
[ Peperomia malagana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9867 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9867 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ambiguifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia maleintellecta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12223 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (G-DC, US, W) |
| Tonduz 12223 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
[ Peperomia maleuvreana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321, 329 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep., Haiti) - type: Nash 1119 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Nash 1119 - Haiti [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia mallichroa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nash 868 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (NY) |
| Nash 868 - Haiti [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1966, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia malmeana Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 169 (1900) |
| Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay - type Malme 896 (holo-: S, iso-: B, ILL, LD, US, Z) |
| Malme 896 - Paraguay [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia malmeana var. erecta Trel ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fiebrig 5421 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Paraguay (BM, E, L, P) (Not ILL, G) |
| Fiebrig 5421 - Paraguay [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, P specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mamatocana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1253 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, BR, CM, E, G, G-DC, GH, K, L, MICH, MO, NY, P, PH, S, U, US) |
| Smith 1253 - Colombia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mameiana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 290 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 128 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Panama - type: Pittier 3805 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 3805 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia mameiana var. lindsayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lindsay 402a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (BH, ILL) |
| Lindsay 402a - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia mameiana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia manabina C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 258 (1908) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Eggers 15165 (holo-: B; iso-: F, K, L, LD, LE, P, PR, US) |
| Eggers 15165 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia manabina var. minor Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 472 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 20496 (holo-: US; iso-: GH) |
| Hitchcock 20496 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia manabina C.DC. (fide Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia managuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 7377 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (ILL, US) |
| Maxon 7377 - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, P specimen annotation) |
Peperomia manarae Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 148 (1984) |
| Guyana, Venezuela - type: Manara s.n. (holo-: VEN) |
| Manara s.n. - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
Peperomia mandioccana Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 125 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-: M; iso-: U [fragm]) |
| von Martius s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ M] |
[ Peperomia mandioccana f. macrocarpa Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 151 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 8941 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G-DC, K, P) |
| Glaziou 8941 - Brazil [isotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia mandioccana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia mandiosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 1455 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (NY) |
| Britton 1455 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
[ Peperomia mandonii C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 395 (1869) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1124 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: BM, G, K, NY, S, W) |
| Mandon 1124 - Bolivia [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 132) |
[ Peperomia mandonii var. excelsis C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 161 (1894) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 1299 (holo-: NY; iso-: BM, E, F, G, GH, K, M, MICH, MO, NY, PH, US, W) |
| Bang 1299 - Bolivia [isotype @ E] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 132) |
Peperomia mangalbaria P.Rai & G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 609(2): 139 (2023) |
| India - type: Rai PO503 (holo-:BSHC; iso-: DARJL) |
| Rai PO503 - India [holotype @ BSHC] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia manicorensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Krukoff 5995 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (F, G; GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Krukoff 5995 - Brazil [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia maniensis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 297, 303 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia mauiensis Wawra) |
| = Peperomia mauiensis Wawra |
[ Peperomia mannii Hook. f. ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 7: 217 (1864) |
| Cameroon - type: Mann 2016 (holo-: K; iso- GH) |
| Mann 2016 - Cameroon [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. mannii (Hook. f.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia mannii var. fernandopoiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 422 (1869) (as var. fernandopoana) |
| Equat.Guinea (Bioko) - type: Mann 291 (holo-: K) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia mansericheana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 60 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Mexia 6196 (holo-: UC; iso-: B, BH, BM, CAS, F, G, GB, GH, ILL, K, MICH, NO, NY, P, PH, S, U, US, Z) |
| Mexia 6196 - Peru [isotype @ F*] |
| = Peperomia vulcanicola C.DC. (fide Brako & Zarucchi, 1993) |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia mantadiana G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 74 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 406 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, K, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 406 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
Peperomia mantaroana Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 14 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Pino 2624 (holo-: USM) |
| Samain 2009-048 - Peru [cited specimen @ BR] |
Peperomia mantiquerana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 471 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; F [photo]) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [holotype photo @ F*] |
[ Peperomia manuelii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1544 (1938) (as manueli, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio 1615 (holo-: F) |
| Valerio 1615 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia mapulehuana Yunck.  | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 79 (1933) (nomen nov. for Peperomia helleri Léveillé) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 109 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, BM, P, G) |
| Faurie 109 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia marahuacensis Steyerm. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 74(1): 87 (1987) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 130742a (holo-: MO; iso-: VEN) |
| Steyermark 130742a - Venezuela [holotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia maransara Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 61 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Cook 960 (holo-: US) |
| Cook 960 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia mararyna C.DC. ] | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 117 (1905) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 16b (holo-: B) |
| Ule 16b - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia marcapatana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 61 (1936) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Weberbauer 7801 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: F, ILL) |
| Weberbauer 7801 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
| Plant in habitat - Bolivia |
Peperomia marchionensis Brown | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 22 (1935) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Hiva Oa) - type: Quayle 1630 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Quayle 1630 - Marquesas Isl. [holotype @ BISH] |
[ Peperomia marchionensis var. uapensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 22 (1935) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Ua pou) - type: Quyale 1175 (holo-: BISH) |
| type: Quyale 1175 - Marquesas Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia marchionensis Brown (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia marcoana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 467 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1824 (holo-:G-DC; iso-: B [missing], G, RB) |
| Damazio 1824 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia marcosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86530 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86530 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
[ Peperomia margaritaria Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rose 22274 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (NY, US) |
| Rose 22274 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia margaritifera Bert. ex Hook. | |
| Ic. Pl. 1: t. 91 (1837) |
| Chile (Juan Fernandez Isl.) - type: Bertero 1493 (holo-: K; iso-: G, G-DC, GH, MPU, NY, P, U, W) |
| Bertero 1493 - Juan Fernandez Isl. [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia margaritifera f. umbraticola Skottsb. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skottsberg 220 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Chile (Juan Fernandez Isl.) (BM, C, GB, K, P, S, US) |
| Skottsberg 220 - Juan Fernandez Isl. [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia margaritifera Hook. (fide Skottsberg, 1947) |
[ Peperomia marginata Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 129 (1843) |
| Reunion - type: Commerson 686 (holo-: P; iso-: G, U) |
| = Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia mariannensis Hosokawa ] | |
| Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25: 120 (1935) (junior homonym) |
| Mariana Isl. - type: Hosokawa 7784 (holo-: TAI) |
| Hosokawa 7784 - Mariana Isl. [holotype @ TAI*] |
| = Peperomia ladronica Hosokawa (fide Hosokawa, 1935) |
Peperomia mariannensis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 442 (1869) |
| type: Gaudichaud 216 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, P, U) |
| Gaudichaud 216 - Mariana Isl. [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia maribiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 428 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Martius s.n. (holo-: M; iso-: M) |
| von Martius s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ M] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia maritima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 1981 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Jamaica (US) |
| Maxon 1981 - Jamaica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia simplex Ham. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia marivelesana C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 762 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Elmer 6820 (iso-: G, K, NY) |
| Elmer 6820 - Philippines [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia marmorata Hook. f. | |
| Bot. Mag. 92: t. 5568 (1866) |
| Brazil, Ecuador, Peru |
| Wibbe s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ BR] |
[ Peperomia marocana var. glabrifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (NY, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica f. glabrifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 157) |
Peperomia marshalliana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 61 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4710 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, US) |
| Macbride 4710 - Peru [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia martagonifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 313 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 128 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12243 (holotype not designated: CR, US) |
| Tonduz 12243 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1997) |
[ Peperomia martagonifolia var. contempta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 218 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 4249 (holo-: US; iso-: BR) |
| Pittier 4249 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia martagonifolia var. torresana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 219 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47684 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 47684 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia martagonifolia var. wercklei (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 219 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia wercklei C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Wercklé 3688 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: US) |
| Wercklé 3688 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia martiana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 189 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (lecto-: U [designated Zanotti et al. 2012: 136]; isolecto-: K [p.p.]), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype (pp) @ K] |
[ Peperomia martiana var. gramana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4252 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (BH, BM, F, G, GB, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NO, NY, P, PH, PR, RSA, S, U, US) |
| Mexia 4252 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 194) |
Peperomia martiana var. nervosa Yunck. | |
| Brittonia 13(1): 63 (1961) |
| Peru - type: Poeppig 1660 (holo-: W) |
| Poeppig 1660 - Peru [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia martini Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 478: 57 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'type': Bartlett 12207 (MICH, ILL) |
| Bartlett 12207 - Guatemala ['type' @ MICH] |
[ Peperomia martinicensis Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 409 (1938); Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 576 (1939) [emend.] |
| Guadeloupe, Martinique - type: Hahn 649 (holo-: US; iso-: B [missing], BR, K, MPU, P, PH) |
| Hahn 649 - Martinique [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia martinicensis var. almana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 2354 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (NY) |
| Stehlé 2354 - Martinique [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 389) |
[ Peperomia martinicensis var. almeana Trel. ] | |
| J. Arnold Arbor. 54(3): 389 (1973) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 2354 (ILL) |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia martinicensis var. lata Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 976 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 976 - Martinique ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia mascarena C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) (as mascharena) |
| Madagascar - types: Roxburgh s.n. (syn-: BM), Zeyher s.n. |
| Roxburgh s.n. - Madagascar [syntype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia bangroana C.DC. (fide Balle, 1942) |
[ Peperomia mascotana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 7020 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (UC, US) |
| Mexia 7020 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia masuthoniana Suwanph. & Chantar. | |
| Kew Bull. 72(1): 1-15 (2017) |
| Thailand - type: Suwanphakdee 458 (holo-: BKF; iso-: BK, KKU, QBG) |
| Suwanphakdee 458 [holotype @ BKF*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia matagalpensis Burger ] | |
| Phytologia 48: 186 (1981) |
| Honduras, Nicaragua - type: Williams 24762 (holo-: F; iso-: BM, EAP, MO), Mexico |
| Williams 24762 - Nicaragua [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia tenerrima Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia matapalo Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13: 366 (1923) |
| El Salvador - type: Calderón 1121 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, US) |
| Calderón 1121 - El Salvador [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia mataquana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jack 6787 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Jack 6787 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia mataquescuintlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32613 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32613 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia matasanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37611 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 37611 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mathewsiana Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 423 (1845) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 1688 (holotype not designated: E, K) |
| Mathews 1688 - Peru [type @ K] |
Peperomia mathewsii C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 144 (1866) |
| Peru - type: Mathews s.n. (holo-: G) |
| Mathews s.n. - Peru [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia mathieui Pino & Samain | |
| Haseltonia 18: 16 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-089 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR,GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-089 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plants (type collection) |
Peperomia matlalucaensis C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 375 (1872) |
| Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico - type: Liebmann 130 (holo-: C; iso-: G-DC [fragm]), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Liebmann 130 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia mattaefaciens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Baker 623 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (US) |
| Baker 623 - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mauiensis Wawra | |
| Flora 58(15): 225 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Wawra 1828 (holo-: W), (Lanai, Molokai) |
| Wawra 1828 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia mauiensis var. parvifolia Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 425 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia ligustrina Hillebr. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia maunakeana C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 17 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 127 (holo-: G, iso-: G-DC) |
| Faurie 127 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia mauritiana (Roem. & Sch.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 171 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper mauritianum Roem. & Sch.) |
| Mauritius |
| = Peperomia elliptica (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Baker 1877) |
[ Peperomia maxonii C.DC. ]  | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 186 (1912) |
| Cuba - type: Maxon 4043 (holo-: US; iso-: NY), Puerto Rico |
| Maxon 4043 - Cuba [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2020 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia maxwellana C.DC. | |
| Rec. Bot. Surv. India 6: 1 (1912) |
| Malaysia - type: Ridley 5481 |
Peperomia maypurensis Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 66 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia mazanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schunke 107 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, GH, NY, UC, US) |
| Schunke 107 - Peru [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Bornstein, 1986, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mazatenangensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bernouilli 2715 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (GOET, K) |
| Bernoulli 2715 - Guatemala [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mazatenangona Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 88885 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 88885 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia medianiana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 25 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13605 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, C, DAV, G, GH, K, S, UC, US) |
| Ekman H13605 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 338) |
[ Peperomia mediocripedunculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33776 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Killip 33776 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia riocaliensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia medioi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1733 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL, MO, US) |
| Miller 1733 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia medio-montis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3438 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (GH, K, NY, S, US) |
| Skutch 3438 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, GH, NY, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia meeboldii C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 297 (1914) |
| India - type: Meebold 10425 (holo-: BRA; iso-: E) |
| Meebold 10425 - India [isotype @ E] |
[ Peperomia megalanthera Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 206 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37970 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37970 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia panamensis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia megalepis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 62 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4275 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 4275 - Peru [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia megalopoda Trel. | |
| Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands 6: 533 (1930) |
| Puerto Rico - type: Britton 9352 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: NY) |
| Britton 9352 - Puerto Rico [lectotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia megapotamica Dahlst.  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 194 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Malme 206 (holo-: S; iso-: S) |
| Malme 206 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| Plant in habitat |
Peperomia melanokirrocarpa Gilli | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 92(9-10): 685 (1981) |
| Ecuador - type: Gilli 311 (holo-: W) |
| Gilli 311 - Ecuador [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia melanosticta Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 136 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Sep 1899 (holo-: Q; iso-: G-DC, P) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
[ Peperomia melanostigma (Miq.) Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 90 (1843) (comb. nov. for Micropiper melanostigma Miq.) |
| Bolivia, Costa Rica, Surinam - type: Focke s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: U) |
| Focke 262 & 745 - Surinam [isotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia melanostigma var. angustifolia Miq. | |
| Linnaea 18: 226 (1844) |
| Surinam |
[ Peperomia melanostigma var. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 409 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel, Guadeloupe - type: Krauss s.n. (syn-: G-DC), Jamaica - type: Swartz, Surinam - type: Kegel 438 |
| Krauss s.n. - Guadeloupe [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
[ Peperomia melanostigma var. nervulosa C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 409 (1869) |
| Surinam - type: Hostmann 437 (holo-: B; iso-: P) |
| Hostmann 437 - Surinam [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Jorgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia melinii Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 539 (1957) |
| Peru - type: Melin 175 (holo-: S) |
| Melin 179 - Peru [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. | |
| The Botany of Captain Beechey's Voyage 2: 96 (1832) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai) (Oahu) - type: Lay & Collie [on Beechey's voyage] (iso-: G, K) |
| Lay & Collie [Beechey] s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia membranacea var. brevifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 42 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Yuncker 3367 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY), (Kauai) |
| Yuncker 3367 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia membranacea var. gaudichaudii (Miq.) Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 422 (1888) (comb. nov. for Peperomia gaudichaudii Miq.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Gaudichaud s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Gaudichaud s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Degener et al., 1950) |
[ Peperomia membranacea var. puukukuiana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 43 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10376 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH), (Hawaii) |
| Rock 10376 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia membranacea var. waimeana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 43 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Rock 17183 (holo-: BISH), (Molokai) |
| Rock 17183 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia mendelsonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 1637 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (NY, US) |
| Britton 1637 - Trrinidad [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1973) |
Peperomia menkeana Miq.  | |
| Linnaea 20: 124 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: Menke 125 (holo-: BR) |
| Menke 125 - Brazil [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia mentiens Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 217 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 4926b (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC, K)) |
| Donnell-Smith 4926b - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia mentiens var. lata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 217 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 49012 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 49012 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia mercedana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 259 (1908) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Weberbauer 1882 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1882 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia mercedana var. carpapatana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 62 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24485 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 24485 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia meridana Yunck. | |
| Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 22: 277 (1961) |
| Venezuela - type: Aristeguieta 4555 (holo-: VEN; iso-: NY) |
| Aristeguieta 4555 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
| Specimen in private collection |
Peperomia merrillii C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 411 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Bur. Sci. 1071 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: NY, P, US), For. Bur. 3359 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BR, K, NY, P, US), Loher 4585 (isosyn-: K, US), Merrill 4180 (syn-: G-DC; isosysn-: K, NY, US) |
| Merrill 4180 - Philippines [syntype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia mesitasana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 469 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Silvano 175 (holo-: ILL) |
| Silvano 175 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia mesmeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19973 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY) |
| Killip 19973 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia metae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 826 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (ILL) |
| Schipp 826 - Honduras [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia metae var. rupicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 1067 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (F, ILL, K, MICH, S) |
| Schipp 1067 - Honduras [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F & MICH specimen annotation, & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia metallica Lind. & Rod. | |
| Illustr. Hortic. 39: 79 (1892) |
| Peru |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia metana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34253 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Killip 34253 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia metanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34238 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, ILL, S, US) |
| Killip 34238 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease, 1950) |
[ Peperomia metapalcoensis C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 416 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Fraser s.n., Guyana - type: Leprieur s.n., Mexico - type: Schiede s.n. (B) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia metcalfii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 724 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Metcalf 30109 (holo-: UC; US [fragm & photo]) |
| Metcalf 30109 - Colombia [holotype @ UC*] |
[ Peperomia metifaciens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 61934 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 61934 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mexiae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 1562 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, GH, ILL, MO, NY, US) |
| Mexia 1562 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Liesner 1996, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mexiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 1562 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (F, GH, ILL, MO, NY, US) |
| Mexia 1562 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Liesner, 1996, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mexiana var. pedunculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8985 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ARIZ, B, F, G, GB, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Mexia 8985 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Liesner, 1996, MO specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mexicana (Miq.) Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 75 (1843) (comb. nov. for Tildenia mexicana Miq.) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - Galeotti 7111 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, E, P, U, W) |
| Galeotti 7111 - Mexico [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico (Puebla) |
[ Peperomia mfonguensis Engl. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ledermann 5882 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cameroon (B) |
| Ledermann 5882 - Cameroon [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia thomeana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, B specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia michelensis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24: 360 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H6606 (lecto-: ILL [designated Jones, 1986]; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H6606 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia spathophylla Dahlst. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia michelensis var. rocheloisensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 8621 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) (B, S) |
| Ekman H8621 - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia spathophylla Dahlst. (fide Saralegui, 2004, B & S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia micranthera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 8998 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY) |
| Killip 8998 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia microlepis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 63 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 91 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 91 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia micromamillata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 63 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3872 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3872 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia micromerioides Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 165 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jul 1900 (holotype not designated: P, Q, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jul 1900 - Ecuador [type @ QPLS] |
Peperomia microphylla Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 69 (1815) |
| Bolivia, Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (lecto-: B [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341]; isolecto-: P), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [lectotype @ B] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia microphyllophora Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 577 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19016 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 19016 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. microphyllophora (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia microphyllopsis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Giacometto 53 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Giacometto 53 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia microreticulata Steyerm. ] | |
| Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 26: 412 (1966) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 92807 (holo-: VEN; iso-: K, NY, US) |
| Steyermark 92807 - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia microstachya C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 208 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Schlechter 16248 (holotype not designated: BM, C, GH) |
| Schlechter 16248 - New Guinea [type @ G] |
[ Peperomia miguelii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 224 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BR, E, G, K, MICH, NY, PH, W) |
| Bang 224 - Bolivia [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia millegrana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1619 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MEDEL, US) |
| Archer 1619 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia millei Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 134 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Mille s.n. Mar 1899 (holo-: Q; iso-: B, QPLS, S) |
| Mille s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
[ Peperomia milleri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1719 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Miller 1719 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia milvifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 63 (1936) |
| Bolivia - type: Pearce s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Pearce s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia quaesita Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1956) |
[ Peperomia minarum Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 158 (1984) (junior homonym) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 119958 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO) |
| Steyermark 119958 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia minarum Standl. & Steyerm. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 258 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 43747 (holo-: F; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 43747 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F type specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia minasensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29978 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29978 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia alpina (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia minasensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 9139 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (GH, ILL) |
| Mexia 4270a - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subternifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia mindoroensis C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 413 (1910) |
| Philippines (Mindoro) - type: Merrill 6107 & 6184 |
Peperomia minensis Hensch. | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 29 (1873) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen III 1631 (holo-: C; iso-: B, S) |
| Henschen III 1631 - Brazil [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia minima C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 399 (1869) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 519 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BM, BR, G, GOET, P, PH, S, TCD, W), Puerto Rico - type: Blaumer 205 (syn-: G-DC) |
| Wright 519 - Cuba [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
Peperomia minuta A.W.Hill | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 150 (1907) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 2776 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 2776 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia minutilimba (Yunck.) St. John | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) (stat. nov. for Peperomia cookiana var. minutilimba Yunck.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Forbes 766a (holo-: BISH) |
| Forbes 766a - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia miqueliana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 138 (1866) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 737 (holo-: K; iso-: BM) |
| Jameson 737 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia miqueliana Griseb. ] | |
| Cat. Pl. Cub. 63 (1866) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba - 'type': Wright 2262 (G, G-DC, GOET, HAC, K, MA, MO, P, URB, US, W) |
| Wright 2262 - Cuba ['type' @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia spathophylla Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900) |
[ Peperomia miradoresiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 395 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Linden 126 (holo-: G; iso-: G, MICH, U) |
| Linden 126 - Mexico [isotype @ MICH*] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia miramundoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32835 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32835 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mishuyacana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 64 (1936) |
| Colombia, Peru - type: Klug 582 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: NY, US) |
| Klug 582 - Peru [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia misionense Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 276 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Osten 8096 (holo-: LIL; iso-: G) |
| Osten 8096 - Argentina [holotype @ LIL*] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 128) |
[ Peperomia missionum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lilliesköld s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (S) |
| Lilliesköld s.n. - Argentina [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. pseudodindygulensis (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia mistadena Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 12 & 11a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Seifriz 12 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mitchelioides Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 176 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1900 (holotype not designated: B, S) |
Peperomia mitoensis Pino & Samain | |
| Haseltonia 18: 18 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Samain 2010-075 (holo-: USM; iso-: GENT) |
[ Peperomia mituensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Arbeláez 6801 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Arbeláez 6801 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia mixtifolia Trel. ex Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 465, 66 (2020) |
| Mexico - type: Hampshire 1259 (holo-: BM) |
| Hinton 14986 - Mexico [paratype @ILL] |
[ Peperomia mixtifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 14986 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico - Hinton 14986 (ARIZ, DES, ILL, MICH, NY, PH, TEX, US, W) |
| Hinton 14986 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia mixtifolia Trel. ex Callejas (fide Callejas, 2020) |
[ Peperomia mniophila C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 1759 (holo-: W; iso-: W) |
| Rechinger 1759 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia biformis C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
[ Peperomia moccana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Johnson 111 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Johnson 111 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia mocoana Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 488 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Schultes 2040 (holo-: GH) |
| Schultes 2040 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
Peperomia mocquerysii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 280 (1898) (as mocquerysi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Madagascar - type: Mocquerys 100 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: Z) |
| Mocquerys 100 - Madagascar [isotype @ Z*] |
[ Peperomia moderata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3018 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Dusén 3018 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia trineura Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia modicilimba C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 258 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1211 (holo-: B; iso-: G) |
| Weberbauer 1211 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia moerenhoutii C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 458 (1869) (as moerenhouti, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Society Isl. - type: Moerenhout s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: P) |
| Moerenhout s.n. - Society Islands (Tahiti) [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 58) |
[ Peperomia moerenhoutii var. macrophylla Setchell ] | |
| Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 164, pl. 32 (1926) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 289 (holo-: UC; iso-: BISH, P) |
| Setchell 289 - Society Isl. [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia moerenhoutii var. mangarevensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 24 (1935) |
| Gambier Isl. (Mangareva) - type: Quayle 426 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Quayle 426 - Gambier Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1937: 58) |
[ Peperomia moerenhoutii var. petiolata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 458 (1869) |
| Society Isl. - type: K |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia moerenhoutii var. subglabra Setchell ] | |
| Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 165, pl. 33 (1926) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 182 (holo-: UC; iso-: BISH, GH, P, US, W) |
| Setchell 182 - Society Isl. [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Yunck, 1937) |
[ Peperomia mogotana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 16635 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 16635 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mogoticola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Roig 6110 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Roig 6110 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia molithrix Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 259 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 74685 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 74685 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia molleri C.DC. | |
| Bolet. Soc. Brot. 10: 154 (1892) |
| Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Equat.Guinea (São Tomé) - type: Moller 334 (holo-: COI; iso-: BM, MPU), Tanzania |
| Moller 334 - São Tomé [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia molleri subsp. ukagurensis Verdcourt | |
| Fl. Trop. E. Afr., Piperac.:17 (1996) |
| Tanzania - type: Thulin 2780 (holo-: K; iso-: M) |
| Thulin 2780 - Tanzania [isotype @ M] |
Peperomia mollicaulis C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 6 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 814 (holotype not designated: L) |
| Elbert 814 - Indonesia [type @ L] |
[ Peperomia mollicula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34714 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, U, US) |
| Killip 34714 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii var. alipetiolata Trel. & Yunck. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia mollipubis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 335 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6367 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6367 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 339) |
Peperomia mollis Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 65 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: B), Ecuador, Panama |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [isotype @ B] |
Peperomia mollisoides Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 633 (1950) |
| Colombia, Venezuela - type: Steyermark 61953 (holo-: F; iso-: GH, K, NY, S, US) |
| Steyermark 61953 - Venezuela [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia molokaiensis C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 19 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 128 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, P, F) |
| Faurie 128 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia moncionis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 26 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H12886 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H12886 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia nizaitoensis C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia monini C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 444 (1869) |
| Reunion - type: Monin s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: P) |
| Monin s.n. d.d. 1833 - Reunion [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia pedunculata C.DC. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia monoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 7715 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (B, BM, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, UC, US). |
| Mexia 7715 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia monoceros Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 20403 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (GH, NY, US) |
| Hitchcock 20403 - Ecuador [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia monoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37374 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 37374 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia monojana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31679 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31679 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia monostachya Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 33 (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. |
[ Peperomia monsterifolia Griseb. ] | |
| Cat. Pl. Cub. 64 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 2260 (holotype not designated: BM, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, K, MA, P) |
| Wright 2260 - Cuba [type @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia montana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 426 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Poeppig 1519 (holo-: G) |
| Poeppig 1519 - Peru [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia montananortensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31036 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31036 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia montazosana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 26 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13888 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman H13888 - Dom. Republic [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia infravillosa Trel. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia montecristana Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 199 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 49017 (holo-: US), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Standley 49017 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia montefrionis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 23 (1926) (as montefrioni, typographical error) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 5598 (lecto-: B [designated Saralegui, 2004, but missing?]; isolecto-: ILL [fragm], MO, S) |
| Ekman 5598 - Cuba [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia penicillata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia septemnervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia montefrionis var. angustata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Acuña 10024 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Acuña 10024 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia penicillata C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia montenegroana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30944 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Steyermark 30944 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lignescens C.DC. (fide Burger, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia montesensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 10783 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, US) |
| Hinton 10783 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia monteverdensis (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18 (1926) (stat. nov. for Peperomia spathophylla var. monteverdensis C.DC.) |
| Cuba - type: Eggers 5127 (holo-: K, NY [fragm]) |
| Eggers 5127 - Cuba [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia monticola Hook. f. ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 7: 217 (1864) (junior homonym) |
| Cameroon - type: Mann 1305 (holo-: K) |
| Mann 1305 - Cameroon [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia vulcanica Baker & Wright (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia monticola Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 71 (1843) |
| Guatemala, Mexico - type: Galeotti 6023 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, P, U) |
| Galeotti 6023 - Mexico [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia montis-verticis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 336 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6244 (holo-: ILL; iso-: K, MO, NY) |
| Yuncker 6244 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
[ Peperomia montium C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 5 (1917) |
| Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Nash 1200 (holo-: B; iso-: NY), Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad |
| Nash 1200 - Haiti [isotype @ NY*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia montium-radicis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwall 4410 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Edwall 4410 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia montivaga Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Snodgrass 232 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuoador (Galapagos Isl.) (GH) |
| Snodgrass 232 - Galapagos Isl. [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2010) |
[ Peperomia moralesana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 8291 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 8291 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 607; Callejas, 1997: 20) |
Peperomia moralesii Véliz | |
| Cactus Aventures International 73(2): 6 (2007) |
| Guatemala - type: Véliz 4935 (holo-: BIGU; iso-: AGUAT, BIGU, MEXU) |
| Véliz 4935 - Guatemala [isotype @ MEXU] |
| Plant in habitat - Guatemala |
Peperomia moreliana Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 542 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern A1034bis (holo-: S; iso-: MICH) |
| Sneidern A1034bis - Colombia [isotype @ MICH] |
[ Peperomia moritzii C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 420 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Moritz 1865 (holo-: BM) |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark e.a., 1995) |
[ Peperomia mornicola C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 188 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Buch 1281 (holo-: B) |
| Buch 1281 - Haiti [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia morungavana Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 190 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén s.n. (holo-: S) |
| Dusén s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 142) |
Peperomia mosenii Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 115 (1900) (Index Kewensis Supp. 2 erroneously as 'P. mosemi') |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 1664 (holo-: S; iso-: P) |
| Mosén 1664 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia moulmeiniana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 140 (1866) |
| Myanmar - type: Parish 118 (holo-: K), Thailand |
| Parish 118 - Myanmar [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia mourae C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 468 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Moura 989 (holo-: B) |
| Moura 989 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia megapotamica Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia moyebambana (C.DC.) C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 398 (1923) (stat. nov. for Peperomia arboriseda var. moyebambana C.DC.) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 4691 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 4691 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia mucronifer Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 4376 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (BM, G, GH, ILL, K, NY, S, UC) |
| Klug 4376 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, GH specimen annotattion) |
[ Peperomia mucurubana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehriger 153 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (PH, US) |
| Gehriger 153 - Venezeula [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia muelleri C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 366 (1872) (as mülleri, corrected according to ICN art 60.6) |
| Mexico - type: Müller 653 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, GH, K, NY, W) |
| Müller 653 - Mexico [type @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Düll, 1966) |
[ Peperomia muelleriana Miq. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Müller s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (U) |
| Müller s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ U] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Miquel, s.d., U specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia muenscheri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Muenscher 12339 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (BH, F) |
| Muenscher 12339 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia floresensis Trel. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia mujuliana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85552 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85552 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F annotation) |
[ Peperomia multifida Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 201 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 34349 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 34349 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia multifolia Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 227 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Cárdenas 3089 (holo-: US) |
| Cárdenas 3089 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia multiformis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 64 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4011 (holo-: K, iso-: BM, BR, NY, TCD, W)) |
| Spruce 4011 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia multigrana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 1997 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (C, ILL, SP) |
| Loefgren 1997 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease, 1974) |
[ Peperomia multiplex Lepr. ex C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 406 (1869) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Fr.Guiana - 'type': Leprieur s.n. |
| = Peperomia longifolia C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia multiplinervia Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 691 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 582 (holo-: US; iso-: MA), Ecuador |
| Mutis 582 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia multispica C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 571 (1898) |
| Bolivia - types: Bang 2639 & Rusby 331 (isosyn-: B, isosyn-: BM, syn-: G, isosyn-: K, syn-: NY) |
| Bang 2639 - Bolivia [isosyntype @ BM] |
Peperomia multisurcula Suwanph. & Hodk. | |
| Kew Bull. 72(1): 1-15 (2017) |
| Thailand - type: Suwanphakdee 323 (holo-: BKF; iso-: BK, KKU, QBG) |
| Suwanphakdee 323 [holotype @ BKF*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia muluana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 88165 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 88165 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia luisana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia munhimensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5008 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BM, G,, GH, ILL, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Mexia 5008 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia riparia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia munyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Macbride 3944pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (B, G, ILL, S, US) |
| Macbride 3944 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia apurimacana Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia munyecoana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 197 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 51754 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 51754 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia muralis Yunck. ] | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 53: 47 (1959) |
| Ecuador - type: Asplund 19793 (holo-: S; iso-: B, G, NY) |
| Asplund 19376 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia muricatulata Colenso | |
| Trans. N. Z. Inst. 27: 393 (1895) |
| New Zealand - type: Hill s.n. (holotype not designated: K) |
| Hill s.n. - New Zealand [type @ K] |
[ Peperomia muricispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 10009 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (ILL, US, VEN) |
| Pittier 10009 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia murispica Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 245 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Pittier 10009 (ILL [fragm], US) |
| Pittier 10009 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia muscicola Ridl. | |
| Trans. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 141 (1916) |
| New Guinea - type: Kloss s.n. (holo-: BM; iso-: K) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia muscicola C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 298 (1923) [key] (junior homonym) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13135 (holo-: B) |
| Tonduz 13135 - Costa Rica [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia muscisedens C.DC. (fide C.DC., 1923) |
Peperomia muscigaudens C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 267 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 736 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Weberbauer 736 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia muscipara Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 731 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 8005 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, K, NY) |
| Killip 8005 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia muscisedens C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 398 (1923) (nomen nov. for Peperomia muscicola C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13135 (holo-: B) |
| Tonduz 13135 - Costa Rica [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia muscophila C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 133 (1866) (as 'muscophylla' |
| Mexico - type: Tafalla s.n (holo-: G; iso-: G-DC) |
| Tafalla s.n. - Mexico [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hispidula var. muscophila (C.DC) C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia muscophila var. cordillerana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8964 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, ILL, K, L, LY, M, MO, NY, P, PH, PR, PRC, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8964 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia muscophila var. hispida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8239 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BM, CM, F, G, G-DC, GH, ILL, K, LY, M, MO, NY, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8239 - Mexico [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, P specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia muscophila var. schmitzii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schmitz 778 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (W) |
| Schmitz 778 - Mexico [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia hintonii Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, W specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia muscophila var. temascaltepecana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 2370 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (K, ILL, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Hinton 2370 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia muscorum St. John | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: St. John 17963a (holo-: BISH) |
| St.John 17963a - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
[ Peperomia muscosa Link ] | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 64 (1820) |
| Brazil - type: von Hoffmannsegg s.n. (holo-: B; iso-: BR, HAL, W) |
| von Hoffmannsegg s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia muscotecta Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1545 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 3369 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]; iso-: K, MO, NY) |
| Skutch 3369 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia pittieri C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia mutantifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10675 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10675 - Colombia [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia putumayoensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia mutilata Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 26 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Hioram 6336 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm], US [fragm]; iso-: BREM, HAC) |
| Hioram 6336 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia mutisii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 556 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 556 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia myosuroides (Rudge) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 157 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper myosuroides Rudge) |
| Fr. Guiana |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia myosuroides f. pseudostellulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sagot s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Fr. Guiana (NY, P) |
| Sagot s.n. - Fr. Guiana [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1960, NY & P specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia myosurus Willd. ex A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 159 (1831) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type Poteau s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Poiteau s.n. - Dom. Republic [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia myriocarpa Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 185 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Clausen s.n. (holo-: G) |
| Claussen s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia myriocarpa var. tenuifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 118 (1905) (as var. 'tennifolia', typographycal error) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5509 (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Ule 5509 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1960, K type annotation) |
[ Peperomia myrmeciscopa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1993 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, US) |
| Haught 1993 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia myrmecophila Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 5542 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 5542 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 147 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper myrtifolium Vahl) |
| Puerto Rico, Virgin Isl. - type: Pflug s.n. (holo-: C) |
| Pflug s.n. - Virgin Isl. [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia myrtifolia f. latifolia Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 122 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: Pohl 4781 (holo-: W; iso-: NY) |
| Pohl 4781 - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia myrtifolia f. puberula Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 122 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: Pohl s.n. |
Peperomia myrtifolia f. rotundifolia Miq. | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 12 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: Pohl s.n. |
[ Peperomia myrtifolia var. distans Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 171 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Widgren s.n. |
| = Peperomia distans (Miq.) Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900: 146) |
[ Peperomia myrtifolia var. major Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 59 (1948) |
| St. Barthelemy - type: Questel 803 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Questel 803 - St. Bartelemy [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia myrtifolia var. oblongifolia Regel | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1858, 36 (1858) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. |
Peperomia myrtifolia var. ovatifolia Regel | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1858, 36 (1858) |
| Brazil - types: Langsdorff s.n. & Riedel s.n. |
[ Peperomia myrtifolia var. typica Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 59 (1948) |
| St. Barthelemy - type: Questel 804 |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia myrtillus Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 154 (1843) |
| Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti) |
| Wright 522 - Cuba [specimen @ BR] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia myrtillus var. ekmanii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14335 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY, S) |
| Ekman 14335 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia naborana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 69060 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 69060 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia naevifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 65 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24278 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 24278 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia naguabona Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sintenis 5420 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (BM, G, GH, GOET, K, L, LY, NY, P, PR, S, US) |
| Sintenis 5420 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia robustior (Dahlst.) Urb. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900 & Urban, 1903) |
[ Peperomia nahikuensis St. John ] | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: St. John 17963 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| St. John 17963 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide Wagner, 2012) |
Peperomia naitasiriensis Yunck. | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 447 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Smith 6144 (holo-: GH) |
| Smith 6144a - Fiji Islands [holotype @ GH] |
Peperomia nakaharae Hayata | |
| Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 25 Art. 19, 188 (1908) (as nakaharai, corrected according to ICN 60.8 (a)) |
| Taiwan - types: Nakahara s.n. (syn-: TI) & Kawakami 1997 (syn-:TAIF), Thailand |
| Kawakami 1997 - Taiwan [syntype @ TAIF*] |
Peperomia namosiana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 83: 302 (1956) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type Smith 8829 (holo-: US; iso-: BISH, GH, K, NY) |
| Smith 8829 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia nana C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) |
| Comoros Isl. - type: Boivin s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Boivin s.n. - Comores [type @ BM] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia nandalana Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 17: 217 (1943) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Degener 14837 (holo-: GH; iso-: BISH, K, LIL, NY) |
| Degener 14837 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia nandalana var. nudipeduncula Yunck. | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 447 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 6862 (holo-: GH; iso-: BISH, K, L, LE, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 6862 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia nandarivatensis Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 17: 216 (1943) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Degener 14838 (holo-: GH; iso-: K, NY) |
| Degener 14838 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia naranjilloana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 15994 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 15994 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia carpinterana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia naranjoana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 378 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted 974 (holo-: C) |
| Oersted 974 - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia naranjoana var. brevipetiola C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 399 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
[ Peperomia naranjoana var. latifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 13958 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (B, G-DC, P) |
| Tonduz 13958 - Costa Rica [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia longibacca C.DC. (fide Schroeder, 1926) |
[ Peperomia nathanieli Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 3436 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Jamaica (NY) |
| Britton 3436 - Jamaica [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia simplex Ham (fide Yuncker, 1958, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nativitatis C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 506 (1921) |
| Christmas Isl. - types: Lister s.n. (syn-: CAL, isosyn-: K) & Ridley s.n. (syn-: CAL, isosyn-: K) |
| Lister s.n. - Christmas Isl. [isosyntype @ K] |
| = Peperomia laevifolia (Blume) Miq. (fide Düll, 1965, K type annotation) |
[ Peperomia navarrana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 215 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33553 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 33553 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia dotana Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia naviculifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 65 (1936) (as naviculaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3253 (holo-: F [missing]) |
[ Peperomia nebajensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 1683 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (GH) |
| Skutch 1683 - Guatemala [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, GH specimen) |
[ Peperomia nebajensis var. canjulana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36434 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36434 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen) |
[ Peperomia nebajensis var. montescandens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36986 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36986 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nebajensis var. vulgaris Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30546 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30546 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia neblinana Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 10(5): 43 (1963) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 42050 (holo-: NY; iso-: G, K, MICH, NY, S, U, US, W) |
| Maguire 42050 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia nebuligaudens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 336 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6186 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6186 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia necessitaria Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1749 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Klug 1749 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia nefanda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 15324 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 15324 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia negotiosa Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 60 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 1613 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]; iso-: P] |
| Stehlé 1613 - Guatemala [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia negriana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35018 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 35018 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia negrosensis C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 760 (1910) |
| Philippines (Negros) - type: Elmer 9425 (holo-: G; iso-: BISH, BM, E, L, NY, U, US, VT, W, Z) |
| Elmer 9425 - Philippines [isotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia neivana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rusby 631 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Rusby 631 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia nelsonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nelson 2519 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (G-DC, US) |
| Nelson 2519 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pecuniifolia Trel. & Standl. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nematostachya Link ] | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 63 (1820) |
| Brazil - type: von Hoffmannsegg s.n. (holo-: B) |
| von Hoffmannsegg s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos var. nematostachya (Link) Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia nematostachya var. genuina Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 88 (1900) |
| = Peperomia nematostachya var. nematostachya (autonym) (fide Dahlstedt 1900: 88) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia nemoralis C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 292 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - types: Tonduz 9268 (syn-: BR; isosyn-: BR, US), Tonduz 9539 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BR, US) |
| = Peperomia seemanniana Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia nemorosa (Vahl) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 415 (1869) (comb. nov. for Piper nemorosum Vahl) |
| Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Fr.Guiana, Jamaica, |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia nemorosa (Vahl) Dahlst. ]  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 49 (1900) (comb. nov. for Piper nemorosum Vahl, junior homonym) |
| Peru - type Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 332) |
[ Peperomia nemostachya (Link) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 156 (1831) (sphalm for Peperomia nematostachya Link) |
| = Peperomia nematostachya Link |
Peperomia nequejahuirana Trel. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 169 (1928) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 642 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Tate 642 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia nervosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Biolley 7433 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (BM, BR, US) |
| Biolley 7433 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pseudocasarettoi C.DC. (fide Trelease, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nervosa (Hillebr.) C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 34 (1913) (stat. nov. for Peperomia macraeana var. nervosa Hillebr.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - type: Knudsen 107 (holotype not designated: B) |
| Knudsen 107 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia hesperomannii Wawra (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia nervosovenosa (Blume) Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 104 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper nervosovenosum Blume) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: (holo-: L) |
| Indonesia (Java) [holotype @ L] |
[ Peperomia neuwiediana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen de Campos Novaes 505 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (US) |
| de Campos Novaes 505 - Brazil [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia nicaraguensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tate 559 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (K) |
| Tate 559 - Nicaragua [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, K specimen annotation) |
Peperomia nicolliae G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 288 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Nicoll 230 (holo-: K; iso-: MO, TAN) |
| Nicoll 230 - Madagascar [isotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia nicoyana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 341 (1923) [key]: Candollea 3: 129 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 13692 (holotype not designated: CR, G-DC) |
| Pittier 13692 - Costa Rica [type @ G-DC] |
Peperomia niederleinii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 278 (1898) |
| Argentina - type: Niederlein s.n. [collected 1883] (holo-: B) |
| Niederlein s.n. - Argentina [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia nievecitana Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 304 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 1865 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO, NY, US) |
| Woodson 1865 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia oerstedii C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
[ Peperomia nigra Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2379 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, K, PH, US) |
| Morton 2379 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nigrescens Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 8: 80 (1940) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 233 (iso-: P) |
| Stehlé 233 - Guadeloupe [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia nigricans Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 65 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23674 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Killip 23674 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia nigricaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwall 4549 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Edwall 4549 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diaphanoides Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974 [with doubt]) |
Peperomia nigro-oculata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 66 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 3231 (holo-: G) |
| Mathews 3231 - Peru [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 188 (1843) |
| Belize, Carribean Islands, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Martinique - type: Sieber 6 (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: BM, BR, GH, GOET, L, M, MPU, MO, P, PRC, W), Mexico, Nicaragua |
| Sieber 6 - Martinique [lectotype @ HAL] |
[ Peperomia nigropunctata var. petiolisciliolatis Breutel ] | |
| Herb. specimen Breutel s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| St. Thomas (G) |
| Breutel s.n. - St. Thomas [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1890, G specimen annotation) |
Peperomia nigro-ungulata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 749 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 5758 (holo-: PH), Ecuador |
| Pennell 5758 - Colombia [holotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia nilssonii Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 23: 64 (1962) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 523 (holo-: VEN; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 523 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia niprana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen León 19354 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL) |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: 26; Saralegui 2004: 38) |
Peperomia nitida Dahlst. (nomen conservandum) | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 92 (1900) (nomen conservandum) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 3986 [3985 in protologue] (holo-: S) |
| Mosén 3986 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia nitida Sesse & Moc. (nomen rejiciendum) ] | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) (nomen rejectandum) |
| Mexico - without type reference |
[ Peperomia nitidissima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 683 (= 2929) (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 683 (= 2929) - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC.(fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia nivalis Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 112 (1843) |
| Peru - type: Philippi s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: L) |
| Philippi s.n. - Peru [isotype @ L] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia nivalis f. diminuta Pino | |
| Peperomias de Cajamarca: 30 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 328 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 328 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia nivalis var. compacta Pino & Cieza | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 75(1): 34 (2003) |
| Peru - type: Pino 701 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 701 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia nivalis var. lepadiphylla (Trel.) Pino | |
| Avonia 28(2): 52 (2010) (comb. nov. for Peperomia lepadiphylla Trel.) |
| Peru - type: Killip 21742 (neo-: US; isoneo-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 21742 - Peru [isoneotype @ NY*] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Bonn (Germany) |
Peperomia nivalis var. sanmarcensis Pino & Cieza | |
| Haseltonia 10: 93 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1157 (holo-: USM; iso-: USM) |
| Pino 1157 - Peru [isotype @ USM] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia niveopunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 199 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37552 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37552 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia versicolor Trel. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia nizaitoensis C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 185 (1912) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Fuertes 717 (holo-: B; iso-: BR) |
| Fuertes 717 - Dom. Republic [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia nizaitoensis var. macrostachya Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 321 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1516 (holo-: S; iso-: B, EHH, ILL, US) |
| = Peperomia nizaitoensis C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia noboana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, F, GH, NY, US) |
| Haught 3428 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia nodosa Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 17: 219 (1943) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Greenwood 950 (holo-: GH, NY [fragm]) |
| Greenwood 950 - Fiji Islands [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
Peperomia non-alata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 66 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7708 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 7708 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia non-hispidula Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 67 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5967 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 5967 - Peru [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 132) |
[ Peperomia non-succosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34847 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 34847 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia non-succosa var. obtusa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33391 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33391 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia non-vulgata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33776 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Killip 33776 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia riocaliensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia nopalana G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 369(2): 97 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Jimeno-Sevilla 1031 (holo-: BR; iso-MEXU) |
| Jimeno-Sevilla 1031 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia nossibeana C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 49 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Boivin 2022 (holo-: P) |
| Boivin 2022 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar (type locality) |
[ Peperomia novae-helvetiae Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 304 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1417 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1417 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
[ Peperomia novae-hispaniae Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 336 (1938) (nomen nudum) |
| Honduras - 'type': Yuncker 4848 (F, ILL, MICH) |
| Yuncker 4848 - Honduras ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia novae-zealandiae Colenso ] | |
| Trans. N. Z. Inst. 27: 394 (1895) |
| New Zealand - type: Hill s.n. (holotype not designated: K, AK) |
| Hill s.n. - New Zealand [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Flora of New Zealand) |
[ Peperomia novella Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 336 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6139 (holo-: ILL, iso-: GH, MO, NY) |
| Yuncker 6139 - Honduras [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
Peperomia novemnervia C.DC. | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 1576 (holo-: W; iso-: W) |
| Rechinger 1576 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia nubium Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85151 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85151 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia nuda C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 368 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen III-1431 (holo-: S; iso-: PS, US) |
| Henschen 1431 - Brazil [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia nudicaulis C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 48 (1892) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 331a (holo-: NY; iso-: BM, CAL, E, G, GH, ILL, K, M, MICH, MO, NDG, PH, US, Z) |
| Bang 331a - Bolivia [isotype @ E] |
Peperomia nudifolia C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 284 (1898) |
| Brazil - type: Saint Hilaire 1718 (holo-: P) |
| Saint Hilaire 1718 - Brazil [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia nudilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 15 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 10368 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH) |
| Rock 10368 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia nudinodis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1545 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Smith H407 (holo-: F) |
| Smith H407 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia nudipeduncula C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 28 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 167 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, G, G-DC, P) |
| Faurie 167 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia nudipetiola C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 26 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 4423 (iso-: BISH) |
| Rock 4423 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia nudipetiola var. microtricha C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 27 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 10367 (iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 10367 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia numerosispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 3720 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia saxicola C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia nummularia Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 26 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 18083 (lecto-: ILL [designated Jones, 1986]; isolecto-: G, NY, S) |
| Ekman 18083 - Cuba [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia nummulariifolia (Sw.) Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 66 (1815) (as nummularifolia) |
| Colombia, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (holo-: S; iso-: K) |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Dahlst. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia nummulariifolia E.Garcia ] | |
| Ofidios Venenosos de Cauca - Metod. empiricos y racionales Empleados 65 (1896) (as nummularifolia) (junior homonym) |
| Colombia |
| = Peperomia nummulariifolia (Sw.) Kunth (fide Exell, 1928) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia nummulariifolia var. obcordata Miq. ]  | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 18 (1852) (as nummularifolia) |
| Brazil |
[ Peperomia nummulariifolia var. pubescens C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 421 (1869) (as nummularifolia var. pubescens) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 244 & 430 (syn-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia var. pilosior (Miq.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia nummularioides Griseb. | |
| Goett. Abh. 6: 132 (1854) |
| Chile - type: Lechler 838 (holotype not designated: BR, G-DC, K, P, S, SGO, TCD, W) |
| Lechler 838 - Chile [type @ K] |
[ Peperomia nympharum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Hioram 1568 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Hioram 1568 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949 & Callejas 2003) |
Peperomia oahuensis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 422 (1869) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Beechey s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Beechey s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia oahuensis var. st.-johnii Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 23 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: St. John 10102 (holo-: BISH, iso-: NY) |
| St. John 10102 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia oahuensis C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia oajacensis Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 128 (1900) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 127 (holo-: C; iso-: G-DC) |
| Liebmann 127 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia leptophylla Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers.comm.]) |
Peperomia obcordata Presl | |
| Epim. Bot. 223 (1852) |
| Peru - type: Meyen s.n. (holotype not designated: PRC) |
| Meyen s.n. - Peru [type @ PRC] |
Peperomia obcordatifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 67 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Spruce s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Spruce s.n. - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia obesispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jiménez 136 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 136 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
[ Peperomia obesispica var. blancoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jiménez 130 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 130 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation [with doubt]) |
Peperomia obex Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 67 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3992 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Macbride 3992 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia oblanceilimba Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 245 (1945) (nomen nudum) (as oblanceaelimba, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Allart 485 (ILL [fragm], G, US) |
| Allart 485 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia oblanceolata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 19, 27 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Shafer 8526 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Shafer 8526 - Cuba [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia oblanceolata var. glabra Yunck. ] | |
| Rev. Soc. Cub. Bot. 6(2-3): 36 (1949) |
| Cuba - type: Hioram 2231 (holo-: NY; iso-: GH) |
| Hioram 2231 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia oblancifolia Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 34 (1937) |
| Cook Isl. (Pukapuka?) - type: Isidore s.n. (holo-: BISH) |
| Isidore s.n. - Cook Islands [holotype @ BISH] |
Peperomia obliqua Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 51. f. c. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia obliqua Ridl. ] | |
| Trans. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 142 (1916) (junior homonym) |
| New Guinea - type: Kloss s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia ridleyi C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia oblongibacca C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 288 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 129 (1926) [emend.] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3891 (holotype not designated: G-DC, US) |
| Pittier 3891 - Panama [type at US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia oblongibacca var. macrophylla Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 105 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Dodge 16522 (holo-: MO; iso-: NY) |
| Dodge 16522 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia oblongibacca var. marragantina (C.DC.) Yunck. ]  | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 105 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia caudulilimba var. marragantina C.DC.) |
| Panama - type: Williams 694 (holo-: US) |
| Williams 694 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia oblongibacca var. subvillosa Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 106 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Miller 1740 (holo-: US) |
| Miller 1740 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type specimen annotation) |
Peperomia oblongifolia C.DC.  | |
| Candollea 1: 299 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 129 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 10385 (holotype not designated: BR) |
| Tonduz 10385 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
Peperomia obovalifolia Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 465, 68 (2020) |
| Honduras - type: Davidse 34736 (holo-: MO) |
| Davidse 34736 - Honduras [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia obovalis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 630 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 16906 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 16906 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia obovata Sessé & Moc. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 157 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 157 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia obovata (Vahl) C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 269 (1902) (nom. nov. for i>Peperomia obversa (Vahl) A.Dietr.) |
| Montserrat - type: Ryan s.n. (holo-: C; iso-: BM, C) |
| Ryan s.n. - Montserrat [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia obovatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Holton s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (K, NY) |
| Killip 34867 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia obovatilimba C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 29 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10389 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH), (Hawaii) |
| Rock 10389 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
[ Peperomia obpyramidata Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. May 1900 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC, Q, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ Q] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Sodiro, 1901 & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia obruenda Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 68 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 202 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 202 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia obscura Marcusso | |
| Phytotaxa 629(1): 93 (2023) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. [missing] |
[ Peperomia obscurans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 564 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (MA) |
| Mutis 564 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia granulata Trel. & Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia obscurifolia C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 357 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 130 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama - type: Pittier 3982 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Pittier 3982 - Panama [type @ US*] |
[ Peperomia obscurifolia var. fatoana (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 47 (1927) (comb. nov. for Peperomia fatoana C.DC.) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3902 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 3902 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia obscurifolia var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 47 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Cowell 336 (holo-: NY) |
| Cowell 336 - Panama [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia obsecuta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13416 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Pringle 13416 - Mexico [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia obsessa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4613 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Skutch 4613 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia crispipetiola Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia obsignata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 83638 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 83638 - Guatemala [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia obstitatrix Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 6100 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 6100 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Yuncker, 1947, US specimen annotation; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
[ Peperomia obtextibacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18328 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (NY) |
| Killip 18328 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr.  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 154 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper obtusifolium L.) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Mexixo, Nicaragua, Peru, Surinam, USA (Florida), Venezuela; type (lecto-: icono-: Plumier. Description des plantes de l'Amérique t. 69. 1693 [designated Howard, 1973]) |
| Collection Kew Botanical Garden (UK) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia f. grandifolia Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 196 (1843) |
| Surinam - type: Hostmann s.n. (syn-: G), Venezuela - type: Willdenow Herb. 715 (syn-: B) |
| Wildenow Herb. 715 - culivated [syntype @ B] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia var. grandifolia Miq. |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia f. oblongifolia Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 195 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Blanchet 1485 (syn-: P; isosyn-: BM), Hispaniola (Dom.Rep) - type: Poiteau s.n. (syn-: G) |
| Blanchet 1485 - Brazil [isosyntype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia f. pusilla Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 429 (1845) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 1687 (holotype not designated: E, K) |
| Mathews 1687 - Peru [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia emarginulata C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1869) |
Peperomia obtusifolia var. alveolata (Trel.) Alain | |
| Brittonia 20: 160 (1968) (comb. nov. for Peperomia alveolata Trel.) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Wright 514 (holo-: US), (Haiti) |
| Wright 514 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. clusiaefolia (Jacq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 429 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Hook. |
| Jamaica - type: Jacquin s.n. (holotype not designated: W) |
| Jacquin s.n. - cultivated [type @ W] |
| = Peperomia clusiifolia (Jacq.) Hook. (fide Mathieu, 2003 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. cuneata (Miq.) Griseb. ] | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 166 (1864) |
| St. Vincent |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. emarginata (Ruiz & Pav.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 66 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia emarginata Ruiz & Pav.) |
| Brazil, Guatemala, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep. / Haiti), Jamaica, Martinique, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Venezuela |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. emarginulata C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 264 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 7333 (syn-: B [missing]; isosyn-: K), Peru - type: Weberbauer 2021 (syn-: B), Venezuela |
| Lehmann 7333 - Colombia [isosyntype @ K] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. floridana (Small) Ward ] | |
| Phytologia 94(3): 477 (2012) (comb. nov. for. Peperomia floridana Small) |
| USA (Florida) - type: Small 2478 (holo-: NY) |
| Small 2478 - USA [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. genuina Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 64 (1900) |
| Cuba, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep., Haiti), Mexico, Puerto Rico |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants) |
Peperomia obtusifolia var. grandifolia Miq. | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 24 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. longibracteata Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 109 (1950) |
| Panama - type: Allen 3730 (holo-: MO) |
| Allen 3730 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. macropoda Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 65 (1900) |
| Brazil, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Surinam |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. oblongifolia Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 24 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: Blanchet 1485 (syn-: P; isosyn-: BM), Hispaniola (Dom.Rep) - type: Poiteau s.n. (syn-: G) |
| Blanchet 1485 - Brazil [isosyntype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
Peperomia obtusifolia var. papyracea Griseb. | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 166 (1864) |
| Jamaica, St. Vincent |
Peperomia obtusifolia var. parvifolia (C.DC.) Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 67 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia magnoliifolia var. parvifolia C.DC.) |
| Cuba - type: de la Ossa s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
[ Peperomia obtusifolia var. petiolata Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 67 (1900) (nom.. nov. for Peperomia magnoliifolia var. emarginulata C.DC.) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 62 (syn- G-DC), Cuba - type: Wright 1152 (syn-: G-DC), Mexico, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1152 (syn-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia obtusilimba C.DC. | |
| Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 1: 49 (1911) |
| Ecuador (Galapogos Isl.) - types: Stewart 1160 & 1161 (CAS, GB, S) |
| Stewart 1161 - Ecuador (Galapagios Isl.) [syntype @ CAS*] |
[ Peperomia obversa C.DC. ]  | |
| Linnaea 37: 382 (1872) (junior homonym) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 515 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, G, GOET, K, NY, P, PH, TCD, W) |
| Wright 515 - Cuba [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia grisebachii C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1872) |
[ Peperomia obversa (Vahl) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 173 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper obversa Vahl |
| Montserrat - type Ryan s.n. (holo-: C; iso-: BM, C) |
| Ryan s.n. - Montserrat [isotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1988) |
[ Peperomia occidens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Silvano Jorge 6231 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL) |
| Bro. Silvano Jorge 6231 - Colombia [specimen @ MEDEL] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1984, MEDEL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia occulta G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 368 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-088 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, K, MEXU, MO, P, US) |
| Samain 2007-088 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia ochoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stuckert 18466 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (G, G-DC) |
| Stuckert 18466 - Argentina [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia ocoana Ekman ex Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 26 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H11861 (holotype not designated: B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H11861 - Dom. Republic [type @ S] |
[ Peperomia ocoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2464 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Haught 2464 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia ocrosensis G.Mathieu & Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 162 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-042 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT, K, MO) |
| Mathieu 2009-042 - Peru [isotype @ GENT] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
Peperomia ocumarana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 512 (1950) |
| Costa Rica, Venezuela - type: Pittier 14116 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 14116 - Venezuela [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia oerstedii C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 375 (1872) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica - type: Oersted 977 (holo-: C), Nicaragua, Panama |
| Oersted 977 - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia oerstedii var. punctata (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 205 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia punctata C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13376 (holotype not designated: P, US) |
| Tonduz 13376 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia oerstedii C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia offendiculum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Roig 6720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, NY) |
| Roig 6720 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia okarana Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 170 (1928) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 970 (holo-: NY) |
| Tate 970 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia okinawensis Yamazaki ] | |
| Journ. Jap. Bot. 67(1): 15 (1992) |
| Ryukyu Isl. - type: Hatusima 1844 (holo-: TI) |
| = Peperomia japonica f. okinawensis (Yamaz.) Hatusima (fide Hatusima, 1994) |
[ Peperomia olafiana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 320, 328 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H5319 (holotype not designated: B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H5319 - Haiti [type @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Saralegui, 1994, ILL type annotation) |
Peperomia olens C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 307 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2789 (holotype not designated: G-DC, US) |
| Buchtien 2789 - Bolivia [isotype @ US] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Bolivia |
[ Peperomia oleracea Poepp. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 10 (1852) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Brazil - 'type': Poeppig 1990 (W) |
| Poeppig 1990 - Brazil ['type' @ W] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Miquel, 1852) |
[ Peperomia oligotricha Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Jun 1906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia choroniana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, QPLS specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia olintepequeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85233 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85233 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia olintepequeana var. abosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86175 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86175 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia olintepequeana var. elpocitoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85014 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85014 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia olivacea C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 146 (1866) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 810 (holo-: B [missing], F [photo], G-DC [drawing]), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicargua, Panama |
| Hoffmann 810 - Costa Rica [Macbrides's picture of the holotype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia olivacea var. perlongispica Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 221 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 43368 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 43368 - Costa Rica [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia oliveri Florence & Wagner | |
| Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, 18(3): 265, fig.9A, B (1996) |
| Marquesas Isl. - type: Oliver 3187 (holo-: US; iso-: BISH, K, PAP) |
Peperomia ollantaitambona Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 68 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 13661 (holo-: PH; iso-: GH) |
| Pennell 13661 - Peru [holotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia omnicola C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 507 (1898) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/21 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B), Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| Sodiro 2/21 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia omnicola var. oblanceolata Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 206 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Tate 667 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 667 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia oneionis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71213 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71213 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia oocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8803 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, ILL, K, L, LY, M, NY, P, PH, PR, PRC, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8803 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Bigg 1985, BM specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia opaca (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sallé s.n. d.d. 1855 (nomen herbariorum, ined., comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. opaca C.DC.) |
| Mexico (G-DC) |
| Sallé s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia opaca var. ciliata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 336 (1938) (invalid) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6187 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 6187 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1962) |
[ Peperomia opaca var. cuernavacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13415 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Pringle 13415 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia opaca var. pireneosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68254 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68254 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Yuncker 1962) |
[ Peperomia opaca var. tenuiculifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 65457 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 65457 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Yuncker 1962) |
[ Peperomia opacifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7243 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH pp, US) |
| Pennell 7243 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia opacilamina Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 554 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA) |
| Mutis 554 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia opacilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 21 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 169 (holo-: G) |
| Faurie 169 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
Peperomia ophistachyera Gilli | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 92(9-10): 685 (1981) |
| Ecuador - type: Gilli 207 (holo-: W) |
| Gilli 207 - Ecuador [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia opiziana A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 162 (1831) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. (PRC) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PRC] |
| = Peperomia dependens Ruiz & Pav. (fide de Candolle, 1869) |
Peperomia orba Bunting | |
| Baileya 14: 65 (1966) |
| unknown origin - type: cultivated plant - Bunting 1681 (holo-: BH; iso-: NA) |
| Bunting 1681 - cultivated [holotype @ BH] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia orbicularis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 465 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Gaudichaud 1096 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: F, G, P) |
| Gaudichaud 1096 - Brazil [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia circinnata var. orbicularis (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia orbiculata (Poir.) A.Dietr. ]  | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 180 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper orbiculatum Poir) |
| USA (Carolina) - type: Herbier Lamarck (P) |
| Herbier Lamarck - USA [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease, 1927: 597 & 598) |
[ Peperomia orbiculatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1694 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Archer 1694 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blephariphylla Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia orbiculimba Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 27 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Ovalau) - type: Horne 370 (holo-: K), (Viti Levu) |
| Horne 370 - Fiji Isl. [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia orbiculimba var. mathuataensis Yunck. | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 445 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Levu) - type: Smith 6859 (holo-: GH; iso-: BISH, K, L, NY, P, S, US) |
| Smith 6859 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia orchidioides Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Baker 605 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (US) |
| Baker 605 - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia longibacca C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia oreophila Hensch. | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 28 (1873) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen III 1657 (holo-: C; iso-: P, S) |
| Regnell III 1657 - Brazil [isotype @ S] |
| Plant in habitat |
[ Peperomia organorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Moura s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Moura s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia oricola Standl. & L.Wms ] | |
| Herb. specimen Molina 3933 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Honduras (F, US) |
| Molina 3933 - Honduras [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia orientalis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 211 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 36943 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 36943 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia orizabana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mohr s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Mohr s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 339) |
[ Peperomia ornata Yunck. ] | |
| Brittonia 8: 61 (1954) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 28748 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY, US) |
| Maguire 28748 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia maypurensis Kunth (fide Brako & Zarucchi, 1993) |
[ Peperomia orosiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 39779 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Standley 39779 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia urocarpoides C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia orosiana var. picta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 51660 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Standley 51660 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia urocarpoides C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia osana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 319 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 10079 (holo-: MO; iso-: ILL, MO) |
| Dodge 10079 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia oscarii Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 656 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 1391 (holo-: US) |
| Haught 1391 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia ostolazae Pino & Samain  | |
| Quepo 35: 25 (2021) |
| Peru - type: Ostolaza 99-1372 (holo-: USM) |
| Samain 2009-129 - Peru [paratype @ GENT] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia ostuncalcoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 84239 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 84239 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia otonii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 319 (1937) (as otoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 7768 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL) |
| Dodge 7768 - Costa Rica [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia ottoniana Kunth ex Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 100 (1843) |
| Mexico - type: Otto 28 (iso-: U) |
| Otto 28 - hort. B cult. [type @ U] |
[ Peperomia ottoniana f. boliviensis C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 308 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 541 (holo-: US; iso-: W) |
| Buchtien 541 - Bolivia [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia ottoniana f. ecuadorensis C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 268 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 59 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 59 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia litana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia ottoniana var. boliviensis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 345 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 130 (1926) [emend.] |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 5380 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 5380 - Bolivia [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 400 (1923) (nomen nov. for Peperomia silvestris C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8590 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: G, K, MG, NY), Venezuela |
| Ule 8590 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia ouabianae var. sanluisensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 173 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: van der Werff 237 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO) |
| van der Werff 237 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia ovalifolia Hook. ] | |
| Exot. Fl. 3 (1827): t. 165 [1825] |
| St. Vincent - type: Guilding s.n. (holo-: K; iso-: GH) |
| Guilding s.n. - St. Vincent [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia ovatilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 23 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii, Kaui) - types: Faurie 123, 125 (G-DC, P) & 153 (BM, G, G-DC) & 155 (BM, G, G-DC) & 165, Rock 4417 & 4419 |
| Faurie 153 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia ovatolanceolata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 701 (1950) (as ovato-lanceolata, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 34808 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, F, ILL, U) |
| Killip 34808 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia ovatolanceolata var. pubescens Trel. & Yunck. ]  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 702 (1950) (as ovato-lanceolata, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Venezuela - type: Killip 37777 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 37777 - Venezuela [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia ovatopeltata C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 132 (1866) (as ovato-peltata, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: herb. Pavón s.n. (lecto-: G [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 350]; isolecto-: G) |
| herb. Pavón s.n. [lectotype @ G] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
[ Peperomia ovatorhombea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 563 [‘206’] (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MA, US) |
| Mutis 563 ['206'] - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia oxalidopsis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 6814 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 6814 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia oxycarpa C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 377 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 35 (holo-: C) |
| Liebmann 35 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. (fide Mathieu, 2015 [pers.comm.]) |
Peperomia oxyphylla C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 260 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1854 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1854 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia oxystachya C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 294 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8041 (distr. by Pittier) (holotype not designated: BR), West.Ind.. |
| Tonduz 8041 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pacayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 6518 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Kellerman 6518 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia pacayana var. quezaltepequenana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31479 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31479 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia pacayana var. santamariana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33653 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33653 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pacayana var. tajumulecana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37334 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 37334 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia pacayana var. zumilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 35313 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 35313 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia pacayvolcanensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58489 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58489 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pacayvolcanensis var. major Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58501 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58501 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pachiteana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 69 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26831 (holo-: US: iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 26831 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia pachucana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rose 8047 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Rose 8047 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hintonii Yunck. (fide Rzedowski s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pachyarthra Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 1092 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Jamaica (ILL, NY) |
| Maxon 1092 - Jamaica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia penicillata C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1958, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pachycaulis C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 20 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 130 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, P) |
| Faurie 130 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pachyclada Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3661 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (K, S, US) |
| Skutch 3661 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 344) |
Peperomia pachydermis C.DC.  | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 277 (1898) |
| Bolivia, Brazil - type: Saint Hilaire 43 (holo-: P; iso-: G) |
| Saint Hilaire 43 - Brazil [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia pachyphlebia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 216 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12606 (holo-: US; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 12606 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pachyphylla Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 137 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Lay & Collie [Beechey] s.n. (holo-: G, U [fragm]; iso-: E, K) |
| Lay & Collie s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ E] |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pachyphylla var. insularum Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 424 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Hillebrand (holo-: BISH) |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pachyphylla var. molokaina C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 287 (1898) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Remy 177 (holo-: P; iso-: P) |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pachyphylla var. picta Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 424 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Hillebrand (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pachypodioides Rauh ] | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 61: 226 (1989) (nomen nudum) |
| Peru |
| = Peperomia macrorhiza Kunth (fide Rauh, 1989: 229) |
Peperomia pachyspadix Pino, Alcalá & Marquiegui | |
| Haseltonia 29: 29 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Pino 3255 (folo-: USM) |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia pachystachya C.DC.  | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 510 (1898) |
| Ecuador - types: Jameson 550 (lecto-: P; isolecto-: BM, G-DC [drawing], W) |
| Jameson 550 - Ecuador [isolectotype @ BM] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia pacifica Nakai | |
| Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 36: 128 (1922) |
| Japan - type: Nakai s.n. |
[ Peperomia pacifica Hosokawa ] | |
| Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25: 119 (1935) |
| Mariana Isl. (Saipan) - type: Hosokawa 6654 (holo-: TAI) |
| Hosokawa 6654 - Mariana Isl. (Saipan) [holotype @ TAI*] |
| = Peperomia pacificicola Hosokawa (fide Index Kewensis) |
Peperomia pacificicola Hosokawa | |
| Journ. Jap. Bot 13: 201 (1937) (nomen nov. for Peperomia pacifica Hosokawa) |
| Mariana Isl. (Saipan) - type: Hosokawa 6654 (holo-: TAI) |
| Hosokawa 6654 - Mariana Isl. (Saipan) [holotype @ TAI*] |
[ Peperomia pacovana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1778 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Miller 1778 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Yuncker, s.d.; ILL specimen annotation & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia pacovana var. acuteacuminata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1777 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Miller 1777 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Yuncker, s.d.; ILL specimen annotation & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia pagi-prisci Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 7286 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 7286 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia trineuroides Dahlst. (fide Mathieu, 2006, S specimen annotation) |
Peperomia painteri Trel. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 136 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Rose 8966 (holo-: US) |
| Rose 8966 - Mexico [holotype @ US] |
Peperomia pakipski C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 258 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 869 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 869 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia pakipski var. munyauensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Macbride 4008 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (ILL) |
| Macbride 4008 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia palauensis C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 505 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. (Palau) - type: Ledermann 14102 (holo-: B, iso-: B, G-DC [fragm], K) |
| Ledermann 14102 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia argyroneura Lauterb. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 334) |
Peperomia palauensis var. occidentalis Fosberg | |
| Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 24: 13 (1975) |
| Caroline Isl. (Palau) - type: Berry 18 (holo-: US) |
| Berry 18 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia palcana C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 266 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1754 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Weberbauer 1754 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia palcipila C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 358 (1901) |
| Brazil - types Schwacke 11056 (syn-: G; isosyn-: B) & 12220 (syn-: G) |
| Schwacke 11056 - Brazil [isosyntype @ B] |
| = Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia palcipila var. longispica C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 142 (1907) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1592 (holo-: G; iso-: G) |
| Damazio 1592 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia paletarana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 6983 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 6983 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pallens Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 69 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt & Bonpland 2001 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt 2001 - Colombia [isotype @ P*] |
Peperomia pallescens Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 460 (1847) |
| Guatemala - type: cultivated @ Kew (holotype not designated) |
Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 153 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper pallidum Forst. f.) |
| Niue, Society Isl. - type: Cook s.n. pp (lecto-: BM) |
| Cook s.n. - Society Isl. [lectotype @ BM*] |
[ Peperomia pallida var. acuminata Setchell ] | |
| Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 166, pl. 35 (1926) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 252 (holo-: UC; iso-: BISH) |
| Setchell 252 - Society Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia rhomboidea Hook. & Arn. (fide Welsh, 1998) |
[ Peperomia pallida var. adamsonia Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 21 (1935) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Hiva Oa) - type: Mumford 417 (lecto-: BISH; isolecto-: BISH, NY) |
| Mumford 417 - Marquesas Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia adamsonia (Brown) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
[ Peperomia pallida var. anderssonii (Yunck.) Fosberg & Sachet ] | |
| Micronesica 8(1-2): 43 (1972) (comb. nov. for Peperomia anderssonii Yunck.) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Andersson s.n. (holo-: S) |
| Andersson s.n. - Society Isl. [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia pallida var. cuneata Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 21 (1935) |
| Austral Isl. (Rapa) - type: Stokes 134a (lecto-: BISH) |
| Stokes 134a - Austral Isl. [lectotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia rapensis Brown |
[ Peperomia pallida var. fatuhivensis (Brown) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 55 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia subglabra var. fatuhivensis Brown) |
| Marquesas Isl. - type: Brown 1218 (holo-: BISH; iso-: M)) |
| Brown 1218 - Marquesas Isl. [isotytpe @ M] |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia pallida var. longespicata Setchell ] | |
| Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 12: 166, pl. 36 (1926) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 502 (holo-: UC) |
| Setchell 502 - Society Isl. [holotype @ UC*] |
| = Peperomia setchellii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
| = Peperomia hombronii C.DC. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia pallida var. niueana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 178: 45 (1943) |
| Niue - type: Yuncker 9838 (holo-: BISH, iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 9838 - Niue [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pallida var. rurutensis (Brown) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 56 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia subglabra var. rurutensis Brown) |
| Austral Isl. (Rurutu) - type: Stokes 62a (holo-: BISH), Society Isl. |
| Stokes 62a - Austral Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia pallida var. tuamotensis (Brown) Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 55 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia subglabra var. tuamotensis Brown) |
| Marquesas Isl., Society Isl., Tuamotu Isl. - type: Quayle 845 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, BKL, K, NY, P, UC, US) |
| Quayle 845 - Tuamotu Isl. [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia pallidibacca C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 763 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Elmer 9344 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, E, L, NY, US) |
| Elmer 9344 - Philippines [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pallidicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90861 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90861 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pallidifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 77090 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 77090 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pallidinervis C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 8: 330 (1908) |
| New Hebrides (Vanuatu) - type: Quaife 3 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Quaife 3 - New Hebrides [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia palmae Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 320 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 3792 (holo-: F; iso-: BH, CR, NY) |
| Brenes 3792 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia palmamochana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14334 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14334 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease, 1926 & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia palmana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29(2): 71 (1890) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 724 (holotype not designated: BR, CR), Panama |
| Pittier 724 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
Peperomia palmana var. fragrans C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 233 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Lehmann 1105 (holo-: G; iso-: G-DC) |
| Lehmann 1105 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia palmana var. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 304 (1923) [key] |
| Panama - type: Maxon 5401 (holo-: US) |
| Maxon 5401 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabrior (C.DC.) Trel. (fide Trelease, 1927) |
[ Peperomia palmana var. oppositifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 293 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7991 (distr. by Pittier) (holotype not designated: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 7991 - Costa Rica |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia palmana var. oxystachya (C.DC.) Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 221 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia oxystachya C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8041 (distr. by Pittier) (holotype not designated: BR) |
| Tonduz 8041 - Costa Rica [type @ BR] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia palmana var. pseudo-oxystachya Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 221 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 49222 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 49222 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia palmana var. sulcinervosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stork 1646 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Stork 1646 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia palmana var. valerionum Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 320 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 6146 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL) |
| Dodge 6146 - Costa Rica [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia palmensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 320 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 5509 (holo-: F) |
| Brenes 5509 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia palmeri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer 182 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Palmer 182 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia fournieri C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia palmicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2615 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2615 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia palmiformis Pino & Samain | |
| Haseltonia 18: 19 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-069 (holo-: USP; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-069 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia palmiriensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 290 (1889) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 2924 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G) |
| Lehmann 2924 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia palogordoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 44 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F, G, ILL) |
| Morton 44 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia palomanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37285 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 37285 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 409 (1938); Candollea 8: 81 (1940) [emend.] |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 984 (holo-: ILL: iso-: NY, P) |
| Stehlé 984 - Martinique [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. absalonis Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 577 (1939) (invalid) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 2169 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Stehlé 2169 - Martinique [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. ajoupana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 2338 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (ILL) |
| Stehlé 2338 - Martinique [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. caduca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 2141 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (ILL) |
| Stehlé 3373 - Martinique [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. carbetensis Trel. ] | |
| J. Arnold Arbor. 54(3): 389 (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 3377 (LL) |
| Stehlé 3377 - Martinique ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. comaineana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 3385 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (ILL) |
| Stehlé 3385 - Martinique [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Trelease 1940 & Howard 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. lata Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 63 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'type': Stehlé 3248 (ILL) |
| Stehlé 3248 - Martinique ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. lorrainii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 3387 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Martinique (ILL) |
| Stehlé 3387 - Martinique [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. major Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 578 (1939) (invalid) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 2193 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Stehlé 2193 - Martinique [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. paniculata Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 63 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'types': Stehlé 3377 & 3770 (P) |
| Stehlé 3770 - Martinique ['type' @ P] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. quentinii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 1344 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 1344 - Guadeloupe [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. ramulosior Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 63 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Martinique - 'types': Stehlé 3222, 3255, 3771 (P) |
| Stehlé 3222 - Martinique ['type' @ P] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia palpebrata var. variifolia Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 49 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1233 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 1233 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
Peperomia pampalcana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 69 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23282 (holo-: US: iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 23282 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pampana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Spegaziinini 4 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (G-DC) |
| Spegazzini 4 - Argentina [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia lorentzii C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1952) |
[ Peperomia pamplonana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19955 & 20368 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 19955 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1982, specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia panaiana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 330 (1923) [key] |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: McGregor 8461 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K) |
| McGregor 8461 - Philippines [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia pallidibacca C.DC. (fide Düll, 1965, K type annotation) |
[ Peperomia panamensis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 329 (1923) [key]: Candollea 3: 130 (1926) [emend.] |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama - type: Pittier 2789 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: US) |
| Pittier 2789 - Panama [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia panamensis var. brevibacca Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 473 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 5413 (holo-: F, iso-: BR, C, COL, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| von Sneidern 5413 - Colombia [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, MO type annotation) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia pandiana C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 398 (1890) |
| Colombia - types: André 1328 (syn-: K) & Ecuador André 3756 & 3817 (syn-: K) |
| André 3817 - Ecuador [syntype @ K] |
[ Peperomia pandiensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 482 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 482 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pangalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 3961 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (U, US) |
| von Türckheim 3961 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia liebmannii C.DC. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pangerangoana C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 276 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Kurz 1792 (holo-: CAL) |
[ Peperomia paniculata Regel ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31(2): 542 (1859) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (holo-: LE) |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease &Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pantinensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70532 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70532 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia papantlacensis C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 366 (1872) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 115 (holo-: C; iso-: G) |
| Liebmann 115 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide de Candolle 1923: 401) |
Peperomia papillispica C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 494 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 4858 (holo-: B; iso-: G-DC, L ) |
| Ule 4858 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia papillosa Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 170 (1900) |
| Cuba - type: Eggers 5289 (holo-: B; iso-: G-DC) |
| Eggers 5289 - Cuba [holotype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia papulata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 26 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13517 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, C, DAV, G, GH, K, S, U, UC, US) |
| Ekman H13517 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide US herbarium database) |
[ Peperomia papulicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Buchtien 640 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia cardenasii Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia papulifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1405 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (F, GH, ILL, S) |
| Smith 1405 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia arifolia Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia papulosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, K, US) |
| Morton 2720 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia paradendrophila Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 8220 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (BR, G, G-DC) |
| Tonduz 8220 - Costa Rica [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 355) |
Peperomia paradoxa Diels | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 76 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 901 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 901 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia paraguayensis Parodi | |
| Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 6: 94 (1878) |
| Paraguay - type: Parodi s.n. [Jan 1863] |
[ Peperomia paraisopolitana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia paramillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 15729 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, GH, ILL, US) |
| Killip 15729 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia paramonicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chardón 5020 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Chardón 5020 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia paramuna Callejas | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 370 (2011) |
| Costa Rica - type: Alfaro 1767 (holo-: INB; iso-: MO) |
| Alfaro 1767 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
| Plant in situ near the type locality |
[ Peperomia paranensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3753 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R, S) |
| Dusén 3753 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia pararaniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 623 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 623 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pseudofurcata C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1955) |
Peperomia parasitica C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 421 (1869) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 721 (holo-:G; iso-: BM, K, TCD, US) |
| Jameson 721 - Ecuador [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia parasitica var. longicaulis (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 627 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia longicaulis C.DC.) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/31 (holo-: G) |
| = Peperomia parasitica C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia parastriata G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 205(4): 272 (2015) |
| Mexico - type: Krömer 3872 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU, XAL) |
| Krömer 3872 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
[ Peperomia parceciliata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35550 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 35550 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas 1999) |
[ Peperomia parcepilosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mohr 477 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Mohr 477 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia parcicilia C.DC. | |
| Verh. Kon. Acad. Wetensch. Amsterdam sect. 2, 14(4): 65 (1908) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Koorders 37699b (holo-: BO) |
Peperomia parcifolia C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 140 (1907) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1712 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Damazio 1712 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia parcipeltata G.Mathieu | |
| Novon 18(1): 81 (2008) |
| Ecuador - type: Croat 83876 (holo-: MO, iso-: QCNE) |
| Croat 83876 - Ecuador [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia parhamii Yunck. | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 446 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Parham 2187 (holo-: GH; iso-: K, SUVA) |
| Parham 2187 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia parhamii var. glabra Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 83: 304 (1956) |
| Fiji Isl. (Ovalau) - type: Smith 7377 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Smith 7377 - Fiji Islands [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia curtispica C.DC. (fide Smith, 1981) |
Peperomia pariensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 176 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 96216 (holo-: VEN; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 96216 - Venezuela [holotype @ VEN*] |
[ Peperomia parietariifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 45 (1927) (as parietariaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Killip 3520 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Killip 3520 - Panama [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia parkeriana Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 427 (1845) |
| Guyana - type: Parker s.n. (holotype not designated: K), Surinam |
| Parker s.n. - Guyana [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia parmata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 212 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 4926 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC, K)) |
| Donnell-Smith 4926 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia parnassiifolia Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 119 (1847) (as parnassiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius 235 (holo-: BR, U [fragm]) |
| von Martius 235 - Brazil [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia parryana Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 137 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Parry 802 (holo-: US; iso-: E, F, G, GH, K, P) |
| Parry 802 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Nyffeler & Rowley, 2002) |
[ Peperomia parryana var. borealis Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 137 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 3018 (holo-: US; iso-: F, GH, NY, VT) |
| Pringle 3018 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Nyffeler & Rowley, 2002) |
Peperomia parva Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 70 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25881 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Killip 25881 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia parvanthera C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 35 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 164 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: P) |
| Faurie 164 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rockii C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia parvibacca C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 49: 356 (1913) |
| Indonesia (Borneo) - type: Winkler 2806 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Winkler 2806 - Indonesia [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia parvibractea C.DC. | |
| Candollea 2: 189 (1925) |
| India - type: King s.n. (holo-: CAL, G-DC [fragm]) |
[ Peperomia parvicaulis Callejas ] | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 466, 72 (2020) (junior homonym) |
| Panama - type: Hammel 2730 (holo-: MO) |
| = Peperomia callejasii U.B. Deshmukh (fide Desmukh, 2021) |
Peperomia parvicaulis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 294 (1920) |
| Indonesia (Sumatra) - type: Forbes 2172 (holo-: CAL) |
[ Peperomia parvifenestrata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Estanislav Felipe 44 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Estanislav Felipe 44 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia parvifolia C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 133 (1866) |
| Argentina, Bolivia, Peru - type: Herb. Pavón s.n. (lecto-: G [designated Zanotti et al. 2012: 137) |
| Herb. Pavón s.n. - Peru [lectotype @ G] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia parvilamina Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 2111 (Giacometto 60, Giacometto 84) (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, BR, CM, E, G-DC, GH, K, MICH, PH, S, U, US) |
| Giacometto 84 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia parvilimba C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 263 (1920) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 39/62 (holo-: G) |
| Sodiro 39/62 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia parvipaniculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Glaziou 12177 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (K, P) |
| Glaziou 12177 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia resediflora Lind. & André (fide Mathieu, 2006, K specimen annotation) |
Peperomia parvipunctulata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 70 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7145 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Williams 7145 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia parvisagittata G.Mathieu & Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 162 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-020 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-020 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia parvispica C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 427 (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger 427 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia reineckei C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia parvispicata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Williams 7428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, ILL) |
| Williams 7428 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia parvula Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 426 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Faurie 158 (holotype not designated: G-DC, P) |
| Faurie 158 - Hawaiian Isl. [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database) |
[ Peperomia parvula Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: 139 (1900) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jun 1899 (holotype not designated: G, Q) |
| = Peperomia fasciculata Sodiro (fide Sodiro, 1901) |
Peperomia parvulifolia Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 325, 332 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Taylor 106 (holo-: NY) |
| Taylor 106 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia paschalis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 2122 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dryander 2122 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Yuncker, 1966 & Steyermark 1984) |
[ Peperomia pascuicola C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 352 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 131 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama - type: Pittier 2915 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 2915 - Panama [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia pasionana Trel. ex G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 458(1): 70 (2020) |
| Mexico - type: Hinton 10765 (holo-: ILL; iso-: ARIZ, GH, K, MO, NY PH, TEX, US) |
| Hinton 10765 - Mexico [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia patibulifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8199a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (ILL) |
| Mexia 8199a - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia andicola Dahlst. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia patula C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 139 (1866) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1166 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GOET, K) |
| Fendler 1166 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia paucuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 621 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dryander 621 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia vallensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1947, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia paulensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 1431 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, P, SP) |
| Loefgren 1431 - Brazil [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia paulinoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1335 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, P, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1335 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pavasiana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 290 (1889) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 2697 (holo-: G) |
| Lehmann 2697 - Colombia [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia pseudovariegata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pavoniana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 460 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Pavón s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: MA) |
[ Peperomia pavonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 235a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 235a - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia bangii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pearcei Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 71 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pearce 166 (holo-: K) |
| Pearce 166 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia peckelii C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 349 (1923) [key] |
| New Guinea (Bismarck Isl.) - type: Peckel (B?) |
Peperomia pecuniifolia Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 261 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 34235 (holo-: F), Mexico |
| Steyermark 34235 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
Peperomia pedicellata Dahlst.  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 35 (1900) |
| El Salvador, Guatemala - type: Heyde 3829 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, GH, K, S, US), Honduras, Mexico |
| Heyde 3829 - Guatemala [isotype @ US*] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Mexico |
[ Peperomia pedicellata var. brujonensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30934 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30934 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pedicellata Dahlst. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pedicellata var. samalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33877a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33877a - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia mexicana Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pedicellata var. zunilensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 883 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (GH, ILL) |
| Skutch 883 - Guatemala [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia pedicellata Dahlst. (fide Mathieu, 2005, GH specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia peduncularis Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 162 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. (holo-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia bicolor Sodiro (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia pedunculata C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 146 (1866) |
| Madagascar, Reunion - type: Richard 176 (holo-: P) |
| Richard 176 - La Réunion [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia peepuloides (Roxb.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 145 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper peepuloides Roxb.) |
| = Peperomia peploides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 64 (1815) (comb. nov. for Piper pellucidum L.) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Equat.Guinea, Fiji Isl., Fr.Guiana, Gabon, Guatemala, Guyana, Hawaiian Isl., Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambiqe, Nicaragua, Nigeria, New Guinea, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Samoa, Senegal, Solomon Isl., St. Vincent, Surinam, Tanzania, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe; type [icono-]: Linnaeus, Hort. Cliff. t. 4. 1739 (lecto-: designated Stearn, 1957) |
| Plant in habitat - Indonesia (West Sumatra) |
Peperomia pellucida var. argentina Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 170 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Pierotti 6405 (holo-: LIL) |
| Pierotti 6405 - Argentina [holotype @ LIL*] |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. baileyana Trel. ] | |
| J. Arnold Arbor. 54(3): 392 (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Martinique - 'type': Bailey 297 (BH, ILL) |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. becerrilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 3622 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Haught 3622 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 150: 467) |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. depauperata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38596 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38596 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. minor Van Heurck & Müller ] | |
| Obs. Bot. 115 (1870) (junior homonym) |
| Panama - type: Fendler 302 (holo-: BR) |
| Fendler 302 - Panama [holotype @ AWH] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. minor Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 10 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-: M) |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease, 1936) |
[ Peperomia pellucida var. pygmaea Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 81 (1843) |
| Ecuador - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B [Wildenow herb. 725a]) |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease, 1936) |
Peperomia pellucidoides Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 149 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Ducke s.n. (holo-: MG, NY [fragm]) |
| Ducke s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ MG*] |
Peperomia pellucidopunctulata C.DC. | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 760 (1910) |
| Philippines - types: Elmer 8436 (syn-:G-DC) & 9970 (syn-: G-DC) |
| Elmer 9970 - Philippines [syntype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia peltaphylla Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 719 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19364 pp (holo-: US; iso-: ILL; not GH & NY) |
| Killip 19364 - Colombia [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia peltata Sessé & Moc. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 164 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL, MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 164 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia monticola Miq. (fide Trelease, s.d., MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia peltata C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 277 (1898) (junior homonym) |
| Guatemala - type: Heyde 3829 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, GH, K, S, US) |
| Heyde 3829 - Guatemala [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia pedicellata Dahlst. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 342) |
[ Peperomia peltata (L.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 142 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper peltatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia peltifolia C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 570 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang s.n. [as 'Rusby' in protologue] (holo-: NY) |
| Bang s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Bolivia |
Peperomia peltigera C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 505 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/22 (holo-: G; iso-: B) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ B] |
| Garden plant - Ecuador |
Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 145 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 14178 (holotype: G-DC; iso-: G, GH, K, NY, US), Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama |
| Brenes 14178 - Costa Rica [isotype @ US*] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Mexico (Oaxaca) |
Peperomia peltoidea Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 61 (1815) |
| Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [holotype @ B*] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Leuven (Belgium) |
[ Peperomia peltoidea var. pseudopittieri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 37777 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (US) |
| Killip 37777 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia ovatolanceolata var. pubescens Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pendentibacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 8812 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 8812 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia trichopus Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pendula C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 288 (1899) (junior homonym) |
| Costa Rica - types: Donnell-Smith 6741, Tonduz 8433 (syn-: BR, syn-: US) |
| Tonduz 8433 - Costa Rica [syntype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pendula Willd. ] | |
| Mant. 1: 372 (1822) (nomen nudum in index) |
Peperomia pendulicaulis C.DC.  | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 266 (1920) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Eggers 14689 (holo-: M; iso-: US) |
| Eggers 14689 - Ecuador [holotype @ M] |
Peperomia penduliramea Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 732 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 52588 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 52588 - Ecuador [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia penicillata C.DC.  | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 297 (1907) |
| Cuba, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep. / Haiti), Jamaica - type: Harris 8327 (holo-: B; iso-: BM, NY) |
| Harris 8315 - Jamaica [isotype @ NY] |
Peperomia penicillata var. magnifolia C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 7: 190 (1912) |
| Jamaica - type: Johnson 8 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL) |
| Johnson 8 - Jamaica [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia peninsularis Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 216 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13694 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 13694 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia penlandii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Penland 771 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (F, ILL) |
| Penland 771 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pennellii Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 608 (1950) |
| Bolivia, Colombia - type: Killip 20049 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY), Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela |
| Killip 20049 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia penninervia Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (NY) |
| Bang s.n. - Bolivia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia pseudocobana Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 236) |
[ Peperomia penninervia Baker ] | |
| Fl. Maurit. 298 (1877) |
| Mauritius - type: Carmichael d.d. 1819 (holo-: K) |
| Carmichael s.n. - Mauritius [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia goudotii Miq. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia penningtonii Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Grubb 1211 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (K, NY) |
| Grubb 1211 - Ecuador [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC (fide Mathieu, 2006, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pentadactyla Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 283 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 637 (holo-: ILL, iso-: HBG, US) |
| Buchtien 637 - Bolivia [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia peploides Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 69 (1815) |
| Ecuador - type Humboldt & Bonpland (holo-: P) |
| von Huboldt & Bonpland - Ecuador [holotype @ P*] |
Peperomia percalvescens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 71 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 5758 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 5758 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia perciliata Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 670 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 23725 (holo-: F; iso-: COL, NY) |
| Cuatrecasas 23725 - Colombia [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia percrassicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 25: 54 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H7993 (lecto-: ILL [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336]; isolecto-: B, G, K, S) |
| Ekman H7993 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 336) |
[ Peperomia percrassipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman H7993 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) (B, G, ILL, K, S) |
| Ekman H7993 - Haiti [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 366) |
[ Peperomia percuneata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 46 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 5224 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC) |
| Pittier 5224 - Panama [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pereirae Yunck. ] | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 163 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Pereira 614 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Pereira 614 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Marcuso et al., 2024: 230) |
[ Peperomia pereirae f. hirtulicaule Yunck. ] | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 164 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 18508 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Brade 18508 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia hirticaulis (Yunck.) Marcusso (fide Marcuso et al., 2024: 228) |
Peperomia pereneana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 72 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25413 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25413 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 68 (1815) (as pereskiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8, comb. nov. for Piper pereskiaefolium Jacq.) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela - type (cultivated): Jacquin s.n. (lecto-: W [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343]) |
| Jacquin s.n. - Venezuela [lectotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia pereskiifolia f. rubricaulis (A.Dietr.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 196 (1900) (as pereskiaefolia, corr. cfr. ICN art 60.8 - comb. nov. for. P. rubricaulis) |
| Brazil - type: Nees.s.n. (holotype not designated: W), Jamaica, Nicaragua |
| Nees.s.n - Brazil [type @ W] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Ichaso & Guimarães, 1984) |
[ Peperomia pereskiifolia var. bucaramangana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16292 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16292 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pereskiifolia var. gaviana C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 285 (1898) (as pereskiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 5999 (holo-: C; iso-: K) |
| Glaziou 5999 - Brazil [holotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Ichaso & Guimarães, 1984) |
[ Peperomia pereskiifolia var. santamartana C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen H.H. Smith 1254 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, BR, CM, E, F, G, G-DC, GH, K, L, LL, MICH, MO, MPU, NY, P, PH, S, U, UC, US, VT, WIS) |
| Smith 1254 - Colombia [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 532; Callejas, 2001: 1933) |
Peperomia perforata Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 162 (1828) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Haenke dd 1791 (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Mexico [type @ PR*] |
Peperomia perforata var. glabrata Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 162 (1828) |
| Mexico - type: Haenke dd 1791 (holotype not designated: PRC [fragm]) |
[ Peperomia pergamentacea Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 72 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26063 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 26063 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia pseudorhynchophoros C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia perglabra Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lindberg 632 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BR, S) |
| Lindberg 632 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia diaphanoides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia perglandulosa Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 116 (1950) |
| Colombia, Ecuador, Panama - type: Allen 3750 (holo-: MO) |
| Allen 3750 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia perherbacea Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 318, 325 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H5052 (holo-: S; iso-: B, ILL, U) |
| Ekman H5052 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. (fide Saralegui) |
[ Peperomia perherbacea var. oligocenica Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24: 360 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H6435 (holo-: S; iso-: B, ILL) |
| Ekman H6435 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. (fide Saralegui) |
[ Peperomia perherbacea var. picachoana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 27 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13522 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman H13522 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. (fide Saralegui) |
[ Peperomia perhispidula C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 257 (1908) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Weberbauer 2014 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 2014 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia hispidula var. perhispidula (C.DC.) C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia perhispidula var. glabrescens Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 72 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14076 (holo-: PH) |
| Pennell 14076 - Peru [holotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia periconesensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 4367 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (ILL, K, NY) |
| Hinton 4367 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pedicellata Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia perinduta C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 3 (1917) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Nash 1487 (holo-: B; iso-: NY) |
| Nash 1487 - Haiti [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia foraminum C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia perinduta var. nashii Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 327 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Nash 1505 (holo-: NY) |
| Nash 1505 - Haiti [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia foraminum C.DC. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia perinduta var. tingens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman H5875 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Haiti (E, ILL) |
| Ekman H5875 - Haiti [specimen @ E] |
| = Peperomia foraminum C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 1994, E specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia periodioisa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1821 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Klug 1821 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 589; Callejas, 1999: 788) |
Peperomia perlongicaulis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 165 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 6655 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL, S) |
| Dusén 6655 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia perlongipedunculata Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 451 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 5149 (holo-: MA) |
| Mutis 5149 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia perlongipes C.DC.  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 308 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2344 (lecto-: US, G-DC [fragm] [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 355]; iso-: GH), Ecuador, Peru |
| Buchtien 2344 - Bolivia [type @ US] |
Peperomia perlongispica Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 277 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 3729 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL) |
| Buchtien 3729 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 420 (1845) |
| Brazil - type: Gardner 1157 (lecto-: K [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343]), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru |
| Gardner 1157 - Brazil [lectotype @ K] |
| Palmengarten Frankfurt (Germany) |
Peperomia pernambucensis var. humilis Wawra | |
| Östr. Bot. Zeitschr. 12: 239 (1862) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra 393 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 393 - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia pernambucensis var. procera Wawra | |
| Östr. Bot. Zeitschr. 12: 239 (1862) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Wawra s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia perodiniana Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 322, 330 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H3411 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, G, S) |
| Ekman H3411 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia perpapillosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri 4 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Usteri 4 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia perpaucipilosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehrt s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Gehrt s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hilariana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia perpilosula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Garcia Barriga 4697 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (AAU, US) |
| Garcia-Barriga 4697 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia perplexa Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 337 (1938) (nomen nudum) |
| Honduras - 'type': Yuncker 4865 (F, ILL, MICH, MO) |
| Yuncker 4865 - Honduras ['type' @ MO] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 339) |
[ Peperomia perplexans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 5780 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (PH) |
| Pennell 5780 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia perrottetiana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 146 (1843) |
| Mauritius - type: Sieber 165 (syn-: NY; isosyn-; BR, BM, E, G, K, M, NY, PRC, W); Reunion - type: Perrottet s.n. (syn--: B [missing], G; isosyn-: U) |
| Sieber 165 - Mauritius [syntype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia perrottetiana var. macrophylla Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 147 (1843) |
| Reunion - type: Perrottet s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: U [fragm]) |
| Perrottet s.n. - Reunion [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia perrubescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2197 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL) (Not BM, F, US) |
| Haught 2197 pp - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia personata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen J.D. Smith 6744 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (G-DC, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 6744 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1929 & Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia personata var. concordiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 8416 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (ILL, US) |
| Maxon 8416 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
[ Peperomia perspicua Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4859 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Skutch 4859 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia persuccosa C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 3 (1917) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Duss 2830 (holo-: B; iso-: B, G-DC, NY)) |
| Duss 2830 - Guadeloupe [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia persuccosa var. benae Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 10: 289 (1946) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Béna 5260 |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia persuccosa var. bertautii Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 10: 289 (1946) |
| Guadeloupe - type Stehlé 5259 |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia persucculenta Yunck. | |
| Caldasia 6(27): 38 (1953) (as P. persuculenta sphalm., cfr. type label) |
| Ecuador - type: Espinosa 2283 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY) |
| Espinosa 2283 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia persulcata Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 517 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Espinosa 962 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY), Peru |
| Espinosa - 962 - Ecuador [holotype @ ILL] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia pertomentella Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 73 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 6202 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 6202 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia peruviana Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 32 (1900) |
| Argentina - type: Schickendantz 165 (lecto-: GOET [designated Samain et al. 2011: 165], Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela |
| Schickendantz 165 - Argentina [lectotype @ GOET] |
Peperomia peruviana var. major A.W.Hill ex Yunck.  | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 272 (1955) |
| Peru - type: Hill 183 (holo-: K) |
| Hill 183 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia petenensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17: 230 (1937) |
| Guatemala - type: Lundell 2129 (holo-: MICH; iso-: MEXU) |
| Lundell 2129 - Guatemala [holotype @ MICH*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
[ Peperomia petenensis var. hondurensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 337 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5922 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, K, MICH, MO, S, U) |
| Yuncker 5922 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 138 (1866) |
| Costa Rica, Cuba - type: Wright 2261 (lecto-: G-DC; isolecto-: BM, GH pp, GOET, HAB, HAC, K, MA, MO, NY, P, S, W,YU), Paraguay |
| Wright 2261 - Cuba [isolectotype @ GOET] |
Peperomia petiolata Hook. | |
| Trans. Linn. Soc. 20: 181 (1846) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Darwin s.n. (holo-: CGE; iso-: U) |
| Darwin s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia petiolifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1885 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (GH, ILL) |
| Smith 1885 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia adsurgens Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia petioliflora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3209 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, G, GH, ILL, K, NY,S, U, US) |
| Klug 3209 - Peru [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia subflaccida Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1957: 539) |
[ Peperomia petlacalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 9084 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (B, F, G, GH, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Mexia 9084 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 373) |
Peperomia petraea C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 519 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/44 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 2/44 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia petrakosura Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36919 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36919 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pecuniifolia Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia petriei C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 329 (1923) [key]; Candollea 2: 222 (1925) [emend.] |
| New Zealand - type: Petrie 6215 (holo-: B [missing]) |
Peperomia petrophila C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 369 (1872) |
| Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Liebmann 100 (holo-: C or G-DC: iso-: C, F, GH, K, P, UPS), Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela |
| Liebmann 100 - Mexico [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia petrophila var. brevipetiola Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 457 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19363 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 19363 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia philipsonii Yunck. | |
| Caldasia 6(27): 40 (1953) |
| Colombia - type: Phlipson 1370 (holo-: BM, iso-: COL) |
| Phlipson 1370 - Colombia [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia philipsonii var. panamensis Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 264 (1966) |
| Panama - type: Duke 4756 (holo-: MO; iso-: NY) |
| Duke 4756 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia philosophata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4606 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (F, NY, US) |
| Skutch 4606 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia phoebeicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lillo 20325 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Argentina (G) |
| Lillo 20325 - Argentina [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia theodori Trel. (fide Mathieu, G specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia phrymatopsis Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 706 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Archer 1699 (holo-: US) |
| Archer 1699 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia cachabiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia phrymatopsis var. brevipedunculata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 707 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 9088 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F) |
| Cuatrecasas 9088 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia cachabiana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 335) |
Peperomia phyllantha Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 162 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1790 (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
Peperomia phyllanthopsis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 500 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 494 (holo-: US; iso-: MA) |
| Mutis 494 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia phyllostachya Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 154 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Feb 1900 (holo-: QPLS: iso-: B, G) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia pachystachya C.DC. |
Peperomia physostachya G.Mathieu | |
| Candollea 73(2): 212 (2018) |
| Ecuador - type: Mathieu 1052 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, HUA, MO, QCNE) |
| Mathieu 1052 - Ecuador [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia piapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jimenez 43 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 43 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia zipaquirana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pichinchae C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 144 (1866) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 474 (holo-: K, iso-: TCD) |
| Jameson 747 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia pichisensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 74 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25829 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Killip 25829 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia piedrana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 19, 27 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 8274 (holotype not designated: ILL, S) |
| Ekman 8274 - Cuba [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia pifoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mille s.n. 1897 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (ILL) |
| Mille s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pilaloensis Yunck. ] | |
| Arkiv. Bot., Stockh. ser. 2, 4: 410 (1962) |
| Ecuador - type: Harling 4907 (holo-: S) |
| Harling 4907 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia villosa C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia pilasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 10672 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, LUNDELL, MO, NY, PH, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 10672 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Bornstein, 1986, GH specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 264 (1920) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Dec 1904 (holo-: G-DC), Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| Sodiro s.n. Dec 1904 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia pilifera Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 74 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3460 (holo-: F; iso-: B, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3460 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia pililimba C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 335 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 131 (1926) [emend.] |
| Guatemala - type: von Türckheim II 1383 (holo-: G-DC) |
| von Türckheim II 1383 - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia pilinervia C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 509 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/2 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. [2/2] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pilinervia var. subglabra Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Jul 1903 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pilipeduncula Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 27 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13907 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, G, S, US) |
| Ekman H13907 - Dom. Republic [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia pilipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1621 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (G, ILL, MA, MEDEL, US) |
| Archer 1621 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pilipetiolata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 466, 76 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Hammel 3138 (holo-: MO) |
| Hammel 3138 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia pillahuatana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 74 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14074 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: GH, PH, NY) |
| Pennell 14074 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia pilocarpa Pino & L.E.Alomía | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 21 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Pino 3217 (holo-: USM) |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia pilosa Rich ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rich 13 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Society Isl. (GH) |
| Rich 13 - Society Isl. [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia samoensis Warb. (fide Yuncker, 1934, GH specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pilosa Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 50. f. a. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia pilosior (Miq.) Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sellow s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (K, P, U, W) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 156) |
[ Peperomia pilosior f. glabrifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. Feb 1927 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (NY, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia subrubrispica f. glabrifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 157) |
Peperomia pilostigma Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 141: 47 (1936) |
| Fiji Isl. (Vanua Mbalavu) - type: Smith 1492 (holo-: BISH; iso-: K, NY, P), (Viti Levu) |
| Smith 1492 - Fiji Isl. [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia pilosula C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 378 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Warming s.n. (holo-: G-DC; iso-: C, F, US) |
| Warming s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia pilosulilimba Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 312 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (GH, US) |
| Skutch 312 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia pilulifera Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 199 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37439 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37439 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia pinariana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 16539a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (B, BM, G, ILL, S, UPS) |
| Ekman 16539a - Cuba [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia roiganaTrel. (fide Trelease, 1926) |
Peperomia pinedoana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 75 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23620 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, MA) |
| Killip 23620 - Peru [isotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia pinetorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 9941 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL, K, US) |
| Hinton 9941 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pecuniifolia Trel. & Standl. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pinetorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30023 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30023 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pinguis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Taylor 360 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Dom. Republic (NY) |
| Taylor 360 - Dom. Republic [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1987, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pinguispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30543 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30543 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pinguispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Silvano Jorge 127 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Silvano Jorge 127 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pinoi G.Mathieu | |
| Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 191 (2008) |
| Peru - type: Pino 1104 (holo-: USM) |
| Pino 1104 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| Freshly harvested plants (picture from protologue) |
[ Peperomia pinulana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 289 (1889) |
| Guatemala - type: Lehmann 1693 (holo-: G) |
| Lehmann 1693 - Guatemala [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia piperalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34237 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, US) |
| Killip 34237 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia piperata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19363 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Killip 19363 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia petrophila C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1995, ILL type annotation) |
[ Peperomia piperea C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 143 (1866) |
| Guyana - type: Parker s.n. (holo-: K) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia piperiformis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 6514 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Kellerman 6514 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia petrophila C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia piperoides Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 5918 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 5918 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 381) |
[ Peperomia piperorum Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 49 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Piper 6035 (holo-: US) |
| Piper 6035 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia caudulilimba C.DC. (fide Yuncker, US type annotation) |
[ Peperomia pireneosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86976 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86976 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Yuncker, 1962) |
[ Peperomia piresii Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 191 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Pires 6163 (holo-: IAN; iso-: NY) |
| Pires 6163 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Carvalho-Silva e.a., 2019) |
[ Peperomia pirrisana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 223 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Lankester 1166 (holo-: US; IT: K) |
| Lankester 1166 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, holotype annotation) |
Peperomia pitcairnensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 502 (1921) |
| Pitcairn Isl. - type: Young 166 (holo-: B) |
| Young 166 - Pitcairn Islands [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia pitiguayana Trel. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 169 (1928) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 722 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]; iso-: NY) |
| Tate 722 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia pittieri C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 235 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 722 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR), Panama |
| Pittier 722 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia placeresana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 9145 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, RSA, US) |
| Hinton 9145 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia schizandra Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia plantaginifolia (Raddi) E.F.Guim., G.A.Queiroz & Delprete ] | |
| Taxon 72(4): 888 (2023) (comb. nov. for Piper plantaginifolium Raddi) |
| Brazil - type: Raddi s.n. [missing] |
| = Peperomia obscura Marcusso (nom.nov.) |
[ Peperomia plantaginifolia Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 164 (1828) |
| Chile - type: Haenke s.n. (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Chile [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper chilense C.DC. (fide Index Kewensis) |
[ Peperomia platana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14780 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14780 - Cuba [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease,1926 & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia platanthera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Heyde 3455 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, US) |
| Heyde 3455 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia platyphylla C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 368 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 132 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Cook 69 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Cook 69 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia playapampana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 75 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4496 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, K, US) |
| Macbride 4496 - Peru [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia playaricana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8485a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (B, GH, ILL, K, S, UC) |
| Mexia 8485a - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pleiomorpha Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 75 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26426 (holo-: US; iso-: G, GH, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 26426 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pleistostachya Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 426 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Hillebrand s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
[ Peperomia plicata Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 163 (1828) |
| Mexico - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1791 (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Mexico [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
Peperomia plicatifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 76 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Lechler 2231 (holo-: K) |
| Lechler 2231 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia plinervata St. John ] | |
| Pac. Sci. 30(1): 9 (1976) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Nelson s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Nelson s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pluramenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 640 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia [more likely Ecuador] (MA) |
| Mutis 640 - Colombia [more likely Ecuador] [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia peltigera C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia plurispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 76 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3414 (holo-: F; iso-: B, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3414 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia pluvigaudens C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 37 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - types: Rock 8365 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BISH), Rock 4430 [likely 4420: G-DC, GH] |
| Rock 8365 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia hypoleuca Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia pluvisilvatica G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 77 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 456 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, G, K, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 456 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
Peperomia poasana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 224 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - types: Cooper 288 (syn-: G-DC), Pittier 63 (syn-: G) |
| Pittier 63 - Costa Rica [syntype @ G] |
[ Peperomia poasana var. herediana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 208 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 50197 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 50197 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia poasana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pocitoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85112 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85112 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pocitoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 85040 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 85040 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia podocarpa C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 280 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 10595 (iso-: BR, CR) |
| Pittier 40595 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia podostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3738 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3738 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia poeppigii Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 84 (1843) |
| Peru - type: Poeppig s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Geogenanthus poeppigii (fide Faden, 1981) |
[ Peperomia pogonostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67902 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67902 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia polita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 6984 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (G, ILL, US) |
| Mexia 6984 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lanceolata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia polochicana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 478: 57 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'types': Bartlett 12150 (ILL, MICH), Bartlett 12316 (ILL, K, MICH), Lundell 1626 & 2191 (ILL, MICH) |
| Bartlett 12150 - Guatemala [isosyntype @ MICH] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
[ Peperomia polochicana var. brevispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Wilson 289 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Wilson 289 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia pololensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 12: 102 [nomen], 406 [descript.] (1936) |
| Guatemala - type: Lundell 3040 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MEXU, MICH; TEX), Honduras |
| Lundell 3040 - Guatemala [isotype @ MICH] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia pololuana Yunck. ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 13: 161 (1937) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Degener 3886 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Degener 3886 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia polo-poloi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3728 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3728 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenuipeduncula C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia polybotrya Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 60 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P), Ecuador, Peru |
| von Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia polycephala Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 76 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Herrera 1460 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: US) |
| Herrera 1460 - Peru [lectotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia polymorpha Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 77 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22774 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 22774 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia polystachyoides Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 136 (1900) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 7839 (syn: C, G, K, P), Mendonça 731 (syn-: B), Mosén 2574 (syn-: NY, S, UPS), Schenck 1817 (syn-: S) |
| Mosén 2574 - Brazil [syntype @ UPS] |
Peperomia polystachyoides f. obtusiuscula Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 137 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 9595 (holo-: C; iso-: B [missing], BR, G, K, P, S) |
| Glaziou 9595 - Brazil [isotype @ S] |
Peperomia polystachyos (Ait.) Hook.  | |
| Exot. Fl. 1 (1823): t. 23 [1822] (as polystachya, corrected for Greek basionym epithet - comb. nov. for Piper polystachyon Ait.) |
| Jamaica |
[ Peperomia polystachyos var. godetiana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 326 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1755 (holo-: S; iso-: B, ILL) |
| Ekman H1755 - Haiti [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia polzii Rauh ex Bogner | |
| Kakteen Sukk. 56(12): 327 (2005) |
| Peru - type: Bogner s.n. (holo-: M; iso-: M) |
| Bogner s.n. - cult. (ex Peru) [holotype @ M] |
| Type clone - Botanical Garden Munich (Germany) |
Peperomia ponapensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 504 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. - type: Ledermann 13984 (holo-: B) |
| Ledermann 13984 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia pongoana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 77 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Mexia 6196a (holo-: UC; iso-: GH, ILL, K) |
| Mexia 6196a - Peru [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia pontagrossana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ponthieui Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 186 (1843) |
| West Ind. - type: de Ponthieu s.n. (holo-: G) |
| Ponthieu s.n. - West. Ind. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia ponthieui var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 273 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Kuntze s.n. (holotype not designated: NY) |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [type @ NY] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia pontina Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 77 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25366 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, F, G, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 25366 - Peru [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia pontoalegrensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Huber 4490 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Killip 30223 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia popayanensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 688 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 1003 (holo-: GH; iso-: F, GH, K, L, NY), Fr.Guiana |
| Lehmann 1003 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia porcatinervosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3198 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, F, G, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Klug 3198 - Peru [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia bangii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia porphyridea Diels | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 77 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 1005 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 1005 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia porphyrophylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 436 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Cook 436 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia porriginifera Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 572 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 19494 (holo-: US, iso-: GH, F, ILL, US), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 19494 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia blanda var. porriginifera (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia porschiana Trel. ] | |
| Arch. Bot. Sist. 10: 27 (1934) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cufodontis 737 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: W) |
| Cufodontis 737 - Costa Rica [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 1854: 147 (1856) |
| Panama - type: Binberg s.n. (holotype not designated: S) |
| Binberg s.n. - Panama [type @ S] |
Peperomia portoricensis Urb. | |
| Symb. Antill. 1: 292 (1899) |
| Peru, Puerto Rico - type: Sintenis 4695 (lecto-: B [designated Saralegui, 2004 (as Sintenis '465')]; isolecto-: BM, GH, LD, US, W) |
| Sintenis 4695 - Puerto Rico [lectotype @ B] |
Peperomia portuguesensis Steyerm.  | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 195 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 126600 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MER, MEXU, MO, PORT, UC) |
| Steyermark 126600 - Venezuela [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia portulacifolia Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 70 (1815) (as portulacaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt & Bonpland 2101 (holo-: P) |
| von Humboldt & Bonpland 2101 [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia portulacoides (Lam.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 172 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper portulacoides Lam.) |
| India, Mauritius - type: Commerson s.n. (holo-: P, iso-: B, MPU, P), Reunion, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand |
| Commerson s.n. - Mauritius [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia portulacoides var. hirtella Wawra | |
| Itin. Princ. S. Coburgi 2: 63 (1888) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Wawra 1081 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1081 - Sri Lanka [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia portulacoides var. pilosa Baker ] | |
| Flora Maur. & Seych. 297 (1877) |
| Seychelles - types: Wright s.n. (syn-: K), Horne 567 s.n. (syn-: K) |
| Horne 567 & Wright s.n. - Seychelles [syntypes @ K] |
| = Peperomia tomentosa (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Friedman, 2011: 78) |
[ Peperomia porvenirana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10617 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10617 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia klugiana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia porvenirana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37133 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 37133 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia porvenirana var. churruyacoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 10967 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 10967 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia porvenirana var. miguelana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11128 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11128 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia klugiana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia potamophila Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 466, 78 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Picado 130 (holo-: MO; iso-: CR) |
| Picado 130 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia pothifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 210 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37427 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37427 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia omnicola C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia potosina Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 3906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BM, BR, CM, E, F, G, GH, K, M, MO, P, PH, US, W) |
| Pringle 3906 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia subblanda C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia potrerana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3603 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Killip 3603 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia potrerillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14001 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 14001 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia ppucu-ppucu Trel. | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 206 (1926) |
| Peru - type: Herrera 802 (holo-: US) |
| Herrera 802 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia praecocta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne 166 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Hoehne 166 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia praecox Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1545 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio A5 (holo-: F) |
| Valerio A5 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia praematura Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 672 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16055 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16055 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia praeruptorum Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 78 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14033 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; PH) |
| Pennell 14033 - Peru [isotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia praescripta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3961 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Dusén 3961 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, s.d., ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia praesidiaria Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2589 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2589 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia praestigiatrix Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1619 (NY) |
| Stehlé 1619 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
Peperomia praetenuis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 12: 102 [nomen], 406 [descript.] (1936) |
| Belize - type: Lundell 1929 (holo-: MICH; iso-: ILL [fragm]) |
| Lundell 1929 - Belize [holotype @ MICH*] |
Peperomia praeteruentifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 337 (1938) |
| El Salvador, Honduras - type: Yuncker 5614 (holo-: ILL, iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 5614 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia preussii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 226 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 863 (holo-: B) |
| Preuss 863 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia fernandopoiana C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia preussii var. tenuispicata Engl. ]  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 106-107 (1973 (nomen nudum) |
| Cameroon - 'type': Zenker 3097 (B, BM, BR, E, G, GOET, K, L, LY, M, S, W, WAG, Z) |
| Zenker-3097 - Cameroon ['type' @ W] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia prinata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Alejandro Jiménez 131 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 131 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pringleana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 3809 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (B, BM, BR, F, G, GH, K, M, MO, P, PH, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 3809 - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia pringlei C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1898) |
Peperomia pringlei C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 287 (1898) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 3809 (holo-:G; iso-: B, BKL, BM, BR, E, F, G, GH, HBG, ISC, JE, K, M, MEL, MEXU, MO, MSC, NY, P, PH, S, US, VT, W) |
| Pringle 3809 - Mexico [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia procax Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90801 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90801 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia proctorii Yunck. | |
| Bull. Inst. Jamaica, Sci. Ser. 11: 43 (1960) |
| Jamaica - types: Proctor 11038 (syn-: IJ; isosyn-: NY) & Britton 606 |
| Proctor 11038 - Jamaica [isosyntype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia proculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 574 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, MA, US) |
| Mutis 574 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 393) |
Peperomia procumbens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 141 (1866) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4279 (holo-: K; iso-: BR, TCD) |
| Spruce 4279 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia procumbens var. brachystachya C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 436 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4279a (holo-: K; iso-: BM, BR, TCD) |
| Spruce 4279a - Peru [isotype @ TCD] |
[ Peperomia producta Griseb. ] | |
| Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 166 (1864) |
| Cuba, Jamaica - type: Macfayden s.n. |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia productamenta Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24: 360 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H5773 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, C, DAV, EHH, G, GH, K, S, UC, US) |
| Ekman H5773 - Haiti [isotype @ S] |
Peperomia profissa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 78 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 193 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 193 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia prolifera Yunck. | |
| Brittonia 13(1): 62 (1961) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 1546 (holo-: UC, iso-: US) |
| Hutchison 1544 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia propugnaculi Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 25: 54 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H9322 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, C, DAV, EHH, G, K, S, UC, US) |
| Ekman H9322 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia prospectiformosi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Gehrt s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Gehrt s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia prostrata Williams | |
| Gard. Chron. 11(284): 716 (1879) |
| Brazil - type: protologue illustration [icono-], Ecuador |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia protractamenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 37806 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (US) |
| Killip 37806 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia protractipeduncula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38201 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38201 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d. & Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia provecta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58503 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58503 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pruinosa Moritz ] | |
| Herb. specimen Moritz 1630 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (BM, K, W) |
| Moritz 1630 - Venezuela [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pruinosa Kunth ] | |
| Syn. Pl. Aequin. 1: 124 (1822) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper peltatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pruinosifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 78 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 21742 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 21742 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nivalis var. lepadiphylla (Trel.) Pino (fide Pino 2010: 52) |
[ Peperomia pseudoalata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 9316 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 9316 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 217 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 14180 (holo-: US; iso-: GH), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama |
| Brenes 14180 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pseudoalternifolia Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 547 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 10083 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NU, PH) |
| Pennell 10083 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pseudoamplexicaulis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 432 (1869) |
| Cuba - type: de la Ossa s.n. |
| de la Ossa s.n. - Cuba [type @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia pseudoanomala Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rimbach 259 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, US) |
| Rimbach 259 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quindioensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pseudoasarifolia Callejas & G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 338(1): 112 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Breedlove 25752 (holo-: MO; iso-: F, MICH, TEX) |
| Breedlove 25752 - Mexico [holotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia pseudobasellifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mille s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (GH, ILL) |
| Mille s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pseudobcordata Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 166 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Smith 7727 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Smith 7727 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia pseudoboliviensis Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 222 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8436 (holo-: BR; iso- G-DC) |
| Tonduz 8436 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
Peperomia pseudocasarettoi C.DC.  | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 291 (1899) (as pseudo-casaretti, corrected according to ICN art 60.8 & &art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica - types: Tonduz 9282 (holotype not designated: BR, US) & 9538 (holotype not designated: B, BR, US, W) |
| Tonduz 9538 - Costa Rica [syntype @ BR] |
Peperomia pseudocobana Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 256 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang s.n. (holo-: NY) |
| Bang s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia pseudodendrophila Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Liebmann 135 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico ( C ) |
| Liebmann 135 - Mexico [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schlecht. & Cham. [fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia pseudodependens C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 137 (1866) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1817 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, GOET, K)) |
| Fendler 1817 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia pseudodindygulensis C.DC. ] | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 307 (1881) |
| Paraguay - type: Balansa 2626 (holo-: G) |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 134) |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth |
[ Peperomia pseudodindygulensis var. tucumana C.DC. ] | |
| Anal. Museo Hist. Nat. 32: 6 (nomen nudum) |
| Argentina |
Peperomia pseudoelata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 466, 80 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Grayum 10911 (holo-: MO; iso-: CR) |
| Grayum 10911 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia pseudoestrellensis C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 277 (1898) |
| Brazil - type: Weddel 763 (lecto-: P [designated Guimarães et al., 2023]) |
| Weddell 763 - Brazil [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia pseudofurcata C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 399 (1869) |
| Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru - type: Spruce 4009 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, BR, K, NY, TCD) |
| Spruce 4009 - Peru [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia pseudogalapagensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 79 (1936) |
| Peru - type: USEE (holo-: GH, ILL [fragm]; iso-: K) |
| USEE - Peru [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
[ Peperomia pseudoglabella Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 4553 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (US) |
| Buchtien 4553 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia pseudoglabella Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 198 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Aristeguieta 1948 (holo-: VEN; iso-: NY) |
| Aristeguieta 1948 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia pseudohirta Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 467, 80 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Grayum 9232 (holo-:MO; iso-: BM, CR) |
| Grayum 9232 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia pseudohodgei Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 467, 80 (2020) |
| Colombia - type: Gentry 7182 (holo-: MO) |
| Herrera 717 - Panama [paratype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia pseudohoffmannii Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 225 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44198 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 44198 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pseudohoffmannii var. lenticularis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 225 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 36837 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 36837 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pseudojamesoniana Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 199 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 118338 (holo-: VEN; iso-: MO, NY, U, US) |
| Steyermark 118338 - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia pseudomaculosa Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 467, 81 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Herrera 2206 (holo-:HUA; iso-: BM, CR, MO) |
| Herrera 2206 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia pseudomajor C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 281 (1898) |
| Cuba - type: Eggers 4946 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GOET, K, M, P, US, WU) |
| Eggers 4946 - Cuba [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia pseudomalmeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 6984 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 6984 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pseudometapalcoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tate 357 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (K) |
| Tate 357 - Nicaragua [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia metapalcoensis C.DC. (fide de Candolle, s.d. K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pseudopedicellata Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Sneidern 5010 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, NY) |
| von Sneidern 5010 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia sneidernii (Sw.) Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pseudopedicellata Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 198 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37762 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37762 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia elata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pseudopeltoidea C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 434 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1150b (holo-: G-DC) |
| Fendler 1150b - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pseudopeltoidea var. non-cordata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 1150 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (G-DC, GH, K, NY) |
| Fendler 1150 - Venezuela [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pseudopereskiifolia C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 448 (1869) (as pseudo-pereskiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8 and 60.9) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba - type: Wright 507 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: BM, BR, G, GH, GOET, K, MA, MO, P, PH, TCD, W, YU), Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru |
| Wright 507 - Cuba [isotype @ MA] |
Peperomia pseudoperuviana (Pino) Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 165 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Pino 894 (holo-: USM; iso-: USM) |
| Pino 894 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia pseudophyllantha Samain | |
| Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 157: 193 (2008) |
| Peru - type: Asplund 12813 (holo-: S; iso-: NY, R, RB) |
| Asplund 12813 - Peru [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia pseudoradicans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fiebrig 5353 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Paraguay (F, G, ILL, K) |
| Fiebrig 5353 - Paraguay [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1952, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pseudoreflexa C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 918 (1907) |
| Paraguay - types: Hassler 2859 (syn-: G-DC) & Rojas 67 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BM, S) |
| Rojas 67 - Paraguay [isosyntype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia pseudoreflexa var. trapezoidalis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fiebrig 5421 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Paraguay (GH, ILL, K) (Not BM, E, L, P) |
| Fiebrig 5421 - Paraguay [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia trapezoidalis Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia pseudorhombea C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 440 (1869) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Thwaites 2172 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, GOET, P, W) |
| Thwaites 2172 - Sri Lanka [isotype @ GOET] |
Peperomia pseudorhombea var. tenuis Trimen | |
| Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 432 (1895) (as pseudo-rhombea, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Sri Lanka |
Peperomia pseudorhynchophoros C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 425 (1869) (as pseudorhynchophoron, corrected for gender concordance) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru - type: Poeppig s.n. (holo-: G; iso-: W) |
| Poeppig s.n. - Peru [isotype @ W] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia pseudorufescens C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 160 (1894) (as pseudo-rufescens, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 1148a (holo-: NY) |
| Bang 1148a - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia pseudosalicifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 79 (1936) (as pseudo-salicifolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4254 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 4254 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia pseudoserratirhachis D.Monteiro | |
| Rodriguésia 69(3):1290 (2018) |
| Brazil - type: Viana 4104 (holo-: BHCG; iso-: RB) |
| Viana 4104 - Brazil [isotype @ RB*] |
[ Peperomia pseudosilvarum Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 200 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 798 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC, UPS, W) |
| Buchtien 798 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia aceramarcana Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 332) |
[ Peperomia pseudospongiosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hamilton s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Nicaragua (US) |
| Hamilton s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pseudostipiticarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11401 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11401 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 400) |
[ Peperomia pseudotalinifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mathews 2838 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (K) |
| Mathews 2838 - Peru [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1984, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pseudotetraphylla Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 224 (1929) (as pseudo-tetraphylla, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 41488 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 41488 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pseudotetraphylla var. dodgei Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 322 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 4715 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, MO) |
| Dodge 4715 - Costa Rica [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 344) |
[ Peperomia pseudotetraphylla var. juvenalis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 224 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44003 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 44003 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia pseudotetraphylla var. rodeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lankester 1325 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (F) |
| Lankester 1325 - Costa Rica [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia pseudothyrsiflora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 493 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia albidiflora C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pseudoumbilicata Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 275 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 2448 (holo-: NY; iso-: K, US) |
| Bang 2448 - Bolivia [holoytype @ NY*] |
Peperomia pseudovariegata C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 428 (1869) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 63, Ecuador |
[ Peperomia pseudovariegata var. sarcophylla (Sodiro) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 688 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia sarcophylla Sodiro) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 |
| = Peperomia pseudovariegata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia pseudoverruculosa G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 165 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Samain 2009-052 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Samain 2009-052 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru (Cuzco) |
[ Peperomia psiloclada C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 283 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8040 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: G; iso-: BR) |
| Tonduz 8040 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia psiloclada var. magnifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 350 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 132 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12222 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: CR, F, G, P, US, W) |
| Tonduz 12222 - Costa Rica [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia psiloclada var. memoranda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3854 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (K, S, US) |
| Skutch 3854 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia psiloclada var. zarceroana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 168 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Smith 168 Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia psilophylla C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 161 (1894) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 1516 (holo-: NY) |
| Bang 1516 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia psilorhachis var. georginasense Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67364 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67364 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia psilostachya C.DC. | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 32(1) no. 2: 9, pl. 54 (1893) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay - type: Balansa 4533 (holo-: P), Uruguay |
| Balansa 4533 - Paraguay [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia psilostachya var. angustifolia C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 403 (1903) |
| Paraguay - types: Hassler 4219 (syn- & isosyn-: G), 5811 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BM, K), 6018 (syn-:G; isosyn-: BM) |
| Hassler 6018 - Paraguay [syntype @ G] |
Peperomia psilostachya var. glaberrima C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 465 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Moura 992 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia psilostachya var. subobovatilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 243 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Pittier 1096 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 1096 - Colombia [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia psilostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 20 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock s.n (holo-: G-DC) |
| Rock s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 86 (1843) |
| Hispaniola (Dom. Rep.) - type: Poiteau s.n. (holo-: G; iso: U) |
| Poiteau s.n. - Dom. Rep. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis f. stipiticara Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20 (1926) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba - 'type': Ekman 2075 (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 2075 - Cuba ['type' @ S] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis var. filispica Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20, 28 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 13771 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL) |
| Ekman 13771 - Cuba [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis var. latimera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 978 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Jamaica (ILL) |
| Maxon 978 - Jamaica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Jones, 1985., ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis var. longispica Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 27 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13523 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: S)) |
| Ekman H13523 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia pterocaulis var. palmamochana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20, 28 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14334 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman 14334 - Cuba [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pteroneura C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 515 (1898) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/5 (holo-: G: iso-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro 2/5 - Ecuador [isotype @ QPLS] |
[ Peperomia pterophora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Broadway 383 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Broadway 383 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia pteropoda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20082 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, G, GH, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 20082 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia puberula Baker ] | |
| Refug. Bot. 5 t. 302 (1871) |
| Guatemala - type: cultivated |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Düll, 1966) |
Peperomia puberulescens Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 468, 82 (2020) |
| Honduras, Mexico - type: Tenorio 5925 (holo-: MEXU; iso-: CH, ICB) |
| Tenorio 5925 - Mexico [holotype @ MEXU] |
Peperomia puberulibacca C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 260 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 2111 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 2111 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia puberulibacca var. atricha Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 80 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4009 (holo-: F; iso-: ILL) |
| Macbride 4009 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia puberulicaulis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 636 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 5925 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY, PH), Ecuador |
| Killip 5925 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia puberulifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 412 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Bur. Sci. 6047 (holotype not designated) |
| = Peperomia lagunaensis C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
Peperomia puberuliformis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 80 (1936) (as puberulaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22981 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 22981 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 245 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1259 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, BM, BR, CM, E, F, GH, K, MICH, MO, MPU, NY, P, PH, S, US, VT), Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras |
| Smith 1259 - Colombia [isotype @ BR] |
Peperomia puberulipes Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 80 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3856 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3856 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia puberulirhachis C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 295 (1923) [key] (as puberulaerhachis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Mexico |
Peperomia puberulispica C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 475 (1917) |
| cultivated plant - type: Goebel s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Goebel s.n. - cultivated [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia pubescens Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31 (1798) |
| Peru - type: Isern 2507 (holotype not designated: ILL, MA, NY) |
Peperomia pubescentinervis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 81 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 127 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 127 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia pubicaulis C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 6 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 932 (holotype not designated: L) |
| Elbert 932 - Indonesia [type @ L] |
Peperomia pubifolia hort. | |
| Proc. Hort. Soc. 5: 143 (1865) |
| cultivated plant (P) |
Peperomia pubilimba C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 218 (1918) |
| New Guinea - types: Ledermann 10294c, 11628 (syntype not designated: B), 12060, 12148a (syntype not designated: B) |
| Ledermann 11628 - New Guinea [type @ B] |
Peperomia pubinervosa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 81 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25269 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25269 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pubipeduncula Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 167 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 11270 (holo-: R; iso-: NY) |
| Brade 11270 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pubipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 9302 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G, K, L, MG, NY) |
| Ule 9302 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia radicosa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia pubipetiola C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 47 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Forsyth Major 108 pp (holo-: G; iso-: G) |
| Forsyth Major 108 pp - Madagascar [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia pubiramea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 81 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25360 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 25360 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pubirhachis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 493 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Garcia-Barriga 10987 (holo-: COL; iso-: NY, US), Ecuador |
| Garcia-Barriga 10987 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia pubispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 2848 [distributed by Pittier] (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (BR, G, G-DC, US) |
| Tonduz 2848 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pucalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 82366 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 82366 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Standley, s.d. & Yuncker, 1962) |
[ Peperomia pueblana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 8828 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BH, BM, C, CM, E, F, G, GH, ILL, K, L, LY, M, MA, NY, P, PH, PR!, PRC, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 8828 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenerrima Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 404) |
[ Peperomia pueblonuevoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 66873 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 66873 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia coarctata Trel. & Standley (fide Standley, F specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia puerto-ospinana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 520 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 10730 (holo-: US; iso-: COL), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 10730 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia pugnicaudex Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 167 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Pino 792 (holo-: USM) |
| Samain 2009-007 - Peru [paratype @ GENT] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia pukooana C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 25 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 120 (holo-: G) |
| Faurie 120 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia pulchella (Ait.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 177 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper pulchellum Ait.) |
| Jamaica |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1923: 405) |
[ Peperomia pulicaris Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 162 (1828) |
| Mexico - type: Haenke 15 (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke 15 - Mexico [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pulicimorsa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5501 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Dusén 760 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, s.d., ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pulidoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 8725 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 8725 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia albert-smithii var. villosa Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia pullispica Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 341 (1929) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H9832b (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, S) |
| Ekman H9832b - Haiti [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia pululaguana C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Ecuador - type: André 2526 (holo-: K; iso-: NY) |
| André 2526 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia pumayacuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3198 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, F, G, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Klug 3198 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia bangii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pumila Sesse & Moc. ] | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) (as pumilla, junior homonym) |
| Mexico |
Peperomia pumila Opiz | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 163 (1828) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1790 (holotype not designated: PR, PRC) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
[ Peperomia punaluuna C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 32 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Faurie 159 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, P)) |
| Faurie 159 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1933: 29) |
[ Peperomia punctata C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 331 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 132 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 13376 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Pittier 13376 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia oerstedii C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia punctatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 204 (1929) (as punctataefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37968 (holo-: US), Panama |
| Standley 37968 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia matlalucaensis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia punctatifolia var. munyecoana Trel. ]  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 204 (1929) (as punctataefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33432 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 33432 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia matlalucaensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 341) |
Peperomia punctatilamina Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 586 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 15406 (holo-: ILL) |
| Cuatrecasas 15406 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia punctulata Regel ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31(2): 543 (1859) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (holo-: LE, NY [fragm]) |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia punctulatissima Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 228 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: Rusby 592 (holo-: BKL, ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Rusby 592 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia punicea Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 135 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 2573 (holo-: S) |
| Mosén 2573 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia punoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Metcalf 30432 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (G, GH, MO, UC, US) |
| Metcalf 30432 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Liesner, 1976, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia puraceana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 6780 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 6780 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia subalata C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia purpurascens Moritz ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 420 (1869) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Moritz 1785 (BM, K, P, W) |
| Moritz 1785 - Venezuela ['type' @ P] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Jorgensen & Leon-Yanez, 1999) |
[ Peperomia purpurascens C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 417 (1869) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - type: Nutt. s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Nutt. s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia purpurascenticaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8264 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, BH, BM, GB, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Mexia 8264 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia purpurea Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 49. f. b. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (iso-: W) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [isotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia purpurea Ridl. ] | |
| Trans. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 141 (1916) (junior homonym) |
| New Guinea - type: Kloss s.n. (holo-: BM; iso-: K) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia colossina C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923: 405) |
[ Peperomia purpurella C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 414 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1161 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Fendler 1161 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia patula C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia purpureonervosa G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 168 (2011) |
| Bolivia - type: Symmank 2008-051 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, LPB, MO) |
| Symmank 2008-051 - Bolivia [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
[ Peperomia purpureovittata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 2921 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (BM, NY, US) |
| Pittier 2921 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia seemanniana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia purpurinervis C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 496 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8592 (holo-: B, iso-: K), Ecuador, Guyana, Venezuela |
| Ule 8592 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia purpurinodis Yunck. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 83: 303 (1956) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Smith 9033 (holo-: US; iso-: BISH, GH, NY) |
| Smith 9033 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia purpurispicata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 468, 83 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 20398 (holo-: MO; iso: INB) |
| Antonio 5045 - Panama [paratype @ MO*] |
Peperomia pusilla Callejas | |
| Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 129: 815 (2014) |
| Costa Rica - type: Lobo 34 (holo-: HUA; iso-: MO) |
| Lobo 34 - Costa Rica [isotype@ MO*] |
[ Peperomia pustulatibacca Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 10: 288 (1946) |
| Barbados - type: Stehlé 1647 (lecto-: NY; isolecto-: ILL) |
| Stehlé 1647 - Barbados [lectotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia putata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 626 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, F, ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 626 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia puteolata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 82 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 66 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 66 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia puteolifera Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 10: 157 (1931) |
| Guatemala - type: Cook 432 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Cook 432 - Guatemala [type @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US type specimen annotation) |
Peperomia putlaensis G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 372 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-104 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, K, MEXU, MO, US) |
| Samain 2007-104 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plant (type collection) |
Peperomia putumayoensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 620 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 10675 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Cuatrecasas 10675 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia putumayona Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1821 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Klug 1821 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia puyoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 6924 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (BM, G, GH, ILL, P, US) |
| Mexia 6924 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pygmaea (Miq.) Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Humboldt s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Galapagos Isl. (B) |
| Killip 35608 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Trel., 1936: 71) |
[ Peperomia pygmaea Moritz ] | |
| Herb. specimen Moritz 1941 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (BM) |
| Moritz 1941 - Venezuela [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, BM specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia pygmaea var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Martius s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (W) |
| Tonduz 4658 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Trel., 1936: 71) |
Peperomia pyramidata Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 151 (1901) |
| Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 (holo-: Q; iso-: QPLS), Panama |
| Sodiro s.n. Nov 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
[ Peperomia pyrifolia Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 61 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: P; iso-: B) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia pyrolifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 217 (1929) (as pyrolaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 12691 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 12691 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 169 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper quadrangulare Thomps.) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guyana, Panama, Surinam, Trinidad - type [icono-]: Trans. Linn. Soc. London 9: 202, t. 21, f. 1. 1808 [lecto-: designated Saralegui, 2004], Venezuela |
| Sukkulenten-Sammlung Zürich (Switzerland) |
[ Peperomia quadrantana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Isern 1332 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, MA) |
| Isern 1332 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quadrata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rusby 2210 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (F, NY, PH, US) |
| Rusby 2210 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quaesita Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia quadratifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 82 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24816 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 24816 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia quadricoma Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 82 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 370 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 370 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia quadrifolia Miq. ] | |
| Linnaea 20: 571 (1847) (junior homonym) |
Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 69 (1815) (comb. nov. for Piper quadrifolium L.) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela; type [icono-]: Plumier. Pl. Amer. t 242, f. 3. 1760 [lecto-: designated Saralegui, 2004] |
| Plumier. Pl. Amer. t 242, f. 3. 1760 [iconotype] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Göttingen (Germany) |
Peperomia quadrifolia f. angusta Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 186 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 1655 (syn-: S), Mexico - type Liebmann 124 (syn-: C) |
| Mosén 1655 - Brazil [syntype @ S] |
[ Peperomia quadrifolia var. conocarpa (Trel.) Callejas ] | |
| Herb. specimen Yuncker 6189 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Honduras (F, G, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 6189 - Honduras [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Trelease, 1938) |
[ Peperomia quadrifolia var. grandifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hemmendorff 541 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL, NY) |
| Hemmendorff 541 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia quadrivii Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 25: 54 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H9207 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, EHH, S, US) |
| Ekman H9207 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia quaerata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 83 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23653 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 23653 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia quaesita Trel.  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 83 (1936) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru - type: Killip 26676 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY), Venezuela |
| Killip 26676 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia quaifei C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 8: 329 (1908) |
| New Hebrides (Vanuatu) - type: Quaife 2 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Quaife 2 - New Hebrides [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia quaternata Miq. ] | |
| Bot. Voy. Herald 5: 197 (1854) |
| Panama - type: Seemann 1571 (holo-: K). |
| Seemann 1571 - Panama [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
[ Peperomia quaternata var. puberula C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 396 (1890) (nomen nudum) |
| Colombia - 'type': André 134 (K, NY) |
| André 134 - Colombia ['type' @ K] |
| = Peperomia argenteobracteata Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quatrometralis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 83 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26330 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Killip 26330 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
[ Peperomia quebradana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33537 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, U, US) |
| Killip 33537 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quercetorum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 1760 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (ILL) |
| Skutch 1760 - Guatemala [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia condormiens Trel. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia querocochana G.Mathieu & Pino | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 168 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-017a (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT, MO) |
| Mathieu 2009-017a - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia queserana Trel. ]  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 210 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12184 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR, F, G-DC, K, W) |
| Tonduz 12184 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 333) |
[ Peperomia questeliana Stehlé & Trel. ] | |
| Candollea 8: 77 (1940) |
| St. Barthélemy - type: Questel 2518 (lecto-: NY; isolecto-: P) |
| Questel 2518 - St. Barthélemy [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Boufford, 1982) |
Peperomia questionis G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 372 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Samain 2007-014 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU) |
| Samain 2007-014 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in situ at the type locality |
Peperomia quetzal Véliz, Archila & L.Velásquez | |
| Cactus-Aventures International 2: 47 (2017) |
| Guatemala - type: Véliz 25309 (holo-: BIGU; iso-: BIGU, MEXU, MO) |
| Véliz 25309 - Guatemala [holotype @ BIGU*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia quevedoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 6608 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, US) |
| Mexia 6608 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Callejas, 2003) |
[ Peperomia quezaltenangensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rojas 570 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Rojas 570 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quezaltepequeana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31416 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31416 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia quibdoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 2069 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Archer 2069 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quicheensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Heyde 3458 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G, G-DC, GH, K, M, US) |
| Heyde 3458 - Guatemala [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia botteri C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia quicheensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 478: 57 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'type': Bartlett 12206 (ILL, MICH) |
| Bartlett 12206 - Guatemala ['type' @ MICH] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006) |
Peperomia quimiriana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 83 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23864 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 23864 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia quindioensis Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 555 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 10082 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US) |
| Pennell 10082 - Colombia [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia quindioi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 10082 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Pennell 10082 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994) |
Peperomia quinquenervia Sesse & Moc. | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) |
| Mexico |
[ Peperomia quinquenervis Dahlst. ex Jäderholm ] | |
| Akad. afhandl. Uppsala 17 (1898) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia megapotamica Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900) |
[ Peperomia quintuplinervia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 470 (1869) (nomen nudum in index) |
[ Peperomia quiriguana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 478: 57 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guatemala - 'types': Bartlett 12149 (ILL, MICH), 12185 (ILL, MICH), 12312 (ILL, MICH) |
| Bartlett 12149 - Guatemala ['type' @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Bornstein, 1985, ILL specimens annotations) |
[ Peperomia quirosii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1545 (1938) (as quirosi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Quiros 7 (holo-: F; iso-: CR) |
| Quiros 7 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudodependens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia quisacheana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 62012 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 62012 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia quispicanchiana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 84 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 7802 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: F, ILL) |
| Weberbauer 7802 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia quitensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jameson 244 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (BM, G-DC, P) |
| Jameson 244 - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia quitensis Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 421 (1845) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 59 (holotype not designated: K) |
| Jameson 59 - Ecuador [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia quotifolia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1545 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Smith H272 (holo-: F) |
| Smith H272 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia palmana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia racemifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 84 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26657 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 26657 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia radiata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duarte s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Duarte s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia radiata var. densa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duarte s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Duarte s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia radiata var. mogiensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 1291 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Loefgren 1291 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia radiata var. novaesii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Campos Novaes s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| de Campos Novaes s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia radiatinervosa G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 171 (2011) |
| Bolivia - type: Samain 2008-090 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, GENT, K, LPB, MO) |
| Samain 2008-090 - Bolivia [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia radicans C.DC. ] | |
| Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 27(2): 308 (1881) |
| Paraguay - type: Balansa 2312 (holo-: G: iso-: B, BM, BR, G-DC, GOET, K, P, S) |
| Balansa 2312 - Paraguay [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 134) |
Peperomia radicosa Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 168 (1966) |
| Bolivia, Brazil - type: Ule 9302 (holo-: G; iso-: K, L, MG, NY) |
| Ule 9302 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia raiateensis Moore ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 102: 26 (1933) |
| Society Isl. (Raiatea) - type: Moore 352 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, MIM, P) |
| Moore 352 - Society Islands [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia societatis Moore (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia raivavaeana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 9 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Raivavae) - type: St.John 16160 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, K, NY, P, US) |
| St.John 16160 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia australana Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia raivavaeana var. rimatarana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 9 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Rimatara) - type: St.John 16889 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BO, NY, P) |
| St.John 16889 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia australana Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia raivavaeana var. tubuaiana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 9 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Tubuai) - type: St.John 16473 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| St.John 16473 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia australana Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia ramboi Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 184 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Rambo 54469 (holo-: S; iso-: B) |
| Rambo 54469 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia ramosa Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 320, 327 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H1575 (holo-: S; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Ekman H 1575 - Haiti [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia ramosii C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 315 (1923) [key]; Candollea 2: 188 (1925) [emend.] |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Ramos (Bur. Sci) 12113 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G-DC, K, L, US) |
| Ramos Ramos (Bur. Sci) 12113 - Philippines [type @ L] |
| = Peperomia pallidibacca C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
[ Peperomia ramulata Andersson ] | |
| Herb. specimen Andersson s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Galapagos Isl. (S) |
| Andersson s.n. - Galapagos Isl. [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2010) |
[ Peperomia ramulosa Anderss. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 1853: 158 (1855) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Andersson 103 (isotypes as Andersson 58) (holo-: S; iso-: LD, UPS) |
| Andersson 103 - Galapagos Isl. [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2010 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia ranongensis Suwanph., Hodk. & Chantar. | |
| Thai Forest Bull., Bot. 20(2): 114 (2022) |
| Thailand - type: Suwanphakdee 582 (holo-: BKF; iso-: BK, KKU, QBG) |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia rapensis Brown | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 21 (1935) |
| Austral Isl. (Rapa) - type: Quayle 344 (lecto-: BISH), Pitcairn Isl. |
| Quayle 344 - Austral Isl. [lectotype @ BISH*] |
| Collection TCD Botanical Garden (Dublin - Ireland) |
[ Peperomia rapensis var. minuticaulis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 37 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Rapa) - type: St. John 15622 (holo-: BISH) |
| St. John 15622 - Austral Islands [holotype @ BISH] |
| = Peperomia rapensis Brown (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia rara Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rose 6191 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Rose 6191 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rasa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20439 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 20439 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenuimarginata Trel. & Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rasconensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (US) |
| Palmer s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 323 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2675 (holo-: US; iso-: K, MICH, MO, NY, S) |
| Skutch 2675 - Costa Rica [isotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia barbinodis Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia ratticaudata G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 78 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 488 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, BM, G, K, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 488 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia rauhii Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hutchison 6593 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, UC) |
| Hutchison 6593 - Peru [specimen @ UC] |
| = Peperomia congesta Kunth (fide Hutchison, 1982, UC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rauniensis Schwartz | |
| Mitt. Inst. Bot. Hamburg, 7: 233 (1931) |
| Indonesia (Borneo) - type: Winkler 1544 |
[ Peperomia rea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20419 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY) |
| Killip 20419 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia rechingerae C.DC. | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 267 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 380 (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger 380 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia rechingerae var. aopoana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 51 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Christophersen 893 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Christophersen 893 - Samoa [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia rechingerae var. subrepens Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 53 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Christophersen 46 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Christophersen 46 - Samoa [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia recticulifera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 3537 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (US) |
| Killip 3537 - Panama [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia recurvata (Blume) Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 141 (1843) (comb. nov. for Piper recurvatum Blume) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Blume s.n. (holo-: L) |
| = Peperomia convexa Miq. (fide Koorders, 1908) |
[ Peperomia recurvata f. longispica C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 409 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Merrill 4425, For. Bur. 4847, Williams 1084 |
| = Peperomia recurvata var. longispica C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia recurvata f. pilosior C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 408 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Elmer 6622, Bur. Sci. 3501 (isosyn-: US) |
| = Peperomia recurvata var. pilosior C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia recurvata var. longispica (C.DC.) C.DC. ]  | |
| Candollea 1: 321 (1923) [key] (stat. nov. for Peperomia recurvata f. longispica C.DC.) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Merrill 4425 (G-DC, K, US), Curran 4847 (G-DC), Williams 1084 |
[ Peperomia recurvata var. major C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 406 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
| Indonesia - 'type': Korthals s.n. (L) |
| Korthals s.n. - Indonesia ['type' @ L] |
| = Peperomia convexa Miq. (fide Koorders, 1908) |
[ Peperomia recurvata var. minor C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 440 (1869) |
| Indonesia (Borneo, Java) |
[ Peperomia recurvata var. philippinensis Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 423 (1845) |
| Philippines - type: Cuming 1920 (holo-: K) |
| Cuming 1920 - Philippines [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2020: 48) |
[ Peperomia recurvata var. pilosior (C.DC.) C.DC. ]  | |
| Candollea 1: 406 (1923) (stat. nov. for Peperomia recurvata f. pilosior C.DC.) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - types: Elmer 6622, Bur. Sci. 3501 (isosyn-: US) |
[ Peperomia redondoana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 323 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 5423 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, MO) |
| Dodge 5423 - Costa Rica [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia reducta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kuntze s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (G-DC, NY) |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia reflexa (L. f.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 180 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper reflexum L.f., junior homonym) |
| South Africa - type: Thunberg s.n. |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1962) |
Peperomia reflexa Kunth  | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 70 (1815) |
| Peru - type: von Humboldt 3633 (lecto-: B [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 356]; isolecto-: P) |
| von Humboldt 3633 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. americana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 173 (1843) |
| Brazil, Jamaica |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. argentina C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 397 (1916) |
| Argentina - type: Lillo 9820 (lecto-: CORD [designated Zanotti et al. 2012: 141]; isolecto-: G, LIL) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Zuloaga, 1997) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. calcicola C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 410 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Elmer 6077 (holotype not designated: US) |
| Elmer 6077 - Philippines [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. capensis (Miq.) C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gibbs Russell e.a., 1987) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. capensis Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 169 (1843) |
| South Africa |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. capensis (Miq.) C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gibbs Russell e.a., 1987) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. coonoorana C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 297 (1914) |
| India - type: Meebold 11963 & 10426 (holo-: BRA) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. forsteriana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 173 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu), Society Isl. |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. nervulosa C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. javana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 172 (1843) |
| Indonesia (Java) |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. pusilla C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. longilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 397 (1916) |
| Argentina - type: Lillo 11962 (holo-: LIL) |
| = Peperomia theodori Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. nana C.DC. ] | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 5 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 1009 (holotype not designated: L) |
| Elbert 1009 - Indonesia [type @ L] |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. nilgherica Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 171 (1843) |
| India, Nepal |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. berlandieri C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. norfolcensis Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 172 (1843) |
| Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: K) |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. aemula C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1869) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Flora of Australia) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. parvilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 410 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Merril 3818, Bolster 97 |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. peruviana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 174 (1843) |
| Peru |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. robustior C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 304 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2791 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: HBG, UPS, US) |
| Buchtien 2791 - Bolivia [isotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 141) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. sinensis C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 40 (1914) |
| China - types: Laborde 2131, Cavalerie 3193 (syn-: P) |
| Cavalerie 3193 - China [syntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. sinensis Chen & Zhu (fide Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. tenuipes C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 47 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 3950 (holo-:G-DC; iso-: BM, G, JE, K, P, PR, US, W |
| Hildebrandt 3950 - Madagascar [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia reflexa f. variipila Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 192 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Cárdenas 3254 (holo-: F) |
| Cárdenas 3254 - Bolivia [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. aemula (Endl.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 451 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia aemula (Endl.) Endl.) |
| Norfolk Isl. - type: Bauer s.n. (holo-: W; iso-: K) |
| Bauer s.n. - Norfolk Isl. [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Flora of Australia) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. americana (Miq.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 175 (1900) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa f. americana Miq.) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. americana f. brevipes Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 175 (1900) |
| Brazil, Venezuela |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. americana f. longipes Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 175 (1900) |
| Argentina, Brazil, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Jamaica, Mexico, Venezuela |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. angustifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 294 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - types: Donnell-Smith 6746, Pittier 7259 (isosyn-: US) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. argentina (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 406 (1923) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa f. argentina C.DC.) |
| Argentina - 'types': Lillo 9820 (CORD, G, LIL) & 9901 (G, LIL), Stuckert 2287 (G-DC) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Zuloaga, 1997) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. berlandieri (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia berlandieri Miq.) |
| India, Nepal |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide C. de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. capensis (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 451 (1869) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa f. capensis Miq.) |
| South Africa - type: Zeyher 3873 (holotype not designated: G, LY, S) |
| Zeyher 3873 - South Africa [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gibbs Russell e.a., 1987) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. coriacea C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1183 (holo-: G-DC, iso: BR, GH, K, MO, PH, TCD) |
| Fendler 1183 - Venezuela [isotype @ TCD] |
| = Peperomia reflexa (L. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. elongata Hillebr. ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 426 (1888) |
| Hawaiian Isl. |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. elongata (Hillebr.) Deg. & Deg. (fide Degener & Degener, 1965) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. emarginata Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 27 (1935) |
| Austral Isl. (Rapa) - type: Stokes 260 (holo-: BISH) |
| Stokes 260 - Austral Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. enervulosa C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| Venezuela - types: Fendler 1183 & herb. Wild. 753 & 757 (holotype not designated: MO) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. filiformis Griseb. ]  | |
| Symb. Flor. Argen. 91 (1879) |
| Argentina - type Lorentz 316 (holo-: GOET; iso-: B, G-DC, NY, S, SI), Bolivia |
| Lorentz 316 - Argentina [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia lorentzii C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1898) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. geraensis Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 176 (1900) |
| Brazil (S), Jamaica, Venezuela |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera (Miq.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. honolulensis Wawra ] | |
| Flora 58(15): 229 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Wawra 1984 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1984 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. itabirana C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 359 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 5907 (holo-: G; iso-: ILL) |
| = Peperomia itabirana C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1917) |
| = Peperomia decora Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. magnispicata C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Glaziou 17228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BR, C, G, K, P) |
| Glaziou 17228 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia decora Dahlst. (fide Trelease, G specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. membranacaea C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 451 (1869) |
| Mauritius (syn-: K), Reunion (syn-: G) |
| anon. s.n. - Reunion [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. nervulosa C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 451 (1869) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Beechey s.n. (holo-: K) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. oahuensis Wawra ] | |
| Flora 58(15): 229 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Wawra 1732 (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1732 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. parvifolia (C.DC.) Deg. & Deg. (fide Degener & Degener, 1965) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. opaca C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Sallé s.n. d.d. 1855 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sallé s.n. - Mexico [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC type annotation) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. pallida C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 235 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 3198 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: BR; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 3198 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia cartagoana Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. parvifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| Sri Lanka - types: Thwaites 2462 (syn-: G-DC) & Hooker s.n. (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: K) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. parvifolia (C.DC.) Deg. & Deg. (fide Degener & Degener, 1965) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. piedadeana C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 359 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 10277 (holo-: G) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. piedadeana (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. pusilla C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 451 (1869) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Zollinger 1985 (holotype not designated: BM, G-DC, S, U, W ) |
| Zollinger 1985 - Indonesia [type @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. robustior (C.DC.) C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 406 (1923) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa f. robustior C.DC.) |
| Bolivia - 'type': Buchtien-2791 (G-DC, UPS, US) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. rotundilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 27: 9 (1915) |
| Bolivia - type: Herzog 2483 (holotype not designated: L) |
| Herzog 2483 - Bolivia [type @ L] |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. subemarginulata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 21 (holo-: B) |
| = Peperomia subemarginulata (C.DC.) Trel. (fide Trelease, 1929) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. subsessilifolia C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) |
| types: Pacific Isl.: Cunningham s.n. (syn-: K) & Hawaiian Isl.: Gaudichaud s.n. (syn-: G-DC) |
| Gaudichaus s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia reflexa var. capensis (Miq.) C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gibbs Russell e.a., 1987) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. tenera Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 174 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen II 259 (holo-: S; iso-: Y, P, S, UPS) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera (Miq.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia reflexa var. valantoides (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 452 (1869) (comb. nov. for Peperomia valantoides Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: cult. Berlin & St. Petersburg (holotype not designated: U) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. valantoides (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia reflexifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 223 (1929) (as reflexaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Biolley 7259 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, CR, F, US) |
| Biolley 7259 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia refractifolia Léveillé ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 151 (1911) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Faurie 123 (holo-: P; iso-: BM, G, G-DC, P) |
| Faurie 123 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia cookiana C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
[ Peperomia refugii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hoehne s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Hoehne s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia campinasana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia regelii C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 455 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Regel s.n. (holo-: LE) |
[ Peperomia regnelliana C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 381 (1872) (junior homonym) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen 1428 (holo-: S, G [fragm]) |
| Henschen 1428 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia regnelliana Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 173 (1871); et Verh. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 2, 5: 235 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell III 1551 (holo-: S; iso-: UPS) |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia regressiodiaboli Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 14063 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (US) |
| Pittier 14063 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia castanoensis Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rehmannii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 227 (1894) |
| South Africa - types: Rehmann 489 (syn-: Z) & 5969 (syn-: Z) |
| Rehmann 489 - South Africa [syntype @ Z*] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia reineckei C.DC. | |
| Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee, 254 (1905) |
| Samoa - type: Reinecke 434 (holo-: B; iso-: G) |
| Reinecke 434 - Samoa [isotype @ G] |
Peperomia reineckei var. glabrior (C.DC.) Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 11 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia umbricola var. glabrior C.DC.) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger s.n. - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
Peperomia reineckei var. obovatifolia Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 12 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Bryan 102 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Bryan 102 - Samoa [holotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia reineckei var. umbricola (C.DC.) Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 12 (1937) (comb. nov. for Peperomia umbricola C.DC.) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 2510 (holo-: W) |
| Rechinger 2510 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia reinwardtiana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 141 (1843) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Blume 1599 (holo-: L; iso-: U) |
| Blume 1599 - Indonesia [holotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia convexa Miq. (fide Koorders, 1908) |
[ Peperomia rejecta Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 205 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 50219 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 50219 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type annotation) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia relegata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 630 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 630 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia delicatula Hensch. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 422) |
Peperomia remyi C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 286 (1898) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai) - types: Heller 2633 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: E, G, JE, L, Z), Remy 188 (syn-: P) |
| Remy 188 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ P] |
[ Peperomia remyi var. waipioana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 56 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 4646 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH), (Lanai) |
| Rock 4646 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia renifolia Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 40 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Müller s.n. (syn-: B [missing]; F [photo]), Schenck 538 (syn-: S), Schenck 844 (syn-: S) |
| Schenck 538 - Brazil [syntype @ S*] |
[ Peperomia reniformis (Poir.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 162 (1831) (junior homonym) (comb. nov. for Piper reniforme Poir.) |
| West Indies |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers.comm]) |
[ Peperomia reniformis Hook. ] | |
| Exot. Fl. 3 (1827): t. 164 [1825] (junior homonym) |
| St. Vincent - type: Guilding |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia reniformis Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Fl. Peruv. & Chil. Prodr. 8 (1794) (in obs., nomen subnudum) |
| Peru |
Peperomia renzopalmae Pino & Ric.Fernández | |
| Haseltonia 27: 123 (2021) |
| Peru - type: Pino 252 (holo-: USM) |
| Ochoa 32 - Peru [specimen @ USM] |
[ Peperomia repanda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2873 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (F, ILL, S, US) |
| Haught 2873 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia manabina C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia repens Sessé & Moc. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sessé & Mociño 158 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, ILL, MA) |
| Sessé & Mociño 158 - Mexico [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Trelease, s.d., MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia repens Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 65 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holotype not designated: HAL) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [type @ HAL*] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia reptabunda Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 206 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12791 (holo-: US; iso-: CR, MO, S, NY, W ) |
| Tonduz 12791 - Costa Rica [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia reptans Opiz ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 41 (1936) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Peru - 'type': Heanke s.n. (PR) |
| Heanke s.n. - Peru ['type' @ PR] |
| = Peperomia elegans C.DC. (fide Trelease, 1936) |
Peperomia reptans C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 143 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 58 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, COL, US), Ecuador, Fr. Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela, |
| Triana 58 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Specimen in private collection |
Peperomia reptilis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 262 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 9014 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Lehmann 9014 - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
Peperomia resediflora Lind. & André  | |
| Illustr. Hortic. 17: 135 (1870) (as resedaeflora, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Colombia - iconotype: Illustr. Hortic. 17: fig. 26 (1870) (collection of M. Braam, 1865) |
| Collection Kew Botanical Garden (UK) |
[ Peperomia reticulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hayes 811 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (NY) |
| Hayes 811 - Panama [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease, 1927: 46; Mathieu, 2005, P. leucosticta holotype annotation) |
Peperomia reticulata Balf. f. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 16: 21 (1877) |
| Rodrigues - type: Balfour s.n. (holo-: BM; iso-: E, K) |
| Balfour s.n - Rodrigues [isotype @ K] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
[ Peperomia reticulosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11620 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, K, PH, US) |
| Killip 11620 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia gorgonillana var. hirsutula Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia retivenulosa Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 185 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 3709 (holo-: R; iso-: ILL) |
| Dusén 3709 - Brazil [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia retropuberula Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 184 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 628 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Buchtien 628 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia retusa (L. f.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 155 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper retusum L. f.) |
| Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros Isl., Equat. Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa - type: Thunberg s.n. dd 1774 (holotype not designated: UPS), Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe |
| Thunberg 754 - South Africa [type @ UPS] |
[ Peperomia retusa var. alternifolia ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 446 (1869) |
| South Africa - type: Ecklon & Zeyher (holo-: B; iso-: G) |
| Ecklon & Zeyher s.n. - South Africa [isotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia retusa var. bachmannii (C.DC.) Düll ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 90 (1973) (comb. nov. for Peperomia bachmannii C.DC.) |
| South Africa - type: Bachmann 419 (holo-: B) |
| Bachmann 419 - South Africa [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia retusa var. ciliolata C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 447 (1869) |
| South Africa - Herb. Fischer (holo-: LE) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia retusa var. mannii (Hook. f.) Düll ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 93(1): 90 (1973) (comb. nov. for Peperomia mannii Hook. f.) |
| Cameroon - type: Mann 2016 (holo-: K; iso- GH) |
| Mann 2016 - Cameroon [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
Peperomia retusa var. parvifolia C.DC. | |
| Revis. Gen. Pl. 3(2): 273 (1898) |
| South Africa |
[ Peperomia revoluta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Deam 6023 pp (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Deam 6023 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 460 (1869) (as rhexiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela - type: Moritz 1868 (holo-: BM) |
| Moritz 1868 - Venezuela [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia rhizomatosa A.W.Hill ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 4654 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (BM, BR, CM, E, G, GH, M, NY, P, PH, PR, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 4654 - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia macrandra C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1898) |
[ Peperomia rhodophlebia Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 337 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4896 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 4896 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth |
Peperomia rhodophylla Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 84 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 13654 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]; iso-: NY) |
| Pennell 13654 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia rhodopremnon Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71166 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71166 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Standley, s.d. Fspecimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 46. f. c. (1798) |
| Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Hispaniola, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Peru (holo-: MA), Venezuela |
| Ruiz & Pav. s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
| Plant in habitat |
Peperomia rhombeifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 85 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28866 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 28866 - Peru [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia rhombeo-elliptica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 85 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4171 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, F, G, ILL, S, US) |
| Macbride 4171 - Peru [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia rhombeolanceolata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1777 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Klug 1777 - Colombia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rhombeo-ovata Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 574 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Rose 24086 (holo-: US) |
| Rose 24086 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia ewanii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia rhombifolia Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 226 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: Rusby 581 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Rusby 581 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia rhombifolia var. minor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3745 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, UPS) |
| Buchtien 3745 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia rhombiformis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 85 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 6996 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 6996 - Peru [isotype @ F*] |
Peperomia rhombilimba Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 86 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 22564 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 22564 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia rhomboidea Hook. & Arn. | |
| The Botany of Captain Beechey’s Voyage 2: 70 (1832) |
| Society Isl. - type: Beechey s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Beechey s.n. - Coral Islands [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia rhomboidea var. rarotongana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 30 (1937) |
| Cook Isl. (Rarotonga) - Wilder 961pp (holo-: BISH) |
| Wilder 961pp - Cook Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia rhomboidea Hook. & Arn. (fide Florence) |
[ Peperomia rhomboides Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 190 (1900) |
| Jamaica - type: March s.n. (holo-: GOET) |
| March s.n. - Jamaica [holotype @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia stellata (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia rhombophylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29478 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29478 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1955, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rhyacophila Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 6507 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Kellerman 6507 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Nicolson, 1971, US specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia rhyaeophila Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80780 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80780 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia ricardofernandezii Pino & Samain | |
| Haseltonia 27: 126 (2021) |
| Peru - type: Pino 3153 (holo-: USM) |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia ricaurtensis Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 541 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern A457 (holo-: S) |
| von Sneidern A457 - Colombia [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia richardsonii G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 76: 226 (2006) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 396 (holo-: BR; iso-: MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 396 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
Peperomia ridleyi C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 407 (1923) (nomen nov. for Peperomia obliqua Ridl.) |
| New Guinea - type: Boden Kloss s.n. (holo-; BM) |
| Boden Kloss s.n. - New Guinea [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia riedeliana Regel | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1858, 35 (1858) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. |
Peperomia rigida Parodi | |
| Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 6: 94 (1878) |
| Paraguay - type: Parodi s.n. [Dec 1862] |
Peperomia rigidicaulis C.DC. | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 6 (1914) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 897 (holo-: L, G-DC [fragm]; iso: L) |
| Elbert 897 - Indonesia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia rigidifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duarte s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Duarte s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia rigidolimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 34 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Rock 10369 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 10369 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia obovatilimba C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia rinconensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 337 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6080 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, MO, NY) |
| Yuncker 6080 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia rioalbae Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 324 (1937) (as rio-albae, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica - type: Stork 2986 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stork 2986 - Costa Rica [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia rioblancoana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 699 (1950) (as rio-blancoana, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 34787 (holo-: US), Ecuador |
| Killip 34787 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia riobrancoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5494a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (B, BH, BM, F, G, GH, ILL, K, MO, P, PH, S) |
| Mexia 5494a - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia riocaliensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 452 (1950) (as rio-caliensis, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 18467 (holo-: US; iso-: BC, COL, G) |
| Cuatrecasas 18467 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia riocangrejalensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 275 (1940) (as rio-cangrejalensis, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8018 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, NY, S, US) |
| Yuncker 8018 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia riocarchana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90148a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90148a - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riochaconensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Johnson 1272 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Johnson 1272 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riochafsaltua Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86489 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86489 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia vegana Trel. (fide Standley, s.n., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riochapalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 37124 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, G) |
| Steyermark 37124 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.n., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riochitagana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 13458 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 13458 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia riocondotoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35105 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 35105 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia condotoana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia riodulceana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 39421 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 39421 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riofrionis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89493 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 430) |
[ Peperomia riohondoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29401 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29401 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hondoana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia riolimaensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30008 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30008 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riolimana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30048 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30048 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952 & Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia riolimana var. canjulana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36404 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36404 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia riolimana var. tecutlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36782 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36782 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riomopana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68754 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68754 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rionegritensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2516 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, MO, P, US) |
| Haught 2516 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rionegroana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 34236 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 34236 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rionegrosensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel 2124 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, MEDEL, US) |
| Bro. Daniel 2124 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia riopoasensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 324 (1937) (as rio-poasensis, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 19369 (holo-: F) |
| Brenes 19369 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudodependens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia riopoasensis var. subacaulescens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 324 (1937) (as rio-poasensis, corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 17246 (holo-: F; iso-: CR, NY) |
| Brenes 17246 - Costa Rica [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia pseudodependens C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia riopolochicana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91993 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91993 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia riosamalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 84589 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 84589 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia riosaniensis Hutchison ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hutchison 6308 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (UC, US, USM) |
| Hutchison 6308 - Peru [specimen @ UC] |
| = Peperomia palmiformis Pino & Samain (fide Mathieu, 2012, [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia riosaniensis Hutchison ex Pino, Samain & L.E.Alomía | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 23 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 6308 (holo-: UC; iso-: US, USM) |
| Hutchison 6308 - Peru [isotype @ UC] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia riotacotaconis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen León 14082 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| León 14082 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Yuncker, ILL specimen annotation & Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia riovegana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36244 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36244 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia cobana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rioyarana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 14392 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Ekman 14392 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1949 & Yuncker, 1962) |
[ Peperomia rioysabalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8131 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (B, BH, BM, GB, GH, ILL, K, NY, S, U) |
| Mexia 8131 - Peru [specimen @ BH] |
| = Peperomia chalhuapuaniana Trel. (fide Trelease, S specimen annotation) |
Peperomia riparia Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 169 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Mexia 5008 (holo-: BM; iso-: G, GH, ILL, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Mexia 5008 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia ripicola C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 495 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 9298 (holo-: B; iso-: G, K, NY [fragm], US) |
| Ule 9298 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia rivi-vetusti Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 304 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1360 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1360 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2004, MO type annotation) |
Peperomia rivulamans Silverst. | |
| Novon 21(2): 266 (2011) |
| Colombia - type: Silverstone-Sopkin 10856 (holo-: CUVC) |
| Silverstone-Sopkin 10856 - Colombia [holotype @ CUVC*] |
[ Peperomia rivuligaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18120 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, US) |
| Killip 18120 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia albidiflora C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rivulorum C.DC. ] | |
| Leaflets Philipp. Bot. 3: 762 (1910) |
| Philippines (Mindanao) - type: Elmer 11147 (holotype not designated: BISH, BM, E, G, GH, K, L, LY, MO, NY, US, VT, W, Z) |
| Elmer 11147 - Philippines [type @ Z*] |
| = Peperomia rubrivenosa C.DC. (fide Düll, 1965, Z type annotation) |
[ Peperomia rixosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Herter 87210 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Herter 87210 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia multispica C.DC. (fide ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rizzinii Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 170 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Rizzini 498 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Rizzini 498 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia robleana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 528 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19408 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 19408 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia robusta G.Mathieu | |
| Candollea 75(1): 78 (2020) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 446 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, G, MO, TAN) |
| Mathieu 446 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
Peperomia robustior (Dahlst.) Urb. | |
| Symb. Antill. 4: 191 (1903) (comb. nov. for Peperomia tenerrima f. robustior Dahlst.) |
| Puerto Rico - types: Sintenis 5420 (syn-: B [missing]; isosyn-: BM, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, JE, K, L, LY, M, NY, P, PR, S, US), Schwanecke s.n. (syn-: B [missing]) |
| Sintenis 5420 - Puerto Rico [isosyntype @ S] |
[ Peperomia rochelleana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leonard 12405 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Haiti (ILL, US) |
| Leonard 12405 - Haiti [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Alain, 1966, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rockii C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 34 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Rock 7013 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 7013 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia rodgersiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Wright s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (US) |
| Wright s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rodriguesiana Balf. f. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 16: 21 (1877) |
| Rodrigues (holo-: K; iso-: BM) |
[ Peperomia rodriguezii Balf. f. ] | |
| Philos. Trans. 168: 370 (1879) |
| Rodrigues |
| = Peperomia rodriguesiana Balf. f. (fide Index Kewensis) |
[ Peperomia roeveri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chrysler 4797 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Chrysler 4797 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obscurifolia C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950 & Croat, 1978) |
[ Peperomia roigana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 24 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Roig 2902 (iso-: ILL, NY, US [fragm]) |
| Roig 2902 - Cuba [isotype @ ILL*] |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia rojasii C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 918 (1907) |
| Paraguay - type: Rojas 416 (lecto-: G [designated Zanotti et al. 2012: 134]; isolecto-: G]) |
| Hassler 2823 - Paraguay [isosyntype @ G] |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 134) |
Peperomia rollingo Link | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 65 (1820) |
| unknown |
[ Peperomia romaensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 275 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8585 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, S, UC, US) |
| Yuncker 8585 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia spathulifolia Small (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia roqueana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 86 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7635 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 7635 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Trelease, 1936; fide Yuncker 1974) |
[ Peperomia roraimana C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 493 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8593 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm], iso-: K), Guyana |
| Ule 8593 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia trinervula var. roraimana (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rosacea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 7249 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 7249 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia rosacea var. complexicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 5380 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, NY, S, US) |
| Buchtien 5380 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia buchtienii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 241) |
Peperomia rosea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 86 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3927 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, BM, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3927 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia roseispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12993 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12993 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 623) |
[ Peperomia roseocaulis Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 728 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 52466 (holo-: F; iso-: NY, US) |
| Steyermark 52466 - Ecuador [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005, F type annotation) |
Peperomia roseopetiolata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 468, 86 (2020) |
| Panama - type: de Nevers 3680 (holo-: MO; iso: BM) |
| de Nevers 3680 - Panama [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia rossii Rendle ex Baker f. | |
| Monogr. Christmas Isl. 186 (1900) |
| Christmas Isl. - type: Andrew s.n. (holo-: BM, iso-: K) |
| Andrew s.n. - Christmas Isl. [holotype @ BM] |
Peperomia rostrata (Roxb.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 153 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper rostratum Roxb.) |
| Molucc. Isl. |
Peperomia rostulatiformis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 150 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: hort. 82222 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| cultivated - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia rothschuhii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29: 94 (1901) |
| Nicaragua - type: Rothschuh 309 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Rothschuh 309 - Nicaragua [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia rotumaensis St. John | |
| Pac. Sci. 24: 134 (1970) |
| Fiji Isl. (Rotuma) - type: St. John 19096 (holo-: BISH; iso-: GH, US) |
| St. John 19096 - Fiji Islands (Rotuma) [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia rotundata Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 67 (1815) |
| Bolivia, Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia rotundata f. glabrilimba (Yunck.) Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 216 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia epilobioides var. glabrilimba Yunck.) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 19298 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, GH, NA, NY, US), Venezuela |
| Cuatrecasas 19298 - Colombia [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia rotundata var. anomala (Sodiro) Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 550 (1950) comb. nov. for Peperomia anomala Sodiro) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro Sep 1899 (holotype not designated: Q, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Sep 1899 - Ecuador [holotype @ QPLS] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pasochoa) |
[ Peperomia rotundata var. tequendamana (Trel.) Steyerm. ]  | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 217 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia tequendamana Trel.) |
| Colombia - type: Bro. Ariste Joseph B92 (holo-: US), Venezuela |
| Bro. Ariste Joseph B92 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. ]  | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 217 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia trinervula C.DC.) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1167 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: GH, K) |
| Fendler 1167 - Venezuela [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia trinervula C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 99 (1900) (comb. nov. for Piper rotundifolium L., junior homonym) |
| Brazil (B, S), Costa Rica, Cuba, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hispaniola (Dom. Rep.), Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Venezuela |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide C. de Candolle, 1902) |
Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth  | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 65 (1815) |
| Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Hispaniola (Haiti / Dom.Rep), Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, USA (Florida), Venezuela; type [icono-]: Plumier. Description des plantes de l'Amérique t. 69. 1693 |
| Plumier 1693 tab LXIX - Martinique [iconotype] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Berlin (Germany) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia f. obcordata (Miq.) Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 101 (1900) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium nummulariifolium var. obcordatum Miq.) |
| Brazil, Surinam |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia rotundifolia f. obovata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 401 (1903) |
| Paraguay - type: Hassler 4514a (holo-:G) |
| Hassler 4514a - Paraguay [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia f. ovata Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 101 (1900) |
| Brazil (lecto-: US) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. exiguiflora Callejas ] | |
| Herb. specimens (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama |
| Burger 5150 - Costa Rica [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas) |
Peperomia rotundifolia var. glabrilimba C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 470 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 3483 (holo-: G) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. mazanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schunke 159 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (BR, F, GH, ILL, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Schunke 159 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. nummulariifolia Stehlé ] | |
| Bull. Agric. Martinique 6: 214 (1938); Bull. Soc. Bot. France 85: 577 (1939) (comb. nov. for Peperomia nummulariifolia (Sw.) Kunth) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 2315 |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. ovata (Dahlst.) C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 230 (1902) (stat. nov. for Peperomia rotundifolia f. ovata Dahlst.) |
| Brazil (lecto-: US) |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. pilosior (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 230 (1902) (comb. nov. for Acrocarpidium nummulariifolium f. pilosior Miq.) |
| Costa Rica, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Martinique, Puerto Rico |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. subelliptica Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18 (1926) (nomen nudum) |
| Cuba - 'type': Ekman 17511 (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 17511 - Cuba ['type' @ S] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rotundifolia var. subglabrilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 326 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 133 (1926) [emend.] |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3759 (holotype not designated: G-DC) |
| Pittier 3759 - Panama [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia rotundilimba C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 47 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 6013 (holo-: P) |
| Baron 6013 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia rovirosae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rovirosa 366 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (K) |
| Rovirosa 366 - Mexico [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (K original identification) |
Peperomia roxburghiana (Roem. & Sch.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 144 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper roxburghianum Roem. & Sch.) |
| Malaysia |
Peperomia rubea Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 87 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 837 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 837 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia rubefacta Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 338 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6081 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 6081 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia rubefacta var. cangrejalana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 276 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8737 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 8737 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia rubefacta var. reducta Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 276 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8736 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY) |
| Yuncker 8736 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type annotation) |
[ Peperomia rubelcruzana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Donell Smith 1787 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Donnell-Smith 1787 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rubella (Haw.) Hook. | |
| Exot. Fl. 1 (1823): t. 58 [1823] (comb. nov. for Piper rubellum Haw. ex Spreng.) |
| Jamaica |
| cultivated in Hortus Botanicus Bratislava (1828) [specimen @ B] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
[ Peperomia rubellibacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3200 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, F, G, GH, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Klug 3200 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rubens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 88 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 353 (holo-: F; G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 353 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia rubescens C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 265 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1944 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1944 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia rubiifolia Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 246 (1945) (nomen nudum) (as rubiaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Allart 398 (US) |
| Allart 398 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rubioides Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 70 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt 389 (holotype not designated: P) |
| von Humboldt - Venezuela [type @ P] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rubioides f. minor Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 162 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (B) |
| = Peperomia rubioides var. minor Miq. (fide Miquel, 1852) |
[ Peperomia rubioides var. minor (Miq.) Miq. ]  | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 17 (1852) (stat. nov. for Peperomia rubioides f. minor Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (B) |
Peperomia rubramenta Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 450 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 2862 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F, ILL) |
| Haught 2862 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 182 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper rubricaule Nees) |
| Brazil - type: Nees s.n. (holotype not designated: W) |
| Nees s.n. - Brazil [type @ W] |
[ Peperomia rubricaulis var. parvifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 171 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Smith 12278 (holo-: US) |
| Smith 12278 - Brazil [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
Peperomia rubrifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 88 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24664 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 24664 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia rubrimaculata C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 220 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Ledermann 11951 (holo-: B) |
| Ledermann 11951 - New Guinea [holotype @ B*] |
Peperomia rubrinodis Kunth & Bouché | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 12 (1848) |
| Costa Rica, Guatemala (holotype not designated: B) |
[ Peperomia rubripetiola Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 27 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13485 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, C, DAV, G, GH, ILL, K, S, UC, US) |
| Ekman H13485 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide US herbarium database) |
[ Peperomia rubrispica Trel. ]  | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 88 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4667 (holo-: F; iso-: B, G, ILL, US |
| Macbride 4667 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia erythrostachya Trel. (homotypic) |
Peperomia rubrivenosa C.DC. | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 5(5): 409 (1910) |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Williams 1083 (holo-: PNH [missing], G-DC [drawing]; iso-: NY) |
| Williams 1083 - Philippines [isotype @ NY] |
Peperomia rubropunctulata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 517 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/30 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro 2/30 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia rufescens C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 416 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Tafalla 277 in herb. Pavón (holo-: G) |
| Tafalla 277 - Peru [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia rufescentifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 89 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 6487 (holo-: F; G [fragm]) |
| Williams 6487 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia rufispica Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 172 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Mexia 5200 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, US) |
| Mexia 5200 - Brazil [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia rugata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 89 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 23823 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 23823 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia cordulata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
Peperomia rugatifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 89 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26183 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 26183 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia rugatifolia var. exilispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 90 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 1561 (holo-: F) |
| Schunke 1561 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia rugosa Berg, Mennega & Tolsma | |
| Acta Bot. Néerl. 27(1): 79 (1978) |
| Ecuador - type: Mennega 77-100 (holo-: U; iso-: F, K, NY, S, US, Z) |
| Mennega 77-100 - Ecuador [holotype @ U] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Hannover (Germany) |
[ Peperomia rugosa Tafalla ] | |
| Flora Huayaquilensis 12 (1989) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador |
[ Peperomia ruiziana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 301, 355 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 124 (1926) [emend.] |
| Peru - type (holotype not designated: MA) |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia ruiziana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 408 (1923) (nomen nudum) |
| Peru - 'type': Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (MA) |
| = Peperomia filiformis Ruiz & Pav. (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
[ Peperomia rungwensis Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 290 (1902) |
| Tanzania - type: Goetze 1163 (holo-: B) |
| Goetze 1163 - Tanzania [holotype@ B] |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia rupertiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 413 (1869) |
| Antigua, Barbados, Dominica - type: Ramage s.n. (holo-: K; iso-: BM, K), Martinique |
| Ramage s.n. - Dominica [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia rupertiana var. pinchonii Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 10: 291 (1946) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 5833 |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia rupertiana var. rosetteana Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 10: 291 (1946) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 3744 (holo-: P, GH [fragm]) |
| Stehlé 3744 - Martinique [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia rupestris Kunth ] | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 62 (1815) |
| Brazil, Venezuela - type: von Humboldt & Bonpland 392 (holo-: P; iso-: B) |
| von Humboldt & Bonpland 392 - Venezuela [isotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia rupestris f. cordifolia Wawra ] | |
| Bot. Ergebn. 135 (1866) |
| Brazil - type (cultivated in Schönbrunn - Vienna): Wawra s.n. (holo-: W) |
| Wavra s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia rupestris var. cordifolia (Wawra) C.DC. |
Peperomia rupestris var. cordifolia (Wawra) C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 431 (1869) (stat. nov. for Peperomia rupestris f. cordifolia Wawra) |
| type: plant cultivated in Schönbrunn (Vienna) (holo-: W) |
[ Peperomia rupestris var. macrostachya (Vahl) Steyerm. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 57970 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (F) |
| Steyermark 57970 - Venezuela [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Steyermark, 1984: 140; |
[ Peperomia rupestris var. nematostachya (Link) Steyerm. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 60730 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (F) |
| Steyermark 60730 - Venezuela [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide F specimen annotation; Callejas, 1999: 789) |
[ Peperomia rupestris var. paraguana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 37497 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (US) |
| Killip 37497 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia rupiceda C.DC. ex Hill ] | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 21: 157 (1907) (nomen nudum) |
| Peru - 'type': Weberbauer 145 (B) |
| Weberbauer 145 - Peru ['type' @ B] |
| = Peperomia rupiseda C.DC. |
[ Peperomia rupicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sieber 343 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Trinidad (W) |
| Sieber 343 - Trinidad [specimen @ W] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1987, W specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rupicola C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 511 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 3/8 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. [3/8] - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia rupigaudens C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12897 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (B, P pp, US) |
| Tonduz 12897 - Costa Rica [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia versicolor Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, B specimen annotation) |
Peperomia rupigaudens C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 319 (1920) |
| Mexico - type: Liebmann 116 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: C, K, S) |
| Liebmann 116 - Mexico [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico (Veracruz) |
Peperomia rupiseda C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 256 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 145 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 145 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia rurrenabaqueana Trel. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 226 (1927) |
| Bolivia - type: Rusby 794 (holo-: ILL; iso-: B, BKL, NY, US) |
| Rusby 794 - Bolivia [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia rurutana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 13 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Rurutu) - type: St.John 16729 (holo-: BISH, iso-: K, NY, P, US) |
| St.John 16729 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia australana Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia rusbyi C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 49 (1892) |
| Argentina, Bolivia - type: Rusby 2214 (holo-: NY) |
| Rusby 2214 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia ruscifolia Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 63 (1815) |
| Venezuela - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Venezuela [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia rutilata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1694 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Haught 1694 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia ruwenzoriensis Baker ] | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 38: 278 (1908) |
| Uganda - type: Wollaston s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Wollaston s.n. - Uganda [holotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia fernandopoiana C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia rysophylla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 628 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 628 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia retropuberula Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia sabae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Boldingh 1612 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Saba (NY, U) |
| Boldingh 1612 - Saba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1972, NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sabaletasana Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 693 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 19797 (holo-: US; iso-: BC, COL, F, P, U) |
| Cuatrecasas 19797 - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia saccharimetae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Box 1469 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Antigua (BM, US) |
| Box 1469 - Antigua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Boggan, 2004, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sachatzinzumba Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 694 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Mexia 6868 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NA) |
| Mexia 6868 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia saevita Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91412 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91412 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sagasteguii Pino, Samain & L.E.Alomía | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 28 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Dillon 4315a (holo-: F) |
| Dillon 4315a - Peru [holotype @ F] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia saginans Trel. ] | |
| Cat. Fl. Venezolana 1: 246 (1945) (nomen nudum) |
| Venezuela - 'type': Williams 11825 (US) |
| Williams 11825 - Venezuela ['type' @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrangularis (Thomps.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia sagittata G.Mathieu | |
| Novon 18(1): 83 (2008) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Øllgaard 57399 (holo-: BR; iso-: AAU) |
| Øllgaard 57399 - Ecuador [holotype @ BR] |
Peperomia saintpauliella Grayum | |
| Phytologia 79(2): 110 (1995) |
| Costa Rica - type: Croat 59911 (holo-: CR; iso-: BM, MO) |
| Croat 59911 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia saipana C.DC. ] | |
| Philipp. Journ. Sci. 9: 72 (1914) |
| Mariana Isl. - type: Fritz s.n. (holo-: B) |
| Fritz s.n. - Mariana Isl. [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia guamana var. saipana Yunck. (fide Yuncker,1938) |
[ Peperomia sajadoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8446 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (B, BH, BM, F, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, RSA, S, U) |
| Mexia 8446 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950, Callejas 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia sakipakpek Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71714 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71714 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia salamana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 2 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC) |
| Maxon 2 - Guatemala [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia salaminana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 476 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Bro. Thomás 1800 (holo-: US) |
| Bro. Thomás 1800 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia salangonis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 494 (1950) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Haught 3409 (holo-: US) |
| Haught 3409 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia saldasiana C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 332 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia caldasiana C.DC. |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia salentoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 8910 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 8910 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia salentoi var. cordifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 8985 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 8985 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia salentoi var. perfulva Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hazen 11828 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, K, NY, PH, US) |
| Hazen 11828 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia salentoi var. santaritana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 8984 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| Killip 8984 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia peltoidea Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia salesana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80755 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80755 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d. & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia salicifolia C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 281 (1898) |
| Peru - type: Gay 847 (holo-: P) |
| Gay 847 - Peru [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia saligna Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 62 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia saligna var. majuscula Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 580 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cutrecasas 20216 (holo-: US; iso-: BC, COL, F) |
| Cutrecasas 20216 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia salmensis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 347 (1923) [key] (sphalm for Peperomia oahuensis) |
| = Peperomia oahuensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1933) |
Peperomia salmonicolor Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 90 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7329 (holo-: F; G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Williams 7329 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia salmonicolor var. viridis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 91 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7258 (holo-: F; ILL [fragm]) |
| Williams 7258 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia saltivagans Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 324 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 9281 (holo-: MO) |
| Dodge 9281 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia salvaje C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 244 (1920) |
| Venezuela - type: Preuss 1695 (holo-: B) |
| Preuss 1695 - Venezuela [holotype @ B*] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia samacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89658 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89658 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia samainiae Pino | |
| Haseltonia 18: 20 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Samain 2010-066 (holo-: USM; iso-: GENT) |
| Ferreyra 12799 - Peru [cited specimen @ USM] |
[ Peperomia samalana var. pallida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 88975 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 88975 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia samanicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 2080 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (F, ILL, K, NY) |
| Britton 2080 - Guatemala [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1953) |
Peperomia samoensis Warb. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 611 (1898) |
| Samoa - types: Reinecke 41 (syn-: B) & 417 (syn-: B, E, K, Z), Society Isl. |
| Reinecke 417 - Samoa [syntype @ Z] |
[ Peperomia samoensis f. fulvescens C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 15: 235 (1912) |
| Samoa - type: Hochreutiner 3264 (holo-: G) |
| Hochreutiner 3264 - Samoa [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia samoensis Warb. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
Peperomia samoensis var. glabrescens Warb. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25: 612 (1898) |
| Samoa - types: Reinecke 417 (E, G, K, Z), 147a (E) & 147b |
| Reinecke 417 - Samoa [syntype @ B] |
Peperomia samoensis var. longifolia Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 65 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Christophersen 249 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Christophersen 249 - Samoa [isotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia samoensis var. vaupelana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 65 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Vaupel 444 (holo-: B) |
| Vaupel 444 - Samoa [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia samuelssoniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mosén 3459 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Mosén 3459 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia sanantoniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7599 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 7599 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia sanantoniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 8268 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 8268 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 643; Callejas, 2001: 1939) |
[ Peperomia sanbernardiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9623 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9623 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (Mathieu 2007: 451) |
Peperomia sanblasensis Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 469, 88 (2020) |
| Panama - type: de Nevers 4167 (holo-: MO) |
| de Nevers 4167 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia sanbuenaventurana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 91 (1936) (as san-buenaventurana , corrected according to ICN art 60.11) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 14566 (holo-: PH, ILL [fragm]) |
| Pennell 14566 - Peru [holotype @ PH] |
Peperomia san-carlosiana C.DC. | |
| |
| Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1151 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Fendler 1151 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia sanctaeclarae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Biolley 10656 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (BR, G-DC, US) |
| Biolley 10656 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sandemanii Yunck. | |
| Amer. J. Bot. 39: 636 (1952) |
| Peru - type: Sandeman 4589 (holo-: K; iso-: NY) |
| Sandeman 4589 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia sandersii C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 400 (1869) (nomen nov. for Peperomia arifolia var. argyreia Miq.) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia argyreia Morr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 126 (1843) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Kauai, Molokai), (Oahu) - type: Meyen s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia sandwicensis var. robusta Wawra ] | |
| Flora 58(11): 192 (1875) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Wawra 1726b (holo-: W) |
| Wawra 1726b - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia sandwicensis Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia sanfelipensis var. lloviznana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rojas 280 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Rojas 280 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia san-felipensis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 9 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Donnell-Smith 2583 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, K, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 2583 - Guatemala [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia sangabanensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 91 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Lechler 2378 (holo-: K) |
| Lechler 2378 - Peru [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia sangsangtana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schramm s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (F) |
| Schramm s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sanguineispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5200 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G, GH, ILL, US) |
| Mexia 5200 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rufispica Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia sanguineispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5200 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (G, ILL, UC, US) |
| Mexia 5200 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rufispica Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia san-joseana C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 372 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted 952 (holo-: C, G-DC [fragm]), Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico |
| Oersted 952 - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
| Plant in habitat - Costa Rica |
[ Peperomia sanjuanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1759 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, G, GH, ILL, P, US) |
| Haught 1759 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia san-juanana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 28 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13524 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman H 13524 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia ocoana Ekman (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia sanluisana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Hioram 4 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. Hioram 4 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia sanluisensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 60134 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 60134 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia luisana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia sanmartinensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 57925 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 57925 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hoffmannii C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sanmartinensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19185 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, G, GH, ILL, MA, NY, US) |
| Killip 19185 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia sanmartinensis var. longispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1635 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Archer 1635 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 455) |
[ Peperomia san-pedritoi Trel. ] | |
| Lilloa 10: 302 (1944) |
| Argentina - type: Schreiter 11183 (lecto-: LIL [designated Zanotti et al., 2012:140]; isolecto-: F, GH, LIL, NY, SI) |
| Schreiter 11183 - Argentina [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia santaelisae C.DC. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 140) |
[ Peperomia san-pedroana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 325 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 19126 (holo-: F; iso-: CR, NY) |
| Brenes 19126 - Costa Rica [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
Peperomia sanquininiana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 638 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 15657 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, ILL, U) |
| Cuatrecasas 15657 - Colombia [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia sanramonensis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 332 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 133 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 14183 (holotype not designated: B, GH, K, US) |
| Brenes 14183 - Costa Rica [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia panamensis C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia sanramonensis var. atricha Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 207 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 14191 (holo-: US) |
| Brenes 14191 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia san-roqueana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 91 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 7260 (holo-: F) |
| Williams 7260 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia sansalvadorana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 344 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 133 (1926) [emend.] |
| El Salvador - type: Niederlein 85 (holo-: B) |
| Niederlein 85 - El Salvador [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia santacatharinensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 17761 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 17761 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1959, specimen annotation & Yuncker 1962) |
[ Peperomia santacruzana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jones 54 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (F, ILL, US) |
| Jones 54 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Jones, 1985, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia santa-cruzana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 91 (1936) |
| Bolivia - type: Pearce s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Pearce s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia quaesita Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1956) |
[ Peperomia santaelenae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1274 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Archer 1274 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia santa-elisae C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 917 (1907) |
| Argentina, Paraguay - Hassler 2811 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, BM, G, G-DC, GH, K, LY, MPU, NY, P, W) |
| Hassler 2811 - Paraguay [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia santahelenae var. tecpamana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58693 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58693 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia santa-helenae Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) |
| Guatemala - type: Johnston 421 (holo-: F), Honduras, Mexico |
| Johnston 421 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia santamariana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33378 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33378 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia santamariana var. puteolata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 84600 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 84600 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia santamartae (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1254 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (BM, BR, CM, E, F, G, G-DC, GH, K, L, LL, MICH, MO, NY, P, PH, S, U, US) |
| Smith 1254 - Colombia [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia santanana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 325 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 10476 (holo-: MO; ILL [fragm]) |
| Dodge 10476 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, type annotation) |
Peperomia santanderana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 742 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16282 (holo-: US; iso-: G, GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 16282 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia santaritana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hemmendorff 215 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Hemmendorff 215 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974 ) |
[ Peperomia santaritana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 9017 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL) |
| Killip 9017 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia santaritana var. epunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Edwall 193 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Edwall 193 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1961, ILL specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia santarosana var. duricaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 34752 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 34752 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia santarosana var. pacayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58491 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58491 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia santa-rosana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 10 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Heyde 3454 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, BH, K, US) |
| Heyde 3454 - Guatemala [isotype @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia santiagoana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 92 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Mexia 6146 (holo-: UC; iso-: B, BH, BR, CM, F, G, GB, GH, ILL, ISC, K, MICH, MO, NA, NO, NY, P, PH, RSA, S, U, US, YU, Z) |
| Mexia 6146 - Peru [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia santoangeloana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Malme 540 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Malme 540 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia lyman-smithii Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia santosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 15316 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 15316 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia santotomasensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 34713 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 34713 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Steyermark, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas 2001) |
Peperomia sarasinii C.DC. | |
| Nova Caled. 1: 132 (1920) |
| New Caledonia - type: Sarasin 501 (holo-: Z, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Sarasin 501 - New Caledonia [holotype @ Z] |
[ Peperomia sarcocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 44 (1927) |
| Panama - type: William 382 (holo-: NY) |
| Williams 382 - Panama [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Yuncker, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia sarcodes Trel. ]  | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 304 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Allen 1452 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Allen 1452 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 333) |
[ Peperomia sarcophylla Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 167 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Dec 1900 (holotype not designated: B, G-DC, ILL, S) |
| = Peperomia pseudovariegata C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia sarcophylla var. minor C.DC. ]  | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 263 (1908) (as sarchophylla var. minor, typographical error) |
| Colombia - type: Lehmann 5405 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: K) |
| Lehmann 5405 - Colombia [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia sarcostachya Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 92 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28889 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28889 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia verschaffeltii Lem. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia sarcostachya var. repens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 92 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25307 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25307 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia verschaffeltii Lem. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia sarcostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 33 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10384 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 10384 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide Wagner, 1990) |
Peperomia sarmentosa (Roxb.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 161 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper sarmentosum Roxb.) |
| Malaysia |
[ Peperomia sarmentosa Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 173 (1901) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. May 1900 (holotype not designated: B, S) |
[ Peperomia sasaimensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Silvano Jorge 157 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Silvano Jorge 157 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sasoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31246 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31246 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pililimba C.DC. (fide Steyermark, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia saxatilis (Wall.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 178 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper saxatile Wall.) |
| Nepal |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. |
[ Peperomia saxatilis C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 512 (1898) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/43 (holo-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia saxicola C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 571 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1118 (holo-: P), Peru |
| Mandon 1118 - Bolivia [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia saxigaudens C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 402 (1903) |
| Paraguay - type: Hassler 3080 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, K, P, W) |
| Hassler 3080 - Paraguay [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia increscens Miq. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 134) |
Peperomia scabiosa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 92 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3857 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Macbride 3857 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia scandens Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 51. f. b. (1798) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Guiana, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep. / Haiti), Peru - type: Ruiz (holo-: MA; iso-: B, MO), Puerto Rico |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia scandens var. fertilior C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 434 (1869) |
| Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru - types: Blaumer 204, Fraser s.n., Sagot 539, Spruce 3952 (holotype not designated: BM, BR, C, E, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, K, MPU, NY, P, TCD, W), Wright 517, Puerto Rico |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia scandens var. longispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 93 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28382 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, PH) |
| Killip 28382 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia scandens var. sanctaeclarae C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Biolley 10656 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (BR, G-DC, US) |
| Biolley 10656 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Burger, s.d. US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia scaptensularum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29600 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 29600 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation ) |
[ Peperomia scaturigensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Davidson 217 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (F) |
| Davidson 217 - Panama [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1950, Burger, 1971 & Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia scelesta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 265 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Morton 265 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia schallertensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schallert s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (US) |
| Schallert s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease, US specimen annotation & Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia schenkiana Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 91 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Schenck 848 [as 88 in protologue] (holo-: DANV; sketch: ILL) |
| Schenck 848 - Brazil [sketch of holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia scheryi Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 28: 426 (1941) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 247 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO) |
| Woodson 247 - Panama [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia schiedeana Schltdl. ] | |
| Linnaea 7: 138 (1832) |
| Mexico - type: Schiede s.n. [11] (holo-: B; iso-: MO, NY, W) |
| Schiede s.n. [11] - Mexico [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia tenerrima Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Miquel, 1843) |
Peperomia schiedei C.DC.  | |
| Candollea 1: 340 (1923) [key] |
| Mexico - type: Schiede s.n. [6] pp (lecto- P [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: MO, W) |
| Schiede s.n. [6] pp - Mexico [lectotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia schippiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 824 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (ILL) |
| Schipp 824 - Guatemala [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia schizandra Trel.  | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 137 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Rose 2883 (holo-: US) |
| Rose 2883 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico (Jalisco) |
[ Peperomia schizostachya Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 138 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7273 (isosyn-: US) & 10106 (isosyn-: CR) |
| Tonduz 7273 - Costa Rica [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia schlechteri Lauterb. | |
| Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Südsee, 238 (1905) |
| New Guinea - type: Schlechter 13946 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia schlumbergeriana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Müller s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (NY) |
| Müller s.n. - Mexico [specimen @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia fournieri C.DC. (fide Trelease, s.d., NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia schmidtii C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 229 (1894) |
| Comoros - type: Schmidt 94 (holo-: B) |
| Schmidt 94 - Comores [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia schneepeana Parodi | |
| Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 6: 95 (1878) |
| Paraguay - type: Parodi s.n. [Jan 1868] |
Peperomia schomburgkii C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 395 (1869) |
| Guyana - type: Schomburgk 406 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm]) |
[ Peperomia schrammii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schramm s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (F, US) |
| Schramm s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia berlandieri Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia schultzei Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 526 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Schultze 63 (holo-: US), Ecuador |
| Schultze 63 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia schunkeana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 94 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 342 (holo-: F) |
| Schunke 342 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia schwackei C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 359 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 13173 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: NY, RB) |
| Schwacke 13173 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia sciaphila C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 279 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 9630 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, CR, MO, US) |
| Tonduz 9630 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia claytonioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia sclerophylla Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 94 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 6879 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Williams 6879 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia scolopacicarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11071a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11071a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia scopulicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33130 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 33130 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia scopulorum Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 25: 54 (1928) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H8790 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H8790 - Haiti [lectotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia scutaleifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 94 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25557 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 25557 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia scutata A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 143 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper peltatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia scutellariifolia Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 168 (1901) (as scutellariaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. (holotype not designated: B, G-DC, S) |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia scutellata C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 230 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 3611 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: BR, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CR) |
| Pittier 3611 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2005 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia scutellifolia Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 29. t. 44. f. b. (1798) (as scutellaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. |
Peperomia scutifolia C.DC.  | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 497 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 9296: B [missing] |
| Ule 9297 - Brazil [specimen @ B] |
Peperomia scutilimba Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 275 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Cárdenas 1336 (holo-: ILL) |
| Cárdenas 1336 - Bolivia [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia sebastianis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Damazio 1590 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Damazio 1590 - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia sebastianis var. increscens (C.DC.) Trel ] | |
| Herb. specimen Damazio 1698 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Damazio 1698 - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia secoyoctensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 349 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Pittier 349 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia cobana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia secunda Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 30. t. 45. f. a. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA; iso-: G, MPU) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [type @ MA] |
[ Peperomia secundiflora Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Fl. Peruv. & Chil. Prodr. 8 (1794) (in obs., nomen subnudum) |
| Peru |
| = Peperomia secunda Ruiz & Pav. (fide Ruiz & Pavón, 1798) |
[ Peperomia secuta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 6840 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, G, GH, ILL, US) |
| Mexia 6840 - Ecuador [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia seemanniana Miq. | |
| Bot. Voy. Herald 5: 198 (1854) |
| Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama - type: Seemann s.n. (holo-: BM) |
| Seemann s.n. - Panama [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia seemanniana var. pacovana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Miller 1776 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (ILL, US) |
| Miller 1776 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950 & Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia segregata T.S.Dantas, M.Carvalho-Silva & P.S.Câmara | |
| Syst. Bot. 42(4): 747 (2017) |
| Brazil (Trindade Isl.) - type: Carvalho-Silva 1781 (holo-: UB; iso-: NY, RB) |
| Carvalho-Silva 1781 - Brazil [holotype @ UB*] |
Peperomia seibertii Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24(2): 185 (1937) |
| Panama - type: Seibert 201 (holo-: MO; iso-: F, GH, ILL, K, MIN, NY) |
| Seibert 201 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia selenophylla Pino & Cieza | |
| Haseltonia 18: 23 (2012) |
| Peru - type: Klopfenstein 620 (holo-: USM) |
| Klopfenstein 620 - Peru [holotype @ USM] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
Peperomia seleri C.DC.  | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 247 (1920) |
| Peru - type: Seler 262 (syn-: B, F [fragm], G-DC [fragm]), Seler 250 (syn-: B [missing]) |
| Seler 262 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia sellingii Yunck. ] | |
| Acta Horti Gothob. 15: 347 (1944) (nomen nudum) |
| Hawaiian Isl. - 'type': Selling 2781 (BISH, GB, S) |
| Selling 2781 - Hawaiian Isl. ['type' @ GB] |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide Wagner, 1990) |
[ Peperomia selloi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 8381 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (K, L, US) |
| Ule 8381 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia selloi C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 476 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Sello s.n. (holo-: B) |
| = Peperomia brasiliensis (Miq.) Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia sellowiana Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 161 (1843) (as selloviana) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n.((lecto-: U [designated Zanoti et al., 2012: 130]; isolecto-: K, U) |
| = Peperomia catharinae Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia semidecurrens Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20, 29 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 16740 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL) |
| Ekman 16740 - Cuba [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia erythropremna Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia semidecurrens var. diegoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 17784 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 17784 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 1994, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia semielongata Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 95 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5644 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, ILL) |
| Macbride 5644 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
| = Peperomia crotalophora Trel. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia semimetralis C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 305 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 538 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, US, W) |
| Buchtien 538 - Bolivia [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia semipuberula Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 639 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Archer 1086 (holo-: US) |
| Archer 1086 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia semipuberula var. grandis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Archer 1086 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Archer 1086 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia semipuberula Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia semiruensis C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 467 (1869) |
| Malaysia - type: Zoll 2324 |
[ Peperomia semisupina Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 95 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 5765 (holo-: F, G [fragm]) |
| Macbride 5765 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia sepacuitensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 266 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, US) |
| Cook 266 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sepicola Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 225 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 17790 (holo-: G-DC: iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 17790 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia seposita Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 96 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 213 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 213 - Peu [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia septemnervis Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 47. f. c. (1798) |
| Jamaica, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (lecto-: MA [designated Saralegui, 2004]) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia septentrionalis Brown | |
| Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 61: 490 (1909) |
| Bermuda - type: Brown 428 (holo-: PH; iso-: F, NY, US) |
| Brown 428 - Bermuda [holotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia septentrionalis var. bermudiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brown 428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bermuda (F, NY, PH, US) |
| Brown 428 - Bermuda [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia septentrionalis Brown (homotypic) |
[ Peperomia septuplinervia C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 142 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 2260 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, G-DC, GH, GOET, K, MA, P) |
| Wright 2260 - Cuba [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sequax Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3732 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, MO, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 3732 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia effusa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia sericea var. muralis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 13596 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 13596 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia serpens C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 136 (1866) (junior homonym) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 58 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, COL, US), Ecuador |
| Triana 58 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia dimota Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon | |
| Hort. Brit. (Loudon) ed. 1: 13 (1830) |
| Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Fr.Guiana, Guyana, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (lecto-: S [designated Zanotti et al.2012: 146]; isolecto-: BM, C, LD, S, UPS), Surinam, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| Proctor 23886 - Jamaica [specimen @ U] |
| Specimen in private collection |
Peperomia serpentarioides Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 120 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: zu Wied-Neuwied s.n. (holo-: BR; iso-: U [fragm]) |
| zu Wied-Neuwied s.n.- Brazil [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia serpyllifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 174 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper serpyllifolium Vahl) |
| Mauritius - type: Néraud s.n. (holo-: G, iso-: U) |
| = Peperomia elliptica (Lam.) A.Dietr. (fide Friedmann, 1998) |
[ Peperomia serranegrana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen anon. s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| anon. s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia martiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia serratirhachis Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 151 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Kuhlmann 1953 (holo-: R) |
| Kuhlmann 1953 - Brazil [holotype @ R*] |
Peperomia sessilifolia C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 290 (1923) [key] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7635 (holo-: BR, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 7635 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia sessilifolia Kunth ] | |
| Mant. 1: 372 (1822) (nomen nudum in index) |
[ Peperomia sessilifolioides C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 409 (1923) (superfluous for Peperomia sessilifolia C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7635 (holo-: BR, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 7635 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia sessilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 9933 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (BR, US) |
| Tonduz 9933 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia portobellensis Beurl. (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia setchellii Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 37 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Setchell 502 (holo-: UC) |
| Setchell 502 - Society Isl. (Tahiti) [holotype @ UC*] |
| = Peperomia hombronii C.DC. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia setiger Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 5383 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 5383 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia setosispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(4): 1546 (1938) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge s.n. (holo-: F) |
| Dodge s.n. - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia setulosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rusby 2206 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (F, NY, US) |
| Rusby 2206 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia sevillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Taylor 4412 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Cuba (NY) |
| Taylor 4412 - Cuba [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Callejas, 1995, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sewellii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 69783 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 69783 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006) |
[ Peperomia sibundoyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11793 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11793 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sibundoyana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11653 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, NY) |
| Cuatrecasas 11653 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Yuncker, 1966 & Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia sidaefolia (Link) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 141 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper umbellatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia sierpeana Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 469, 92 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Herrera 4861 (holo-:MO; iso-: CR, HUA) |
| Herrera 4861 - Costa Rica [isotype @ HUA] |
[ Peperomia siguaneana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 25 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 13890 (lecto-: ILL [designated Yuncker, 1949]; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman 13890 - Cuba [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
Peperomia siguatepequensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 8(1): 5 (1930) |
| Honduras - type: Standley 56534 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 56534 - Honduras [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia silvanoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Silvano Jorge132 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Bro. Silvano Jorge132 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation (with ?), Mathieu, 2006 (conf.) |
Peperomia silvarum C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 305 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 797 (lecto-: US [designated Zanotti et al. 2012: 146]; isolecto-: US, W) |
| Buchtien 797 - Bolivia [isolectotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia silvestris C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 494 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8590 (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [fragm]; iso-: K, MG, NY) |
| Ule 8590 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1923) |
Peperomia silvicola C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 230 (1894) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 3950a (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, BM, G, JE, K, P, W) |
| Hildebrandt 3950a - Madagascar [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia silvicola Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 176 (1901) (nomen nudum, junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - 'type': Sodiro s.n. Jan 1900 (B, S) |
| = Peperomia mitchelioides Sodiro (fide Sodiro, 1901) |
Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 287 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8435 (distr. by Pittier) (holo-: BR; iso-: G-DC) |
| Tonduz 8435 - Costa Rica [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia simacoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 5384 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, US) |
| Buchtien 5384 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rhombea Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia similis Britton ] | |
| Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 16: 61 (1920) |
| Cuba - type: Léon 4984 (holo-: NY, US [fragm]; iso-: P) |
| Léon 4984 - Cuba [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia simonifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68920 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68920 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia simplex Ham. | |
| Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 2 (1825) |
| Jamaica - type: Desvaux s.n. (holo-: P) |
| Herb. Desvaux - Jamaica [holotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia simplicivenosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33795 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33795 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia crotalophora Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia simulans C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 495 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 9299 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: G, K, NY) |
| Ule 9299 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia simulatio Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 305 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 895 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MO, NY) |
| Woodson 895 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2003, MO type annotation) |
Peperomia simuliformis Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 469, 93 (2020) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 19093 (holo-: CR; iso-: MO) |
| Hammel 19093 - Costa Rica [isotype @ CR] |
[ Peperomia sinacapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 89240 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 89240 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia luisana Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sincorana C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 495 (1917) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 7125 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: L) |
| Ule 7125 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia sinepicarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 2944 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (ILL, K, NY) |
| Britton 2944 - Trinidad [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia montium C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1953) |
| = Peperomia silvivaga C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2014) |
[ Peperomia singularispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3482 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (F, G, ILL, K, MO, S, US) |
| Klug 3482 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia parvipunctulata Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen) |
Peperomia sintenisii C.DC.  | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 240 (1902) |
| Puerto Rico - types: Sintenis 463 (syn-: B; isosyn-: BM, G-DC, US) & 2800 (isosyn-: BM, E, ISC, K, L, LY, NY, P [Mix], PH, W) |
| Sintenis 463 - Puerto Rico [syntype @ B] |
[ Peperomia sipenana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11011 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11011 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sipense C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahresber. (Just) 27(1): 504 (1899) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper ripense C.DC. |
[ Peperomia sirdifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rusby 2199 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (F, NY, US) |
| Rusby 2199 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia coroicoensis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia sirindhorniana Suwanph. & Chantar. | |
| Kew Bull. 72(1): 1-15 (2017) |
| Thailand - type: Suwanphakdee 357 (holo-: BKF; iso-: BK, KKU, QBG) |
| Suwanphakdee 357 [holotype @ BKF*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia sirupayana C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 361 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 134 (1926) [emend.] |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien s.n. (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Buchtien s.n. - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia sisiana C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 9 (1894) |
| Guatemala - type: Donnell-Smith 2584 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 2584 - Guatemala [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia naranjoana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1923: 410) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia skottsbergii C.DC. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 51, 9: 20 (1914) |
| Chile (Juan Fernandez Isl.) - type: Skottsberg 469 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, GB, S, UPS) |
| Skottsberg 469 - Juan Fernandez Isl. [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia skutchii Trel. & Standl. ] | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 270 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 35144 (holo-: F; iso-: G) |
| Steyermark 35144 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia skutchii var. reptans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67501 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67501 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hispidula Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Burger, 1971: 41) |
[ Peperomia skutchii var. zunilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 67516 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 67516 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation & Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia smithiana C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 235 (1902) |
| St. Lucia, St. Vincent - type: Smith 1645b (B) |
| Smith 1645b - St. Vincent [type @ B] |
Peperomia smithii Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 96 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28115 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 28115 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia sneidernii Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 625 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 5010 (holo-: F; iso-: NY), Ecuador, Panama |
| von Sneidern 5010 - Colombia [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia snodgrassii C.DC. ] | |
| Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 38: 131 (1902) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) |
| = Peperomia inaequalifolia Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pino, 2010: XI) |
[ Peperomia soatana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1122 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1122 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia chicamochana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia societatis Moore | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 102: 26 (1933) |
| Society Isl. (Raiatea) - type: Moore 354 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, MIM) |
| Moore 354 - Society Isl. [isotype @ MIN*] |
Peperomia socorronis Trel. | |
| Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 20: 58 (1931) |
| Mexico (Socorro Isl.) - type: Mason 1653 (holo-: CAS, iso-: F, GH, ILL, K, MO, US) |
| Mason 1653 - Mexico (Socorro Isl.) [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia socuyoensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70269 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70269 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1937) |
Peperomia sodiroi C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 506 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/23 (holo-: G) |
| Sodiro s.n. [7/86] - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia sogamosoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1929 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, GH, ILL, MICH, S, US) |
| Haught 1929 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia solisii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 326 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Solis 171 (holo-: F; iso-: CR) |
| Solis 171 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia solisii var. chrysleri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chrysler 5499 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Chrysler 5499 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pseudoalpina Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia solomana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 1031 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (ILL) |
| Skutch 1031 - Guatemala [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Jones, 1995, ILL specimen annotation & Nyffeler & Rowley, 2001) |
Peperomia soratana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 569 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Mandon 1115 (holo-: P) |
| Mandon 1115 - Bolivia [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia sotaquirana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jiménez 42 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL) |
| Jiménez 42 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sotarana C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Lehmann 6301 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (B, G-DC, K) |
| Lehmann 6301 - Colombia [specimen @ B & G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia soukupii Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 1126 (1938) |
| Peru - type: Soukup 137 (holo-: F) |
| Soukup 137 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia spathophylla Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 105 (1900) (nomen nov. for Peperomia miqueliana Gris., nom. nud.) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 2262 pp (lecto-: GOET [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: G-DC, HAC, K, MA, MO, P, US, W), Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.), Panama |
| Wright 2262 - Cuba [lectotype @ GOET] |
[ Peperomia spathophylla var. monteverdensis C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 228 (1902) |
| Cuba - type: Eggers 5127 (holo-: K, NY [fragm]) |
| Eggers 5127 - Cuba [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
Peperomia spathulifolia Small  | |
| Fl. Baham. 101 (1920) |
| Bahamas - type: Brace 1876 (lecto-: NY [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345], US [fragm], isolecto-: F, K, NY), USA (Florida) |
| Brace 1876 - Bahamas [lectotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia spatulata Ham. ] | |
| Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 2 (1825) |
| Jamaica |
| = Peperomia cordifolia (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1901, P type annotation) |
[ Peperomia speciosa Kunth ] | |
| Syn. Pl. Aequin. 1: 124 (1822) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper peltatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia spectabilis Dahlst. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Glaziou 17228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BR, C, G, K, P) |
| Glaziou 17228 - Brazil [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia decora Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900) |
[ Peperomia spectabilis Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 417 (1845) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 1685 (lecto-: K [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346]; isolecto-: E, L, K, P) |
| Mathews 1685 - Peru [lectotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
[ Peperomia spectata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hemmendorff 520 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Hemmendorff 520 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diaphanoides Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia spegazzinii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Speggazzini 5 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (G-DC) |
| Spegazzini 5 - Argentina [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth s.l. (fide de Candolle, 1900) |
[ Peperomia spegazzinii var. velascoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kuntze s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (G-DC) |
| Kuntze s.n. - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth s.l. |
[ Peperomia sphaerocarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 487 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Cook 487 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia petrophila C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1903) |
Peperomia sphaerostachya G.Mathieu | |
| Candollea 73(2): 212 (2018) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 581 (holo-: MA; iso-: MA, US) |
| Mutis 581 - Colombia [holotype @ MA*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia sphagnicola Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 326 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 3047 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, K, MO, NY, S) |
| Skutch 3047 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia spiculapunctulata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 38797 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 38797 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia emiliana C.DC. (fide Burger,1971) |
Peperomia spiculata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 97 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 352 (holo-: F, G [fragm; iso-: ILL) |
| Schunke 352 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia spiculata var. elliptica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 97 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 388 (holo-: F, ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 388 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
Peperomia spiritus-sancti E.F.Guim. & Carv.-Silva | |
| Phytotaxa 422(3): 229 (2019) |
| Brazil - type: Sarnaglia junior 407 (holo-: RB; iso-: UB, VIES) |
| Sarnaglia junior 407 - Brazil [isotype @ UB] |
[ Peperomia spissinoda C.DC. ] | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 468 (1917) |
| Brazil - types: Glaziou 8953 (syn-: B [missing], G, K, P) & 14283 (syn-: B [missing], C, G, P) |
| Glaziou 8953 - Brazil [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia gracilis Dahlst. (fide de Candolle, 1923: 410) |
[ Peperomia spongiosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Liebmann 84 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (C) |
| Liebmann 84 - Mexico [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia matlalucaensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, C specimen annotation) |
Peperomia spruceana Benth. ex C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 402 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Spruce 2246 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, C, E, G, GOET, K, LD, NY, TCD, W), Peru, Venezuela |
| Spruce 2246 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia sprucei C.DC.  | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 133 (1866) (as sprucii, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4931 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, BR, C, E, G, GOET, LD, NY, TCD, W) |
| Spruce 4931 - Peru [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia st.-johnii Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 46 (1937) |
| Austral Isl. (Raivavae) - type: St.John 16159 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BO, K, NY) |
| St.John 16159 - Austral Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia rapensis Brown (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia staminea Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 328 (1929) |
| Honduras - type: Standley 54614 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL, US) |
| Standley 54614 - Honduras [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia emiliana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia standleyi Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 13: 366 (1923) |
| El Salvador - type: Standley 19426 (holo-: ILL; iso-: NY, US) |
| Standley 19426 - El Salvador [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia deppeana Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia standwoodii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standwood 402 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Standwood 402 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia staudtii Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26(1): 361 (1899) |
| Cameroon - type: Staudt 115 (holo-: B; iso-: S) |
| Staudt 115 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia fernandopoiana C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia staurostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68476 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68476 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia staurostachya var. chiquihuitensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68966 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68966 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia guatemalensis C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia stehleana Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 627 (1937) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 25 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Stehlé 25 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. bourgesensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stehlé 2556 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guadeloupe (NY) |
| Stehlé 2556 - Guadeloupe [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. branquecii Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 49 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Branquec 2550 (holo-: NY; iso-: P) |
| Branquec 2550 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. charpentieri Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 49 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 2551 (ILL [fragm], NY) |
| Stehlé 2551 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. tardenaevifera Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 336 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 336 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. tardigranulata Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Dépendances 2(1): 3 (1937) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1752 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 1752 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia stehleana var. variifolia Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 49 (1948) (nomen nudum) |
| Guadeloupe - 'type': Stehlé 1233 (ILL, NY) |
| Stehlé 1233 - Guadeloupe ['type' @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia steinbachii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steinbach 9353 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BA, BM, E, F, G, GH, ILL, K, LIL, NY, S, U) |
| Steinbach 9353 - Bolivia [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia effusa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
Peperomia steinbachii Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 234 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Steinbach 8848 (holo-: GH; iso-: BM, E, K, LIL, MO, NY, S) |
| Steinbach 8848 - Bolivia [isotype @ S] |
Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 433 (1869) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador - type: Jameson 400 pp (holo-: G-DC; iso-: E) |
| Jameson 400 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia stelechophila var. glabrata Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 206 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 21886 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY ) |
| Hitchcock 21886 - Ecuador [holotype @ US#] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia stelechophila var. toachiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
Peperomia stellata (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 175 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper stellatum Sw.) |
| Jamaica |
Peperomia stellata var. marchii C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 270 (1902) |
| Jamaica - type: Fawcett 8164 (holo-: B; iso-: BM) |
| Fawcett 8164 - Jamaica [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia stenocarpa Regel ] | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1858, 36 (1858) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (holo-: LE) |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Carvalho-Silva e.a., 2019) |
[ Peperomia stenocarpa var. glabrata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 1367 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Loefgren 1367 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard 1972, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia stenocaulis C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 294 (1923) [key] |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (holo-: B; iso-: S) |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia stenophylla C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 228 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 3398 (distr. by Pittier) (syn-: BR, G-DC [fragm]), Tonduz 3400 (distr. by Pittier) (syn-: BR) |
| Tonduz 3398 - Costa Rica [syntype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia stenophylla var. paradendrophila Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 201 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 11531 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 11531 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia stenophyllopsis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 201 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 47590 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Standley 47590 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia stenostachya C.DC.  | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 510 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 551 (lecto-: P; isolecto-: BM, E, P, W) |
| Jameson 551 - Ecuador [isolectotype @ W] |
[ Peperomia stevenii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steven s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Steven s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide de Candolle, G-DC specimen identification) |
[ Peperomia stevensii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stevens 637 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (ILL) |
| Stevens 637 - Panama [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ciliolibractea C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia stevensii Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 45 (1927) (as stevensi, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Stevens 1249 (holo-: ILL) |
[ Peperomia stewartii C.DC. ] | |
| Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. ser. 4, 1: 49 (1911) |
| Ecuador (Galapagos Isl.) - type: Stewart 1168 (holo-: CAS) |
| = Peperomia petiolata Hook. f. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia steyermarkii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33797 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33797 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia steyermarkii Yunck. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 28(1): 204 (1951) |
| Venezuela - type: Steyermark 61874 (holo-: F; iso-: GH, K, S, NY, US) |
| Steyermark 61874 - Venezuela [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia stilifera Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 484 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 54265 (holo-: F; iso-: NY), Peru |
| Steyermark 54265 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia stilifera var. nana Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 163 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E4463 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY, US) |
| Camp E4463 - Ecuador [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia stipitata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Müller 1529 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (BR, L, NY) |
| Müller 1529 - Mexico [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia hispiduliformis Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2005, NY specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia stipiticarpa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 5862 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 5862 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 489) |
[ Peperomia stipiticola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 1381 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (ILL) |
| Schipp 1381 - Honduras [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia stipitifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 220 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44013 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 44013 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia esperanzana Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia stolonifera Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 71 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holo-: B; iso-: P) |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia stolzii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 57: 19 (1920) |
| Tanzania - type: Stolz 1918 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: B, C, G, HBG, JE, K, L, LD, M, S, U, UPS, W, WAG) |
| Stolz 1918 - Tanzania [isotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia storkii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 326 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Stork 1171 (holo-: ILL) |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia straminicolor Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 4071 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Mexia 4071 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Jones, 1985, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia strawii Hutchison ex Pino & Klopfenstein | |
| Haseltonia 10: 87 (2004) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 6209 (holo-: USM; iso-: UC) |
| Hutchison 6209 - Peru [holotype @ USM*] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru (at type locality) |
Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 52. f. b. (1798) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (lecto-: MA [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346]) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [lectotype @ MA] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia stroemfeltii Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 108 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 3460 (holo-: S) |
| Mosén 3460 - Brazil [type @ S] |
[ Peperomia stuckertii C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 397 (1916) |
| Argentina - types: Stuckert 17230 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Zanotti et al., 2012: 138]; isosyn-: CORD, G) |
| Stuckert 17230 - Argentina [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia santaelisae C.DC. (fide Zuloaga, 1997) |
[ Peperomia stuckertii var. ochoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Stuckert 12971 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Argentina (G) |
| Stuckert 12971 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide de Candolle, G specimen identification) |
Peperomia stuebelii C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 19: 255 (1892) (as stubelii) |
| Bolivia - type: Stübel 42 (holo-: B: iso-: NY) |
| Stübel 42 - Bolivia [type @ B] |
Peperomia stuebelii var. glabrata Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 181 (1955) (as stubelii var. glabrata) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 4550 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 4550 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia stuhlmannii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 225 (1894) |
| Uganda - type: Stuhlmann 2485 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia abyssinica Miq. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia suaveolens Desv. ] | |
| Cat. hort. Par ed. 2 [nomen]; Prodr. Pl. Ind. Occid. 2 (1825) |
| Cuba |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia suavis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Johnson 724 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Johnson 724 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia maculosa Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia suavis var. hondurensis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 338 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5878 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U) |
| Yuncker 5878 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Liesner, 1976, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia suavissisima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 6562 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (ILL, US) |
| Mexia 6562 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia emarginulata C.DC.(fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia subacaulis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 209 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Donnell-Smith 6748 (holo-: US) |
| Donnell-Smith 6748 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia subalata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 508 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/3 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Napo) |
Peperomia subamplexicaulis Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 22, 31 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: de la Ossa s.n. |
Peperomia subandina Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 98 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26218 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 26218 - Peru [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia subanomala Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 207 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Tate 542 (holo-: US) |
| Tate 542 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum var. subanomala (Trel.) Trel. & Yunck (fide Ftrel. & Yunck., 1950) |
| = Peperomia fruticetorum C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia subbasellifolia Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 325, 332 (1927) (as subbasellaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Jamaica - type: Nichols 50 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, K, MO, NY) |
| Nichols 50 - Jamaica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia subblanda C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 320 (1920) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Pringle 3906 (lecto-: G [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: BM, BR, CM, E, ENCB, F, G, GH, GOET, HBG, ISC, JE, K, M, MEL, MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, S, US, VT, W) |
| Pringle 3906 - Mexico [lectotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia subbracteiflora C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 298 (1907) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Duss 4107 (holo-: P; iso-: G-DC) |
| Duss 4107 - Guadeloupe [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973, 385) |
[ Peperomia subcalvescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 3824 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, ILL, K, NY, S) |
| Klug 3824 - Peru [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia ciliatifolia Trel. (fide Trelease, s.d., K, NY, S specimen annotation) |
Peperomia subcalvescens Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 98 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 84 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 84 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia subconcava Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 207 (1926) |
| Ecuador - type: Hitchcock 21686 (holo-: US) |
| Hitchcock 21686 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia subcorymbosa Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 181 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. May 1900 (holo-: Q; iso-: G-DC, QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. May 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia subcrenata Klotzsch ] | |
| Fl. Haw. Isl. 424 (1888) (nomen nudum) |
| Hawaiian Isl. |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. fide Yuncker, 1933: 28) |
[ Peperomia subdichotoma De Wild. ] | |
| Rev. Zool. Afr. 8(1) Suppl. Bot. 9 (1920) |
| Congo - type: Bequaert 5867 (holo-: BR) |
| Bequaert 5867 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia subdichotoma Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 98 (1936) (junior homonym) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 4008 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Macbride 4008 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia subdiscoidea Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 172 (1901) (as subdiscodea, typographical error cfr index) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1901 [erroneously Jan 1900 in protologue] (holotype not designated: B, P, G-DC, QPLS, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Callejas 2002, S type annotation) |
[ Peperomia subdiscoidea var. gymnophylla Diels ] | |
| Biblioth. Bot. 116: 78 (1937) |
| Ecuador - type: Diels 981 (holo-: B) |
| Diels 981 - Ecuador [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia subdiscoidea Sodiro (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia subdita Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 194 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Cooper 192 (holo-: US) |
| Cooper 192 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia montecristana Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia subelongata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3: 401 (1903) |
| Paraguay - types: Hassler 4850 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BM) & 8050 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BM, K, S) |
| Hassler 8050 - Paraguay [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia subemarginata Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 173 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén s.n. (holo-: S, NY [fragm]) |
| Dusén s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia subemarginulata (C.DC.) Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 223 (1929) (stat. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. subemarginulata C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hoffmann 21 (holo-: B [missing]) |
[ Peperomia subfastigiata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 552 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA) |
| Mutis 552 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia subflaccida Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 539 (1957) |
| Peru - type: Klug 3209 (holo-: S, iso-: F, G, GH, ILL, K, NY, U, US) |
| Klug 3209 - Peru [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia subgeminispica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 338 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4987 (holo-: ILL; iso-: MICH, NY) |
| Yuncker 4987 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type annotation) |
[ Peperomia subglabra Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 24 (1935) |
| Tuamotu Isl. (Makatea) - types: Jones 863 & 863a |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst. f.) A.Dietr. (fide Yunck, 1937) |
[ Peperomia subglabra var. fatuhivensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 25 (1935) |
| Marquesas Isl. (Fatu Hiva) - type: Brown 942 (holo-: BISH) |
| Brown 942 - Marquesas Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia pallida var. fatuhivensis (Brown) Yunck. (fide Yunck, 1937) |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia subglabra var. rurutensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 25 (1935) |
| Austral Isl. (Rurutu) - type: Stokes 62a (holo-: BISH) |
| Stokes 62a - Austral Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia pallida var. rurutensis (Brown) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia subglabra var. tuamotensis Brown ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 130: 25 (1935) |
| Tuamotu Isl. (Niau) - type: Quayle 845 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, BKL, K, NY, P, UC, US) |
| Quayle 845 - Tuamotu Isl. [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia pallida var. tuamotensis (Brown) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
| = Peperomia pallida (Forst.) A.Dietr. (fide Florence, 1997) |
Peperomia subglabricaulis C.DC. | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 29 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Remy 189 (syn-: G-DC), (Oahu) - type: Faurie 129 (syn: G-DC; isosyn-: G) |
| Remy 189 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia subimberbis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fiebrig 6228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Paraguay (BM, GH, K, US) |
| Fiebrig 6228 - Paraguay [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia urocarapa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Yuncker, 1960, K specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sublaxiflora C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 262 (1908) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 811 (holo-: B) |
| Triana 811 - Colombia [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sublaxiflora var. jellana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33633 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, F, GH, ILL, MICH, MO, P, S, U, US) |
| Killip 33633 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. [as Peperomia glabella var. nervulosa(C.DC.) Yunck.] (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sublobata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36918 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36978 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia santahelenae Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia submaritima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Martinez-Calderón 450 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Martinez-Calderón 450 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia submersa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cárdenas 1335b (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Cárdenas 1335b - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 239) |
[ Peperomia submissa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 18277 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH) |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 255; Jørgensen & Ulloa, 1994: 330) |
[ Peperomia submissa var. jericoense Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Daniel 2720 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, ILL, MEDEL) |
| Bro. Daniel 2720 - Colombia [specimen @ MEDEL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth s.l. (fide Yuncker, 1947, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia subnudata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35235 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Killip 35235 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia ciliaris C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 667) |
[ Peperomia subnudilimba C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 27 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock 10385 (holo-: G; iso-: BISH, GH) |
| Rock 10385 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia globulanthera C.DC. (fide St.John, 1973) |
[ Peperomia subnudipetiola C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 24 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Faurie 129 pp (G-DC) & 1131 |
| Faurie 129 - Hawaiian Isl. [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia liliifolia C.DC. (fide Degener, 1963) |
| = Peperomia macraeana C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia suboblongibacca Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dawe 260 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (K, US) |
| Dawe 260 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 662; Callejas, 1999: 789) |
[ Peperomia suboppositifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 186 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 18076 (holo-: RB, NY [fragm]) |
| Brade 18076 - Brazil [holotype fragment @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia unduavina C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia subovatilimba Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 544 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (G-DC, US, W) |
| Buchtien 544 - Bolivia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia yanacachiana Yunck. (fide Mathieu 2007: 496) |
Peperomia subpallescens C.DC. | |
| Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 482 (1917) |
| New Caledonia - types: Schlechter 14783 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: B, G, L, LY, M, P, PR, PRC, W, Z) & 14794 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn: G) |
| Schlechter 14783 - New Caledonia [isosyntype @ L] |
[ Peperomia subpaniculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sintenis 1667 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Puerto Rico (P, PRC, US) |
| Sintenis 1667 - Puerto Rico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Saralegui, 1994, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia subpeltata (Wild.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 144 (1831) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper umbellatum L. |
[ Peperomia subpeltata C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 136 (1866) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - types: Jameson 62 (syn-: K), 641 (syn-: K; isosyn-: BM, G, TCD), 5857 (isosyn-: G-DC) |
| Jameson 62 - Ecuador [syntype @ K] |
| = Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia subpetiolata Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 116 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Forbes 1283 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Forbes 1283 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia subpilicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fraser s.n. 1860 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (G-DC) |
| Fraser s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia metapalcoensis C.DC. (fide de Candolle, G-DC specimen, original identification) |
Peperomia subpilosa Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 193 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Brade 19894 (holo-: RB; iso-: NY) |
| Brade 19894 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia subpubistachya Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 259 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Quiroga 755 (holo-: BA) |
| Perrone s.n. - Argentina [paratype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Zanotti et al, 2012: 143) |
[ Peperomia subpulchella Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 17, 25 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 2265 (holo-: K; iso-: GOET) |
| Wright 2265 - Cuba [isotype @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia subquadrifolia Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 43 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Pittier 3197 (holo-: US) |
| Pittier 3197 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 479 (1950) (nom. nov. for Peperomia jamesoniana (Miq.) C.DC.) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 641 (holo-: K) |
| Jameson 62 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia subrenifolia var. microphylla (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 480 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia jamesoniana var. microphylla C.DC.) |
| Ecuador - type: Spruce 5857 (holo-: K; iso-: BM, BR, G, TCD, W) |
| Spruce 5857 - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia subrenifolia Trel. & Yunck. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia subretusa Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 174 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 7836 (holo-: B; iso-: K, NY, P) |
| Glaziou 7836 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia subroseispica C.DC. | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. 39: 165 (1909) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Gibbs 726 (holo-: BM, NY [fragm]) |
| Gibbs 726 - Fiji Islands [holotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia subrotunda (Haw.) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 154 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper subrotundum Haw.) |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia subrotundifolia C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 136 (1866) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 2263 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, G, GH, GOET, HAB, K, MA, MO, NY, P, YU) |
| Wright 2263 - Cuba [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia subrubescens Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 483 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4623 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Haught 4623 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia subrubricaulis C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 141 (1907) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1724 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G, RB) |
| Damazio 1724 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia subrubricaulis var. pilosior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Damazio s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Damazio s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia subrubricaulis C.DC. (fide de Candolle, G-DC specimen, original identification) |
Peperomia subrubrispica C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 7: 142 (1907) |
| Brazil - type: Damazio 1699 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: G-DC, RB) |
| Damazio 1699 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia subrubrispica f. glabrifolia Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 175 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Hoehne s.n. (holo-: SP) |
[ Peperomia subsecunda C.DC. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 53 (1900) |
| Ecuador - type: Spruce 5552 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, BR, E, GH, NY, P, TCD, W) |
| Spruce 5552 - Ecuador [isotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia sodiroi C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia subsericata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 98 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Schunke 479 (holo-: F, G [fragm], ILL [fragm]) |
| Schunke 479 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia subsessilifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 375 (1872) |
| Brazil - type: Riedel s.n. (holo-: G-DC [fragm]; iso-: G), Costa Rica |
| Riedel s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia subsessilispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 68393 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 68393 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1934) |
Peperomia subsetifolia Yunck. | |
| Boletim do Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, 3: 152 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Glaziou 3560 (holo-: G) |
| Glaziou 3560 - Brazil [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia subspathulata Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 515 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 18953 (holo-: GH; iso-: F), Ecuador |
| Cuatrecasas 18953 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia substriata C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 291 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 134 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 12473 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: CR, K, US) |
| Tonduz 12473 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia omnicola C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz. & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia substrigosa Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 327 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 5612 (holo-: F; iso-: CR, NY) |
| Brenes 5612 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia subsuccosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 35338 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 35338 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pernambucensis Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 744) |
[ Peperomia subtalinifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33461 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33461 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 680) |
Peperomia subternifolia Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 176 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Dusén 586 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL, NY, R) |
| Dusén 586 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia subtomentella Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 558 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA) |
| Mutis 558 - Colombia [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia tomentella Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 454) |
[ Peperomia subtrinervis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1317 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (BM, F, GH, ILL, K, S, US) |
| Smith 1317 - Brazil [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia subvillicaulis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 98 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Pennell 13990 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: GH, NY, PH) |
| Pennell-13990 - Peru [isotype @ PH] |
[ Peperomia subvillosa Van Heurck & Müller ] | |
| Obs. Bot. 113 (1870) |
| Martinique - type: Sieber s.n. (holo-: BR) |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia subvillosa f. candolleana Stehlé & Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 61 (1948) |
| Martinique - type: Duss 15 (holo-: B) |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia subvillosa f. dumauseana Trel. & Stehlé ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 61 (1948) |
| Martinique - type: Stehlé 3369 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stehlé 3369 - Martinique [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Howard, 1973: 385) |
[ Peperomia subvillosa var. forstroemii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Forström s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| St. Barthélemy (S) |
| Forström s.n. - St. Berthélemy [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia hirtella Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006, S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia subvittata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 629 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 629 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 247) |
Peperomia succulenta C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 142 (1866) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1157 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346]; isolecto-: K) |
| Fendler 1157 - Venezuela [lectotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia suchitanensis Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 271 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 31940 (holo-: F; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 31940 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia suchitepequezana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 88886 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 88886 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sucosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 1180 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (G-DC, GH, K) |
| Fendler 1180 - Venezuela [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 569) |
[ Peperomia sucreana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9080 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9080 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 711) |
Peperomia sucumbiosensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 692 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Schultes 3620 (holo-: GH) |
| Schultes 3620 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia sui Lin & Lu ] | |
| Taiwania 40(4): 353 (1995) |
| Taiwan - type: Lin 1399 (holo-: TAIF) |
| Lin 1399 - Taiwan [holotype @ TAIF*] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya (Hook. & Arn.) |
[ Peperomia suizana Trel. ] | |
| Trab. Mus. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Bot. 33: 47 (1936) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 2407 (holo-: MA; iso-: ILL) |
| Cuatrecasas 2407 - Colombia [isotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia crispa Sodiro (fide Trelease & Yunck, 1950) |
Peperomia sulbahiensis D.Monteiro & M.Coelho | |
| Phytotaxa 258(3): (2016) |
| Brazil - type: Monteiro 571 (holo-: RB; iso-: CEPEC) |
| Monteiro 571 - Brazil [holotype @ RB*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia sulcata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12897 p.p. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (B, P, US) |
| Tonduz 12897 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia versicolor Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia sulcata C.DC. | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 116 (1905) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5768 (holo-: B) |
| Ule 5768 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia sulcipeduncula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 6637 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, GH, US) |
| Pennell 6637 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 566) |
[ Peperomia sulphurigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chrysler 5495 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Chrysler 5495 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia olivacea C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia sumichrastii C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 278 (1898) (as sumichrasti, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Mexico - type: Botteri 1370 (holo-: G; iso-: NY, P) |
| Botteri 1370 - Mexico [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia sumidoriana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 435 (1869) |
| Brazil - type: Langsdorff s.n. (holo-: LE) |
[ Peperomia superna Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 528a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Seifriz 528a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 524) |
[ Peperomia superna var. reducta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Seifriz 434 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Seifriz 434 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 524) |
[ Peperomia supplamenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 33498 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 33498 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia suratana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 615 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16615 (holo-: GH; iso-: ILL, NY, US), Ecuador |
| Killip 16615 - Colombia [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia surinamensis C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 408 (1869) |
| Guiana, Surinam - types: Kappler 1577 (syn-: G-DC) & Sagot 538 |
| Kappler 1577 - Surinam [syntype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia elongata Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia sursumglabrescens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Tomás 261 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Bro. Tomás 261 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 558) |
[ Peperomia suspecta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4575 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (NY, US) |
| Skutch 4575 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia distachyos (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia suspensa C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 304 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2792 (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: NY, UPS) |
| Buchtien 2792 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia svensonii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Svenson 314 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (Cocos Isl.) (F, ILL) |
| Svenson 314 - Cocos Isl. [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia swartziana Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 155 (1843) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (lecto-: S [designated Saralegui, 2004]) |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Maquipucuna Reserve) |
Peperomia sylvatica C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 435 (1869) |
| Bolivia, Peru - type: Poeppig s.n. (holo-: G) |
| Poeppig s.n. - Peru [holotype @ G] |
Peperomia sylvatica var. stenoiula C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29, Beibl. 65: 27 (1900) (as silvatica) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 83 pp (holo-: G-DC) |
| Ule 83 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia sylvestris C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 142 (1866) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson s.n. (holo-: K) |
| Jameson s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ K] |
Peperomia symmankii Pino & Samain | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 30 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-162 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, G, GENT, K, MO, P, UC, US) |
| Mathieu 2009-162 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia sympodialis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 687 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 8980 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 8980 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia syringifolia C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 514 (1898) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/59 Sep 1874 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B), Panama |
| Sodiro s.n. Sep 1874 - Ecuador [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia tablahuasiana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 514 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro Aug 1886 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. Aug 1886 - Ecuador [isotype @ QPLS] |
Peperomia tacanana Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 272 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 36351 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 36351 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia taconiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 3757 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 3757 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia guadaloupensis C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1948, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia taco-tacoi Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 16, 23 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 17620 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: G, NY, S) |
| Ekman 17620 - Cuba [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia petiolaris C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1949) |
[ Peperomia tacticana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71319 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71319 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia collocata Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tacticana Trel. & Standl. ]  | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 272 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Standley 71389 (holo-: F) |
| Standley 71389 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia tacuariana Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 66 (1939) |
| Uruguay - type: Herter 14 (holo-: ILL [missing]); Herter s.n. (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: G, MO [designated May et al 2016: 138])l: |
| Herter 2004 - Uruguay [paratype @ G] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Zanotti et al, 2012: 141) |
[ Peperomia tacueyoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 1041 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (G-DC, US) |
| Pittier 1041 - Colombia [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (Trelease & Yuncker 1950: 559; Steyermark, 1984: 54) |
[ Peperomia tafelbergensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 75: 292 (1948) |
| Surinam - type: Maguire 27170 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL, US) |
| Maguire 27170 - Surinam [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia tafiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 299 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Argentina (GH, ILL, SI, US) |
| Venturi 299 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth s.l. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 219) |
[ Peperomia tahitensis Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 62 (1937) |
| Society Isl. (Tahiti) - type: Quayle s.n. (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, K, US) |
| Quale sn - Society Islands [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia fosbergii Yunck. (fide Florence, 1997) |
[ Peperomia tajumulcana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36775 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36775 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia talculana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 87343 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 87343 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia granulosa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia talinifolia Link ] | |
| Jahrb. 1(3): 64 (1820) (junior homonym) |
| Jamaica (type not designated) |
| = Peperomia amplexifolia (Link) A.Dietr. (fide Roemer & Schultes, 1822: 243) |
Peperomia talinifolia Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 62 (1815) |
| Bolivia, Colombia - type: von Humboldt s.n. (holotype not designated: P), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela |
| von Humboldt s.n. - Colombia [type @ P] |
[ Peperomia talinifolia var. longipetiolata C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 27(3): 132 (1900) (nomen nudum) |
| Bolivia - 'types': Rusby 2200 (F, NY, PH, US), 2212 (NY) & 2215 (NY) |
| Rusby 2212 - Bolivia ['type' @ NY] |
| = Peperomia talinifolia Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1955) |
[ Peperomia talinifolia var. percrassa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 11828a (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Cuatrecasas 11828a - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 461) |
[ Peperomia taliniformis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. Tomás 419 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Bro. Tomás 419 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 461) |
[ Peperomia tamaensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 12684 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 12684 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 641) |
[ Peperomia tamahuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71306 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71306 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1937) |
[ Peperomia tamahuana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90809 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90809 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia conocarpa Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tamasopana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 3805 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (G, GH, GOET, JE, K, M, MEXU, MO, NY, P, PH, S, US, W) |
| Pringle 3805 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tamayoi Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 484 (1950) |
| Venezuela - type: Tamayo 2209 (holo-: US) |
| Tamayo 2209 - Venezuela [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia tamazunchalensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 6909 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, US) |
| Hitchcock 6909 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tambitoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 6228 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 6228 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 704) |
Peperomia tambitoensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 475 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pérez-Arbeláez 6234 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Pérez-Arbeláez 6234 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia tamboana Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 498 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 5263 (holo-: ILL; iso-: COL, US) |
| Haught 5263 - Colombia [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia tanalensis Baker ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 20: 244 (1882) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 311 (holo-: K; iso-: P) |
| Baron 311 - Madagascar [holotype @ K] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide de Candolle, 1907, isotype annotation) |
Peperomia tancitaroana Trel. ex J.Viccon & G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 458(1): 72 (2020) |
| Mexico - type: Hinton 15661 (holo-: ILL; iso-: ARIZ, MICH, NY, PH, TEX, US) |
| Hinton 15661 - Mexico [isotype @ TEX*] |
[ Peperomia tancitaroana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leavenworth 557 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (F, ILL) |
| Leavenworth 557 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tancitaromontis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leavenworth 4042 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (ILL) |
| Leavenworth 4042 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tandapiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Holmgren 848 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (B, ILL, S) |
| Holmgren 848 - Ecuador [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia albovittata C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia tanquinhoi Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 648 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (C, ILL, P, SP) |
| Loefgren 648 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia campinasana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 114) |
[ Peperomia tapajosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dahlgren 160 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, F) |
| Dahlgren 160 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia serpens (Sw.) Loudon (fide Yuncker, 1974: 229) |
[ Peperomia tapanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 30327 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 30327 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ciliatifolia Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tapatana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20170 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL NY, US) |
| Killip 20170 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 608; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
Peperomia tarapotana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 137 (1866) |
| Peru - type: Spruce 4570 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, BR, C, E, G, GOET, K, LD, TDC, W) |
| Spruce 4570 - Peru [isotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia tartagalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Venturi 5177 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Argentina (ILL, US) |
| Venturi 5177 - Argentina [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia aceroana C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 208) |
[ Peperomia tatamana Yunck. ] | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 543 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 5013 (holo-: S; iso-: C, GH, MICH) |
| von Sneidern 5013 - Colombia [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia crispipetiola Trel. (fide Callejas, 2021: 34)) |
[ Peperomia tateana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tate 358 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Nicaragua (K) |
| Tate 358 - Nicaragua [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia versicolor Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
Peperomia tatei Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 220 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 643 (holo-: NY; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Tate 643 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia taylorii C.DC. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 4 (1917) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Taylor 196 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Taylor 196 - Dom. Republic [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia tecpamana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 58691 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 58691 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tecpamana var. marcosana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86539 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86539 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tecticola C.DC. ] | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 280 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 7262 (holo-: BR, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CR, US) |
| Tonduz 7262 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia tecticola var. muricola Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 143 (1922) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 10146 (holo-: US; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 10146 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia tecticola var. tilirina Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 193 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 3208 (holo-: US; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 8208 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia tecticola var. virillana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Allen 573 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (ILL, MO) |
| Allen 573 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Liesner, 1976, MO specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tecutlana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 36778 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 36778 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tejadae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tejada 51 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (US) |
| Tejada 51 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Standley, 1945, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tejana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 611 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19910 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, G, GH, ILL, MA, NY) |
| Killip 19910 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia tejucana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri s.n. 27 Oct 1906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Usteri s.n. - Honduras [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 121) |
[ Peperomia temashensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schipp 965 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Honduras (ILL) |
| Schipp 965 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia emiliana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tenae Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 483 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Mexia 7162 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, F, G, ILL, NA, S, W ) |
| Mexia 7162 - Ecuador [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia tenana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 8260 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (F, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 8260 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 679) |
[ Peperomia tenayacana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hinton 2155 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (ILL, K) |
| Hinton 2155 - Mexico [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia asarifolia Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 517) |
[ Peperomia tenebrigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 305 (1940) (as tenebraegaudens, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 993 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, NY, US) |
| Woodson 993 - Panama [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 153 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper tenellum Sw.) |
| Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica - type: Swartz s.n. (holo-: S; iso-: BM, K), Martinique, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia tenella var. deltoidea Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 317 (1927) (as var. deltoides) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Leonard 4676 (holo-: US) |
| Leonard 4676 - Haiti [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Mathieu 2007) |
Peperomia tenella var. epiphytica Trel. | |
| Bull. Soc. Bot. France 83: 628 (1937) [nomen]; Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 41 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Duss 3248 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY) |
| Duss 3248 - Guadeloupe [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia tenella var. glabra C.DC.  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 397 (1869) |
| Brazil, Venezuela - type: Fendler 1818 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: GH, GOET, K, MO, PH) |
| Fendler 1818 - Venezuela [isotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia tenella var. truncigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Duss 3616b (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guadeloupe (B, NY, G-DC) |
| Duss 3616b - Guadeloupe [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia truncigaudens C.DC. (fide de Candolle, 1902: 237) |
[ Peperomia tenella var. tyleri (Trel.) Steyerm. ] | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 246 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia tyleri Trel.) |
| Venezuela - type: Tate 476 (holo-: NY; ILL [fragm]) |
| Tate 476 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
[ Peperomia tenellifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen L.B. Smith 1951 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (GH) |
| Puttemans 5674 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease, 1926: 15) |
Peperomia tenelliformis Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 203 (1929) (as tenellaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 33135 (holo-: US), Panama |
| Standley 33135 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia tenera Miq. ] | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 19 (1852) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow 3281 |
| = Peperomia hispidula var. sellowiana (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia tenerrima Schltdl. & Cham. | |
| Linnaea 6: 353 (1831) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Deppe & Schiede s.n. [1107] (lecto-: HAL [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: BM, L, LE, W), Nicaragua |
| Deppe & Schiede s.n. [1107] - Mexico [lectotype @ HAL*] |
[ Peperomia tenerrima f. robustior Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 185 (1900) |
| Puerto Rico - types: Sintenis 5420 (isosyn-: BM, G, GH, GOET, K, L, LY, NY, P, PR, S, US), Schwanecke s.n. (syn-: B [missing]) |
| Sintenis 5420 - Puerto Rico [isosyntype @ S] |
| = Peperomia robustior (Dahlst.) Urb. (fide Urban, 1903) |
Peperomia tenuicaulis C.DC.  | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 286 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - types: Tonduz 9986 (lecto-: BR [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 357]; isolecto-: US), Honduras, Mexico, Panama |
| Tonduz 9986 - Costa Rica [isosyntype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia tenuicaulis Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 6 (1902) (junior homonym) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (holotype not designated: QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. [type @ QPLS] |
[ Peperomia tenuiflora Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 163 (1828) |
| Mexico - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1791 (holotype not designated: PR; PRC) |
| Haenke s.n. - Mexico [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Stehlé, 1948) |
Peperomia tenuifolia C.DC.  | |
| Linnaea 37: 371 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted s.n. (holo-: C, G-DC [fragm]) Guatemala, Honduras, Panama |
| Oersted s.n. - Costa Rica [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia tenuilimba C.DC. | |
| Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 47: 116 (1905) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 5508 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]; iso-: CORD, G, K, L, NY) |
| Ule 5508 - Brazil [isotype @ K] |
Peperomia tenuimarginata Trel. & Yunck.  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 697 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 5563 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY, PH) |
| Killip 5563 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
| Plant in habitat - Colombia |
[ Peperomia tenuimarginata var. villosa Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hazen 11837 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Hazen 11837 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia cumbreana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 692) |
[ Peperomia tenuimucronata Trel. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 73: 137 (1922) |
| Mexico - type: Rose 3432 (holo-: US) |
| Rose 3432 - Mexico [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia gracillima Watson (fide Nyffeler & Rowley, 2002) |
[ Peperomia tenuinerva C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Weberbauer 3656 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (B) |
| Weberbauer 3656 - Peru [specimen @ B] |
| = Peperomia tenuiramea C.DC. (fide C.DC., 1908) |
[ Peperomia tenuinervis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 327 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Skutch 2199 (holo-: US; iso-: MO, S) |
| Skutch 2199 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia tenuipeduncula C.DC. ] | |
| Meded. Herb. Leid. 22: 5 (1914) (junior homonym) |
| Indonesia (Sunda Isl.) - type: Elbert 945 (lecto-: L [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340]) |
| Elbert 945 - Indonesia [lectotype @ L] |
| = Peperomia kalimatina C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 340) |
Peperomia tenuipeduncula C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 306 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2338 (holo-: US; iso-: G-DC, GH,), Peru |
| Buchtien 2338 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia tenuipes Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 192 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 14042 (holo-: US), Honduras |
| Pittier 14042 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia tenuipila C.DC. | |
| Nova Guinea 8(6): 1010 (1914) |
| New Guinea - types: Römer 1076 (syn-: L) & 1077 (syn-: L, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Römer 1076 - New Guinea [syntype @ L] |
[ Peperomia tenuipila var. bismarckiana (C.DC.) Düll ] | |
| Herb. specimen Carr 12993 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| New Guinea (BM, L) |
| Carr 12993 - New Guinea [specimen @ L] |
| = Peperomia bismarckiana C.DC. (fide de Candolle, basionym) |
Peperomia tenuiramea C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 263 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 3656 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 3656 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia tenuispica C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 48 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Le Myre de Vilers s.n (holo-: P) |
| Le Myre de Vilers s.n. - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
Peperomia tenuissima C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 358 (1901) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 13185 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Schwacke 13185 - Brazil [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia tepoztecoana G.Mathieu | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 375 (2011) |
| Mexico - type: Pringle 9047 (holo-: US, iso-: ASU, GH, MICH, VT) |
| Pringle 9047 - Mexico [holotype @ US] |
| Freshly harvested plant - Mexico (Morelos) |
Peperomia tequendamana Trel.  | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16: 207 (1926) |
| Colombia - type: Bro. Ariste Joseph B92 (holo-: US), Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela |
| Bro. Ariste Joseph B92 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia terebinthina G.Mathieu | |
| Syst. Geogr. Pl. 73: 79 (2003) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 457 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, G, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 457 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia teresitana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Hitchcock 20459 p.p. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (GH, NY, US) |
| Hitchcock 20459 - Ecuador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia jamesoniana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker ,1950: 605) |
Peperomia teresitensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 100 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Stevens 88 (holo-: ILL) |
| Stevens 88 - Peru [holotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia ternata C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 509 (1898) |
| Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Jameson 539 (holo-: P; iso-: E, F [fragm], NY, W), Panama |
| Jameson 539 - Ecuador [holotype @ P] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia ternata var. abrupteacutata (Trel. & Yunck.) Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 249 (1984) (comb. nov. for Peperomia abrupte-acutata Trel. & Yunck.) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 544 (holo-: US: iso-: ILL pp, MA), Venezuela |
| Mutis 544 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia ternifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pringle 13428 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Pringle 13428 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tenerrima Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease, manuscript annotation) |
[ Peperomia ternifolia var. chrysleri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Chrysler 4894 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (ILL) |
| Chrysler 4894 - Costa Rica [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia terrae-aratae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Krukoff 6100 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (BM, F, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Krukoff 6100 - Brazil [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 187). |
Peperomia terraegaudens Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 657 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 19383 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY, ILL) |
| Killip 19383 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia tessellata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3709 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Dusén 3709 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia retivenulosa Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 185) |
[ Peperomia testudinis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Leonard 11460 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Haiti (ILL, US) |
| Leonard 11460 - Haiti [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1966, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 31. t. 47. f. a. (1798) |
| Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón 246 (lecto-: MA [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347]) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 246 - Peru [lectotype @ MA] |
[ Peperomia tetragonopsis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3721 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, UPS, US) |
| Buchtien 3721 - Bolivia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tetragona Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 184) |
[ Peperomia tetragonopsis var. caudata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3736 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3736 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia perlongipes C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 178) |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla (Forst. f.) Oliver ] | |
| Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49: 133 (1917) (as Peperomia tetraphyllum) (comb. nov. for Piper tetraphyllum Forst. f.; junior homonym) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. |
Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn.  | |
| The Botany of Captain Beechey’s Voyage 2: 97 (1832) |
| Argentina, Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Burundi, China, Colombia, Comoros Isl., Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equat. Guinea, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guyana, Hawaiian Isl. - type: Beechey s.n. (holo-: K), Hispaniola, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Nepal, New Guinea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norfolk Isl. Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Reunion, Hawaiian Isl., Sierra Leona, Society Isl., South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sunda Isl. Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe |
| Beechey s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) [holotype @ K] |
| plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla f. protractifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 177 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Hatschbach 6671 (holo-: MBM; iso-: NY) |
| Hatschbach 6671 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Guimarães, 1980) |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla var. americana (Dahlst.) Yunck. ] | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 178 (1966) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. americana Dahlst.) |
| Brazil |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla var. elongata (Hillebr.) Deg. & Deg. ] | |
| Flora Hawaiiensis 7, Fam 83: 8/15/65 (1965) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. elongata Hillebr.) |
| Hawaiian Isl. |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database) |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla var. parvifolia (C.DC.) Deg. & Deg. ] | |
| Flora Hawaiiensis 7, Fam 83: 8/15/65 (1965) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. parvifolia C.DC.) |
| Hawaiian Isl., Sri Lanka - type: Thwaites 2462 (holo-: G-DC) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database) |
Peperomia tetraphylla var. piedadeana (C.DC.) Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 178 (1966) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. piedadeana C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: Schwacke 10277 (holo-: G) |
[ Peperomia tetraphylla var. sinensis (C.DC.) Chen & Zhu ] | |
| Fl. Republ. Popul. Sin. 20(1): 73 (1982) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa f. sinensis C.DC.) |
| China - types: Laborde 2131 (syn-: P), Cavalerie 3193 (syn-: P) |
| Cavalerie 3193 - China [syntype @ P] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla Hook. & Arn. (fide Gilbert & Nian-he, 1999) |
Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera (Miq.) Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 179 (1966) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. tenera Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Henschen II 259 (holo-: S; iso-: NY, UPS) |
Peperomia tetraphylla var. valantoides (Miq.) Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 178 (1966) (comb. nov. for Peperomia reflexa var. valantoides C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: cult. Berlin & St. Petersburg (holotype not designated: U) |
[ Peperomia tetraptera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Kellerman 4834 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Kellerman 4834 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tetraquetra Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 175 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1900 (holo-: Q; iso-: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. Jan 1900 - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador (Pasochoa) |
[ Peperomia tetrica Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 100 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 28525 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Killip 28525 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia cainarachiana Trel. (fide Callejas, 1995) |
Peperomia teysmannii C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 327 (1923) [key] (as teysmanni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Indonesia (Amboina) |
Peperomia theodori Trel. | |
| Lilloa 5: 356 (1940) |
| Argentina - type: Lillo 11962 ['Stuckert 22510'] (holo-: G; iso-: LIL), Bolivia |
| Lillo 11962 - Argentina [type @ G] |
Peperomia theodori var. glabricaulis Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 189 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 4560 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]) |
| Buchtien 4560 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia theresopolitana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Foster 1021 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Foster 1021 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia thienii Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 380 (1966) |
| Ecuador - type: Dodson 1112 (holo-: MO) |
| Dodson 1112 - Ecuador [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia thionvilleana Trel. ] | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 59 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 2582 (holo-: NY) |
| Stehlé 2582 - Guadeloupe [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1972, NY type annotation) |
Peperomia thollonii C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 38 (1914) |
| Gabon - type: Thollon 1251 (holo-: P) |
| Thollon 1251 - Gabon [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia thomeana C.DC. | |
| Bolet. Soc. Brot. 10: 154 (1892) |
| Cameroon, Equat.Guinea - type: Quintas 12 (holo-: G-DC)., Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania |
| Quintas-&12 - São Tomé [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
Peperomia thomsonii Hook. f. | |
| Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 97 (1890) (as thomsoni, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| India - types: Thomson s.n. (syn-: K) & Wight s.n. (syn-: K) |
| Thomson s.n. - India [syntype @ K] |
Peperomia thorelii C.DC. | |
| Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 65 (1910) |
| Vietnam - type: Thorel s.n. (holotype not designated: P) |
| Thorell s.n. - Vietnam [type @ P] |
[ Peperomia thrichocarpa Miq. ex C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 455 (1869) (sphalm for Peperomia trichocarpa Miq.) |
| Blanchet 1444 - Brazil [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia thrinacicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ekman 16453 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL, S) |
| Ekman 16453 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: 40) |
[ Peperomia thwaitesii C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 448 (1869) |
| Sri Lanka - type: Thwaites 2956 (holo-: G; iso-: G-DC, GOET, P, W) |
| Thwaites 2956 - Sri Lanka [isotype @ GOET] |
| = Peperomia leptostachya Hook. & Arn. (fide Mathieu, 2012 [pers.comm.]) |
Peperomia ticunhuayana Trel. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 170 (1928) |
| Bolivia - type: Tate 1082 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Tate 1082 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia tilarana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 211 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 44217 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 44217 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia tillettii Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 257 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Tillett 761-83 (holo-: VEN; iso-: NY, US) |
| Tillett 761-83 - Venezuela [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia timbuchiana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 100 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 1163 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: ILL) |
| Williams 1163 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
[ Peperomia tiniannensis Hosokawa ] | |
| Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25: 121 (1935) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| = Peperomia kraemeri C.DC. (fide Hosokawa, 1935) |
[ Peperomia tipuaniana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bang 1328 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (BM, C, E, F, G, GH, K, L, LY, MICH, MO, NY, PH, US, W) |
| Bang 1328 - Bolivia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (Yuncker, 1955: 256) |
[ Peperomia tithymaloides (Vahl) A.Dietr. ] | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 152 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper tithymaloides Vahl.) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Liogier, 1968) |
Peperomia tjibodasana C.DC. | |
| Verh. Kon. Acad. Wetensch. Amsterdam sect. 2, 14(4): 67 (1908) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: Smith.s.n. (holo-: BO) |
| Fleischer s.n. - Indonesia [specimen @ B] |
Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 376 (1872) |
| Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico - type: Liebmann 102 (lecto-: C[designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: G-DC [fragm]), Nicaragua |
| Liebmann 102 - Mexico [lectotype @ C] |
[ Peperomia toledoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20049 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 20049 - Brazil [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 60) |
Peperomia toledoana Callejas | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 376 (2011) |
| Belize - type: Holst 5959 (holo-: HUA; iso-: MO, NY, SEL) |
| Holst 5959 - Belize [isotype @ NY] |
[ Peperomia tolerabilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 586 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, R, S) |
| Dusén 586 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia subternifolia Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 176) |
[ Peperomia tolerabilis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 17813 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, G, MA) |
| Killip 17813 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia saligna Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 580) |
Peperomia tolimensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 510 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 3258 (holo-: NY) |
| Pennell 3258 - Colombia [holotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia tomentella Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 453 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Mutis 558 (holo-: MA) |
| Mutis 558 - Colombia [holotype @ MA] |
Peperomia tomentosa (Vahl) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 172 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper tomentosum Vahl) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type, New Guinea, Seychelles |
Peperomia tominana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 572 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Weddell 3109 (holo-: P) |
| Steinbach 8379 - Bolivia [specimen @ E] |
[ Peperomia tominana f. pubifolia Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 186 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Steinbach 9616 (holo-: GH, iso-: LIL) |
| Steinbach 9616 - Bolivia [holotype @ GH] |
| = Peperomia tominana C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 348) |
[ Peperomia tonana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 19456 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 19456 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 558; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
Peperomia tonduzii C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 29(2): 70 (1890) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 566 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 566 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
Peperomia tooviiana Florence | |
| Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, 18(3): 267 (1996) |
| Marquesas Isl. - type: Florence 7461 (holo-: P; iso-: BISH, K, PAP, US) |
| Florence 7461 - Marquesas Islands [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia topoensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 594 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 54884 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 54884 - Ecuador [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia toroi Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 640 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Toro 794 (holo-: NY, ILL [fragm]) |
| Toro 794 - Colombia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia torrentigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1713 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (US) |
| Haught 1713 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia laxiflora Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 481) |
[ Peperomia torresana Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Rambo 54469 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (B, S) |
| Rambo 54469 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia ramboi Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 184) |
[ Peperomia torrosii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 31349 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 31349 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tortugana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 319, 327 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Ekman H4111 (holotype not designated: B, ILL, S) |
| Ekman H4111 - Haiti [type @ S] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia tovariana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 404 (1869) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela - types: Fendler 1168 (syn-: G-DC; isosyn-: BR, G, G-DC, GH, K, MO, NY, P, PH) & Moritz 1941 (syn-: BM) |
| Fendler 1168 - Venezuela [isosyntype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia tovariana var. subcaespitosa Trel. & Yunck. ]  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 709 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 1911 pp (holo-: NY; iso-: CAL, COL, F, G, G-DC, GH, ILL, PH) |
| Smith 1911 pp - Colombia [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia trabeculicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 32374 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 32374 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 528) |
Peperomia tradescantiifolia Schwartz | |
| Mitt. Inst. Bot. Hamburg, 7: 234 (1931) |
| Indonesia (Borneo) - type: Winkler 1209 |
[ Peperomia transfigurata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16028 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, G, GH, K, MA, NY, P, S, US) |
| Killip 16028 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1947, F & US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia transformata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16435 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Killip 16435 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia robleana Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 528) |
[ Peperomia translucens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 328 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Dodge 9292 (holo-: MO; iso-: ILL) |
| Dodge 9292 - Costa Rica [holotype @ MO] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Burger, 1971: 57) |
Peperomia transparens Miq. | |
| Linnaea 20: 121 (1847) |
| Brazil - type: von Martius s.n. (holo-: M; iso-: U [fragm]), Fr.Guiana, Surinam |
| von Martius s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ M] |
Peperomia transparens var. spissiflora C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29, Beibl. 65: 26 (1900) (as var. spissiplora) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 3566 (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: NY [fragm]) |
| Ule 3566 - Brazil [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia trapezoidalis Yunck. ] | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 202 (1955) |
| Argentina - type: Bertoni 2339 (holo-: LIL; iso-: NY) |
| Bertoni 2339 - Argentina [isotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia psilostachya C.DC. (fide Mai, 2016: 137) |
[ Peperomia treleasei Standl. & Steyerm. ]  | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 273 (1952) (junior homonym) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 46298 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 46298 - cultivated plant [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia resediflora Lind. & André (fide Yuncker, 1962) |
[ Peperomia treleasei Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 46 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Molokai) - type: Forbes 274 (holo-: BISH) |
| Forbes 274 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide Wagner, 1990) |
[ Peperomia tremendalensis Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 216 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 17788 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 17788 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia alpina (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Mathieu, 2006, G-DC specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tremulifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 8275 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, K, US) |
| von Türckheim 8275 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation; Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 673) |
[ Peperomia tremulifolia f. pantinensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 72783 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 72783 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotattion; Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 673) |
[ Peperomia tremulifolia var. atropurpurea Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 39322 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 39322 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotattion; Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 673) |
[ Peperomia tremulifolia var. conaera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91930 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 91930 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotattion; Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 673) |
[ Peperomia tremuliformis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 276 (1940) (as tremulaeformis, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8722 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Yuncker 8722 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950 & Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
[ Peperomia tressis Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 339 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6001 (holo-: ILL) |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Callejas 2020) |
[ Peperomia triadophylla Peter ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beihefte 40(2) 54 [nomen], 52 [descript.] (1932) |
| Tanzania - type: Peter 36313 (holo-: B) |
| Peter 36313 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Düll, 1973) |
Peperomia trianae C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) |
| Colombia - type: Triana 65 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, COL, US), Ecuador, Peru |
| Triana 65 - Colombia [holotype @ G-DC] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
Peperomia tricarinata (Haw.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 181 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper tricarinatum Haw.) |
| West Ind. |
Peperomia trichobracteata G.Mathieu & T.Krömer | |
| Phytotaxa 369(2): 99 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Krömer 4132 (holo-: BR; iso-: G, K, MEXU, MO, XAL) |
| Krömer 4132 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia trichocarpa Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 176 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Blanchet 1444 (holo-: G; iso-: U) |
| Blanchet 1444 - Brazil [isotype @ U] |
[ Peperomia trichocaulis Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 26 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Taylor 484 (holo-: NY) |
| Taylor 484 - Cuba [holotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia portoricensis Urb. (fide Saralegui, 2004) |
[ Peperomia trichoclada C.DC. ] | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 360 (1901) |
| Brazil - types: Scwacke 4843 (syn-: G-DC), Glaziou 8939 & 11579 (syn-: G; isosyn-: BR, K, NY) |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
[ Peperomia trichocorma Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 9021 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (K, L, NY, S, US) |
| Ule 9021 - Brazil [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 187; Callejas, 1999: 788) |
Peperomia trichomanoides Grayum | |
| Phytologia 79(2): 111 (1995) |
| Costa Rica - type: Hammel 19273 (holo-: INB; iso-: BM, CR, MO) |
| Hammel 19273 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia trichoneura Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 2492 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 2492 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 641) |
[ Peperomia trichophora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 5919 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 5919 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia caespitosa C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 564) |
[ Peperomia trichophylla C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Glaziou 11579 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (BR, G, K, NY) |
| Glaziou 11579 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera (Miq.) Yunck. (fide de Candolle, 1901: 360; Yuncker, 1966: 179) |
Peperomia trichophylla Baker | |
| Journ. Linn. Soc. 21: 436 (1885) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 3190 (lecto-: K [designated: Mathieu & Callejas, 2006]; isolecto-: P) |
| Baron 500 - Madagascar [syntype @ K] |
| Plant in habitat - Madagascar |
[ Peperomia trichopoda C.DC. ] | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 50 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 500 (holo-: P; iso-: K) |
| Baron 500 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia trichophylla Baker (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
Peperomia trichopus Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 101 (1936) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Macbride 3855 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, K, S, US), Venezuela |
| Macbride 3855 - Peru [holotype @ F*] |
| Plant in habitat - Ecuador |
[ Peperomia trichorhiza Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33373 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Killip 33373 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia striata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 745; Callejas, 1999: 793) |
[ Peperomia trichostachya Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pittier 7161 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US) |
| Pittier 7161 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1946) |
[ Peperomia trichostigma C.DC. ] | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 25 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Rock s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Rock s.n. - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia remyi C.DC. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
Peperomia tricolor Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 101 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25973 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25973 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
[ Peperomia tridactyla Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cardenás 1335 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL) |
| Cardenás 1335 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pentadactyla Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 173 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper trifolium L.) |
| Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Montserrat, St. Kitts, Sta. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia trifolia f. pilosior Dahlst. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 163 (1900) |
| Guadeloupe, St. Vincent |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
[ Peperomia trifolia var. balbisii Trel. ] | |
| J. Arnold Arbor. 54(3): 396 (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| = Peperomia trifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia trifurcata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Wilson 250 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Wilson 250 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia trinervia Miq. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 470 (1869) (nomen nudum in index) |
| = Peperomia trineura Miq. |
[ Peperomia trinervineura Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 71389 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 71389 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav.  | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 32. t. 50. f. b. (1798) |
| Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA; iso-: B, G, HAL, MPU, P) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [isotype @ B] |
| Collection National Bot. Garden Belgium |
[ Peperomia trinervis var. brachyphylla (A.Dietr.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 417 (1869) (comb. nov. Peperomia brachyphylla (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) A.Dietr.) |
| cultivated Hort. Bot. Berlin - type: Willdenow Herb. 722 (holo-: B) |
| Willdenow 722 - cult. [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide de Candolle, 1902) |
Peperomia trinervis var. glabricaulis Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 117 (1900) |
| Peru - type: Haenke comm. (holo-: M) |
| Haenke comm. - Peru [holotype @ M] |
Peperomia trinervis var. minor C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 418 (1869) |
| Brazil - types: Weddel 781 (syn-: G-DC) & Lhotzky s.n. (syn-: G-DC) |
| Weddell 781 & Lhotzky s.n. - Brazil [syntypes @ G-DC] |
[ Peperomia trinervis var. subnudicaulis Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 646 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 52963 (holo-: F; iso-: NY) |
| Steyermark 52963 - Ecuador [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia trinervula C.DC.  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 420 (1869) |
| Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela - types: Fendler 1167 (syn-: G-DC, GH, K), Gallmer 332, Moritz s.n. (syn-: B, G, P) |
| Fendler 1167 - Venezuela [syntype @ K] |
[ Peperomia trinervula var. roraimana (C.DC.) Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 648 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia roraimana C.DC.) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 8593 (holo-: B; iso-: K) |
| Ule 8593 - Brazil [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia trinervula var. suboppositifolia Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 648 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 19197 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Cuatrecasas 19197 - Colombia [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata Kunth (fide Steyermark & Callejas, 2003) |
Peperomia trineura Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 175 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing], G-DC [drawing], U [fragm]) |
[ Peperomia trineura var. contracta Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 34 (1873) |
| Brazil |
[ Peperomia trineura var. laxa Hensch. ] | |
| Nov. Act. Soc. Sc. Upsal. Ser. 3, 8(2): 34 (1873) |
| Brazil |
Peperomia trineura var. robustior Miq. | |
| Fl. Bras. 4(1): 18 (1852) |
| Brazil - types: Sellow s.n., Pohl s.n., Regnell s.n. |
Peperomia trineuroides Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 198 (1900) |
| Argentina, Brazil - type: Malme 538 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL) |
| Malme 53 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia trinitatis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 657 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Trinidad (K) |
| Fendler 657 - Trinidad [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1953: 275) |
[ Peperomia triplamenta Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3649 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (K, MO, NY, S, US) |
| Skutch 3649 - Costa Rica [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Burger, 1950, MO, NY, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia triplinervis Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 166 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Jan 1901 (holo-: QPLS; iso-: P) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ P] |
Peperomia tristachya Kunth | |
| Nov. Gen. et Sp. 1: 61 (1815) |
| Colombia - type: Bonpland s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: P), Ecuador |
| Plowman 4187 - Colombia [specimen @ U] |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia tristachya Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 163 (1828) (junior homonym) |
| Peru - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1790 (holotype not designated: PR) |
| Haenke s.n. - Peru [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia heterostachya A.Dietr. (fide Miquel, 1843: 154) |
[ Peperomia tristachyopsis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1442 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Haught 1442 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia leucostachya C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 465) |
[ Peperomia tristachyopsis var. arenicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1712 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, US) |
| Haught 1712 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia leucostachya C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 465) |
[ Peperomia tristachyopsis var. haughtii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 1599 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (F, ILL, US) |
| Haught 1599 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rubramenta Trel. & Yunck. (Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 450) |
[ Peperomia tristanensis Christoph. ] | |
| Results Norweg. Sci. Exped. Tristan da Cunha 11: 5 (1944) |
| Tristan da Cunha Isl. - type: Christophersen 2592 (holo-: O; iso-: GB, K) |
| Christophersen 2592 - Tristan da Cunha [isotype @ GB] |
| = Peperomia berteroana subsp. tristanensis (Christoph.) Valdeb. (fide Valdebenito, 1990) |
[ Peperomia trisulcata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jönssen 240a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (GH, MO, S) |
| Jönssen 240a - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 142) |
[ Peperomia trisulcata var. assurgens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 7836 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén 7836 - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 142) |
[ Peperomia trisulcata var. morungavana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Dusén s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia pereskiifolia (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Yuncker, 1974: 142) |
Peperomia trollii Hutchison & Rauh | |
| Kakteen Sukk. 29(1): 3 (1978) |
| Peru - type: Hutchison 4953b (holo-: UC; iso-: E, F, G, GH, HEID, K, LE, M, MICH, MO, NY, P, S, US, USM; clono-: LIL, E, UC) |
| Hutchison 4953b - Peru [isotype @ F] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru |
[ Peperomia tropeolifolia Sodiro ] | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 171 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Apr. 1900 (lecto-: Q [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346]; isolecto-: P) |
| Sodiro s.n. Apr 1900 [lectotype @ Q] |
| = Peperomia stelechophila C.DC. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 346) |
Peperomia tropeoloides Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 163 (1901) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Feb 1901 (lecto-: QPLS [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349]; isolecto-: B, G-DC, P, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. Feb 1901 [lectotype @ QPLS] |
Peperomia trujilloi Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 261 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Trujillo 7919 (holo-: MY) |
Peperomia trukensis Yunck. | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 14: 23 (1938) |
| Caroline Isl. (Truk) - type: Takamatsu 21 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Takamatsu 21 - Caroline Isl. [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia trullifolia Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 102 (1936) (as trullaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Peru - type: Cook 401 (holo-: US, ILL [fragm]) |
| Cook 401 - Peru [holotype @ US] |
[ Peperomia trumanii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 339 (1938) (as trumani, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4847 (holo-: ILL) |
| Yuncker 4847 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL type specimen annotattion) |
[ Peperomia truncata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 322, 330 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Leonard 3831 (holo-: US) |
| Leonard 3831 - Haiti [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia spathophylla Dahlst. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
Peperomia truncicola C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 225 (1894) |
| Madagascar - type: Hildebrandt 3950b (holo-: B) |
| Hildebrandt 3950b - Madagascar [holotype @ B] |
| Plant at type locality - Madagascar |
Peperomia truncigaudens C.DC.  | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 237 (1902) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Duss 3616b (holotype not designated: G-DC, B, NY) |
| Duss 3616b - Guadeloupe [type @ NY] |
Peperomia trunciseda C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 513 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 (holo-: G; iso-: B, S) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [isotype @ S] |
| Plant in habitat - Colombia |
Peperomia truncivaga C.DC. | |
| Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 512 (1898) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro 2/2 (holotype not designated: G-DC) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [type @ G-DC] |
Peperomia tsakiana C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 288 (1899) |
| Costa Rica - types: Pittier 9383 (syn-: BR, G-DC [fragm]) & Tonduz 9540 (syn-: BR; isosyn-: US), Panama |
| Tonduz 9540 - Costa Rica [isosyntype @ BR] |
Peperomia tsakiana var. victoriana C.DC. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 213 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 16085 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: CR) |
| Pittier 16085 - Costa Rica [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia tuberculata Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(2): 168 (1955) |
| Ecuador - type: Camp E2802 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY) |
| Camp E2802 - Ecuador [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia tubericordata G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 313(3): 293 (2017) |
| Mexico - type: Campos 2476 (holo-: MEXU) |
| Campos 2476 - Mexico [holotype @ MEXU] |
[ Peperomia tuberosa Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 192 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 192 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia umbilicata Ruiz & Pav. (fide Pavón, s.d., MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tuberosa Sesse & Moc. ] | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) (junior homonym) |
| Mexico - type: Sessé & Mociño 163 (holo-: MA; iso-: F, ILL) |
| Sessé & Mociño 163 - Mexico [holotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia ovatopeltata C.DC. (fide Trelease, ILL & MA specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tuberosa Opiz ] | |
| Reliq. Haenk. 1(3): 164 (1828) |
| Mexico - type: Haenke s.n. dd 1791 (holotype not designated: PR, PRC [fragm]) |
| Haenke s.n. - Mexico [type @ PR*] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm.]) |
Peperomia tuerckheimii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 279 (1898) |
| Costa Rica, Guatemala - type: von Türckheim 433 (holo-:G-DC; iso-: K, MICH, P, US), Mexico, Panama |
| von Türckheim 433 - Guatemala [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia tuerckheimii var. chirricutensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 91879 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, ILL) |
| Standley 91879 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia tuerckheimii C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tuisana C.DC. | |
| Prim. Fl. Costaric. 2: 282 (1899) |
| Belize, Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 8222 (holo-: BR; G-DC [fragm], iso-: BR, CR), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua |
| Tonduz 8222 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia tulcana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 7610 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (B, F, GH, ILL, K) |
| Mexia 7610 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rotundata var. trinervula (C.DC.) Steyerm. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 647; Steyermark, 1984: 217) |
[ Peperomia tumacoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Toro 72 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (ILL, NY) |
| Toro 72 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia loxensis Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 521; Yuncker, 1974: 134) |
Peperomia tumida Sodiro  | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Adicion. 164 (1901) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Dec 1899 (lecto-: Q [designated Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 354]; isolecto-: P) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [lectotype @ Q] |
[ Peperomia tumida var. hirsuta Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Mar 1901 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (QPLS) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ QPLS] |
| = Peperomia tumida Sodiro (fide Mathieu, 2006, QPLS specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tumiseda C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jameson 400 p.p. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (BM, E, K, P) |
| Jameson 400 - Ecuador [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia angularis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, P specimen annotation) |
Peperomia tungurahuae Sodiro | |
| Piperac. Ecuator. 1: Nuev. Adicion. 6 (1902) |
| Ecuador - type: Sodiro s.n. Aug 1901 (holotype not designated: Q) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [holotype @ Q] |
Peperomia turbinata Dahlst. | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 88 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Mosén 1662 (holo-: S; iso-: P, S) |
| Mosén 1662 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia turboensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 463 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 4595 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, G, ILL, NY) |
| Haught 4595 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia turfosa C.DC. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 5: 297 (1907) |
| Jamaica - type: Harris 8341 (holo-: B; iso-: BM) |
| Harris 8341 - Jamaica [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia stellata (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Urban, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia turialvensis C.DC. ] | |
| Linnaea 37: 380 (1872) |
| Costa Rica - type: Oersted s.n. (holo-: C, G-DC [fragm]), Nicaragua |
| Oersted s.n. - Costa Rica [isotype @ C (as Oersted 1003)] |
| = Peperomia rhexiifolia C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia turialvensis var. brachystachya Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 219 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 41544 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 41544 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia barbinodis Trel. (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia turquinana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 20, 28 (1926) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 14530 (lecto-: ILL [designated Saralegui, 2004]; isolecto-: S) |
| Ekman 14530 - Cuba [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 337) |
[ Peperomia tutata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mutis 553 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (MA, US) |
| Mutis 553 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 641) |
Peperomia tutensis Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 469, 104 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Mori 6778 (holo-: MO) |
| Mori 6778 - Panama [holotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia tutinii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tutin 186 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guyana (BM, K, US) |
| Tutin 186 - Guyana [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 623) |
Peperomia tutuilana Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 33 (1937) |
| Samoa - type: Garber 863 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH) |
| Garber 863 - Samoa [holotype @ BISH] |
Peperomia tutunendoana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 660 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Archer 2157 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL) |
| Archer 2157 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia tuxtepecensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Martinez 360 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (GH, US) |
| Martinez 360 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia succulenta C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia tyleri Trel. ] | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 58: 355 (1931) |
| Venezuela - type: Tate 476 (holo-: NY; ILL [fragm]) |
| Tate 476 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia tenuipes Trel. (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 347) |
Peperomia uaupesensis Yunck. | |
| Bol. Inst. Bot. (Sao Paulo), 3: 194 (1966) |
| Brazil - type: Fróes 21217 (holo-: IAN; iso-: NY), Colombia, Peru |
| Fróes 21217 - Brazil [isotype @ NY] |
Peperomia ubate-susanensis Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 468 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 6176 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, G), Ecuador |
| Haught 6176 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia udimontana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 747 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Mexia 6830 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NA) |
| Mexia 6830 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia udisilvestris C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 55: 220 (1918) |
| New Guinea - type: Ledermann 7369 (holo-: B, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Ledermann 7369 - New Guinea [holotype @ B*] |
[ Peperomia ukingensis Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 30: 289 (1902) |
| Tanzania - type: Goetze 936 (holo-: B) |
| Goetze 936 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia uleana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ule 8589 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (K, L) |
| Ule 8589 - Brazil [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia tenella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, s.d., L specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ulei C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29, Beibl. 65: 26 (1900) |
| Brazil - type: Ule 752 (holo-: G-DC, iso-: US) |
| Ule 752 - Brazil [isortype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia renifolia Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia ulugurensis Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28: 374 (1901) |
| Tanzania - type: Goetze 183 (holo-: B) |
| Goetze 183 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia ulugurensis var. acutifolia Balle ] | |
| Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 16: 391 (1942) |
| Congo - type: Bequaert 6116 (holo-: BR) |
| Bequaert 6116 - Congo [holotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia ulugurensis var. diversifolia Balle ] | |
| Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 16: 391 (1942) |
| Uganda - type: Bequaert 6391 (holo-: BR) |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia ulugurensis var. ukingensis (Engl.) Balle ] | |
| Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 16: 391 (1942) (comb. nov. for Peperomia ukungensis Engl.) |
| Tanzania - type: Goetze 936 (holo-: B) |
| Goetze 936 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. bachmanii (C.DC.) Düll (fide Düll, 1973) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Immelman, 2000) |
[ Peperomia ulvana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Penland & Summers 2 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Ecuador (F, ILL) |
| Penland & Summers 2 - Ecuador [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia ewanii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 574) |
[ Peperomia umbellata Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 427 (1845) (junior homonym) |
| Peru - type: Mathews 3230 (holotype not designated: BM, G, K) |
| Mathews 3230 - Peru [type @ K] |
| = Peperomia mathewsii C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2009 [pers. comm] |
[ Peperomia umbellata (L.) Kunth ] | |
| Syn. Pl. Aequin. 1: 124 (1822) |
| = Peperomia misapplied -> Piper umbellatum L. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia umbellifera Yunck. ]  | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 586 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Haught 5125 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Haught 5125 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia talinifolia Kunth (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia umbelliformis C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 257 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1631 (lecto-: B [designated Zanotti et al., 2012: 132]) |
| Weberbauer 1631 - Peru [lectotype@ B] |
| = Peperomia crystallina Ruiz & Pav. (fide Zanotti et al., 2012: 132) |
Peperomia umbilicata Ruiz & Pav. | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 30. t. 45. f. b. (1798) |
| Peru - types: Dombey s.n., Ruiz & Pav. s.n. (C, G, MA, MPU, P) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [type @ P] |
[ Peperomia umbilicata var. macrophylla C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 394 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Sessé & Moçiño s.n. in Herb. Pavón (holo-: G) |
| Sessé & Moçiño s.n - Mexico [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia bracteata A.W.Hill (fide Mathieu, 2015 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia umbilicata var. monticola (Miq.) Dahlst. ]  | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 31 (1900) (comb. nov. for Peperomia monticola Miq.) |
| Mexico - type: Galeotti 6023 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, U) |
| Galeotti 6023 - Mexico [isotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia monticola Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2006 [pers. comm.]) |
[ Peperomia umbilicata var. subacutifolia C.DC. ]  | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 394 (1869) |
| Mexico - type: Uhde 254 (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia monticola Miq. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900) |
[ Peperomia umbriana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Klug 1726 & 1771, Killip 33264 & 35150 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia ( ILL, F, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S) |
| Klug 1726 - Colombia [specimen @ MICH] |
| = Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia umbricola C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 268 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger 2510 (holo-: G-DC) |
| Rechinger 2510 - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia reineckei var. umbricola (C.DC.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker) |
[ Peperomia umbricola var. glabrior C.DC. ] | |
| Denkschr. Akad. Wien, Math. Nat. 85: 268 (1910) |
| Samoa - type: Rechinger s.n. (holo-: G-DC) |
| Rechinger s.n. - Samoa [holotype @ W] |
| = Peperomia reineckei var. glabrior C.DC. (fide Yuncker, 1937) |
Peperomia umbrigaudens Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 81 (1950) |
| Colombia, Panama - type: Allen 3766 (holo-: MO; iso-: BM, BR, E, G) |
| Allen 3766 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
Peperomia umbrosa G.Mathieu | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 172 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Mathieu 2009-122 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Mathieu 2009-122 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plants (type collection) |
[ Peperomia uncatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Morton 2724 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (US) |
| Morton 2724 - Mexico [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tlapacoyoensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia uncatispica Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 102 (1936) |
| Ecuador, Peru - type: Killip 24578 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 24578 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia undeninervia C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 441 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Pavón (holotype not designated: G) |
[ Peperomia undiqueacuminata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Davidson 299 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Panama (F) |
| Davidson 299 - Panama [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dotana Trel. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia unduavina C.DC. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 306 (1914) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 2790 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 2790 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia undulatifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 20102 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, US) |
| Killip 20102 - Colombia [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 609; Callejas, 1999: 787) |
[ Peperomia unguiculata Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 325, 332 (1927) |
| Hispaniola (Haiti) - type: Leonard: 3860 (holo-: US; iso-: NY) |
| Leonard 3860 - Haiti [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia crassicaulis Fawc. & Rendl. (fide Liogier, 1996) |
[ Peperomia unguiculata Steud. ] | |
| Nom. ed. 2( 2): 341 (1840) (nomen nudum pro syn.) |
[ Peperomia uniflora Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Ruiz & Pavón 221 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón 221 - Peru [specimen @ MA] |
| = Peperomia hamiltonianifolia Trel. (fide Mathieu, 2006, MA specimen annotation) |
Peperomia unifoliata Callejas | |
| Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82: 378 (2011) |
| Costa Rica - type: Callejas 13253 (holo-: INB; iso-: HUA) |
| Hammel 22898 - Costa Rica [specimen @ INB] |
Peperomia unispicata Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 470, 105 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Croat 69196 (holo-: MO) |
[ Peperomia unisulcata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Loefgren 3065 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, SP) |
| Loefgren 3065 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker,1966: 171; Guimarães & Costa, 1980: 2) |
[ Peperomia uphofii Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 22(1): 9 (1940) |
| El Salvador - type: Uphof s.n. (holo-: F) |
| Uphof s.n. - El Salvador [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia bernoullii C.DC. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia urbanii Trel. | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 23: 18, 27 (1926) (as urbani, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Cuba - type: Ekman 15826 (holo-: S; iso-: ILL) |
| Ekman 15826 - Cuba [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia urocarpa Fisch. & Mey.  | |
| Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 4: 42 (1837) |
| Argentina, Brazil - type (not designated: LE), Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Hispaniola (Dom.Rep. & Haiti), Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela |
Peperomia urocarpoides C.DC.  | |
| Candollea 1: 362 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 134 (1926) [emend.] |
| Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama - type: Pittier 5670 (lecto-: G-DC [designated Mathieu & Callmander, 2017]; isolecto-: US) |
| Pittier 5670 - Panama [lectotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia ursina Grayum | |
| Phytologia 79(2): 112 (1995) |
| Costa Rica - type: Grayum 8842 (holo-: INB; iso-: BM, COL, F, MO) |
| Grayum 8842 - Costa Rica [isotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia uruguayana Trel. ] | |
| Rev. Sudamer. Bot. 6: 66 (1939) |
| Uruguay - type: Berro 2883 (holo-: G; iso-: MVFA) |
| Berro 2883 - Uruguay [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia catharinae Miq. (fide Troncoso, 1987) |
Peperomia urvilleana A.Rich. | |
| Voyage de découvertes de l'Astrolabe 1: 356 (1832) (as urvilliana) |
| New Zealand - type: d'Urville s.n. (holo-: P [missing]), Norfolk Isl. |
[ Peperomia usambarensis Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 276 (1910) |
| Tanzania - type: Engler 1199 (holo-: B) |
| Engler 1199 - Tanzania [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia retusa var. mannii (Hook. f.) Düll (fide Düll, specimen annotation) |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. (fide Verdcourt, 1996) |
[ Peperomia usaquenana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 9437 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (COL, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 9437 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tequendamana Trel. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 642) |
[ Peperomia uspantana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Heyde 3456 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G, G-DC, K, US) |
| Heyde 3456 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia adscendens C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia usteriana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri s.n. 15 Apr 1906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (G-DC) |
| Usteri s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia usteriana var. reptans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Usteri s.n. 15 Apr 1906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, SP) |
| Usteri s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diffusa C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia vaccinifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 226 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Preuss 875a (holo-: B) |
| Preuss 875a - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia thomeana C.DC. (fide J.-P. Lebrun, 1991) |
[ Peperomia vaga Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3734 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3734 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 244) |
[ Peperomia vagans Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3735 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (GH, ILL, US) |
| Buchtien 3735 - Bolivia [specimen @ US*] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 245) |
[ Peperomia vagifolia Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80205 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80205 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia vagifolia var. pacayana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80756 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80756 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vahlii A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 169 (1831) (nomen nov. for Piper pubescens Vahl.) |
| type: Herbier Jussieu (P) |
[ Peperomia valantoides Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 174 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: cult. Berlin & St. Petersburg (holotype not designated: U) |
| cultivated St. Petersburg - Brazil [type @ U] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. valantoides (Miq.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966) |
Peperomia valdezii Véliz, Archila & L.Velásquez | |
| Cactus-Aventures International 2: 51 (2017) |
| Guatemala - type: Valdez 199 (holo-: BIGU; iso-: BIGU, MEXU, MO) |
| Valdez 199 - Guatemala [holotype @ BIGU*] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia valdiviensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Metcalf 30050 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, MO, UC, US) |
| Metcalf 30050 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 624) |
[ Peperomia valerioi Trel. ] | |
| Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 15: 458 (1925) |
| Costa Rica - type: Valerio 31 (holo-: US) |
| Valerio 31 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1971: 51) |
[ Peperomia valida Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 76906 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 76906 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 548) |
Peperomia valladolidana Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 489 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Steyermark 54631 (holo-: F; iso-: US) |
| Steyermark 54631 - Ecuador [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia vallensis Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 615 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 34786 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, ILL, U), Ecuador |
| Killip 34786 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
Peperomia valliculae Trel. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 24(2): 186 (1937) |
| Mexico, Panama - type: Seibert 503 (holo-: MO; iso-: F, ISC, K, ILL, MIM) |
| Seibert 503 - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
[ Peperomia valparaisana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pérez Arbeláez 6415 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Pérez Arbeláez 6415 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 643) |
[ Peperomia vana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Brade 9585 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, R) |
| Brade 9585 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia tetraphylla var. tenera (Miq.) Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 163) |
Peperomia vana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 103 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 24614 (holo-: US) |
| Killip 24614 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia vanheurckii C.DC. ] | |
| Obs. Bot. 116 (1870) (as vanheurcki, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Martinique - type: Sieber s.n. (holo-: BR; iso-: G-DC, B [fragm]) |
| Sieber s.n. - Martinique [isotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia myrtifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia vanoverberghii C.DC. ] | |
| Candollea 1: 321 (1923) [key] |
| Philippines (Luzon) - type: Vanoverbergen 603 (holotype not designated: G-DC) |
| Vanoverbergen 603 - Philippines [type @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia recurvata var. longispica C.DC. (fide Quisumbing, 1930) |
[ Peperomia varablancana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 3191 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (GH, ILL, K, S, US) |
| Skutch 3191 - Costa Rica [specimen @ GH] |
| = Peperomia tenelliformis Trel. (fide Burger, 1970, GH specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vareschii Yunck. | |
| Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 23: 305 (1963) |
| Venezuela - type: Vareschi 6474 (holo-: VEN) |
[ Peperomia variabilis C.DC. ] | |
| Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 33(2): 136 (1900) (nom. herb., nomen nudum pro syn.) |
| Brazil - Glaziou 7839 (C) |
| Glaziou 7839 - Brazil [specimen @ C] |
| = Peperomia polystachyoides Dahlst. (fide Dahlstedt, 1900: 136) |
Peperomia variculata Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 103 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 26792 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Killip 26792 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia variegata Ruiz & Pav. ] | |
| Fl. Per. 1: 33. t. 52. f. a. (1798) |
| Peru - type: Ruiz & Pavón s.n. (holo-: MA) |
| Ruiz & Pavón s.n. - Peru [holotype @ MA] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Yuncker, 1950) |
[ Peperomia varigera Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 16815 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16815 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia trianae C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2005, GH & NY specimen annotation) |
Peperomia variifolia C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 462 (1869) |
| Peru - type: Poeppig s.n. (holo-: LE, G-DC [fragm]) |
Peperomia variilimba G.Mathieu | |
| Candollea 75(1): 78 (2020) |
| Madagascar - type: Mathieu 447 (holo-: BR; iso-: B, BM, G, K, MO, P, TAN) |
| Mathieu 447 - Madagascar [holotype @ BR] |
[ Peperomia variilimba Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Williams 7781 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (F, G, ILL) |
| Williams 7781 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia elegantifolia Trel. (fide Trelease, 1936: 41) |
[ Peperomia variolaris Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cook 589 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Cook 589 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia peltilimba C.DC. ex Trel. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia variolaris var. saquijana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 70162 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 70162 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia variolaris var. subrotunda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 90085 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 90085 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia maculosa (L.) Hook. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vazquezii G.Mathieu & D.Vergara-Rodríguez | |
| Phytotaxa 205(4): 273 (2015) |
| Mexico - type: Krömer 3854 (holo-: BR; iso-: GENT, MEXU, XAL) |
| Krömer 3854 - Mexico [holotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Mexico |
Peperomia vegana Trel. & Standl. | |
| Fieldiana, Bot. 24(3): 274 (1952) |
| Guatemala - type: Steyermark 36350 (holo-: F) |
| Steyermark 36350 - Guatemala [holotype @ F] |
Peperomia vellarimalica J.Mathew & P.M.Salim | |
| Species 19: 164 (2018) |
| India - type: Mathew 4263 (holo-: MSSRF; iso-: MSSRF) |
| Pictures from protologue |
Peperomia velloziana Miq.  | |
| Syst. Piperac. 88 (1843) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B; iso-: K, P, U) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
[ Peperomia velloziana f. ovata Wawra ] | |
| Itin. Princ. S. Coburgi 2: 62 (1888) |
| Brazil - type: Wawra 22b |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974 [with doubt]) |
[ Peperomia velloziana var. polysticta Miq. ] | |
| Linnaea 18: 226 (1844) |
| Surinam - type: Kegel 437 (iso-: P) |
| Kegel 437 - Surinam [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia velloziana var. subnovemplinervia Miq. ] | |
| Arch. Neerl. 6: 170 (1871) |
| Brazil - type: Regnell III 1431 (holo-:S; iso-: UPS, US) |
| Regnell III 1431 - Brazil [holotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia velloziana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia velutina Urb. ] | |
| Symb. Antill. 1: 293 (1899) (junior homonym) |
| Puerto Rico (holo-: B; iso-: B, G-DC) |
| Sintenis 5127 - Puerto Rico [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia yabucoana Urb. & C.DC. (fide C. de Candolle, 1902) |
Peperomia velutina Lind. & André  | |
| Illustr. Hortic. 19: 16 (1872) |
| Ecuador - type: protologue illustration [icono-] |
| Wibbe s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ BR] |
| Freshly harvested plants - Ecuador (Pichincha) |
Peperomia velutina var. lanceolata C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 246 (1920) |
| Colombia - type: Smith 2735 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BM, BR, COL, E, G, GH, K, L, LL, MICH, MO, MPU, NY, P, PH, S, U, US) |
| Smith 2735 - Colombia [isotype @ MO] |
[ Peperomia velutipes Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Tonduz 12246 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Costa Rica (US, W) |
| Tonduz 12246 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia venabulifolia Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 209 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 37774 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 37774 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia venabulifolia var. amplectens Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 18(1): 329 (1937) |
| Costa Rica - type: Brenes 4508 (holo-: F; iso-: CR) |
| Brenes 4508 - Costa Rica [holotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia venabulifolia Trel. (fide Callejas, 2021) |
Peperomia veneciana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 545 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pérez-Arbeláez 601 (holo-: US; iso-: COL) |
| Pérez-Arbeláez 601 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 139 (1866) (as venezuelania, typographical error) |
| Colombia, Venezuela - type: Fendler 2618 (holo-: G; iso-: K) |
| Fendler 2618 - Venezuela [isotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia venezueliana var. aterrima Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 598 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 16655 (holo-: GH; iso-: G, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 16655 - Colombia [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia venezueliana C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia venosa Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 463 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 18123 (holo-: US; iso-: COL, F, ILL, U) |
| Cuatrecasas 18123 - Colombia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia ventanensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. León 13915 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (ILL) |
| Bro. León 13915 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: 41) |
Peperomia ventenatii Miq. | |
| Syst. Piperac. 125 (1843) |
| Indonesia (Java) - type: herb. Ventenat (holo-:G; iso-: U); Philippines |
| Herb. Ventenat - Indonesia [holotype @ G] |
[ Peperomia ventenatii f. pubescens Miq. ]  | |
| Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur 19. Suppl. 1: 486 (1843) (as f. puberula) |
| Philippines - type: Meyen s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| = Peperomia ventenatii var. pubescens (Miq.) Miq. (fide Miquel, 1858) |
Peperomia ventenatii var. pubescens (Miq.) Miq.  | |
| Flor. Ind. Batav. 1(2): 434 (1858) (comb. nov. Peperomia ventenatii f. pubescens Miq.) |
| Philippines - type: Meyen s.n. (holo-: B [missing]) |
| Merrill 4592 - Philippines [candidate neotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia ventricosicarpa Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 104 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 29800 (holo-: US; iso-: G, ILL) |
| Killip 29800 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia venulosa Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 543 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern A590 (holo-: S; iso-: MICH), Ecuador |
| von Sneidern A590 - Colombia [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia venulosa var. avenulosa Yunck. | |
| Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 51: 544 (1957) |
| Colombia - type: von Sneidern 5106 (holo-: S) |
| von Sneidern 5106 - Colombia [holotype @ S] |
Peperomia venusta Yunck. | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 325 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 29187a (holo-: NY; iso-: NY, US) |
| Maguire 29187a - Venezuela [isotype @ US*] |
Peperomia veraguana Callejas | |
| Fl. Mesoamer. 2(2): 470, 109 (2020) |
| Panama - type: Croat 34155 (holo-: MO; iso-: BM) |
| Croat 34155 - Panama [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia verberispica Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33460 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Killip 33460 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia oscarii Trel. & Yunck. (fide Yuncker Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 656) |
[ Peperomia verecunda Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Skutch 4724 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Costa Rica (F, US) |
| Skutch 4724 - Costa Rica [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia verediana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 104 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Williams 2139 (holo-: F; iso-: G) |
| Williams 2139 - Peru [holotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia verhuellia (Miq.) C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 398 (1869) (comb. nov. for Verhuellia brasiliensis Miq.) |
| Brazil - type: Sellow s.n. (holo-: B [missing]; iso-: K, U) |
| Sellow s.n. - Brazil [isotype @ K*] |
| = Peperomia brasiliensis (Miq.) Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia vernei Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Grant 7493 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Peru (US) |
| Grant 7493 - Peru [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides Kunth (fide Callejas, 1984, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vernouana Trel. | |
| Fl. Guadeloupe & Martinique 2(2): 55 (1948) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 3003 (holotype not designated: NY, P) |
| Stehlé 3003 - Guadeloupe [type @ NY] |
Peperomia verruculosa Dahlst. ex Hill  | |
| Ann. Bot. (London) 20: 406 (1906); et 21: 149 (1907) |
| Peru - types: Hill 182 , Weberbauer 305 (syn-: B [missing]; iso-: G-DC), Weberbauer 2544 |
| Weberbauer 305 - Peru [type @ G-DC] |
Peperomia verschaffeltii Lem.  | |
| Illustr. Hortic. 16: t. 598 (1869) |
| Brazil; type [icono-]: Illustr. Hortic. 16: tab. 598. 1869. |
| llustr. Hortic. 16: tab. 598 - Brazil [iconotype] |
| Collection Bot. Garden Geneva (Switzerland) |
Peperomia versicolor Trel.  | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 200 (1929) |
| Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica - type: Standley 47270 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL), Ecuador , Nicaragua, Panama |
| Standley 47270 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
Peperomia versteegii C.DC. | |
| Nova Guinea 8(2): 422 (1910) |
| New Guinea - types: Versteeg 1151 (syn-: L) & 1321 (syn-: L; isosyn-: G-DC) |
| Versteeg 1321 - New Guinea [syntype @ L] |
[ Peperomia verticillata Sesse & Moc. ] | |
| La Naturaleza 2(2) app. 2 = Flora Mexicana ed. 1: 12 (1893) (junior homonym) |
| Mexico |
Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. | |
| Sp. Pl. 1: 179 (1831) (comb. nov. for Piper verticillatum L.) |
| Colombia, Hispaniola (Haiti), Jamaica - type: Browne (lecto-: LINN 47.12, designated Fawcett & Rendle, 1914) |
| Swartz s.n. - Jamaica [specimen @ S] |
Peperomia verticillatispica Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 745 (1950) |
| Colombia, Ecuador - type: Haught 3217 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL) |
| Haught 3217 - Ecuador [isotype @ ILL] |
Peperomia vestita C.DC. | |
| Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 568 (1898) |
| Bolivia - type: Bang 2645 (holo-: NY; iso-: B, F, G, GH, K, NY, US) |
| Bang 2645 - Bolivia [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia vestita var. lindenii Rauh | |
| Cact. Succ. J. (USA) 72(5): 257 (2000) |
| Bolivia - type: Kimnach 2603 (holo-: HNT; iso-: HEID, LPB) |
| Kimnach 2603 - Bolivia [holotype @ HNT*] |
[ Peperomia vetasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 17287 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, NY, US) |
| Killip 17287 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia microphylla Kunth (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 566) |
[ Peperomia vicentiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 21596 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| El Salvador (US) |
| Standley 21596 - El Salvador [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia galioides var. crassispica C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia victoriana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 449 (1869) |
| Venezuela - type: Fendler 1819 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: K) |
| Fendler 1819 - Venezuela [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia victoriana var. margaritana C.DC. ] | |
| Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 40: 685 (1905) |
| Venezuela - type: Johnston 18 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: B, C, F, G, GH, K, NY, US, W) |
| Johnston 18 - Venezuela [isotype @ C] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
Peperomia vidaliana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 104 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Vidal-Sénège s.n. (holo-: P) |
[ Peperomia vilcanotana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 8047 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Peru (B, GH, ILL, K, MO, NY, S) |
| Mexia 8047 - Peru [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth (fide Callejas , 1986, K specimen annotation) |
Peperomia villarrealii Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 600 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Schultes 5162 (holo-: GH), Costa Rica, Ecuador |
| Schultes 5162 - Colombia [holotype @ GH] |
[ Peperomia villavelhana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 9177a, Dusén 9177c (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, S) |
| Dusén 9177a - Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia psilostachya var. angustifolia C.DC.(Yuncker, 1974: 146) |
[ Peperomia villavicenciana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Nicéfora 6232 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (MEDEL) |
| Nicéfora 6232 - Colombia [specimen @ MEDEL] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1984, MEDEL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia villibacca Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 715 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Cuatrecasas 18107 (holo-: US; iso-: BC, COL, F, MA, U) |
| Cuatrecasas 18107 - Colombia [isotype @ F] |
| = Peperomia tropeoloides Sodiro (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 349) |
[ Peperomia villibracteata Yunck. ] | |
| Herb. specimen García Barriga 12378 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| García-Barriga 12378 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia pandiana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, US specimen annotation) |
Peperomia villicaulis C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 264 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 1744 (holo-: B) |
| Weberbauer 1744 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia villilimba C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 2: 48 (1911) |
| Madagascar - type: Baron 2604 (holo-: P; iso-: K) |
| Baron 2604 - Madagascar [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia villipeduncula C.DC.  | |
| Coll. Hawaii Publ., Bull. 2: 37 (1913) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Oahu) - type: Rock 10371 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BISH, GH [fragm]) |
| Rock 10371 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia villipetiola C.DC. | |
| Not. Syst. 3: 43 (1914) |
| Peru - type: Vidal-Sénège s.n. (holo-: P, G-DC [drawing]) |
| Vidal-Sénège s.n. - Peru [holotype @ P] |
Peperomia villosa C.DC. | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) |
| Ecuador - type: Jameson 24 (holo-: G; iso-: BM, E, P) |
| Jameson 24 - Ecuador [isotype @ E] |
[ Peperomia villosa Ridl. ] | |
| Journ. Fed. Mal. States Mus. 8(4): 80 (1917) (junior homonym) |
| Indonesia (Sumatra) - type: Robinson & Kloss s.n. (lecto-: K [designated Turner, 2012: 251]) |
| Robinson & Kloss s.n. - Indonesia [isolectotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia kerinciencis I.M.Turner (fide Turner 2012: 251) |
[ Peperomia villosissima Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen von Türckheim 3851 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| von Türckheim 3851 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia tuisana C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1949) |
[ Peperomia villosula Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 7365 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, PH, US) |
| Pennell 7365 - Colombia [specimen @ PH] |
| = Peperomia tovariana C.DC. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 709) |
[ Peperomia vinagreana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dryander 1847 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (US) |
| Dryander 1847 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 525) |
Peperomia vinasiana C.DC. | |
| Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 30(1): 231 (1891) |
| Costa Rica - type: Pittier 2199 (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Pittier 2199 - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
Peperomia vinasiana var. macrocarpa (C.DC.) Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 195 (1929) (comb. nov. for Peperomia macrocarpa C.DC.) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13134 (holotype not designated: B) |
| Tonduz 13134 - Costa Rica [type @ B] |
[ Peperomia vincentensis var. lata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1925 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| St. Vincent (K) |
| Smith 1925 - St. Vincent [specimen @ K] |
| = Peperomia cubensis C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 20065, K specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vincentiana Miq. | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 415 (1845) |
| St. Vincent - type: Guilding s.n. (holotype not designated: K, U), St. Lucia, Grenada |
| Guilding s.n. - St. Vincent [type @ U] |
[ Peperomia vinyalesana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Bro. León 19042 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Cuba (HAB, ILL) |
| Bro. León 19042 - Cuba [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia verticillata (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1949: 29) |
Peperomia violacea C.DC. | |
| Journ. de Bot. (Morot) 4: 399 (1890) |
| Colombia - type: André 2688 (holotype not designated: K, NY) |
| André 2688 - Colombia [type @ K] |
[ Peperomia violifolia C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Gaz. 19: 8 (1894) (as violaefolia, corrected according to ICN art 60.8) |
| Guatemala - type: Donnell-Smith 2580 (holo-: G; iso-: B, G-DC, GH, K, M, US) |
| Donnell-Smith 2580 - Guatemala [type @ B] |
| = Peperomia bernoullii C.DC. (fide Standley & Steyermark, 1952) |
Peperomia viracochana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 105 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Cook 218 (holo-: US) |
| Cook 218 - Peru [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia virginum Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Britton 833 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Tortola (US) |
| Britton 833 - Tortola [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (original identification US specimen) |
[ Peperomia viridicaulis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Smith 1950 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (G-DC, US) |
| Smith 1950 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 558) |
[ Peperomia viridiflora Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 11129 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, ILL, K, NY, PH, US) |
| Killip 11129 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia lancifolia Hook. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 749) |
[ Peperomia viridimaculata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Haught 2542 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, ILL, US) |
| Haught 2542 - Colombia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pilicaulis C.DC. (fide Callejas, 1995, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia viridispica Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 44 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Standley 28550 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 28550 - Panama [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia viridispica var. perejil Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 44 (1927) |
| Panama - type: Standley 27893 (holo-: US; iso-: BM) |
| Standley 27893 - Panama [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Callejas, 1995, type annotation) |
[ Peperomia virillana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 198 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 945b (holo-: G; iso-: BR, CR) |
| Tonduz 945b - Costa Rica [isotype @ BR] |
| = Peperomia cooperi C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia viscifolia Sodiro ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sodiro s.n. Mar 1900 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Ecuador (P) |
| Sodiro s.n. - Ecuador [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia hartwegiana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1960, P specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vitiana C.DC. | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 458 (1869) |
| Fiji Isl. (Taveuni) - type: Seemann 565 pp (holo-: K; iso-: GH) |
| Seemann 565 - Fiji Islands [holotype @ G-DC] |
Peperomia vitiana var. cambodiana C.DC. | |
| Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 63 (1910) |
| Cambodia - type: Pierré 4826 (holo-: P; iso-: P) |
| Pierré 4826 - Cambodja [type @ P] |
Peperomia vitilevuensis Yunck. | |
| Journ. Arn. Arb. 30: 445 (1949) |
| Fiji Isl. (Viti Levu) - type: Smith 4862 (holo-: GH; iso-: NY, US) |
| Smith 4862 - Fiji Islands [isotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia vittata Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Buchtien 3731(nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Bolivia (ILL, NY, UPS, US) |
| Buchtien 3731 - Bolivia [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia trinervis Ruiz & Pav. (fide Yuncker, 1955: 247) |
Peperomia vivipara Pino, Samain & L.E.Alomía | |
| PhytoKeys 225: 33 (2023) |
| Peru - type: Sagástegui 12396 (holo-: HUT; iso-: F, MEXU, MO, NY) |
| Sagástegui 12396 - Peru [holotype @ HUT] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia vogelii Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 413 (1845) |
| Nigeria - type: Vogel 192 (holo-: K) |
| Vogel 192 - Nigeria [holotype @ K*] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia volcancitosensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 30874 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 30874 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia lanceolatopeltata C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation; Burger, 1971: 44) |
[ Peperomia volkensii C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 503 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. - type: Volkens 2 (syn-: B), Marshall Isl. - type: Finsch 1 |
| Volkens 2 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia ponapensis C.DC. (fide Fosberg, 1975: 15) |
[ Peperomia voltagrandensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Jönsson 806a (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (S) |
| Jönsson 806a -Brazil [specimen @ S] |
| = Peperomia rubricaulis (Nees) A.Dietr. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 153) |
Peperomia vueltasana Trel. | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 198 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Tonduz 13130 (holo-: US; iso-: CR) |
| Tonduz 13130 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia vulcani Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Maxon 3682 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guatemala (US) |
| Maxon 3682 - Guatemala [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., US specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia vulcani var. zunilensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 86039 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 86039 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia vulcanica Baker & Wright | |
| Fl. Trop. Afr. 6(1): 151 (1909) |
| Cameroon - type: Mann 1305 (holo-: K), Equat.Guinea (Bioko) |
| Mann 1305 - Cameroon [holotype @ K] |
[ Peperomia vulcanicola Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 35112 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Steyermark 35112 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia agitata Trel. & Standl. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia vulcanicola C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 265 (1920) |
| Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador - type: Sodiro 63/66 (holo-: G), Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela |
| Sodiro s.n. [66/63] - Ecuador [holotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia vulcanicola var. mansericheana (Trel.) Trel. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 606 (1950) (comb. nov. for Peperomia mansericheana Trel.) |
| Peru - type: Mexia 6196 (holo-: UC; iso-: B, BM, F, G, GB, ILL, K, MICH, NY, P, S, U, US, Z) |
| Mexia 6196 - Peru [isotype @ G] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Mathieu, 2007) |
[ Peperomia vulcanicola var. punctatissima Trel. & Yunck. ] | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 607 (1950) |
| Ecuador - type: Mexia 7020 (holo-: US; iso-: UC) |
| Mexia 7020 - Ecuador [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia heterophylla Miq. (fide Callejas, 1999) |
[ Peperomia vulcanigaudens Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 80757 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 80757 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia humilis A.Dietr. (fide Standley, s.d., F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia wagneri Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 19(2): 276 (1940) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 8127 (holo-: ILL; iso-: BM, F, GH, K, MICH, MO, S, US) |
| Yuncker 8127 - Honduras [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 334) |
[ Peperomia waihoiana St. John ] | |
| Phytologia 34(4): 362 (1976) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Harrison 197 (holo-: BISH) |
| Harrison 197 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
| = Peperomia latifolia Miq. (fide Wagner e.a., 1990) |
[ Peperomia waikamoiana Yunck. ] | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 112: 69 (1933) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: Forbes 1280 (holo-: BISH; iso-: NY) |
| Forbes 1280 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ NY] |
| = Peperomia eekana C.DC. (fide Wagner, 1990) |
[ Peperomia wainiana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen de la Cruz 3675 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Guyana (F, GH, MO, NY, PH, UC, US) |
| de la Cruz 3675 - Guyana [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia macrostachyos (Vahl) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 661) |
[ Peperomia waipioana Yunck. ] | |
| Occas. Papers Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 19: 257 (1949) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Hawaii) - type: Cranwell 3130 (holo-: BISH, iso-: GB) |
| Cranwell 3130 - Hawaiian Isl. [isotype @ GB] |
| = Peperomia membranacea Hook. & Arn. (fide Wagner et al., 1990) |
[ Peperomia wallichii Miq. ] | |
| Syst. Piperac. 82 (1843) |
| Malaysia - type: Wallich 6665 (holo-:K; iso-: U) |
| Wallich 6665 - Malaysia [isotype @ U] |
| = Peperomia gemella Miq. (fide Düll, 1979, U type annotation) |
[ Peperomia walteri Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Sampaio 4163 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Sampaio 4163 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia diaphanoides Dahlst. (fide Yuncker, 1974: 183) |
[ Peperomia wanksensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Schramm s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Nicaragua (F) |
| Schramm s.n. - Nicaragua [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Burger, 1970, F specimen annotation) |
Peperomia warmingii C.DC. | |
| Linnaea 37: 371 (1872) |
| Brazil - Warming s.n. (holo-: C) |
| Warming s.n. - Brazil [holotype @ C] |
Peperomia weberbaueri C.DC. | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 255 (1908) |
| Peru - type: Weberbauer 4306 (holo-: B; iso-: G) |
| Weberbauer 4306 - Peru [holotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia weddelii C.DC. ] | |
| Journ. Bot. 4: 135 (1866) |
| Brazil - type: Weddell 762 (holo-: G-DC: iso-: P) |
| Weddell 762 - Brazil [isotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia brasiliensis (Miq.) Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
[ Peperomia wedelii Yunck. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 37(1): 118 (1950) |
| Panama - type: von Wedel 2005 pp (holo-: MO) |
| von Wedel 2005 pp - Panama [holotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia brasiliensis (Miq.) Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1974) |
Peperomia wercklei C.DC. | |
| Candollea 1: 306 (1923) [key]; Candollea 3: 135 (1926) [emend.] |
| Costa Rica - type: Wercklé 3688 (holo-: US, G-DC [fragm]) |
| Wercklé 3688 - Costa Rica [type @ US*] |
| = Peperomia martagonifolia var. wercklei (C.DC.) Trel (fide Trelease, 1929) |
| = Peperomia angustata Kunth (fide Burger, 1971) |
[ Peperomia werneri C.DC. ] | |
| Herb. specimen D’Urville 1825 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Brazil (P) |
| D’Urville 1825 - Brazil [specimen @ P] |
| = Peperomia corcovadensis Gardn. (fide Yuncker, 1960, P specimen annotation; Yuncker, 1974: 119) |
Peperomia wernerrauhii Pino & Samain | |
| Pl. Ecol. Evol. 144(2): 172 (2011) |
| Peru - type: Samain 2009-214 (holo-: USM; iso-: BR, GENT) |
| Samain 2009-214 - Peru [isotype @ BR] |
| Plant in habitat - Peru (Huanuco) |
Peperomia wheeleri Britton | |
| Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands 5: 226 (1924) |
| Puerto Rico - type: Britton 130 (iso-: NY) |
| Britton 130 - Puerto Rico [isotype @ NY*] |
Peperomia wibomii Yunck. | |
| Amer. J. Bot. 43: 167 (1956) |
| Ecuador - type: Fagerlind 2441 (holo-: S) |
| Fagerlind 2441 - Ecuador [holotype @ S] |
[ Peperomia wightiana Miq. ] | |
| Lond. Journ. Bot. 5: 548 (1846) |
| India - type: Wight 3020 (holotype not designated: E, K, U) |
| Wight 3020 - India [type @ U] |
| = Peperomia heyneana Miq. (fide Düll, 1979, U type annotation) |
Peperomia wilderi Yunck. | |
| Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 143: 47 (1937) |
| Cook Isl. (Rarotonga) - type: Wilder 837 (holo-: BISH; iso-: BISH, NY) |
| Wilder 837 - Cook Islands [isotype @ NY*] |
| Collection TCD Botanical Garden (Dublin - Ireland) |
[ Peperomia williamsii Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(2): 48 (1927) (junior homonym) |
| Panama - type: Williams 433 (holo-: NY; iso-: NY) |
| Williams 433 - Panama [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia mameiana C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |
Peperomia williamsii C.DC. | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 21: 248 (1920) |
| Bolivia - type: Williams 2652 (holo-: NY) |
| Williams 2652 - Bolivia [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia wilmsii C.DC. ] | |
| Annuaire Conserv. & Jard. Bot. Genève 2: 282 (1898) |
| South Africa - type: Wilms 1354 (holo-: G; iso-: B, BM, K, PRC) |
| Wilms 1354 - South Africa [isotype @ BM] |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.f.) A.Dietr. |
| = Peperomia retusa (L.) A.Dietr. (fide Düll, 1963, K type specimen) |
[ Peperomia wilsonii Stehlé ] | |
| Candollea 8: 78 (1940) |
| Guadeloupe - type: Stehlé 2545 (lecto-: NY; isolecto-: GH [fragm], ILL, P) |
| Stehlé 2545 - Guadeloupe [isolectotype @ P] |
| = Peperomia nigropunctata Miq. (fide Howard, 1973) |
[ Peperomia winkleri Engl. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 276 (1910) |
| Cameroon - type: Winkler 178 (holo-: B; iso-: PRC) |
| Winkler 178 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia winonae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Fendler 1176 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (G-DC, GH, K, NY, PH) |
| Fendler 1176 - Venezuela [specimen @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia swartziana Miq. (fide de Candolle, 1866: 145; Yuncker 1949: 27) |
Peperomia wolfgang-krahnii Rauh | |
| Kakteen Sukk. 37(7): 140 (1986) |
| Peru - type: Krahn 662 (holo-: HEID; clono-: USM) |
| Krahn 662 - Peru [clonotype @ USM] |
| Specimen in private collection |
[ Peperomia woodsonii Trel. ] | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 305 (1940) |
| Panama - type: Woodson 933 (holo-: ILL; iso-: GH, MO, US) |
| Woodson 933 - Panama [isotype @ MO*] |
| = Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950) |
Peperomia woolfordii St. John | |
| Phytologia 64(3): 173 (1988) |
| Hawaiian Isl. (Maui) - type: St. John 25745 (holo-: BISH) |
| St. John 25745 - Hawaiian Isl. [holotype @ BISH*] |
Peperomia woytkowskii Yunck. | |
| Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 384 (1966) |
| Peru - type: Woytkowski 6390 (holo-: MO) |
| Woytkowski 6390 - Peru [holotype @ MO] |
Peperomia wrayi C.DC. | |
| Rec. Bot. Surv. India 6: 1 (1912) |
| Malaysia - type: Wray 1455 |
[ Peperomia wrightiana C.DC. ] | |
| DC. Prodr. 16(1): 431 (1869) |
| Cuba - type: Wright 498 (holo-: G-DC; iso-: BR, G, GH, GOET, MO, MA) |
| Wright 498 - Cuba [holotype @ G-DC] |
| = Peperomia pseudorhynchophoros C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
[ Peperomia wurdackii Yunck. ] | |
| Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 9(3): 424 (1957) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 33762 (holo-: NY; iso-: US) |
| Maguire 33762 - Venezuela [holotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia ouabianae C.DC. (fide Steyermark, 1984) |
[ Peperomia xakpek Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 69558 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 69558 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia hirta C.DC. (fide Standley, s.d., F speciemen annotation; Callejas, 2001: 1937) |
Peperomia xalana G.Mathieu | |
| Phytotaxa 369(2): 101 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Vázquez-Torres 2479 (holo-: XAL) |
| Vázquez-Torres 2479 - Mexico [holotype@ XAL] |
Peperomia yabucoana Urb. & C.DC. | |
| Symb. Antill. 3: 232 (1902) (nomen nov. for Peperomia velutina Urb.) |
| Puerto Rico - type: Sintenis 5127 (holo-: B; iso-: B, G-DC) |
| Sintenis 5127 - Puerto Rico [holotype @ B] |
Peperomia yanacachiana Yunck. | |
| Lilloa 27 '1953': 228 (1955) |
| Bolivia - type: Buchtien 544 (holo-: US) |
| Buchtien 544 - Bolivia [holotype @ US*] |
[ Peperomia yanaconasana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Killip 33696 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BM, U) |
| Killip 33696 - Colombia [specimen @ BM] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950; Callejas, 1999) |
Peperomia yananoensis Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 106 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3741 (holo-: F, G [fragm]; iso-: B, G, ILL, US) |
| Macbride 3741 - Peru [isotype @ B] |
[ Peperomia yananoensis var. caniana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 106 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Macbride 3460 (holo-: F; iso-: B, G, ILL) |
| Macbride 3460 - Peru [isotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia pilifera Trel. (homotypic) (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 343) |
[ Peperomia yapacanana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Holt 767 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Venezuela (ILL, US) |
| Holt 767 - Venezuela [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia magnoliifolia (Jacq.) A.Dietr. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 682) |
Peperomia yapasana Trel. | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 13(2): 106 (1936) |
| Peru - type: Killip 25478 (holo-: US; iso-: ILL, NY) |
| Killip 25478 - Peru [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia yapensis C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56: 504 (1921) |
| Caroline Isl. - type: Volkens 342 (holo-: B) |
| Volkens 342 - Caroline Islands [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Düll, 1964, B type annotation) |
[ Peperomia yaqueana Trel. ] | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 29: 28 (1931) |
| Hispaniola (Dom.Rep.) - type: Ekman H13689 (lecto-: ILL; isolecto-: B, S) |
| Ekman H 13689 - Dom. Republic [isolectotype @ S] |
| = Peperomia quadrifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Liogier, 1996) |
Peperomia yatuensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 275 (1984) |
| Venezuela - type: Maguire 36891 (holo-: VEN; iso-: F, US) |
| Maguire 36891 - Venezuela [isotype @ F] |
[ Peperomia yaveoana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 9139 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Mexico (B, G, MO, NY) |
| Mexia 9139 - Mexico [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, G specimen annotation) |
Peperomia yeracuiana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 722 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Killip 35301 (holo-: US; iso-: BM, COL, ILL, U), Ecuador |
| Killip 35301 - Colombia [isotype @ BM] |
[ Peperomia ymalana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Palmer 1707 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Mexico (C, F, P) |
| Palmer 1707 - Mexico [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth (fide Mathieu, 2005, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia ynesae Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Mexia 5501 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (B, BM, G, ILL, MO, NY, P, S) |
| Mexia 5501 - Brazil [specimen @ G] |
| = Peperomia gardneriana Miq. (fide Yuncker, 1959 ,1960, BM, NY & S specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia yojoana Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 339 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 4913 (holo-: ILL; iso: NY) |
| Yuncker 4913 - Honduras [isotype @ NY*] |
| = Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr. (fide Callejas, 1995, holotype annotation) |
[ Peperomia yousei Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 339 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 5995 (holo-: ILL; iso-: G, GH, K, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 5995 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia spathulifolia Small (fide Mathieu & Callejas, 2006: 345) |
[ Peperomia ypirangana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Dusén 3710 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL) |
| Dusén 3710 - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia rizzinii Yunck. (fide Mathieu, 2006, ILL specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia yunckeri Trel. ] | |
| Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago, Bot. Ser. 17(4): 340 (1938) |
| Honduras - type: Yuncker 6392 (holo-: ILL; iso-: F, G, GH, K, MICH, MO, NY, S, U, US) |
| Yuncker 6392 - Honduras [holotype @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia sancarlosiana C.DC. (fide Callejas, 2001) |
Peperomia yungasana C.DC.  | |
| Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 306 (1914) |
| Bolivia - types: Buchtien 2456 & 2793 (syn-: G; isosyn-: GH, NY, UPS, US) |
| Buchtien 2456 - Bolivia [isosyntype @ NY*] |
Peperomia yutajensis Steyerm. | |
| Fl. Venez. 2(2): 276 (1984) |
| Guyana - type: Maguire 35304 (holo-: NY; iso-: US, VEN) |
| Maguire 35304 - Guyana [holotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia zacapana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29941 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F,US) |
| Steyermark 29941 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia sanjoseana C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2010, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia zacapensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 29823 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F, US) |
| Steyermark 29823 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia puberulilimba C.DC. (fide Mathieu, 2006, F specimen annotation) |
[ Peperomia zanjana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Cuatrecasas 1619 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Colombia (BC, F, P, US) |
| Cuatrecasas 1619 - Colombia [specimen @ US] |
| = Peperomia peruviana (Miq.) Dahlst. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 714) |
Peperomia zarzalana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 642 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 8840 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, ILL, NY, PH), Ecuador |
| Pennell 8840 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia zenkeri C.DC. ] | |
| Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 226 (1894) |
| Cameroon - type: Zenker 619 (holo-: B) |
| Zenker 619 - Cameroon [holotype @ B] |
| = Peperomia molleri C.DC. (fide Düll, 1973) |
[ Peperomia zeylanica Miq. ex Walp. ] | |
| Ann. Bot. Syst. 1: 598 (1849) (sphalm for Peperomia ceylanica Miq.) |
| = Peperomia heyneana Miq. |
[ Peperomia zickanii Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Zickan s.n. (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Brazil (ILL, NY, SP) |
| Zickan s.n. - Brazil [specimen @ ILL] |
| = Peperomia castelosensis Yunck. (fide Yuncker, 1966: 156) |
Peperomia zipaquirana Trel. & Yunck. | |
| Piperac. N. South Amer. 2: 561 (1950) |
| Colombia - type: Pennell 2625 (holo-: US; iso-: GH, NY), Ecuador |
| Pennell 2625 - Colombia [isotype @ NY*] |
[ Peperomia zipaquirana var. pilosior Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Pennell 2630 (nomen herbariorum, ined.)# |
| Colombia (GH, NY, US) |
| Pennell 2630 - Colombia [specimen @ NY] |
| = Peperomia zipaquirana Trel. & Yunck. (fide Trelease & Yuncker, 1950: 562) |
Peperomia zongolicana Jimeno-Sevilla & Vergara-Rodríguez | |
| Phytotaxa 369(2): 102 (2018) |
| Mexico - type: Jimeno-Sevilla 1700 (holo-: MEXU; iso-: BR, G, IEB, IBUG, K, MO, XAL, ZON) |
| Jimeno-Sevilla 1700 - Mexico [isotype @ BR] |
| Pictures from protologue |
[ Peperomia zuliaensis Steyerm. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Steyermark 122730 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Venezuela (MO, NY, VEN) |
| Steyermark 122730 - Venezuela [specimen @ MO] |
| = Peperomia cyclophylla f. zulianensis Steyerm. (fide Steyermark, 1984: 80) |
[ Peperomia zunilana Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 65453 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 65453 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 568) |
[ Peperomia zunilensis Trel. ] | |
| Herb. specimen Standley 83295 (nomen herbariorum, ined.) |
| Guatemala (F) |
| Standley 83295 - Guatemala [specimen @ F] |
| = Peperomia dendrophila Schltdl. & Cham. (fide Mathieu, 2007: 569) |
[ Peperomia zurquiana Trel. ] | |
| Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 26(4): 202 (1929) |
| Costa Rica - type: Standley 50758 (holo-: US) |
| Standley 50758 - Costa Rica [holotype @ US*] |
| = Peperomia hylophila C.DC. (fide Burger, 1971) |